how to efficiently access 3^20 vectors in a 2^30 bits of memory - c++

I want to store a 20-dimensional array where each coordinate can have 3 values,
in a minimal amount of memory (2^30 or 1 Gigabyte).
It is not a sparse array, I really need every value.
Furthermore I want the values to be integers of arbirary but fixed precision,
say 256 bits or 8 words
set_big_array(1,0,0,0,1,2,2,0,0,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,1,1,1,2, some_256_bit_value);
get_big_array(1,0,0,0,1,2,2,0,0,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,1,1,1,2, &some_256_bit_value);
Because the value 3 is relative prime of 2. its difficult to implement this using
efficient bitwise shift, and and or operators.
I want this to be as fast as possible.
any thoughts?

Seems tricky to me without some compression:
3^20 = 3486784401 values to store
256bits / 8bitsPerByte = 32 bytes per value
3486784401 * 32 = 111577100832 size for values in bytes
111577100832 / (1024^3) = 104 Gb
You're trying to fit 104 Gb in 1 Gb. There'd need to be some pattern to the data that could be used to compress it.
Sorry, I know this isn't much help, but maybe you can rethink your strategy.

There are 3.48e9 variants of 20-tuple of indexes that are 0,1,2. If you wish to store a 256 bit value at each index, that means you're talking about 8.92e11 bits - about a terabit, or about 100GB.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but that sounds computationally expensive. It may be reasonable feasible as a memory-mapped file, and may be reasonably fast as a memory-mapped file on an SSD.
What are you trying to do?
So, a practical solution would be to use a 64-bit OS and a large memory-mapped file (preferably on an SSD) and simply compute the address for a given element in the typical way for arrays, i.e. as sum-of(forall-i(i-th-index * 3^i)) * 32 bytes in pseudeo-math. Or, use a very very expensive machine with that much memory, or another algorithm that doesn't require this array in the first place.
A few notes on platforms: Windows 7 supports just 192GB of memory, so using physical memory for a structure like this is possible but really pushing it (more expensive editions support more). If you can find a machine at all that is. According to microsoft's page on the matter the user-mode virtual address space is 7-8TB, so mmap/virtual memory should be doable. Alex Ionescu explains why there's such a low limit on virtual memory despite an apparently 64-bit architecture. Wikipedia puts linux's addressable limits at 128TB, though probably that's before the kernel/usermode split.
Assuming you want to address such a multidimensional array, you must process each index at least once: that means any algorithm will be O(N) where N is the number of indexes. As mentioned before, you don't need to convert to base-2 addressing or anything else, the only thing that matters is that you can compute the integer offset - and which base the maths happens in is irrelevant. You should use the most compact representation possible and ignore the fact that each dimension is not a multiple of 2.
So, for a 16-dimensional array, that address computation function could be:
int offset = 0;
for(int ii=0;ii<16;ii++)
offset = offset*3 + indexes[ii];
return &the_array[offset];
As previously said, this is just the common array indexing formula, nothing special about it. Note that even for "just" 16 dimensions, if each item is 32 bytes, you're dealing with a little more than a gigabyte of data.

Maybe i understand your question wrong. But can't you just use a normal array?
INT256 bigArray[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3];
INT256 ********************bigArray = malloc(3^20 * 8);
bigArray[1][0][0][1][2][0][1][1][0][0][0][0][1][1][2][1][1][1][1][1] = some_256_bit_value;
Will not work because you would need 3^20 * 8Byte = ca. 25GByte.
The malloc variant is wrong.

