Determine if a memory location changes value [duplicate] - c++

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Watch a memory location/install 'data breakpoint' from code?
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
In Windows (both 32 and 64 bit), through program (C++) is it possible to determine if a certain memory location has changed? I am trying to extrapolate the concept that we see in Visual Studio where we can set data break point.
Use Case: I understand its a dirty hack, but the fastest to implement to be re-implemented later
I am sharing data across process boundary (read between a 32 bit client and 64 bit server). The Client allocates memory (beyond our control) and passes the address to the server. The Server allocates a storage to shadow the client memory and via various code path can update that shadowed memory location. Instead of identifying and trapping each of these location (I was trying to find an easier path), to raise an event on change and eventually write back the data through WriteProcessMemory to the client process

Whilst it's probably possible to find a solution using a combination of VirtualProtect and the Windows debug interface, I'm not sure it's a particularly good solution for this scenario. One of the problems is that you introduce a delay on every new write, and you are looking at a transfer to another process that is monitoring the program as a "debugger". That process will then have to "unprotect" that page, mark it as "updated" for the other Server (or Client, depending on which direction you are going), and "continue" the application making the update. This is quite time consuming. And of course, there is no trivial way to know when the writing process has completed a sequence of updates. You also need to know exactly where to "continue" when there is a SEH "__except" call, and it's not always entirely trivial do to that, especially if the code is in the middle of a memcpy or something like that.
When I worked with graphics, I know that both our and some competitors driver would do this, first write-protect the memory, and then by hooking into the windows own page-fault handler, look up the page-fault, see if it's the special region(s), and if so, mark that page as updated and reset it to writeable. This allowed the driver to only copy the updated regions. But in this case, there is a distinct "I want to draw this stuff" after all the updates have been made.

If you want to badly enough, you can use the debug API to set a breakpoint on your own data, which will be triggered on a write, just like the VS API does.
The basics of this are to start a thread to do the "debugging". It will:
temporarily stop the primary thread.
Get that thread's registers with GetThreadContext
set the address to break on in one of DR0 through DR 3.
Set the size of the data in question in DR 6.
Set the type of breakpoint (data write, in this case) in DR 7.
Use SetThreadContext to tell the primary thread to use the modified registers.
Restart execution of the primary thread.
That's going from memory, so although I believe it's pretty close to the basic idea, I may have gotten a detail or two wrong, or (more likely) left out a few steps.
In most cases, it's going to be easier to do something at the source level, where you overload operator= for the target in question, so you get some code executed during assignment to the data. Then in that operator you can (for example) set an Event that code in another thread waits on (and reacts appropriately).
Another possibility (especially if you want to break on any access to a whole range of addresses) is to use VirtualProtect to force an exception on any access to that block of memory. Like a debug exception, this will be triggered synchronously, so if you want asynchronous execution you'll have to accomplish it by setting an Event (or whatever) and having another thread waiting on that so it'll execute when the Event is set.


How to Read the program counter / Instruction pointer of a specific core in Kernel Mode?

