WHILE loop to begin only when ELSEIF condition is true - if-statement

I'm new to lua, and am trying to write some code to send information to a text file that is overwritten each loop cycle.The info sent to the text file is different based on a value that increases to a specific known number (3 for this example) and then decreases below that number in any order.
Here's where I am stuck:
I want to send different info to the text file using the same values
but based on whether the value has reached 3 or not, if that makes
Example in English:
if value is 2 and has not reached 3 then write: UP 2
if value is 2 and has reached 3 then write: DOWN 2
if value is 3 then write: TOP
My Question:
Can I get an infinite while loop to start inside another infinite while loop when a value meets a specific elseif condition. I want to try and use the loop structure below if possible.
My Code looks somewhat like this:
while true do
file = assert(io.open("file.txt","w+"))
value = ipc.readSD(0x0BE8)
if value = 0
file:write("UP 0")
elseif value = 1
file:write("UP 1")
elseif value = 2
file:write("UP 2")
elseif value = 3
--How do I trigger/start this inner loop?
while true do
--now stay in here until break
file = assert(io.open("file.txt","w+"))
value = ipc.readSD(0x0BE8)
value = 0
file:write("DOWN 0")
value = 1
file:write("DOWN 1")
value = 2
file:write("DOWN 2")

There are several syntax errors in your code, it shouldn't compile at all.
Use == to compare equal instead of =
For every if / elseif, there should always be a corresponding
For every if / while / do block, there should always be a
corresponding end.
As for your question, if I understand it correctly, you can use goto to simulate continue when you don't want to enter the inner loop:
while true do
value = getValue()
if value == 1 then
--not enter inner loop
goto continue
elseif value == 2 then
--enter inner loop
while true do
--inner loop


Pinescript - Simple if else

I am currently trying to get back into coding (its been some time) and for some reason I cant get my pinescipt to execute properly.
The intent is that
Condition for strategy execution is met, on the first candle a particular strategy.entry with alert_message is executed (3commas deal start).
On the next candle, or any subsequent candle WHILE the deal is open, if the same condition is met a second strategy.entry and alert_message is executed (3commas deal add funds)
If following these the event is NOT met, strategy close is triggered.
At the moment, for some reason its only triggering the deal start repeatedly, and not jumping to the add - I know its a dumb mistake - I just cant see it!!!
base_Long_Order_Placed = 0
message_long_entry = "3commas deal start"
message_long_addition = "3commas deal add funds"
message_long_exit = "3commas close all deals"
longCondition = SECRET_SAUCE
if (longCondition == true and base_Long_Order_Placed == 0)
strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, when = longCondition ==true and barstate.isconfirmed, alert_message = message_long_entry) /
base_Long_Order_Placed := 1
else if (longCondition == true and base_Long_Order_Placed == 1)
strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, when = base_Long_Order_Placed == 1 and longCondition ==true and barstate.isconfirmed, alert_message = message_long_addition)
else if (longCondition == false)
strategy.close('Long', when=longCondition == false and barstate.isconfirmed, alert_message = message_long_exit)
base_Long_Order_Placed := 0
Your script will be executed on every bar. When you define a variable like below
base_Long_Order_Placed = 0
It will be re-defined every time and base_Long_Order_Placed == 0 will always be true. If you want to keep its value between executions, you need to use the var keyword.
var base_Long_Order_Placed = 0
var is just a keyword that tells the compiler to keep its value for the next execution. It is just a regular variable otherwise. It will keep its value unless you overwrite. It will not iterate unless you do
base_Long_Order_Placed := base_Long_Order_Placed + 1
So, you can definitely reset it when your condition is met.
if (deal_closed)
base_Long_Order_Placed := 0