I'll start by doing a direct calculation of the address, then see if I can optimize it
address = 0;
for(i=15; i>=0; i--)
address = 3*address + array[i];
address = address * number_of_bytes_needed_for_array_value

2^30 bits is 2^27 bytes so not actually a gigabyte, it's an eighth of a gigabyte.
It appears impossible to do because of the mathematics although of course you can create the data size bigger then compress it, which may get you down to the required size although it cannot guarantee. (It must fail to some of the time as the compression is lossless).
If you do not require immediate "random" access your solution may be a "variable sized" two-bit word so your most commonly stored value takes only 1 bit and the other two take 2 bits.
If 0 is your most common value then:
0 = 0
10 = 1
11 = 2
or something like that.
In that case you will be able to store your bits in sequence this way.
It could take up to 2^40 bits this way but probably will not.
You could pre-run through your data and see which is the commonly occurring value and use that to indicate your single-bit word.
You can also compress your data after you have serialized it in up to 2^40 bits.
My assumption here is that you will be using disk possibly with memory mapping as you are unlikely to have that much memory available.
My assumption is that space is everything and not time.

You might want to take a look at something like STXXL, an implementation of the STL designed for handling very large volumes of data

You can actually use a pointer-to-array20 to have your compiler implement the index calculations for you:
/* Note: there are 19 of the [3]'s below */
my_256bit_type (*foo)[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3];
foo = allocate_giant_array();
foo[0][1][1][0][2][1][2][2][0][2][1][0][2][1][0][0][2][1][0][0] = some_256bit_value;


How the size of a struct containing bitset fields is calculated [duplicate]

It seems for std::bitset<1 to 32>, the size is set to 4 bytes. For sizes 33 to 64, it jumps straight up to 8 bytes. There can't be any overhead because std::bitset<32> is an even 4 bytes.
I can see aligning to byte length when dealing with bits, but why would a bitset need to align to word length, especially for a container most likely to be used in situations with a tight memory budget?
This is under VS2010.
The most likely explanation is that bitset is using a whole number of machine words to store the array.
This is probably done for memory bandwidth reasons: it is typically relatively cheap to read/write a word that's aligned at a word boundary. On the other hand, reading (and especially writing!) an arbitrarily-aligned byte can be expensive on some architectures.
Since we're talking about a fixed-sized penalty of a few bytes per bitset, this sounds like a reasonable tradeoff for a general-purpose library.
I assume that indexing into the bitset is done by grabbing a 32-bit value and then isolating the relevant bit because this is fastest in terms of processor instructions (working with smaller-sized values is slower on x86). The two indexes needed for this can also be calculated very quickly:
int wordIndex = (index & 0xfffffff8) >> 3;
int bitIndex = index & 0x7;
And then you can do this, which is also very fast:
int word = m_pStorage[wordIndex];
bool bit = ((word & (1 << bitIndex)) >> bitIndex) == 1;
Also, a maximum waste of 3 bytes per bitset is not exactly a memory concern IMHO. Consider that a bitset is already the most efficient data structure to store this type of information, so you would have to evaluate the waste as a percentage of the total structure size.
For 1025 bits this approach uses up 132 bytes instead of 129, for 2.3% overhead (and this goes down as the bitset site goes up). Sounds reasonable considering the likely performance benefits.
The memory system on modern machines cannot fetch anything else but words from memory, apart from some legacy functions that extract the desired bits. Hence, having the bitsets aligned to words makes them a lot faster to handle, because you do not need to mask out the bits you don't need when accessing it. If you do not mask, doing something like
bitset<4> foo = 0;
if (foo) {
// ...
will most likely fail. Apart from that, I remember reading some time ago that there was a way to cramp several bitsets together, but I don't remember exactly. I think it was when you have several bitsets together in a structure that they can take up "shared" memory, which is not applicable to most use cases of bitfields.
I had the same feature in Aix and Linux implementations. In Aix, internal bitset storage is char based:
typedef unsigned char _Ty;
_Ty _A[_Nw + 1];
In Linux, internal storage is long based:
typedef unsigned long _WordT;
_WordT _M_w[_Nw];
For compatibility reasons, we modified Linux version with char based storage
Check which implementation are you using inside bitset.h
Because a 32 bit Intel-compatible processor cannot access bytes individually (or better, it can by applying implicitly some bit mask and shifts) but only 32bit words at time.
if you declare
bitset<4> a,b,c;
even if the library implements it as char, a,b and c will be 32 bit aligned, so the same wasted space exist. But the processor will be forced to premask the bytes before letting bitset code to do its own mask.
For this reason MS used a int[1+(N-1)/32] as a container for the bits.
Maybe because it's using int by default, and switches to long long if it overflows? (Just a guess...)
If your std::bitset< 8 > was a member of a structure, you might have this:
struct A
std::bitset< 8 > mask;
void * pointerToSomething;
If bitset<8> was stored in one byte (and the structure packed on 1-byte boundaries) then the pointer following it in the structure would be unaligned, which would be A Bad Thing. The only time when it would be safe and useful to have a bitset<8> stored in one byte would be if it was in a packed structure and followed by some other one-byte fields with which it could be packed together. I guess this is too narrow a use case for it to be worthwhile providing a library implementation.
Basically, in your octree, a single byte bitset would only be useful if it was followed in a packed structure by another one to three single-byte members. Otherwise, it would have to be padded to four bytes anyway (on a 32-bit machine) to ensure that the following variable was word-aligned.