Windows 10, x64 , x86
My current knowledge
Lets say it is quad core, there will be 4 individual program counters which will point to 4 different locations of code for parallel execution.
Each of this program counters indicates where a computer is in its program sequence.
The address it points to changes after a context switch where another threads program counter gets placed onto the program counter to execute.
What I want to do:
Im in Kernel Mode my thread is running on core 1 and I want to read the current instruction pointer of core 2.
Expected Results:
0x203123 is the address of the instruction pointer and this address belongs to this thread and this thread belongs to this process... etc.
Anyone knows how to do it or can give me good book references, links etc...
Although I don't believe it's officially documented, there is a ZwGetContextThread exported from ntdll.dll. Being undocumented, things can change (and I haven't tried it in quite a while) but at least when I last tried it, you called it with a thread handle and a pointer to a CONTEXT structure, and it would return that thread's context.
I'm not certain exactly how up-to-date that is though. It's never mattered to me, so I haven't checked, but my guess would be that the IP in the CONTEXT you get is whatever was saved the last time the thread was suspended. So, if you want something (reasonably) current, you'd use ZwSuspendThread, get the context, then ZwResumeThread to start it running again.
Here I suppose I'm probably supposed to give the standard lines about undocumented function being subject to change, using them being a bad idea, and that you should generally leave all of this alone. Ah well, I been disappointing teachers and other authority figures for years, and I guess I'm not changing right now.
On the other hand, there may be a practical problem here. If you really need data that's really current, this probably isn't going to work very well for you. What it gives you will be kind of current at best. On the other hand, really current is almost a meaningless concept with information that goes out of date every clock cycle.
Anyone knows how to do it or can give me good book references, links etc...
For 80x86 hardware (regardless of operating system); there are only 3 ways to do this (that I know of):
a) send an inter-processor interrupt to the other CPU, and have an interrupt handler that stores the "return EIP" (from its stack) at a known address in memory so that your CPU can read "value of EIP immediately before interrupt" (with synchronization so that your CPU doesn't read before the value is written, etc).
b) put the other CPU into some kind of "debug mode" (single-stepping, last branch recording, ...) so that (either code in a debug exception handler or the CPU's hardware itself) is constantly writing EIP values to memory that you can read.
Of course both of these options will ruin performance, and the value you get will probably be useless (because EIP would've changed after you obtain it but before you can use the obtained value). To ensure the value is still useful; you'd need the other CPU to wait until after you've consumed the obtained value (and are ready for the next value); and to do that you'd have to resort to single-step debugging facilities (with the waiting in the debug exception handler), where you'll be lucky if you can get performance better than a thousand times slower (and can probably improve performance by simply disabling other CPUs completely).
Also note that they still won't accurately tell you EIP in all cases (e.g. if the CPU is in SMM/System Management Mode and is beyond the control of the OS); and I doubt Windows kernel supports any of it (e.g. kernel should support single-stepping of user-space processes/threads to allow debuggers to work, but won't support single-stepping of kernel and will probably lock up the computer due to various "waiting for lock to be released for 6 days" problems).
The last of the 3 options is:
c) Run the OS inside an emulator/simulator instead of running it on real hardware. In that case you can probably modify the emulator/simulator's code to inject EIP values somewhere (maybe some kind of virtual "EIP reporting device"?). This will ruin performance of the emulator/simulator, but you may be able to hide that (e.g. "virtual time inside the emulator passes at a rate of one second per 1000 seconds of real time outside the emulator").

Do pictures ever get stored in RAM?

I am a beginner C++ programmer.
I wrote a simple program that creates a char array (the size is user's choice) and reads what previous information was in it. Often you can find something that makes sense but most of it is just strange characters. I made it output into a binary file.
Why do I often find multiple copies of the alphabet?
Is it possible to find a picture inside of the RAM chunk I retrieved?
I heard about file signatures (headers), which goes before any of the data in a file, but do "trailers" go in the back after all the data?
When you read uninitialized data from memory that you allocated, you'll never see any data from another process. You only ever see data that your own process has written. That is: your code plus all the libraries that you called.
This is a security feature of your kernel: It never leaks information from a process unless it's specifically asked to transfer that information.
If you didn't load a picture in memory, you'll never see one using this method.
Assumning your computer runs Linux, Windows, MacOS or something like that, there will NEVER be any pictures in the memory your process uses - unless you loaded them into your process. For security reasons, the memory used by other processes is cleared before it gets given to YOUR process. This is the case for all modern OS's, and has been the case for multi-user OS's (Unix, VAX-VMS, etc) more or less since they were first invented in the late 1950's or early 1960's - because someone figured out that it's kind of unfun when "your" data is found by someone else who is just out there fishing for it.
Even a process that has ended will have it's memory cleared - how would you like it if your password was still stored in memory for someone to find when the program that reads the password ended? [Programs that hold highly sensitive data, such as encryption keys or passwords, often manually (as in using code, but not waiting until the OS clears it when the process ends) clear the memory used to store such, because of the below debug functionally allowing the memory content to be inspected at any time, and the shorter time, the less likely a leak of sensitive information]
Once memory has been allocated to your process, and freed again, it will contain whatever happens to be in that memory, as clearing it takes extra time, and most of the time, you'd want to fill it with something else anyway. So it contains whatever it happens to contain, and if you poke around it, you will potentially "find stuff". But it's all your own processes work.
Most OS's have a way to read what another process is doing as part of the debug functionality (if you run the "debugger" in your system, it will of course run as a separate process, but needs to be able to access your program when you debug it, so there needs to be ways to read the memory of that process), but that requires a little more effort than just calling new or malloc (and you either will need to have extra permissions (superuser, adminstrator, etc), or be the owner of the other process too).
Of course, if your computer is running DOS or CP/M, it has no such security features, and you get whatever happens to be in the memory (and you could also just make up a pointer to an arbitrary address and read it, as long as you stay within the memory range of the system).