fortran averaging columns frame by frame in specific format

I would like to average first column and last column shown here(that is my output). My code does several things such as compare specific atoms with the name "CA" for each frame (I have 1000 frames), exclude the nearest neighbours and depending on the cutoff value, and count those contacts and print them separately according to my wish (input file looks like this). I would like to print a file where it gives me the output something like following as an example:
1 0
2 12
3 12
100 16
Need guidance to achieve that by helping me form a loop or a condition.
open(unit=11,file="0-1000.gro", status="old", action="read")
do f=1,frames,10
25 format (F10.5,F10.5,F10.5)
do h=1,natoms_frames
end do
do h=1, natoms_frames
if (atmtype(h).eq.' CA') then
end if
end do
do h=1, count
do hh=h+3, count
if (h.ne.hh) then
! finding distance formula from the gro file
distance = sqrt((CAx(hh)-CAx(h))**2 + (CAy(hh)-CAy(h))**2 + (CAz(hh)-CAz(h))**2)
if (distance.le.cutoff) then
cal = cal+1
set = set+1
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do ! end of frames
end program num_contacts
Writing in a file (in ASCII) is the same as printing on screen, except that you need to specify the file's unit.
So first, open your file:
open(unit = 10, file = "filename.dat", access = "sequential", form = "formatted", status = "new", iostat = ierr)
where 'unit' is a unique integer that will be associated to your file (as an ID). Note that the 'form' is 'formatted' as you want to output something readable by a human. Then you can start your loop:
do h = 1, natoms_frames
write(10, *) h, cal, final_set
end do
Finally, close your file:

Simulation in python for Unique matches of demand supply using lists

I have data in the form of list of lists where I am trying to match the demand and supply such that each demand matches uniquely to one supply item.
dmndId_w_freq = [['a',4,[1,2,3,4]],['b',6,[5,6,7,8,3,4]],['c',7,[6,5,7,9,8,3,4]],['d',8,[1,6,3,4,5,6,7,10]]]
num_sims = 1
for sim_count in range(num_sims):
dmndID_used_flag = {}
splID_used_flag = {}
dmndID_splId_one_match = {}
for i in dmndId_w_freq:
if i[0] not in dmndID_used_flag.keys():
for j in i[2]:
#print j
if j in splID_used_flag.keys():
dmndID_splId_one_match[i[0]] = i[2][0]
splID_used_flag[i[2][0]] = 1
dmndID_used_flag[i[0]] = 1
print dmndID_splId_one_match
#print splID_used_flag
#print dmndID_used_flag
I would expect the output dmndID_splId_one_match to be something like {'a':1,'b':5,'c':6,'d':3}.
But I end up getting {'a':1,'b':5,'c':6,'d':6}
So I am NOT getting a unique match as the supply item 6 is getting mapped to demands 'c' as well as demand 'd'.
I tried to debug the code by looping through it and it seems that the problem is in the for-loop
for j in i[2]:
The code is not going through all the elements of i[2]. It does not happen with the 'a' and 'b' part. but starts happening with the 'c' part. It goes over 6 and 5 but skips 7 (the third element of the list [6,5,7,9,8,3,4]). Similarly, in the 'd' part it skips the 2nd element 6 in the list [1,6,3,4,5,6,7,10]. And that is why the mapping is happening twice, since I am not able to remove it.
What am I doing wrong that it is not executing the for-loop as expected?
Is there a better way to write this code?
I figured out the problem in the for loop. I am looping through i[2] and then trying to modify it within the loop. this makes it unstable.

Excel - Identify unique value patterns and return output in descending order across columns, optimized for 500,000+ rows

