Rotation around camera's axis - opengl

I want to build proper camera transformations in OpenGL and I have a question.
I built a simple 3D engine with without OpenGL, just to see how hard it is to make simple projection of the world onto a screen.
In this engine I put wiewer on (0,0,0) with the eye sight on
ASDW make translation of objects.
Mouse make rotation
around (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1).
I learned a lot with programing my own 3D engine. With that knowledge I started to build a proper 3D engine based on OpenGL.
For camera transformation in OpenGL, I made this code...
Camera's axis define where up,right,forward translation will go.
Rotation is made around global axis (I want to rotate objects around camera's axis) :(
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix)
It's kinda confusing why OpenGL designers didn't put camera in (0,0,0) and make translation and rotation on object not camera.
I'm thinking to manually aplly transformation with out glTranslate or glRotation and put transformation logic from my 3D engine (that I made) to changing glVertexe cordinates.
So every time in draw function I will change glVertexes cordinates. But if I do that the vertextes will multiply after my transformation with identical matrix (ModelView matrix), and I don't want meaningless computation in my program.
So what should I do to fix this problem?
How can I make the best solution for rotation around camera's axis?

YEEEEEES I made it YAW,ROLL,PITCH rotation and translation for local camera axis :D
Down is my part of code that take care for transformation.
Here is my global constant:
float camera_drot[3]={0,0,0};
float camera_dtra[3]={0,0,0};
float camera_place[3]={0,0,10};
float camera_right[3]={1,0,0};
float camera_up[3]={0,1,0};
float camera_forvard[3]={0,0,-1};
Before i draw objects:
And here is my function MYRotation and MYTranslation :)
static void MYRotation(float vector[3],float point[3],float fi){
float i = point[0];
float j = point[1];
float k = point[2];
float x = vector[0];
float y = vector[1];
float z = vector[2];
point[0] = i*(x*x + (y*y + z*z)*cos(fi)) + k*(-x*z*(-1 + cos(fi)) + y*sin(fi)) + j*(-x*y*(-1 + cos(fi)) - z*sin(fi));
point[1] = j*(y*y + (x*x + z*z)*cos(fi)) + k*(-y*z*(-1 + cos(fi)) - x*sin(fi)) + i*(-x*y*(-1 + cos(fi)) + z*sin(fi));
point[2] = k*(z*z + (x*x + y*y)*cos(fi)) + j*(-y*z*(-1 + cos(fi)) + x*sin(fi)) + i*(- x*z*(-1 + cos(fi)) - y*sin(fi));
float normalize = pow(pow(point[0],2)+pow(point[1],2)+pow(point[2],2),-0.5);
static void MYTranslation(float camera_axe[3],float camera_dtra){

Oh and i forget to make vector corection before normalize in MYRotation. In program the calculation errors will not give ortogonal vectors. Its critical to make this correction!
I will poste the code after im done :)


Rotate object with keys [duplicate]

i am trying to implement functions, where i can rotate/ translate an object in local or global orientation, like in 3D modeling software, using glm. Something like this:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation);
but I dont know how to get it working. Local rotation rotation should just be something like this(?):
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1);
// (m_Orientation is glm::mat4)
But how to combine this with local orientation? Actually i need to rotate the rotation matrix in world orientation, right?
I hope you know what i mean with local and global oriented rotation/translation, like it is in 3D modeling programs. In most of them you have a button to switch between local and global.
And how would i calculating the forward/right/up vector then?
normally it should be something like this, right?:
forward = m_Orientation * glm::vec4(0,0,-1,0);
I tried global rotation with this:
m_GlobalOrientation = glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.x, glm::vec(1,0,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.y, glm::vec(0,1,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.z, glm::vec(0,0,1);
but then only x rotation is in global orientation, y and z rotation is in local orientation, since it is already rotated around x axis. So I need to rotate all 3 angles at once(?)
Translating local should just be adding translation values to current translation, and local translation should be glm::inverse(m_Orientation) * translationVector right?
Before I come to your question, let me explain some core concepts of matrices.
Assume that we have the following matrix:
wher T is a translation and R is a rotation matrix.
When we use this matrix to transform a vertex (or even mesh), there is one unique result. However, we can get to this result with the help of two interpretations:
Interpretation 1: Evaluate from right to left
If we evaluate the matrix from right to left, all transformations are performed in the global coordinate system. So if we transform a triangle that sits at the origin, we get the following result:
Interpretation 2: Evaluate from left to right
In the other case, all transformations are performed in the local coordinate system:
Of course, we get the same result.
So coming back to your question. If you store the position and orientation of the object as a matrix T. You can rotate this object in its local coordinate system by multiplying a rotation matrix to the right side of the current matrix. And in the global system by multiplying it at the left side. The same applies for translation:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation)
auto rotationMatrix = glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1));
this->T = this->T * rotationMatrix;
this->T = rotationMatrix * this->T;
The right / forward / up vectors are the column vectors of the matrix T. You can either read them directly or get them by multiplying the matrix with (1, 0, 0, 0) (right), (0, 1, 0, 0) (up), (0, 0, 1, 0) (for/backward) or (0, 0, 0, 1) (position).
If you want to read more about this, take a look at my blog article about matrices in DirectX. But it's for DirectX, which uses transposed matrices. Therefore the matrix order is reversed. Watch out for that when reading the article.

