Sub-pattern in regex can't be dereferenced? - regex

I have following Perl script to extract numbers from a log. It seems that the non-capturing group with ?: isn't working when I define the sub-pattern in a variable. It's only working when I leave out the grouping in either the regex-pattern or the sub-pattern in $number.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $number = '(:?-?(?:(?:\d+\.?\d*)|(?:\.\d+))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?)';
#my $number = '-?(?:(?:\d+\.?\d*)|(?:\.\d+))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?';
open(FILE,"file.dat") or die "Exiting with: $!\n";
while (my $line = <FILE>) {
if ($line =~ m{x = ($number). y = ($number)}){
print "\$1= $1\n";
print "\$2= $2\n";
print "\$3= $3\n";
print "\$4= $4\n";
The output for this code looks like:
$1= 12.15
$2= 12.15
$3= 3e-5
$4= 3e-5
for an input of:
asdf x = 12.15. y = 3e-5 yadda
Those doubled outputs aren't desired.
Is this because of the m{} style in contrast to the regular m// patterns for regex? I only know the former style to get variables (sub-strings) in my regex expressions. I just noticed this for the backreferencing so possibly there are other differences for metacharacters?

The delimiters you use for the regular expression aren't causing any problems but the following is:
Notice this isn't a capturing group, it is an optional colon :
Probably a typo mistake but it is causing the trouble.
Edit: It looks that it is not a typo mistake, i substituted the variables in the regex and I got this:
x = ((:?-?(?:(?:\d+\.?\d*)|(?:\.\d+))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?)). y = ((:?-?(?:(?:\d+\.?\d*)|(?:\.\d+))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?))
^^ first and second group ^^ ^^ third and fourth grouop ^^
As you can see the first and second capturing group are capturing exactly the same thing, the same is happening for the third and fourth capturing group.

You're going to kick yourself...
Your regexp reads out as:
capture {
cluster { (?:(?:\d+\.?\d*)|(?:\.\d+))
cluster { (?:\d+\.?\d*)
1+ digits
0+ digits
cluster { (?:\.\d+)
maybe cluster {
E or e
maybe + or -
1+ digets
} (?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?
... which is what you're looking for.
However, when you then do your actual regexp, you do:
$line =~ m{x = $number. y = $number})
(the curly braces are a distraction.... you may use any \W if the m or s has been specified)
What this is asking is to capture whatever the regexp defined in $number is.... which is, itself, a capture.... hence $1 and $2 being the same thing.
Simply remove the capture braces from either $number or the regexp line.


Perl regex exclude optional word from match

I have a strings and need to extract only icnnumbers/numbers from them.
I need to extract below data from above example.
Here is my regex, but its working for first line of data.
How can I have expression which would match for three set of data.
Given your strings to extract are only upper case and numeric, why use \w when that also matches _?
How about just matching:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
print "$1\n";
Another alternative to get only the values as a match using \K to reset the match buffer
Regex demo | Perl demo
For example
my $str = 'icnnumber:9876AB54321_IN
while($str =~ /\b(?:icn)?number:\K[^\W_]+/g ) {
print $& . "\n";
You may replace \w (that matches letters, digits and underscores) with [^\W_] that is almost the same, but does not match underscores:
See the regex demo.
If you want to make sure icnnumber and number are matched as whole words, you may add a word boundary at the start:
You may even refactor the pattern a bit in order not to repeat number using an optional non-capturing group, see below:
Pattern details
\b - a word boundary (immediately to the right, there must be start of string or a char other than letter, digit or _)
((?:icn)?number) - Group 1: an optional sequence of icn substring and then number substring
: - a : char
([^\W_]+) - Group 2: one or more letters or digits.
Just another suggestion maybe, but if your strings are always valid, you may consider just to split on a character class and pull the second index from the resulting array:
my $string= "number:987654321FR";
my #part = (split /[:_]/, $string)[1];
print #part
Or for the whole array of strings:
#Array = ("icnnumber:9876AB54321_IN", "number:987654321FR", "icnnumber:987654321YQ");
foreach (#Array)
my $el = (split /[:_]/, $_)[1];
print "$el\n"
Results in:
Regular expression can have 'icn' as an option and part of the interest is 11 characters after :.
my $re = qr/(icn)?number:(.{11})/;
Test code snippet
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $re = qr/(icn)?number:(.{11})/;
while(<DATA>) {
say $2 if /$re/;
Already you got best and better answers here anyway I trying to solve your question right now.
Get the whole string,
my $str = do { local $/; <DATA> }; #print $str;
You can check the first grouping method upto _ or \b from the below line,
#arrs = ($str=~m/number\:((?:(?!\_).)*)(?:\b|\_)/ig);
You can check the non-words \W and _ for the first grouping here, and pushing the matches in the array
#arrs = ($str=~m/number\:([^\W\_]+)(?:\_|\b)/ig);
print the output
print join "\n", #arrs;