This is the third and final remaining problem to a massive data cleaning task I have been working on for over a year. Thank you Stack Overflow community for helping figure out:
Problem 1- Index multiple columns and Match distinct values....
Problem 2- Count unique values that match ID, optimized for 100,000+ cases.
I'm not 100% sure if the following is achievable in excel, but I'll do my best to describe the data cleaning and organization challenge I'm faced with.
I have a series of data markers/attributes that are in a random order across 24 columns, spanning 500,000+ rows. Image 1 below is an example of what the data looks like in raw form, presented across 12 columns and spanning 22 rows for illustrative simplicity. Columns A through L contain the raw data and Columns M through X represent the desired output.
SUMMARY OF THE TASK: What needs to be accomplished is a series of matching functions that search through all indexed columns (in this case columns A through L) to identify unique values (e.g. 1), search for the value in range (in this case A2:L21 range), identify the adjacent values to the unique value (for value 1, adjacent values are 2 and 13-XR), then output them in a descending sequence from most frequently occurring value to least frequently occurring in each row that contains any of the values in question (in this case, 1 occurs 5 times and is placed in M2 through M6; 2 occurs 3 times and is placed in N2 through N6; and 13-XR occurs 2 times and is placed in O2 through O6).
To clarify, below is a step by step description using colours to illustrate the pattern matching in the raw data (columns A through L) and how these patterns should then presented in the output (columns M through X). I've sectioned off each of the following images into the six patterns that are in the raw data.
The above image is the first pattern that would be identified by the VBA solution. It would identify "1" as a unique value and search through the A:L range for number of instances of "1" (highlighted in blue), then identify all the values that can be found adjacent in the same row: "2" in rows 3, 5, and 6 (highlighted in green); and "13-XR" in rows 4 and 5 (highlighted in pink). This would then need to be done for "2", identifying the adjacent values ("1" and "13-XR"), and then for "13-XR", identifying ("1" and "2" as adjacent values). The output would return the unique values with the most frequently occurring in Column M ("1" occurs 5 times), then the second most occurring in Column N ("2" occurs 3 times), and the third most occurring in Column O ("13-XR" occurs 2 times).
The above is little more complex. The VBA would identify "3" as a unique value, search through the A:L range for other instances of "3" and identify all the values that are adjacent to it (in this case, "4", "7", and "9"). It would then do the same for "4", identifying all adjacent values (only "3"); then for "7", identifying adjacent values ("9", "3", and "12"); then for "9" identifying ("7", and "3"); and finally, for "12" identifying adjacent values (only "7"). Then for each row where any of these values are present, the output would return a "3" in column M (occurring three times) and a "7" in column N (also occurring three times); if counts are equal, they could be presented in ascending fashion A to Z or smallest to largest... or just random, the ordering of equal counts is arbitrary for my purposes. "9" would be returned in column O as it occurs two times, then "4" in column P and "12" in column Q, as they both occur once but 12 is greater than 4.
The above image represents what is likely to be a common occurrence, where there is only one unique value. Here, "5" is not identified in any other columns in the range. It is thus returned as "5" in column M for each row where a "5" is present.
This will be another of the more common occurrences, where one value may be present in one row and two values present in another row. In this instance "6" is only identified once in the range and "8" is the only adjacent value found. When "8" is searched for it only returns one instance of an adjacent value "6". Here, "8" occurs twice and "6" only once, thus resulting in "8" imputed in column M and "6" imputed in column N wherever an "8" or a "6" are present in the row.
Here "10", "111", "112", "543", "433", "444", and "42-FG" are identified as unique values associated with one another in the A:L range. All values except "10" occur twice, which are returned in columns M through S in descending order.
This final pattern is identified in the same manner as above, just with more unique values (n=10).
FINAL NOTES: I have no idea how to accomplish this within excel, but I'm hoping someone else has the knowledge to move this problem forward. Here are some additional notes about the data that might help towards a resolution:
The first column will always be sorted in ascending order. I can do additional custom sorts if it simplifies things.
Out of the ~500,000 rows, 15% only have one attribute value (one value in column A), 30% have two attribute values (1 value in col A & 1 value in col B), 13% have three attribute values (1 value in col A, B, & C).
I have presented small numbers in this example. The actual raw data values in each cell will be closer to 20 characters in length.
A solution that does everything except present the patterns in descending order would be absolutely cool. The sorting would be great but I can live without it if it causes too much trouble.