'Hooking' a memory address with C++?

How reliable is hooking for changing a single static memory address when it hits certain values?
What I'm used to doing is using read/write memory out of a basic c++ application, though I find sometimes this is not reliable for addresses that change 1000+ times per second. Often time my application cannot catch the value at the address with a case function in time enough to change it to another value. How exactly does this concept of hooking work, and does it ever miss a value change? I'm using Win 7 Ult. x86
(reusing an answer I gave to a question I thought was related, but turned out not to be.)
There are environment-specific ways to detect when a variable is changed. You can use the MMU access control flags (via mprotect or VirtualProtect) to generate an exception on the first write, and set a dirty flag from inside the handler. (Almost every modern OS does this with memory-mapped files, to find out whether it needs to be written back to disk). Or you can use a hardware breakpoint to match a write to that address (debuggers use this to implement breakpoints on variables).
Hooking can be done in many ways.
Most require you to have code inside your target process making ReadProcessMemory obsolete (just use pointers and dereference them).
If you want to hook though you can do it like this:
Find out what instruction(s) write to that address (debugger memory breakpoint), it will most likely be a function so what I usually do is just patch some bytes near the beginning to redirect execution flow to my code where it will be executed every time that function is called, what I sometimes do is also alter the return address on the stack so that I can examine and control the return value as well as execute code I want executed after the function is finished (for example, get some info from the stack because I am either too lazy to dig out the structures used to store it or if it's temporary it will be discarded and never saved).

What to do when an out-of-memory error occurs? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What's the graceful way of handling out of memory situations in C/C++?
this seems to be a simple question a first glance. And I don't want to start a huge discussion on what-is-the-best-way-to-do-this....
Context: Windows >= 5, 32 bit, C++, Windows SDK / Win32 API
But after asking a similar question, I read some MSDN and about the Win32 memory management, so now I'm even more confused on what to do if an allocation fails, let's say the C++ new operator.
So I'm very interested now in how you implement (and implicitly, if you do implement) an error handling for OOM in your applications.
If, where (main function?), for which operations (allocations) , and how you handle an OOM error.
(I don't really mean that subjectively, turning this into a question of preference, I just like to see different approaches that account for different conditions or fit different situations. So feel free to offer answers for GUI apps, services - user-mode stuff ....)
Some exemplary reactions to OOM to show what I mean:
GUI app: Message box, exit process
non-GUI app: Log error, exit process
service: try to recover, e.g. kill the thread that raised an exception, but continue execution
critical app: try again until an allocation succeeds (reducing the requested amount of memory)
hands from OOM, let STL / boost / OS handle it
Thank you for your answers!
The best-explained way will receive the great honour of being an accepted answer :D - even if it only consists of a MessageBox line, but explains why evering else was useless, wrong or unneccessary.
Edit: I appreciate your answers so far, but I'm missing a bit of an actual answer; what I mean is most of you say don't mind OOM since you can't do anything when there's no memory left (system hangs / poor performance). But does that mean to avoid any error handling for OOM? Or only do a simple try-catch in the main showing a MessageBox?
On most modern OSes, OOM will occur long after the system has become completely unusable, since before actually running out, the virtual memory system will start paging physical RAM out to make room for allocating additional virtual memory and in all likelihood the hard disk will begin to thrash like crazy as pages have to be swapped in and out at higher and higher frequencies.
In short, you have much more serious concerns to deal with before you go anywhere near OOM conditions.
Side note: At the moment, the above statement isn't as true as it used to be, since 32-bit machines with loads of physical RAM can exhaust their address space before they start to page. But this is still not common and is only temporary, as 64-bit ramps up and approaches mainstream adoption.
Edit: It seems that 64-bit is already mainstream. While perusing the Dell web site, I couldn't find a single 32-bit system on offer.
You do the exact same thing you do when:
you created 10,000 windows
you allocated 10,000 handles
you created 2,000 threads
you exceeded your quota of kernel pool memory
you filled up the hard disk to capacity.
You send your customer a very humble message where you apologize for writing such crappy code and promise a delivery date for the bug fix. Any else is not nearly good enough. How you want to be notified about it is up to you.
Basically, you should do whatever you can to avoid having the user lose important data. If disk space is available, you might write out recovery files. If you want to be super helpful, you might allocate recovery files while your program is open, to ensure that they will be available in case of emergency.
Simply display a message or dialog box (depending on whether your in a terminal or window system), saying "Error: Out of memory", possibly with debugging info, and include an option for your user to file a bug report, or a web link to where they can do that.
If your really out of memory then, in all honesty, there's no point doing anything other than gracefully exiting, trying to handle the error is useless as there is nothing you can do.
In my case, what happens when you have an app that fragments the memory up so much it cannot allocate the contiguous block needed to process the huge amount of nodes?
Well, I split the processing up as much as I could.
For OOM, you can do the same thing, chop your processes up into as many pieces as possible and do them sequentially.
Of course, for handling the error until you get to fix it (if you can!), you typically let it crash. Then you determine that those memory allocs are failing (like you never expected) and put a error message direct to the user along the lines of "oh dear, its all gone wrong. log a call with the support dept". In all cases, you inform the user however you like. Though, its established practice to use whatever mechanism the app currently uses - if it writes to a log file, do that, if it displays an error dialog, do the same, if it uses the Windows 'send info to microsoft' dialog, go right ahead and let that be the bearer of bad tidings - users are expecting it, so don't try to be clever and do something else.
It depends on your app, your skill level, and your time. If it needs to be running 24/7 then obviously you must handle it. It depends on the situation. Perhaps it may be possible to try a slower algorithm but one that requires less heap. Maybe you can add functionality so that if OOM does occur your app is capable of cleaning itself up, and so you can try again.
So I think the answer is 'ALL OF THE ABOVE!', apart from LET IT CRASH. You take pride in your work, right?
Don't fall into the 'there's loads of memory so it probably won't happen' trap. If every app writer took that attitude you'd see OOM far more often, and not all apps are running on a desktop machines, take a mobile phone for example, it's highly likely for you to run into OOM on a RAM starved platform like that, trust me!
If all else fails display a useful message (assuming there's enough memory for a MessageBox!)