Why booleans take a whole byte? [duplicate]

In C++,
Why is a boolean 1 byte and not 1 bit of size?
Why aren't there types like a 4-bit or 2-bit integers?
I'm missing out the above things when writing an emulator for a CPU
Because the CPU can't address anything smaller than a byte.
From Wikipedia:
Historically, a byte was the number of
bits used to encode a single character
of text in a computer and it is
for this reason the basic addressable
element in many computer
So byte is the basic addressable unit, below which computer architecture cannot address. And since there doesn't (probably) exist computers which support 4-bit byte, you don't have 4-bit bool etc.
However, if you can design such an architecture which can address 4-bit as basic addressable unit, then you will have bool of size 4-bit then, on that computer only!
Back in the old days when I had to walk to school in a raging blizzard, uphill both ways, and lunch was whatever animal we could track down in the woods behind the school and kill with our bare hands, computers had much less memory available than today. The first computer I ever used had 6K of RAM. Not 6 megabytes, not 6 gigabytes, 6 kilobytes. In that environment, it made a lot of sense to pack as many booleans into an int as you could, and so we would regularly use operations to take them out and put them in.
Today, when people will mock you for having only 1 GB of RAM, and the only place you could find a hard drive with less than 200 GB is at an antique shop, it's just not worth the trouble to pack bits.
The easiest answer is; it's because the CPU addresses memory in bytes and not in bits, and bitwise operations are very slow.
However it's possible to use bit-size allocation in C++. There's std::vector specialization for bit vectors, and also structs taking bit sized entries.
Because a byte is the smallest addressible unit in the language.
But you can make bool take 1 bit for example if you have a bunch of them
eg. in a struct, like this:
struct A
bool a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1;
You could have 1-bit bools and 4 and 2-bit ints. But that would make for a weird instruction set for no performance gain because it's an unnatural way to look at the architecture. It actually makes sense to "waste" a better part of a byte rather than trying to reclaim that unused data.
The only app that bothers to pack several bools into a single byte, in my experience, is Sql Server.
You can use bit fields to get integers of sub size.
struct X
int val:4; // 4 bit int.
Though it is usually used to map structures to exact hardware expected bit patterns:
// 1 byte value (on a system where 8 bits is a byte)
struct SomThing
int p1:4; // 4 bit field
int p2:3; // 3 bit field
int p3:1; // 1 bit
bool can be one byte -- the smallest addressable size of CPU, or can be bigger. It's not unusual to have bool to be the size of int for performance purposes. If for specific purposes (say hardware simulation) you need a type with N bits, you can find a library for that (e.g. GBL library has BitSet<N> class). If you are concerned with size of bool (you probably have a big container,) then you can pack bits yourself, or use std::vector<bool> that will do it for you (be careful with the latter, as it doesn't satisfy container requirments).
Think about how you would implement this at your emulator level...
bool a[10] = {false};
bool &rbool = a[3];
bool *pbool = a + 3;
assert(pbool == &rbool);
rbool = true;
*pbool = false;
Because in general, CPU allocates memory with 1 byte as the basic unit, although some CPU like MIPS use a 4-byte word.
However vector deals bool in a special fashion, with vector<bool> one bit for each bool is allocated.
The byte is the smaller unit of digital data storage of a computer. In a computer the RAM has millions of bytes and anyone of them has an address. If it would have an address for every bit a computer could manage 8 time less RAM that what it can.
More info: Wikipedia
Even when the minimum size possible is 1 Byte, you can have 8 bits of boolean information on 1 Byte:
Julia language has BitArray for example, and I read about C++ implementations.
Bitwise operations are not 'slow'.