Extracting specific values from a Perl regex

I want to use a Perl regex to extract certain values from file names.
They have the following (valid) names:
From the above I would like to extract the first 3 digits (always guaranteed to be 3), and the last part of the string, after the last _ (which is either off, or (m orp) followed by 3 digits). So the first thing I would be extracting are 3 digits, the second a string.
And I came out with the following method (I realise this might be not the most optimal/nicest one):
my $marker = '^testImrr[a-zA-z_]+\d{3}_(off|(m|p)\d{3})$';
if ($str =~ m/$marker/)
print "1=$1 2=$2";
Where only $1 has a valid result (namely the last bit of info I want), but $2 turns out empty. Any ideas on how to get those 3 digits in the middle?
You were almost there.
Just :
- capture the three digits by adding parenthesis around: (\d{3})
- don't capture m|p by adding ?: after the parenthesis before it ((?:m|p)), or by using [mp] instead:
And you'll get :
1=001 2=off
1=000 2=m030
1=231 2=p030
You can capture both at once, e.g with
if ($str =~ /(\d{3})_(off|(?:m|p)\d{3})$/ ) {
print "1=$1, 2=$2".$/;
You example has two capture groups as well (off|(m|p)\d{3} and m|p). In case of you first filename, for the second capture group nothing is catched due to matching the other branch. For non-capturing groups use (?:yourgroup).
There's really no need for regular expressions when a simple split and substr will suffice:
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
my #fields = split(/_/);
my $digits = substr($fields[1], -3);
print "1=$digits 2=$fields[2]\n";
1=001 2=off
1=000 2=m030
1=231 2=p030

Matching numbers for substitution in Perl

I have this little script:
my #list = ('R3_05_foo.txt','T3_12_foo_bar.txt','01.txt');
foreach (#list) {
print $_ . "\n";
The expected output would be
But instead, I get
The last one is fine, but I cannot fathom why the regex gives me the string start for $1 on this case.
Try this pattern
foreach (#list) {
print $_ . "\n";
I use here the branch reset feature (i.e. (?|...()...|...()...)) that allows to put several capturing groups in a single reference ( $1 here ). So, you avoid using a second replacement to trim a zero from the left of the capture.
To remove all from the begining before the number, I use :
.*? # all characters zero or more times
# ( ? -> make the * quantifier lazy to match as less as possible)
_? # an optional underscore
Note that you can ensure that you have only 2 digits adding a lookahead to check if there is not a digit that follows:
(?!\d) means not followed by a digit.
The problem here is that your substitution regex does not cover the whole string, so only part of the string is substituted. But you are using a rather complex solution for a simple problem.
It seems that what you want is to read two digits from the string, and then add .txt to the end of it. So why not just do that?
my #list = ('R3_05_foo.txt','T3_12_foo_bar.txt','01.txt');
for (#list) {
if (/(\d{2})/) {
$_ = "$1.txt";
To overcome the leading zero effect, you can force a conversion to a number by adding zero to it:
$_ = 0+$1 . ".txt";
I would modify your regular expression. Try using this code:
my #list = ('R3_05_foo.txt','T3_12_foo_bar.txt','01.txt');
foreach (#list) {
print $_ . "\n";
The problem is that the first part in your s/// matches, what you think it does, but that the second part isn't replacing what you think it should. s/// will only replace what was previously matched. Thus to replace something like T3_ you will have to match that too.

How to match a string which starts with either a new line or after a comma?

My string is $tables="newdb1.table1:100,db2.table2:90,db1.table1:90". My search string is db1.table1 and my aim is to extract the value after : (i.e 90 in this case).
I am using:
if ($tables =~ /db1.table1:(\d+)/) { print $1; }
but the problem is it is matching newdb1.table1:100 and printing 100.
Can you please give my a regular expression to match a string which either starts with a newline or has comma before it.
Use word boundaries:
if ($tables =~ /\bdb1.table1:(\d+)/) { print $1; }
here __^^
if ($tables =~ /(^|,)db1.table1:(\d+)/) { print $2; }
To answer your exact question, that is to match just after the start of the string or a comma, you want a positive look-behind assertion. You may be tempted to write a pattern of
but that may fail with an error of
Variable length lookbehind not implemented in regex m/(?<=^|,)db1\.table1:(\d+)/ ...
So hold the regex engine’s hand a bit by making the alternatives equal in length—tricky to do in the general case but workable here.
While we are locking it down, let’s be sure to bracket the end with a look-ahead assertion.
while ($tables =~ /(?<=^d|,)db1\.table1:(\d+)(?=,|$)/g) {
print "[$1]\n";
You could also use \b for a regex word boundary, which has the same output.
while ($tables =~ /\bdb1\.table1:(\d+)(?=,|$)/g) {
print "[$1]\n";
For the most natural solution, follow the rule of thumb proposed by Randal Schwartz, author of Learning Perl. Use capturing when you know what you want to keep and split when you know what you want to throw away. In your case you have a mixture: you want to discard the comma separators, and you want to keep the digits after the colon for a certain table. Write that as
for (split /\s*,\s*/, $tables) { # / to fix Stack Overflow highlighting
if (my($value) = /^db1\.table1:(\d+)$/) {
print "[$value]\n";