Problems rotating objects using eulers - quaternions

I'm having problems rotating GameObjects in my engine. I'm trying to rotate in 2 ways.
I'm using MathGeoLib to calculate maths in the engine.
First way: Rotates correctly around axis but if I want to rotate back, if I don't do it following the inverse order then rotation doesn't work properly.
Rotate X axis 50 degrees, Rotate Y axis 30 degrees -> Rotate Y axis -50 degrees, Rotate X axis -30 degrees. Works.
Rotate X axis 50 degrees, Rotate Y axis 30 degrees -> Rotate X axis -50 degrees, Rotate Y axis -30 degrees. Doesn't.
void ComponentTransform::SetRotation(float3 euler_rotation)
float3 diff = euler_rotation - editor_rotation;
editor_rotation = euler_rotation;
math::Quat mod = math::Quat::FromEulerXYZ(diff.x * DEGTORAD, diff.y * DEGTORAD, diff.z * DEGTORAD);
quat_rotation = quat_rotation * mod;
Second way: Starts rotating good around axis but after rotating some times, then it stops to rotate correctly around axis, but if I rotate it back regardless of the rotation order it works, not like the first way.
void ComponentTransform::SetRotation(float3 euler_rotation)
editor_rotation = euler_rotation;
quat_rotation = math::Quat::FromEulerXYZ(euler_rotation.x * DEGTORAD, euler_rotation.y * DEGTORAD, euler_rotation.z * DEGTORAD);
Rest of code:
#define DEGTORAD 0.0174532925199432957f
void ComponentTransform::UpdateMatrix()
if (!this->GetGameObject()->IsParent())
//Get parent transform component
ComponentTransform* parent_transform = (ComponentTransform*)this->GetGameObject()->GetParent()->GetComponent(Component::CompTransform);
//Create matrix from position, rotation(quaternion) and scale
transform_matrix = math::float4x4::FromTRS(position, quat_rotation, scale);
//Multiply the object transform by parent transform
transform_matrix = parent_transform->transform_matrix * transform_matrix;
//If object have childs, call this function in childs objects
for (std::list<GameObject*>::iterator it = this->GetGameObject()->childs.begin(); it != this->GetGameObject()->childs.end(); it++)
ComponentTransform* child_transform = (ComponentTransform*)(*it)->GetComponent(Component::CompTransform);
//Create matrix from position, rotation(quaternion) and scale
transform_matrix = math::float4x4::FromTRS(position, quat_rotation, scale);
//If object have childs, call this function in childs objects
for (std::list<GameObject*>::iterator it = this->GetGameObject()->childs.begin(); it != this->GetGameObject()->childs.end(); it++)
ComponentTransform* child_transform = (ComponentTransform*)(*it)->GetComponent(Component::CompTransform);
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::FromEulerXYZ(float x, float y, float z) { return (Quat::RotateX(x) * Quat::RotateY(y) * Quat::RotateZ(z)).Normalized(); }
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::RotateX(float angle)
return Quat(float3(1,0,0), angle);
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::RotateY(float angle)
return Quat(float3(0,1,0), angle);
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::RotateZ(float angle)
return Quat(float3(0,0,1), angle);
Quat(const float3 &rotationAxis, float rotationAngleRadians) { SetFromAxisAngle(rotationAxis, rotationAngleRadians); }
void Quat::SetFromAxisAngle(const float3 &axis, float angle)
assume1(axis.IsNormalized(), axis);
assume1(MATH_NS::IsFinite(angle), angle);
float sinz, cosz;
SinCos(angle*0.5f, sinz, cosz);
x = axis.x * sinz;
y = axis.y * sinz;
z = axis.z * sinz;
w = cosz;
Any help?
Using Euler angles and or Quaternions adds some limitations as it creates singularities which if not handled correctly will make silly things. Sadly almost all new 3D games using it wrongly. You can detect those by the well known things like:
sometimes your view get to very different angle that should not be there
object can not rotate anymore in some direction
object start rotating around different axises than it should
view jumps around singularity pole
view is spinning or flipping until you move/turn again (not the one caused by optic mouse error)
I am using cumulative transform matrices instead:
Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
Read the whole stuff (especially difference between local and global rotations) then in last 3 links you got C++ examples of how to do this (also read all 3 especially the preserving accuracy ...).
The idea is to have matrix representing your object coordinate system. And when ever you rotate (by mouse, keyboard, NAV,AI,...) you rotate the matrix (incrementally). The same goes for movement. This way they are no limitations or singularities. But also this approach has its problems:
lose of accuracy with time (read the preserving accuracy example to deal with this)
no knowledge about the Euler angles (the angles can be computed from the matrix however)
Both are solvable relatively easily.
Now when you are rotating around local axises you need to take into account that with every rotation around some axis you change the other two. So if you want to get to the original state you need to reverse order of rotations because:
rotate around x by 30deg
rotate around y by 40deg
is not the same as:
rotate around y by 40deg
rotate around x by 30deg
With cumulative matrix if you want to get back you can either iteratively drive your ship until it faces desired directions or remember original matrix and compute the rotations needed to be done one axis at a time. Or convert the matrix difference into quaternion and iterate that single rotation...