And/Or operations tend to be fast.
The problem is alignment and the simple problem of solving it.
CPUs as the answers partially-answered correctly are generally aligned to read bytes and RAM/memory is designed in the same way.
So data compression to use less memory space would have to be explicitly ordered.
As one answer suggested, you could order a specific number of bits per value in a struct. However what does the CPU/memory do afterward if it's not aligned? That would result in unaligned memory where instead of just +1 or +2, or +4, there's not +1.5 if you wanted to use half the size in bits in one value, etc. so it must anyway fill in or revert the remaining space as blank, then simply read the next aligned space, which are aligned by 1 at minimum and usually by default aligned by 4(32bit) or 8(64bit) overall. The CPU will generally then grab the byte value or the int value that contains your flags and then you check or set the needed ones. So you must still define memory as int, short, byte, or the proper sizes, but then when accessing and setting the value you can explicitly compress the data and store those flags in that value to save space; but many people are unaware of how it works, or skip the step whenever they have on/off values or flag present values, even though saving space in sent/recv memory is quite useful in mobile and other constrained enviornments. In the case of splitting an int into bytes it has little value, as you can just define the bytes individually (e.g. int 4Bytes; vs byte Byte1;byte Byte2; byte Byte3; byte Byte4;) in that case it is redundant to use int; however in virtual environments that are easier like Java, they might define most types as int (numbers, boolean, etc.) so thus in that case, you could take advantage of an int dividing it up and using bytes/bits for an ultra efficient app that has to send less integers of data (aligned by 4). As it could be said redundant to manage bits, however, it is one of many optimizations where bitwise operations are superior but not always needed; many times people take advantage of high memory constraints by just storing booleans as integers and wasting 'many magnitudes' 500%-1000% or so of memory space anyway. It still easily has its uses, if you use this among other optimizations, then on the go and other data streams that only have bytes or few kb of data flowing in, it makes the difference if overall you optimized everything to load on whether or not it will load,or load fast, at all in such cases, so reducing bytes sent could ultimately benefit you alot; even if you could get away with oversending tons of data not required to be sent in an every day internet connection or app. It is definitely something you should do when designing an app for mobile users and even something big time corporation apps fail at nowadays; using too much space and loading constraints that could be half or lower. The difference between not doing anything and piling on unknown packages/plugins that require at minumim many hundred KB or 1MB before it loads, vs one designed for speed that requires say 1KB or only fewKB, is going to make it load and act faster, as you will experience those users and people who have data constraints even if for you loading wasteful MB or thousand KB of unneeded data is fast.

What does adding 15 and then applying &~0xf do?

I have some code I am studying where it is written:
(basenameOffset + (basenameTotal+15)) &~0xf
why would someone do this? What does it do? I can see that ~0xf is 0xfffffff0. Why would you block the last bit?
It rounds up to the nearest multiple of 16. Presumably, this is to fix a size for allocating the buffer for the basename, whatever it is. :-)
However, if that were what it's for, i.e., deciding how big of a buffer to allocate, then this is not a good strategy. Ideally, you want to expand by a factor of 2 or at least 1.5 each time.
This is a common algorithm to round up to a multiple of a power of two:
x = x + (pow2 - 1) & ~(pow2 - 1)
It is almost certainly being used to ensure proper alignment. Typically to make SIMD-optimal (16-byte for SSE, 32-byte for AVX, etc.) base addresses and/or to optimize cache usage.

