Facebook Actionscript API examples not compiling - application descriptor not found - facebook-graph-api

Trying to run some of the desktop(AIR) samples located here
No matter what I try get the error message
Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.
application descriptor not found
But as far as I can tell there IS a proper descriptor file (XML) present in my bin-debug folder.
Anyone have an idea what is happening? Could the issue have something to do with the Flexsdk I am using (4.6) when combined with the latest AIR 3.4?
This is my application descriptor file WITHOUT most of the commented code

Found most of my answers here
Key paragraph
'Each AIR sdk tends to have it's own application descriptor file formatting which means that an application that was created with AIR 2.0 must "migrate" its descriptor file to the new AIR 2.7 sdk. My suggestion is creating from scratch a new project that targets the new sdk, just so we can take its descriptor file, copy/paste it to our "old" project and change the necessary values to adapt our project (such as project name, etc).'


iOS build on PC paired to Mac - app.dSYM.zip fails, 'Show IPA File on Build Server' missing, errSecInternalComponent, 'IPA is not a valid zipfile'

I have a Xamarin iOS application in VisualStudio 2019 on a Windows 10 PC. I build it on the PC, and when possible then right click the project and choose Show IPA File on Build Server, then on my Mac I upload the file to the app store using Transporter. I am encountering these issues:
Whenever I build, the build says it failed with message "There was an error unzipping the file bin\Ad-Hoc\MyApp.app.dSYM.zip: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\MyDirectory\MyApp.iOS\bin\Ad-Hoc\MyAppiOS.app.dSYM'." This has not historically caused any issues - we have still been able to upload the IPA to the app store and deploy our app - but I include it in case it's relevant to the other issues.
Sometimes, my build fails saying it "has been disconnected while waiting a post repsonse to topic xvs/Build/.../execute-task/MyApp.iOS/...Codesign" or "Unable to connect to Mac Server with Address='' and User='My Username'. The build can't continue without a connection". I'm assuming a wifi issue must cause this, though the machines are all right next to one another and next to my router so seems odd. Occasionally when I try to pair to the Mac, I also get the message "Error, Couldn't connect to com. Please try again. An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions." In any case, makes me wonder if there's any way for me to 1) hardwire the Mac to the PC or 2) build directly on the Mac instead of through VS on the PC, even though I write the code on the PC?
During the build, I periodically get an error "/Users/myUser/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/MyApp.iOS//bin/Ad-Hoc/MyAppiOS.app: errSecInternalComponent MyApp.iOS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets 2003". If I lock all keychains on the Mac this goes away on the next build, but then it reappears a few builds later.
Once the build finishes with just the .dSym.zip error, most of the time, the "Show IPA File on Build Server" option still does NOT show up (not greyed out - it is not present in the menu at all) when I right click the iOS project. To get around this, I have been copying the file over to the Mac via S3. I'm wondering why the option doesn't show up, and if there's a way to just find the built file on the Mac rather than copying it over from Windows?
I then use Transporter on the Mac to upload the IPA file to the Apple Store. It always is able to read the version information and says the file is Delivered. However, often I then get an email from Apple saying the build failed because "ITMS-90688: This IPA is invalid - While unzipping the IPA we received the error message [ End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of MyAppiOS.ipa or MyAppiOS.ipa.zip, and cannot find MyAppiOS.ipa.ZIP, period. ] Verify that the IPA can be unzipped before reattempting your upload.".
In response to that error, I've tried to unzip the IPA file and I find that on the PC it is always unzippable if I change the extension to .zip, and on my Mac, I can always unzip it to see the Payload directory, and the MyAppiOS item inside it can never be opened - I get a popup "You can't open the application 'MyAppiOS' because it is not supported on this type of Mac." - in any case, the files Apple likes and the ones it doesn't look the same to me when I try unzipping.
My only ideas are to try to figure out how to open and build the app on my Mac, to call my router company, and to keep trying and trying, over and over again, until finally one of the builds works... which sometimes literally takes hours.
Many thanks for any help you are able to offer!