If anything in this description needs further clarification, or if I can provide additional information, please let me know and I'll adjust as needed.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help solve this final challenge of mine.
There was a memory error happening with the full data set. #ambie figured out the source of the error was adjacent chains (results) numbering in the 1000s (trying to return results across 1000s of columns). Seems the problem is not with the solution or the data, just hitting a limitation within excel. A possible solution to this is (see image below) to add two new columns (ATT_COUNT as column M; ATT_ALL as column Z). ATT_COUNT in Column M would return the total number of unique values that would ordinarily be returned across columns. Only up to the top 12 most frequently occurring values would be returned in columns N through Y (ATT_1_CL through ATT_12_CL). To get around the instances where ATT_COUNT is > 12 (& upwards of 1000+), we can return all the unique values in space delimited format in ATT_ALL (column Z). For example, in the image below, rows 17, 18, 19, and 21, have 17 unique values in the chain. Only the first 12 most frequently occurring values are presented in columns N through Y. All 17 values are presented in space delimited format in column Z.
Here is a link to this mini example test data.
Here is a link to a mid sized sample of test data of ~50k rows.
Here is a link to the full sized sample test data of ~500k rows.
We don't normally provide a 'code for you service' but I know in previous questions you have provided some sample code that you've tried, and I can see how you wouldn't know where to start with this.
For your future coding work, the trick is to break the problem down into individual tasks. For your problem, these would be:
Identify all the unique values and acquire a list of all the adjacent values - fairly simple.
Create a list of 'chains' which link one adjacent value to the next - this is more awkward because, although the list appears sorted, the adjacent values are not, so a value relatively low down in the list might be adjacent to a higher value that is already part of a chain (the 3 in your sample is an example of this). So the simplest thing would be to assign the chains only after all the unique values have been read.
Map of each unique value to its appropriate 'chain' - I've done this by creating an index for the chains and assigning the relevant one to the unique value.
Collection objects are ideal for you because they deal with the issue of duplicates, allow you to populate lists of an unknown size and make value mapping easy with their Key property. To make the coding easy to read, I've created a class containing some fields. So first of all, insert a Class Module and call it cItem. The code behind this class would be:
Option Explicit
Public Element As String
Public Frq As Long
Public AdjIndex As Long
Public Adjs As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Adjs = New Collection
End Sub
In your module, the tasks could be coded as follows:
Dim data As Variant, adj As Variant
Dim uniques As Collection, chains As Collection, chain As Collection
Dim oItem As cItem, oAdj As cItem
Dim r As Long, c As Long, n As Long, i As Long, maxChain As Long
Dim output() As Variant
'Read the data.
'Note: Define range as you need.
With Sheet1
data = .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
.Resize(, 12) _
End With
'Find the unique values
Set uniques = New Collection
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
For c = 1 To UBound(data, 2)
If IsEmpty(data(r, c)) Then Exit For
Set oItem = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set oItem = uniques(CStr(data(r, c))): On Error GoTo 0
If oItem Is Nothing Then
Set oItem = New cItem
oItem.Element = CStr(data(r, c))
uniques.Add oItem, oItem.Element
End If
oItem.Frq = oItem.Frq + 1
'Find the left adjacent value
If c > 1 Then
On Error Resume Next
oItem.Adjs.Add uniques(CStr(data(r, c - 1))), CStr(data(r, c - 1))
On Error GoTo 0
End If
'Find the right adjacent value
If c < UBound(data, 2) Then
If Not IsEmpty(data(r, c + 1)) Then
On Error Resume Next
oItem.Adjs.Add uniques(CStr(data(r, c + 1))), CStr(data(r, c + 1))
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
'Define the adjacent indexes.
For Each oItem In uniques
'If the item has a chain index, pass it to the adjacents.
If oItem.AdjIndex <> 0 Then
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
oAdj.AdjIndex = oItem.AdjIndex
'If an adjacent has a chain index, pass it to the item.
i = 0
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
If oAdj.AdjIndex <> 0 Then
i = oAdj.AdjIndex
Exit For
End If
If i <> 0 Then
oItem.AdjIndex = i
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
oAdj.AdjIndex = i
End If
'If we're still missing a chain index, create a new one.
If oItem.AdjIndex = 0 Then
n = n + 1
oItem.AdjIndex = n
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
oAdj.AdjIndex = n
End If
End If
'Populate the chain lists.
Set chains = New Collection
For Each oItem In uniques
Set chain = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set chain = chains(CStr(oItem.AdjIndex)): On Error GoTo 0
If chain Is Nothing Then
'It's a new chain so create a new collection.
Set chain = New Collection
chain.Add oItem.Element, CStr(oItem.Element)
chains.Add chain, CStr(oItem.AdjIndex)
'It's an existing chain, so find the frequency position (highest first).
Set oAdj = uniques(chain(chain.Count))
If oItem.Frq <= oAdj.Frq Then
chain.Add oItem.Element, CStr(oItem.Element)
For Each adj In chain
Set oAdj = uniques(adj)
If oItem.Frq > oAdj.Frq Then
chain.Add Item:=oItem.Element, Key:=CStr(oItem.Element), Before:=adj
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