Fast code for searching bit-array for contiguous set/clear bits?

Is there some reasonably fast code out there which can help me quickly search a large bitmap (a few megabytes) for runs of contiguous zero or one bits?
By "reasonably fast" I mean something that can take advantage of the machine word size and compare entire words at once, instead of doing bit-by-bit analysis which is horrifically slow (such as one does with vector<bool>).
It's very useful for e.g. searching the bitmap of a volume for free space (for defragmentation, etc.).
Windows has an RTL_BITMAP data structure one can use along with its APIs.
But I needed the code for this sometime ago, and so I wrote it here (warning, it's a little ugly):
I have only partially tested it, so it might still have bugs (especially on reverse). But a recent version (only slightly different from this one) seemed to be usable for me, so it's worth a try.
The fundamental operation for the entire thing is being able to -- quickly -- find the length of a run of bits:
long long GetRunLength(
const void *const pBitmap, unsigned long long nBitmapBits,
long long startInclusive, long long endExclusive,
const bool reverse, /*out*/ bool *pBit);
Everything else should be easy to build upon this, given its versatility.
I tried to include some SSE code, but it didn't noticeably improve the performance. However, in general, the code is many times faster than doing bit-by-bit analysis, so I think it might be useful.
It should be easy to test if you can get a hold of vector<bool>'s buffer somehow -- and if you're on Visual C++, then there's a function I included which does that for you. If you find bugs, feel free to let me know.
I can't figure how to do well directly on memory words, so I've made up a quick solution which is working on bytes; for convenience, let's sketch the algorithm for counting contiguous ones:
Construct two tables of size 256 where you will write for each number between 0 and 255, the number of trailing 1's at the beginning and at the end of the byte. For example, for the number 167 (10100111 in binary), put 1 in the first table and 3 in the second table. Let's call the first table BBeg and the second table BEnd. Then, for each byte b, two cases: if it is 255, add 8 to your current sum of your current contiguous set of ones, and you are in a region of ones. Else, you end a region with BBeg[b] bits and begin a new one with BEnd[b] bits.
Depending on what information you want, you can adapt this algorithm (this is a reason why I don't put here any code, I don't know what output you want).
A flaw is that it does not count (small) contiguous set of ones inside one byte ...
Beside this algorithm, a friend tells me that if it is for disk compression, just look for bytes different from 0 (empty disk area) and 255 (full disk area). It is a quick heuristic to build a map of what blocks you have to compress. Maybe it is beyond the scope of this topic ...
Sounds like this might be useful:
You don't say if you wanted to do some sort of RLE or to simply count in-bytes zeros and one bits (like 0b1001 should return 1x1 2x0 1x1).
A look up table plus SWAR algorithm for fast check might gives you that information easily.
A bit like this:
byte lut[0x10000] = { /* see below */ };
for (uint * word = words; word < words + bitmapSize; word++) {
if (word == 0 || word == (uint)-1) // Fast bailout
// Do what you want if all 0 or all 1
byte hiVal = lut[*word >> 16], loVal = lut[*word & 0xFFFF];
// Do what you want with hiVal and loVal
The LUT will have to be constructed depending on your intended algorithm. If you want to count the number of contiguous 0 and 1 in the word, you'll built it like this:
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(lut); i++)
lut[i] = countContiguousZero(i); // Or countContiguousOne(i)
// The implementation of countContiguousZero can be slow, you don't care
// The result of the function should return the largest number of contiguous zero (0 to 15, using the 4 low bits of the byte, and might return the position of the run in the 4 high bits of the byte
// Since you've already dismissed word = 0, you don't need the 16 contiguous zero case.