Windows Script Host Error 0x800700C1 Code 800700C1

I was reading chapter 20 "Automation" of the book by Jeff Prosise "Programming Windows with MFC", 2nd ed. There are instructions on how to create a small automation server with methods long Add(long, long), long Subtract(long, long), and a property double Pi. There's also a script in VBScript to test that server. When I ran that script the message box with error 0x800700c1 was shown.
The problem was with the file \Documents in my system drive (where Windows is installed). The automation server was in one of \Documents and Settings subfolders of the same drive. After deleting \Documents file everything ran fine. I currently don't know which application created that file.


I am trying to get started with EDSDK to control my Canon 500D. I'm new to cpp, and windows XP apps and I'm using visual studio. After a great deal of blind trial and error I have finally managed to get the app to compile the basic sample code from the documentation. To do this I have the EDSDK.h, EDSDKTypes.h and EDSDKErrors.h headers in the right places and the EDSDK.dll and EDSDK.lib in the same folder as the code. It seems to be picking these up. I have got the 500D to be recognised by the PC so I believe the USB drivers are there.
The code is just trying to pick up the camera:
EdsError err=EDS_ERR_OK;
EdsCameraListRef cameraList=NULL;
err = EdsGetCameraList(&cameraList);
if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
However, when I run this console app the error is picked up as 10 - which suggests, according to the document, that there is a missing subcomponent. This happens both if the camera is connected or not, so I'm thinking this is something missing from the compile. But I am getting nowhere with the documentation.
I have installed the edsdk 2.4 Windows version from a download not the official route, so this may be an issue.
Can anyone help? Specifically how can I find out what the missing subcomponent might be so I might include it. Is this a subcmponent of the build like a header file or something like a driver?
I know, old question but still it might help someone with the same problem.
From the documentation:
All DLLs are required in order to execute an EDSDK client application.
All of the modules in the DLL folder must be copied into the same folder where the EDSDK client application is in.
This means you'll have to have all DLLs beside your *.exe. Namely these DLLs:

Connect to MS SQL Server through ODBC

I have a Qt 4 application that is trying to connect to an MS SQL Server 2008 database using the Qt ODBC driver. The application runs fine when it is running in Windows; however, the target OS for the application is to have it run in GNU/Linux. When the application runs in GNU/Linux I get the following error:
QSqlError(0, "QODBC3: Unable to connect", " [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified")
Is there something I need to configure on the SQL server or application side to get the connection to work?
I don't really know much about unixODBC, but have a look here:
For connecting to MSSQL, the following might be useful:
or .../FreeTDS2.html
Try to copy the odbc.ini file in ~/.odbc.ini . If not working again, try to copy the same file into /etc/odbc.ini. If this is not working, as these directories are different for different Unix systems, find all files: *odbc*\.ini and see if some of them are empty. If so, replace them with the correct .ini file.
I had the same problem and this solved it. But it's a really stupid solution, so I'm looking for a better one. Hope that helped (:

invalid UTF-8 data

I am facing a issue of invalid UTF-8 data in my application.
Actually whenever i opens my application for editing purpose i get the following error:
[Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]Transliteration failed, reason: invalid UTF8 data
Some editors expect your code file to be saved in plain UTF8. An easy way to fix it is to open up the affected code file in Notepad, and then re-save it using Notepad's default encoding. Then you can open it in your favorite editor. See if that works.
Excerpt from Nodans
The DataDirect Oracle Driver that ships with ColdFusion 9 has an error in it. It appears the error is fixed and if you have an agreement with the provider, you can download an update. However, I don't have an agreement so I downloaded fresh Oracle JDBC Drivers to fix the problem. Here's what I did:
Download the drivers here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html
For Details: http://www.nodans.com/index.cfm/2012/6/6/How-to-solve-error-Oracle-JDBC-DriverTransliteration-failed-reason-invalid-UTF8-data