Rotate and translate object in local and global orientation using glm

i am trying to implement functions, where i can rotate/ translate an object in local or global orientation, like in 3D modeling software, using glm. Something like this:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation);
but I dont know how to get it working. Local rotation rotation should just be something like this(?):
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1);
// (m_Orientation is glm::mat4)
But how to combine this with local orientation? Actually i need to rotate the rotation matrix in world orientation, right?
I hope you know what i mean with local and global oriented rotation/translation, like it is in 3D modeling programs. In most of them you have a button to switch between local and global.
And how would i calculating the forward/right/up vector then?
normally it should be something like this, right?:
forward = m_Orientation * glm::vec4(0,0,-1,0);
I tried global rotation with this:
m_GlobalOrientation = glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.x, glm::vec(1,0,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.y, glm::vec(0,1,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.z, glm::vec(0,0,1);
but then only x rotation is in global orientation, y and z rotation is in local orientation, since it is already rotated around x axis. So I need to rotate all 3 angles at once(?)
Translating local should just be adding translation values to current translation, and local translation should be glm::inverse(m_Orientation) * translationVector right?
Before I come to your question, let me explain some core concepts of matrices.
Assume that we have the following matrix:
wher T is a translation and R is a rotation matrix.
When we use this matrix to transform a vertex (or even mesh), there is one unique result. However, we can get to this result with the help of two interpretations:
Interpretation 1: Evaluate from right to left
If we evaluate the matrix from right to left, all transformations are performed in the global coordinate system. So if we transform a triangle that sits at the origin, we get the following result:
Interpretation 2: Evaluate from left to right
In the other case, all transformations are performed in the local coordinate system:
Of course, we get the same result.
So coming back to your question. If you store the position and orientation of the object as a matrix T. You can rotate this object in its local coordinate system by multiplying a rotation matrix to the right side of the current matrix. And in the global system by multiplying it at the left side. The same applies for translation:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation)
auto rotationMatrix = glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1));
this->T = this->T * rotationMatrix;
this->T = rotationMatrix * this->T;
The right / forward / up vectors are the column vectors of the matrix T. You can either read them directly or get them by multiplying the matrix with (1, 0, 0, 0) (right), (0, 1, 0, 0) (up), (0, 0, 1, 0) (for/backward) or (0, 0, 0, 1) (position).
If you want to read more about this, take a look at my blog article about matrices in DirectX. But it's for DirectX, which uses transposed matrices. Therefore the matrix order is reversed. Watch out for that when reading the article.

Quaternion-Based-Camera unwanted roll

I'm trying to implement a quaternion-based camera, but when moving around the X and Y axis, the camera produces an unwanted roll on the Z axis. I want to be able to look around freely on all axis.
I've read other topics about this problem (for example: ), but I'm not getting what is meant by "Fix this by continuously rebuilding the rotation matrix by rotating around the WORLD axis, i.e around <1,0,0>, <0,1,0>, <0,0,1>, not your local coordinates, whatever they might be."
glm::quat rotation;
void Camera::rotate(glm::vec3 vec)
glm::quat paramQuat = glm::quat(vec);
rotation = paramQuat * rotation;
I call the rotate function like this:
cam->rotate(glm::vec3(0, 0.5, 0));
This must have to do with local/world coordinates, right? I'm just not getting it, since I thought quaternions are always based on each other (thus a quaternion can't be in "world" or "local" space?).
Also, should i use more than one quaternion for a camera?
As far as I understand it, and from looking at the code you provided, what they mean is that you shouldn't store and apply the rotation incrementally by applying rotate on the rotation quat all the time, but instead keeping track of two quaternions for each axis (X and Y in world space) and calculating the rotation vector as the product of those.
[edit: some added (pseudo)code]
// Camera.cpp
void Camera::SetRotation(glm::quat value)
rotation = value;
// controller.cpp --> probably a place where you'd want to translate user input and store your rotational state
xAngle += deltaX;
yAngle += deltaY;
glm::quat rotationX = QuatAxisAngle(X_AXIS, xAngle);
glm::quat rotationY = QuatAxisAngle(Y_AXIS, yAngle);
camera.SetRotation(rotationX * rotationY);