Perl regular expression isn't greedy enough

I'm writing a regular expression in perl to match perl code that starts the definition of a perl subroutine. Here's my regular expression:
my $regex = '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*#.*\n)*\s*\{';
$regex matches code that starts a subroutine. I'm also trying to capture the name of the subroutine in $1 and any white space and comments between the subroutine name and the initial open brace in $2. It's $2 that is giving me a problem.
Consider the following perl code:
my $x = 1;
sub zz
# This is comment 1.
# This is comment 2.
# This is comment 3.
$x = 2;
When I put this perl code into a string and match it against $regex, $2 is "# This is comment 3.\n", not the three lines of comments that I want. I thought the regular expression would greedily put all three lines of comments into $2, but that seems not to be the case.
I would like to understand why $regex isn't working and to design a simple replacement. As the program below shows, I have a more complex replacement ($re3) that works. But I think it's important for me to understand why $regex doesn't work.
use strict;
use English;
my $code_string = <<END_CODE;
my \$x = 1;
sub zz
# This is comment 1.
# This is comment 2.
# This is comment 3.
\$x = 2;
my $re1 = '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*#.*\n)*\s*\{';
my $re2 = '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*#.*\n){0,}\s*\{';
my $re3 = '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)((\s*#.*\n)+)?\s*\{';
print "\$code_string is '$code_string'\n";
if ($code_string =~ /$re1/) {print "For '$re1', \$2 is '$2'\n";}
if ($code_string =~ /$re2/) {print "For '$re2', \$2 is '$2'\n";}
if ($code_string =~ /$re3/) {print "For '$re3', \$2 is '$2'\n";}
exit 0;
The output of the perl script above is the following:
$code_string is 'my $x = 1;
sub zz
# This is comment 1.
# This is comment 2.
# This is comment 3.
$x = 2;
} # sub zz
For '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*#.*\n)*\s*\{', $2 is '# This is comment 3.
For '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*#.*\n){0,}\s*\{', $2 is '# This is comment 3.
For '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)((\s*#.*\n)+)?\s*\{', $2 is '
# This is comment 1.
# This is comment 2.
# This is comment 3.
Look at only the part of your regex that captures $2. It is (\s*#.*\n). By itself, this can only capture a single comment line. You have an asterisk after it in order to capture multiple comment lines, and this works just fine. It captures multiple comment lines and puts each of them into $2, one by one, each time replacing the previous value of $2. So the final value of $2 when the regex is done matching is the last thing that the capturing group matched, which is the final comment line. Only. To fix it, you need to put the asterisk inside the capturing group. But then you need to put another set of parentheses (non-capturing, this time) to make sure the asterisk applies to the whole thing. So instead of (\s*#.*\n)*, you need ((?:\s*#.*\n)*).
Your third regex works because you unwittingly surrounded the whole expression in parentheses so that you could put a question mark after it. This caused $2 to capture all the comments at once, and $3 to capture only the final comment.
When you are debugging your regex, make sure you print out the values of all the match variables you are using: $1, $2, $3, etc. You would have seen that $1 was just the name of the subroutine and $2 was only the third comment. This might have led you to wonder how on earth your regex skipped over the first two comments when there is nothing between the first and second capturing groups, which would eventually lead you in the direction of discovering what happens when a capturing group matches multiple times.
By the way, it looks like you are also capturing any whitespace after the subroutine name into $1. Is this intentional? (Oops, I messed up my mnemonics and thought \w was "w for whitespace".)
If you add repetition to a capturing group, it will only capture the final match of that group. This is why $regex only matches the final comment line.
Here is how I would rewrite you regex:
my $regex = '\s*sub\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*)((?:\s*#.*\n)*)\s*\{';
This is very similar to your $re3, except for the following changes:
The white space and comment matching portion is now in a non-capturing group
I changed that portion of the regex from ((...)+)? to ((...)*) which is equivalent.
The problem is that by default the \n isn't part of the string. The regex stops matching at \n.
You need to use the s modifier for multi-line matches:
if ($code_string =~ /$re1/s) {print "For '$re1', \$2 is '$2'\n";}
Note the s after the regex.