Permanent Memory Address

With my basic knowledge of C++, I've managed to whip together a simple program that reads some data from a program (using ReadProcessMemory) and sends it to my web server every five minutes, so I can see the status of said program while I'm not at home.
I found the memory addresses to read from using a program designed to hack games called "Memory Hacking Software." The problem is, the addresses change whenever I move the program to another machine.
My question is: is there a way to find a 'permanent' address that is the same on any machine? Or is this simply impossible. Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but I don't know a whole lot on the subject. Or perhaps another means to access information from a running program.
Thanks for any and all help!
There are ways to do it such as being able to recognise memory patterns around the thing you're looking for. Crackers can use this to find memory locations to patch even with software that "moves around", so to speak (as with operating systems that provide randomisation of address spaces).
For example, if you know that there are fixed character strings always located X bytes beyond the area of interest, you can scan the whole address space to find them, then calculate the area of interest from that.
However, it's not always as reliable as you might think.
I would instead be thinking of another way to achieve your ends, one that doesn't involve battling the features that are protecting such software from malicious behaviour.
Think of questions like:
Why exactly do you need access to the address space at all?
Does the program itself provide status information in a more workable manner?
If the program is yours, can you modify it to provide that information?
If you only need to know if the program is doing its job, can you simply "ping" the program (e.g., for a web page, send an HTML request and ensure you get a valid response)?
As a last resort, can you convince the OS to load your program without address space randomisation then continue using your (somewhat dubious) method?
Given your comment that:
I use the program on four machines and I have to "re-find" the addresses (8 of them) on all of them every time they update the program.
I would simply opt for automating this process. This is what some cracking software does. It scans files or in-memory code and data looking for markers that it can use for locating an area of interest.
If you can do it manually, you should be able to write a program that can do it. Have that program locate the areas of interest (by reading the process address space) and, once they're found, just read your required information from there. If the methods of finding them changes with each release (instead of just the actual locations), you'll probably need to update your locator routines with each release of their software but, unfortunately, that's the price you pay for the chosen method.
It's unlikely the program you're trying to read will be as secure as some - I've seen some move their areas of interest around as the program is running, to try and confuse crackers.
What you are asking for is impossible by design. ASLR is designed specifically to prevent this kind of snooping.
What kind of information are you getting from the remote process?
Sorry, this isn't possible. The memory layout of processes isn't going to be reliably consistent.
You can achieve your goal in a number of ways:
Add a client/server protocol that you can connect to and ask "what's your status?" (this also lends itself nicely to asking for more info).
Have the process periodically touch a file, the "monitor" can check the modification time of that file to see if the process is dead.