OpenTK/OpenGL local axis rotation

Here is a scenario:
Object is described by:
First I apply model view (camera) from OpenGL, then Translation and Rotation using following matrix:
private Matrix4d AnglesToMatrix(Vector3d angles)
Vector3d left = Vector3d.UnitX;
Vector3d up = Vector3d.UnitY;
Vector3d forward = Vector3d.UnitZ;
AnglesToAxes(angles, ref left, ref up, ref forward);
return new Matrix4d(
new Vector4d(left.X, up.X, forward.X, 0),
new Vector4d(left.Y, up.Y, forward.Y, 0),
new Vector4d(left.Z, up.Z, forward.Z, 0),
new Vector4d(0, 0, 0, 1));
private void AnglesToAxes(Vector3d angles, ref Vector3d left, ref Vector3d up, ref Vector3d forward)
const double DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925;
double sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz, theta;
// rotation angle about X-axis (pitch)
theta = angles.X * DEG2RAD;
sx = Math.Sin(theta);
cx = Math.Cos(theta);
// rotation angle about Y-axis (yaw)
theta = angles.Y * DEG2RAD;
sy = Math.Sin(theta);
cy = Math.Cos(theta);
// rotation angle about Z-axis (roll)
theta = angles.Z * DEG2RAD;
sz = Math.Sin(theta);
cz = Math.Cos(theta);
// determine left axis
left.X = cy * cz;
left.Y = sx * sy * cz + cx * sz;
left.Z = -cx * sy * cz + sx * sz;
// determine up axis
up.X = -cy * sz;
up.Y = -sx * sy * sz + cx * cz;
up.Z = cx * sy * sz + sx * cz;
// determine forward axis
forward.X = sy;
forward.Y = -sx * cy;
forward.Z = cx * cy;
at, the end I apply scale. All looks great except rotation, which is based on global axis.
How to rotate objects using local axis?
To make question precise. When I rotate object by 45 degree on Y axis then X and Z axis are rotated with it and then applying another rotation use new axis.
To avoid punishment in form of minuses... I read all subjects related to rotation in 3D space, non of them gave me solution. Above code is a result of applying various attempts, but it produces result same as:
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, Vector3d.UnitX);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, Vector3d.UnitY);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, Vector3d.UnitZ);
As it turned out, our designer had bad expectations about rotations of objects in 3D, but still the problem exist. As for language used, we write this in C#, but if you point me a solution in C or C++ I will handle it :D
We currently use (order can be configured):
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, Vector3d.UnitX);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, Vector3d.UnitY);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, Vector3d.UnitZ);
But this rotates objects around world axis. What we want is to use local object axis like this assuming we have X-Y-Z axis rotation:
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, Vector3d.UnitX);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, newYaxis);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, newZaxis);
or assuming we have Y-X-Z axis rotation
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, Vector3d.UnitY);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, newXaxis);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, newZaxis);
Most efficient way would be to pre calculate rotation matrix, but still I'm wondering how to determine new axis after rotation. (it seams that I have to revisit trigonometry book). If someone have solution which would calculate rotation matrix really fast I would be grateful. For now I will try to use trigonometry calculations in each pass.
I'm not very good with opentk, but for C style opengl this is the difference between pre-multiplication and post-multiplication. Pre-multiplication occurs in world-coordinate space, post-multiplication occurs in local-coordinate space. See section 9.070.
If you can get a handle to the actual matrices to perform the matrix multiplication, this should work.
Can you say exactly what kind of situation you're envisioning here?
I don't believe your request makes any sense. With any rotation, you can either apply it before another operation (global axis), or after another operation (local axis). Therefore if you want to apply three rotations, one axis rotation must be first, another axis rotation must come second, and another axis must come third.
You're saying you want to apply three rotations, but you want each rotation to occur before the other two. They can't all be first.
If you put more description (images preferred) of what kind of rotation you're trying to achieve maybe we can clear up this misunderstanding, but what you're currently asking does not make sense to me in physical reality.