Why is std::bitset<8> 4 bytes big?

It seems for std::bitset<1 to 32>, the size is set to 4 bytes. For sizes 33 to 64, it jumps straight up to 8 bytes. There can't be any overhead because std::bitset<32> is an even 4 bytes.
I can see aligning to byte length when dealing with bits, but why would a bitset need to align to word length, especially for a container most likely to be used in situations with a tight memory budget?
This is under VS2010.
The most likely explanation is that bitset is using a whole number of machine words to store the array.
This is probably done for memory bandwidth reasons: it is typically relatively cheap to read/write a word that's aligned at a word boundary. On the other hand, reading (and especially writing!) an arbitrarily-aligned byte can be expensive on some architectures.
Since we're talking about a fixed-sized penalty of a few bytes per bitset, this sounds like a reasonable tradeoff for a general-purpose library.
I assume that indexing into the bitset is done by grabbing a 32-bit value and then isolating the relevant bit because this is fastest in terms of processor instructions (working with smaller-sized values is slower on x86). The two indexes needed for this can also be calculated very quickly:
int wordIndex = (index & 0xfffffff8) >> 3;
int bitIndex = index & 0x7;
And then you can do this, which is also very fast:
int word = m_pStorage[wordIndex];
bool bit = ((word & (1 << bitIndex)) >> bitIndex) == 1;
Also, a maximum waste of 3 bytes per bitset is not exactly a memory concern IMHO. Consider that a bitset is already the most efficient data structure to store this type of information, so you would have to evaluate the waste as a percentage of the total structure size.
For 1025 bits this approach uses up 132 bytes instead of 129, for 2.3% overhead (and this goes down as the bitset site goes up). Sounds reasonable considering the likely performance benefits.
The memory system on modern machines cannot fetch anything else but words from memory, apart from some legacy functions that extract the desired bits. Hence, having the bitsets aligned to words makes them a lot faster to handle, because you do not need to mask out the bits you don't need when accessing it. If you do not mask, doing something like
bitset<4> foo = 0;
if (foo) {
// ...
will most likely fail. Apart from that, I remember reading some time ago that there was a way to cramp several bitsets together, but I don't remember exactly. I think it was when you have several bitsets together in a structure that they can take up "shared" memory, which is not applicable to most use cases of bitfields.
I had the same feature in Aix and Linux implementations. In Aix, internal bitset storage is char based:
typedef unsigned char _Ty;
_Ty _A[_Nw + 1];
In Linux, internal storage is long based:
typedef unsigned long _WordT;
_WordT _M_w[_Nw];
For compatibility reasons, we modified Linux version with char based storage
Check which implementation are you using inside bitset.h
Because a 32 bit Intel-compatible processor cannot access bytes individually (or better, it can by applying implicitly some bit mask and shifts) but only 32bit words at time.
if you declare
bitset<4> a,b,c;
even if the library implements it as char, a,b and c will be 32 bit aligned, so the same wasted space exist. But the processor will be forced to premask the bytes before letting bitset code to do its own mask.
For this reason MS used a int[1+(N-1)/32] as a container for the bits.
Maybe because it's using int by default, and switches to long long if it overflows? (Just a guess...)
If your std::bitset< 8 > was a member of a structure, you might have this:
struct A
std::bitset< 8 > mask;
void * pointerToSomething;
If bitset<8> was stored in one byte (and the structure packed on 1-byte boundaries) then the pointer following it in the structure would be unaligned, which would be A Bad Thing. The only time when it would be safe and useful to have a bitset<8> stored in one byte would be if it was in a packed structure and followed by some other one-byte fields with which it could be packed together. I guess this is too narrow a use case for it to be worthwhile providing a library implementation.
Basically, in your octree, a single byte bitset would only be useful if it was followed in a packed structure by another one to three single-byte members. Otherwise, it would have to be padded to four bytes anyway (on a 32-bit machine) to ensure that the following variable was word-aligned.