I am trying to get started with EDSDK to control my Canon 500D. I'm new to cpp, and windows XP apps and I'm using visual studio. After a great deal of blind trial and error I have finally managed to get the app to compile the basic sample code from the documentation. To do this I have the EDSDK.h, EDSDKTypes.h and EDSDKErrors.h headers in the right places and the EDSDK.dll and EDSDK.lib in the same folder as the code. It seems to be picking these up. I have got the 500D to be recognised by the PC so I believe the USB drivers are there.
The code is just trying to pick up the camera:
EdsError err=EDS_ERR_OK;
EdsCameraListRef cameraList=NULL;
err = EdsGetCameraList(&cameraList);
if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
However, when I run this console app the error is picked up as 10 - which suggests, according to the document, that there is a missing subcomponent. This happens both if the camera is connected or not, so I'm thinking this is something missing from the compile. But I am getting nowhere with the documentation.
I have installed the edsdk 2.4 Windows version from a download not the official route, so this may be an issue.
Can anyone help? Specifically how can I find out what the missing subcomponent might be so I might include it. Is this a subcmponent of the build like a header file or something like a driver?

I know, old question but still it might help someone with the same problem.
From the documentation:
All DLLs are required in order to execute an EDSDK client application.
All of the modules in the DLL folder must be copied into the same folder where the EDSDK client application is in.
This means you'll have to have all DLLs beside your *.exe. Namely these DLLs:


Qt creator could not parse stddef.h --> incorrect code completion and highlighting

I am developing a QT GUI for my application using QT Creator (4.11.0).
Recently, our IT updated my OS to Ubuntu 20.04 (from 18.04) - maybe the error is related to that.
I have not touched to project in some month but yesterday wanted to continue developing it.
However, within the IDE there are now thousands of errors highlighted at almost every line of my code. (with highlighted I mean that there is this red background and a red dot beside the line number)
On the very top, it says:
Warning: The code model could not parse an included file, which might lead to incorrect code completion and highlighting, for example.
cstddef:50:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found
The errors that are listed in the IDE are very wired like:
type `QMainWindow`is not a direct or virtual base of `MainWindow` (my class is called `MainWindow`)
I'm pretty sure it is not related to my code:
the code compiles and works fine - it is really just the IDE that is highlighting errors at every line of my code.
I have the same code on a Windows Computer and there no errors are listed in the IDE.
even if I start a brand new QT Widget project the errors appear within the template code provided by the QT Creator.
Since the GCC version changed with the update of the OS, I thought maybe I have to define a new KIT but this also did not help.
Is there anything I can do to fix the issue?
Do I have to reinstall the QT Creator?
I know, pictures are not very well-liked but here I think it might help to understand what I mean with "IDE is highlighting errors":
1. First
~/.profile :
export CPATH
maybe /usr/include/clang/10/include see in you file system.
2. Second
Logout / login.
3. Third
Specifying Build Settings (Projects -> Build -> in every config build) in Build Environment section: [unset] CPATH, C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
or [edit] replace this variable with the necessary values
I fixed this issue by sudo apt install clang-8.
Source: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/1890434

Where is "nvinfer.h" from tensorrt located?

I have been trying to compile a basic tensorRT project on a desktop host -for now the source is literally just the following:
#include <nvinfer.h>
class Logger : nvinfer1::public ILogger
} glogger;
Upon running make, though, I receive the following message:
fatal error: nvinfer.h: No such file or directory #include <nvinfer.h>
The error is correct, too - I used locate to try to find it, but there's nothing on my machine that matches. I followed the install instructions for desktop installation of TensorRT 2.1 as described here: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download
So my question is, does anyone know where nvinfer.h is supposed to be? In other words, am I missing a needed package that contains it, or did I miss something else that's essential?
Small addendum: one thing I noticed is that libgie1 is not installed, and it was not included as a debian with the provided TensorRT download like the other packages such as gie-dev were.
Before using locate, if you recently added new files is a good practice to run sudo updatedb, if the file is on the pc you should see it after.
Anyway googling a bit it looks like the header your looking for is NvInfer.h, caps matters.