'Get the column count of output array
If chain.Count > maxChain Then maxChain = chain.Count
'Populate each row with the relevant chain
ReDim output(1 To UBound(data, 1), 1 To maxChain)
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
Set oItem = uniques(CStr(data(r, 1)))
Set chain = chains(CStr(oItem.AdjIndex))
c = 1
For Each adj In chain
output(r, c) = adj
c = c + 1
'Write the output to sheet.
'Note: adjust range to suit.
Sheet1.Range("M2").Resize(UBound(output, 1), UBound(output, 2)).Value = output
This isn't the most efficient way of doing it, but it does make each task more obvious to you. I'm not sure I understood the full complexities of your data structure, but the code above does reproduce your sample, so it should give you something to work with.
Okay, now I've seen your comments and the real data, below is some revised code which should be quicker and deals with the fact that the apparently 'empty' cells are actually null strings.
First of all create a class called cItem and add code behind:
Option Explicit
Public Name As String
Public Frq As Long
Public Adj As Collection
Private mChainIndex As Long
Public Property Get ChainIndex() As Long
ChainIndex = mChainIndex
End Property
Public Property Let ChainIndex(val As Long)
Dim oItem As cItem
If mChainIndex = 0 Then
mChainIndex = val
For Each oItem In Me.Adj
oItem.ChainIndex = val
End If
End Property
Public Sub AddAdj(oAdj As cItem)
Dim t As cItem
On Error Resume Next
Set t = Me.Adj(oAdj.Name)
On Error GoTo 0
If t Is Nothing Then Me.Adj.Add oAdj, oAdj.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Adj = New Collection
End Sub
Now create another class called cChain with code behind as:
Option Explicit
Public Index As Long
Public Members As Collection
Public Sub AddItem(oItem As cItem)
Dim oChainItem As cItem
With Me.Members
Select Case .Count
Case 0 'First item so just add it.
.Add oItem, oItem.Name
Case Is < 12 'Fewer than 12 items, so add to end or in order.
Set oChainItem = .item(.Count)
If oItem.Frq <= oChainItem.Frq Then 'It's last in order so just add it.
.Add oItem, oItem.Name
Else 'Find its place in order.
For Each oChainItem In Me.Members
If oItem.Frq > oChainItem.Frq Then
.Add oItem, oItem.Name, before:=oChainItem.Name
Exit For
End If
End If
Case 12 'Full list, so find place and remove last item.
Set oChainItem = .item(12)
If oItem.Frq > oChainItem.Frq Then
For Each oChainItem In Me.Members
If oItem.Frq > oChainItem.Frq Then
.Add oItem, oItem.Name, before:=oChainItem.Name
.Remove 13
Exit For
End If
End If
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Members = New Collection
End Sub
Finally, your module code would be:
Option Explicit
Public Sub ProcessSheet()
Dim data As Variant
Dim items As Collection, chains As Collection
Dim oItem As cItem, oAdj As cItem
Dim oChain As cChain
Dim txt As String
Dim r As Long, c As Long, n As Long
Dim output() As Variant
Dim pTick As Long, pCount As Long, pTot As Long, pTask As String
'Read the data.
pTask = "Reading data..."
Application.StatusBar = pTask
With Sheet1
data = .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
.Resize(, 12) _
End With
'Collect unique and adjacent values.
pTask = "Finding uniques "
pCount = 0: pTot = UBound(data, 1): pTick = 0
Set items = New Collection
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
For c = 1 To UBound(data, 2)
txt = data(r, c)
If Len(txt) = 0 Then Exit For
Set oItem = GetOrCreateItem(items, txt)
oItem.Frq = oItem.Frq + 1
'Take adjacent on left.
If c > 1 Then
txt = data(r, c - 1)
If Len(txt) > 0 Then
Set oAdj = GetOrCreateItem(items, txt)
oItem.AddAdj oAdj
End If
End If
'Take adjacent on right.
If c < UBound(data, 2) Then
txt = data(r, c + 1)
If Len(txt) > 0 Then
Set oAdj = GetOrCreateItem(items, txt)
oItem.AddAdj oAdj
End If
End If
'Now that we have all the items and their frequencies,
'we can find the adjacent chain indexes by a recursive
'call of the ChainIndex set property.
pTask = "Find chain indexes "
pCount = 0: pTot = items.Count: pTick = 0
Set chains = New Collection
n = 1 'Chain index.
For Each oItem In items
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
If oItem.ChainIndex = 0 Then
oItem.ChainIndex = n
Set oChain = New cChain
oChain.Index = n
chains.Add oChain, CStr(n)
n = n + 1
End If
'Build the chains.
pTask = "Build chains "
pCount = 0: pTot = items.Count: pTick = 0
For Each oItem In items
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
Set oChain = chains(CStr(oItem.ChainIndex))
oChain.AddItem oItem
'Write the data to our output array.
pTask = "Populate output "
pCount = 0: pTot = UBound(data, 1): pTick = 0
ReDim output(1 To UBound(data, 1), 1 To 12)
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
Set oItem = items(data(r, 1))
Set oChain = chains(CStr(oItem.ChainIndex))
c = 1
For Each oItem In oChain.Members
output(r, c) = oItem.Name
c = c + 1
'Write the output to sheet.
'Note: adjust range to suit.
pTask = "Writing data..."
Application.StatusBar = pTask
Sheet1.Range("M2").Resize(UBound(output, 1), UBound(output, 2)).Value = output
Application.StatusBar = "Ready"
End Sub
Private Function GetOrCreateItem(col As Collection, key As String) As cItem
Dim obj As cItem
'If the item already exists then return it,
'otherwise create a new item.
On Error Resume Next
Set obj = col(key)
On Error GoTo 0
If obj Is Nothing Then
Set obj = New cItem
obj.Name = key
col.Add obj, key
End If
Set GetOrCreateItem = obj
End Function
Public Function ProgressTicked(ByVal t As Long, ByRef c As Long, ByRef p As Long) As Boolean
c = c + 1
If Int((c / t) * 100) > p Then
p = p + 1
ProgressTicked = True
End If
End Function

