I have a list containing some objects that i want to display in django tables 2 but as a result i got the - in all the columns.
My list is like this format [[<Person>],[<Person>]]
Reading the documentation I've found that this format works :
data = [
{"name": "Bradley"},
{"name": "Stevie"},
How can I get a format like this knowing that my data is dynamic?
Update :
I tried this :
for x in person_list:
for y in x:
{"firstname": y.firstname},
The problem is now it displays every field in a row, I mean first name in row and surname in another one. How to append to the same data ?
Try to produce your data table manually
I suppose person has first_name field
data=[{"name": x.first_name} for x in persons_list]
Ok so I found the solution to this inspired by this :
for x in person_list:
for y in x:
And it works like a charm !
I'm quite new in python coding and I canĀ“t solve the following problem:
I have a list with trackingpoints for different animals(ID,date,time,lat,lon) given in strings:
aList = [[id,date,time,lat,lon],
The txt file is very big and the IDs(a unique animal) is occuring multiple times:
aList = [['25','20-05-13','15:16:17','34.89932','24.09421'],
What I'm trying to do is order the ID's in dictionaries so each unique ID will be the key and all the dates, times, latitudes and longitudes will be the values. Then I would like to write each individual ID to a new txt file so all the values for a specific ID are in one txt file. The output should look like this:
I have tried the following (and a lot of other solutions which didn't work):
items = {}
for line in aList:
key,value = lines[0],lines[1:]
items[key] = value
Which results in a key with the last value in the list forthat particular key :
How can I loop through my list and assign the same IDs to the same key and all the corresponding values?
Is there any simple solution to this? Other "easier to implement" solutions are welcome!
I hope it makes sense :)
Try adding all the lists that match to the same ID as list of lists:
aList = [['25','20-05-13','15:16:17','34.89932','24.09421'],
items = {}
for line in aList:
key,value = line[0],line[1:]
if key in items:
items[key] = [value]
print items
{'24': [['20-05-13', '15:16:18', '35.89932', '23.09421']], '25': [['20-05-13', '15:16:17', '34.89932', '24.09421'], ['20-05-13', '15:18:15', '34.89932', '24.13421']]}
I am aware that Dedupe uses Active learning to remove duplicates and perform Record linkage.
However , I would like to know if we can pass excel sheet with already matched pairs(label data) as the input for active learning?
Not directly.
You'll need to get your data into a format that markPairs can consume.
Something like:
labeled_examples = {'match' : [],
'distinct' : [({'name' : 'Georgie Porgie'},
{'name' : 'Georgette Porgette'})]
We do provide a convenience function for getting spreadsheet data into this format trainingDataDedupe.
(I am an author of dedupe)
I use Python client driver and the structure of my documents is :
{"key1": ["value1"], "key2": ["value2"], ..., "key7": ["value7"]}
let say "value7" is "In every time in every place, deeds of men remain the same"
I'd like to retrieve all documents that contain "deed" for key7.
I tried
.filter(lambda row: row['key7'].match('^deed'))
but it doesn't work... I have the follwing message :
rethinkdb.errors.ReqlQueryLogicError: Expected type STRING but found
Here is the solution :
.filter(lambda row: row['key7'].nth(0).match('^deed'))
I am new to geode .
I am adding like below:
gfsh>put --key=('id':'11') --value=('firstname':'Amaresh','lastname':'Dhal') --region=region
Result : true
Key Class : java.lang.String
Key : ('id':'11')
Value Class : java.lang.String
Old Value : <NULL>
when I query like this:
gfsh>query --query="select * from /region"
Result : true
startCount : 0
endCount : 20
Rows : 9
When I am trying to query like below I am not getting the value:
gfsh>query --query="select * from /region r where r.id='11'"
Result : true
startCount : 0
endCount : 20
Rows : 0
Ofcourse I can use get command...But i want to use where condition..Where I am doing wrong..It gives no output
In Geode the key is not "just another column". In fact, the basic query syntax implicitly queries only the fields of the value. However, you can include the key in your query using this syntax:
select value.lastname, value.firstname from /region.entries where key.id=11
Also, it is fairly common practice to include the id field in your value class even though it is not strictly required.
What Randy said is exactly right, the 'key" is not another column. The exact format of the query should be
gfsh>query --query="select * from /Address.entries where key=2"
What you are looking for here is getting all the "entries" on the region "Address" and then querying the key.
To check which one you want to query you can fire this query
gfsh>query --query="select * from /Address.entries"
You can always use the get command to fetch the data pertaining to a specific key.
get --key=<KEY_NAME> --region=<REGION_NAME>
get --key=1 --region=Address
Reference: https://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/910/geode/tools_modules/gfsh/command-pages/get.html
I have a list of pk's and I would like to get the result in the same order that my list is defined... But the order of the elements is begging changed. How any one help me?
print list_ids
[31189, 31191, 31327, 31406, 31352, 31395, 31309, 30071, 31434, 31435]
for o in obj_oportunidades:
print o
31395 31435 31434 30071 31309 31406 31189 31191 31352 31327
This object should be used in template to show some results to the user... But how you can see, the order is different from the original list_ids
Would have been nice to have this feature in SQL - sorting by a known list of values.
Instead, what you could do is:
all_opor = []
for o in obj_oportunidades:
print o
for i in list_ids:
if i in all_opor:
print all_opor.index(i)
Downside is that you have to get all the result rows first and store them before getting them in the order you want. (all_opor could be a dictionary above, with the table records stored in the values and the PKeys as dict keys.)
Other way, create a temp table with (Sort_Order, Pkey) and add that to the query:
Sort_Order PKey
1 31189
2 31191
So when you sort on Sort_Order and Opor.objects, you'll get Pkeys it in the order you specify.
I found a solution in: http://davedash.com/2010/02/11/retrieving-elements-in-a-specific-order-in-django-and-mysql/ it's suited me perfectly.
ids = [a_list, of, ordered, ids]
addons = Addon.objects.filter(id__in=ids).extra(
select={'manual': 'FIELD(id,%s)' % ','.join(map(str,ids))},
This code do something similiar to MySQL "ORDER BY FIELD".
This guy: http://blog.mathieu-leplatre.info/django-create-a-queryset-from-a-list-preserving-order.html
Solved the problem for both MySQL and PostgreSQL!
If you are using PostgreSQL go to that page.