0xc000007b Error : how to analyze using Process Monitor

Another error at startup of my basic app which only tests my DLL (the core deliverable of my project) by calling its init method. I have analysed what happens using Process Monitor, and filtered according to process name, looking only for events related with my the main executable of my basic app.
What should I be looking for there ? I guess anything that says SUCCESS in the result column does not point to the problem - but what about the rest ? It seems to be looking for my DLL all over the world although it first tried in the current directory and found it there already ...
An excerpt here, saved from ProcMon in CSV format : http://pastebin.com/YHSeQUk0
As I said it tries to open my DLL in many places (following my PATH environment variable ?). When looking for it in the correct folder (which is the same as where the exe is located and running) it goes through a series of actions which mostly end up in SUCCESS (if not otherwise specified):
It does all of this a second time later. To me this looks ok. No other DLL-related event show up.
There is this other event at the top :
RegOpenKey in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Srp\GP\DLL which first results in REPARSE and then in NAME NOT FOUND. But many things happen afterwards, this doesn't look like a blocking point - and anyhow no clue what this is about.
dumpbin /dependents ConsoleApplication1.exe yields the following :
Image has the following dependencies:
The first one is my dll. If I remove it the message at startup turns into "uss_map_interface.dll is missing from your computer" - so I cannot believe this woukld be related to my DLL ... all the other I found in Windows/System32 or SysWOW64.
I am compiling both my DLL and the test basic app with MVS Express 2015 (v140) with x64 configs. The problem also appears if I change to x86 configs. The funny thing also is that if I compile my DLL with MinGW in a Qt project - it works fine. If that can provide a hint, here follow the dependencies of the Qz/MinGW-compiled version :
File Type: DLL
Image has the following dependencies:
Anyhow, thanks in advance !

Facebook Actionscript API examples not compiling - application descriptor not found

Trying to run some of the desktop(AIR) samples located here
No matter what I try get the error message
Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.
application descriptor not found
But as far as I can tell there IS a proper descriptor file (XML) present in my bin-debug folder.
Anyone have an idea what is happening? Could the issue have something to do with the Flexsdk I am using (4.6) when combined with the latest AIR 3.4?
This is my application descriptor file WITHOUT most of the commented code
Found most of my answers here
Key paragraph
'Each AIR sdk tends to have it's own application descriptor file formatting which means that an application that was created with AIR 2.0 must "migrate" its descriptor file to the new AIR 2.7 sdk. My suggestion is creating from scratch a new project that targets the new sdk, just so we can take its descriptor file, copy/paste it to our "old" project and change the necessary values to adapt our project (such as project name, etc).'

Firebreath plugin on windows fails to load in chrome

I am busy converting by existing firebreath plugin here to use gpgme instead of making calls via the OS and the gpg binary.
I have managed to get the code to compile in windows using VS 2010 on a x32 system but after loading the plugin into chrome I can not access the npapi code at all. Even simple version calls fails.
When loading the plugin I get no visible errors but when using sawbuck log viewer for chrome I get the erorr messages below.
.\renderer\webplugin_delegate_proxy.cc 347 PluginMsg_Init returned false
..\plugins\npapi\webplugin_impl.cc 271 Couldn't initialize plug-in
I have tried to use my code with both firebreath 1.4 and 1.6 and neither versions work. After some simple debugging it seems that using any code provided by gpgme (whether its called or not) causes the plugin to break.
I came to this conclusion by doing the following.
Created a new project with firebreath (versions 1.4 and 1.6)
Add the gpgme.h headers to gmailGPGAPI.cpp and changed nothing else aside from adding the required reference paths to the project.
Build the project to create the dll (this generates the dll fine).
Replace the existing ddl in my project with the dll in step 2 and test it with the following piece of code
plugin = document.createElement('object'); plugin.id = 'plugin';
plugin.type = 'application/x-gmailtest';
console.log("my plugin returned: "+ plugin.valid);
console.log("my plugin returned: " + plugin.version);
This returns valid = true and the version returns what ever i set it to.
I then modified gmailGPGAPI.cpp to now return the gpg version by calling gpgme_check_version(NULL) in the version method. I used that method because its probably the simplest returning function that I could test with.
Build the plugin and copy dll to chrome extension as in step 3-4. The plugin builds fine again as expected.
Load the plugin and try to execute the code in step 4 at which point it now just returns undefined for any property or method i try to access on the plugin. No errors are printed to the console or anywhere else in chrome except for the error logged to sawbuck.
I have got no idea where to look or what to try since I cant seem to get an actionable error to work against. I have also reduced by test code to the point where its just a new project with a one line change to make it easier to find the problem.
I should note the code in the repo builds fine in linux/OSX and loads into chrome correctly so I know at some level my code does work.
Two possible paths:
You may have a DLL dependency that isn't available which keeps the plugin from loading; if you run regsvr32 on it in the state where it doesn't work on chrome, does it work?
Your plugin may be loading and then crashing. Start chrome with --plugin-startup-dialog and then when it pops up a dialog warning you that a plugin is about to be loaded attach to that process and see if the process crashes. At this point you can also set breakpoints to try to figure out how far it gets.
Double check your metadata in PluginConfig.cmake as well; sometimes unusual characters in some fields can cause issues like this.