Loop problems Even Count

I have a beginner question. Loops are extremely hard for me to understand, so it's come to me asking for help.
I am trying to create a function to count the amount of even numbers in a user input list, with a negative at the end to show the end of the list. I know I need to use a while loop, but I am having trouble figuring out how to walk through the indexes of the input list. This is what I have so far, can anyone give me a hand?
def find_even_count(numlist):
count = 0
while numlist > 0:
if numlist % 2 == 0:
count += 1
return count
numlist = raw_input("Please enter a list of numbers, with a negative at the end: ")
print find_even_count(numlist)
I used the split to separate out the indexes of the list, but I know I am doing something wrong. Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong, or point me to a good step by step explanation of what to do here?
Thank you guys so much, I know you probably have something more on your skill level to do, but appreciate the help!
You were pretty close, just a couple of corrections:
def find_even_count(numlist):
count = 0
lst = numlist.split()
for num in lst:
if int(num) % 2 == 0:
count += 1
return count
numlist = raw_input("Please enter a list of numbers, with a negative at the end: ")
print find_even_count(numlist)
I have used a for loop rather than a while loop, stored the outcome of numlist.split() to a variable (lst) and then just iterated over this.
You have a couple of problems:
You split numlist, but don't assign the resulting list to anything.
You then try to operate on numlist, which is still the string of all numbers.
You never try to convert anything to a number.
Instead, try:
def find_even_count(numlist):
count = 0
for numstr in numlist.split(): # iterate over the list
num = int(numstr) # convert each item to an integer
if num < 0:
break # stop when we hit a negative
elif num % 2 == 0:
count += 1 # increment count for even numbers
return count # return the total
Or, doing the whole thing in one line:
def find_even_count(numlist):
return sum(num % 2 for num in map(int, numlist.split()) if num > 0)
(Note: the one-liner will fail in cases where the user tries to trick you by putting more numbers after the "final" negative number, e.g. with numlist = "1 2 -1 3 4")
If you must use a while loop (which isn't really the best tool for the job), it would look like:
def find_even_count(numlist):
index = count = 0
numlist = list(map(int, numlist.split()))
while numlist[index] > 0:
if numlist[index] % 2 == 0:
count += 1
index += 1
return count