z direction of a matrix in a GLSL shader - glsl

I have the following (working) code in a GLSL shader:
vec3 normal = vec3(u_mvMatrix * vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0));//normal in eye space (no scaling in u_mvMatrix).
However, since what I need is just the z direction of the u_mvMatrix, which of the following lines is equivalent to the line above:
vec3 normal = u_mvMatrix[2].xyz;
vec3 normal = vec3(u_mvMatrix[0].z,u_mvMatrix[1].z,u_mvMatrix[2].z);
Thanks in advance for your help!

OpenGL matrices are column-major by default.
You can make them row-major in GLSL with a layout qualifier (e.g. layout (row_major) uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix;). Note that pre-multiplication of a row-major matrix is the same as post-multiplication of a column-major matrix, so this is a true statement:
(mat * vec) == (vec * transpose (mat))
In the fixed-function pipeline when OpenGL does a matrix multiply, it is always column-major and post-multiplied. Direct3D is row-major and pre-multiplied. In the programmable pipeline you have full control over the matrix notation and whether you pre- or post-multiply.
Getting back to your question, in this example you are post-multiplying (the matrix is on the l-hand side of the * operator) a column-major matrix. The correct equivalence is therefore vec3 normal = u_mvMatrix [2].xyz;
For a lengthy article that does a decent job explaining what I just wrote, see this site.


Packing the normal vector and tangent vector

In the deferred shading engine I'm working on, I currently store the normal vector in a buffer with the internal format GL_RGBA16F.
I was always aware that this could not be the best solution, but I had no time to deal with it.
Recently I read "Survey of Efficient Representations for Independent Unit Vectors", which inspired me to use Octahedral Normal Vectors (ONV) and to change the buffer to GL_RG16_SNORM:
Encode the normal vector (vec3 to vec2):
// Returns +/- 1
vec2 signNotZero( vec2 v )
return vec2((v.x >= 0.0) ? +1.0 : -1.0, (v.y >= 0.0) ? +1.0 : -1.0);
// Assume normalized input. Output is on [-1, 1] for each component.
vec2 float32x3_to_oct( in vec3 v )
// Project the sphere onto the octahedron, and then onto the xy plane
vec2 p = v.xy * (1.0 / (abs(v.x) + abs(v.y) + abs(v.z)));
// Reflect the folds of the lower hemisphere over the diagonals
return (v.z <= 0.0) ? ((1.0 - abs(p.yx)) * signNotZero(p)) : p;
Decode the normal vector (vec2 to vec3):
vec3 oct_to_float32x3( vec2 e )
vec3 v = vec3(e.xy, 1.0 - abs(e.x) - abs(e.y));
if (v.z < 0) v.xy = (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signNotZero(v.xy);
return normalize(v);
Since I have implemented an anisotropic light model right now, it is necessary to store the tangent vector as well as the normal vector. I want to store both vectors in one and the same color attachment of the frame buffer. That brings me to my question. What is a efficient compromise to pack a unit normal vector and tangent vector in a buffer?
Of course it would be easy with the algorithms from the paper to store the normal vector in the RG channels and the tangent vector in the BA channels of a GL_RGBA16_SNORM buffer, and this is my current implementation too.
But since the normal vector an the tangent vector are always orthogonal, there must be more elegant way, which either increases accuracy or saves memory.
So the real question is: How can I take advantage of the fact that I know that 2 vectors are orthogonal? Can I store both vectors in an GL_RGB16_SNORM buffer and if not can I improve the accuracy when I pack them to a GL_RGBA16_SNORM buffer.
The following considerations are purely mathematical and I have no experience with their practicality. However, I think that especially Option 2 might be a viable candidate.
Both of the following options have in common how they state the problem: Given a normal (that you can reconstruct using ONV), how can one encode the tangent with a single number.
Option 1
The first option is very close to what meowgoesthedog suggested. Define an arbitrary reference vector (e.g. (0, 0, 1)). Then encode the tangent as the angle (normalized to the [-1, 1] range) that you need to rotate this vector about the normal to match the tangent direction (after projecting on the tangent plane, of course). You will need two different reference vectors (or even three) and choose the correct one depending on the normal. You don't want the reference vector to be parallel to the normal. I assume that this is computationally more expensive than the second option but that would need measuring. But you would get a uniform error distribution in return.
Option 2
Let's consider the plane orthogonal to the tangent. This plane can be defined either by the tangent or by two vectors that lie in the plane. We know one vector: the surface normal. If we know a second vector v, we can calculate the tangent as t = normalize(cross(normal, v)). To encode this vector, we can prescribe two components and solve for the remaining one. E.g. let our vector be (1, 1, x). Then, to encode the vector, we need to find x, such that cross((1, 1, x), normal) is parallel to the tangent. This can be done with some simple arithmetic. Again, you would need a few different vector templates to account for all scenarios. In the end, you have a scheme whose encoder is more complex but whose decoder couldn't be simpler. The error distribution will not be as uniform as in Option 1, but should be ok for a reasonable choice of vector templates.

Transformation in vertex shader only works with post-multiplying

I am currently in the process of learning OpenGL and GLSL to write a simple software that loads models, display them on the screen, transform them etc.
As a first stage, I wrote a pure-C++ program without using OpenGL.
it works great, and it uses a Row-major matrix representation:
So for instance mat[i][j] means row i and column j.
class mat4
vec4 _m[4]; // vec4 is a struct with 4 fields
This is the relevant matrix multiplication method:
mat4 operator*(const mat4& m) const
mat4 a(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
a[i][j] += _m[i][k] * m[k][j];
return a;
In order to get from model space to clip space I do as follows in C++:
vec4 vertexInClipSpace = projectionMat4 * viewMat4 * modelMat4 * vertexInModelSpace;
Now, trying to implement that in a GLSL Shader (Version 1.5) yields weird results. It works, but only if I post multiply the vertex instead of pre-multiplying it and in addition transpose each of the matrices.
uniform mat4 m;
uniform mat4 v;
uniform mat4 p;
void main()
// works ok, but using post multiplication and transposed matrices :
gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 1.0f) * m * v * p;
Although mathematically OK as v2 = P * V * M * v1 is the same as transpose(v2) = transpose(v1) * transpose(M) * transpose(V) * transpose(P) ,
I obviously don't get something because I have not seen even 1 reference where they post multiply a vertex in the vertex shader.
To sum up, here are specific questions:
Why does this works? is it even legal to post multiply in glsl?
How can I pass my C++ matrices so that they work properly inside the shader?
Links to related Questions:
link 1
link 2
Problem was sort of "solved" by altering the "transpose" flag in the call to:
Now the multiplication in the shader is a pre-multiplication:
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(vertex, 1.0f);
Which kind of left me puzzled as the mathematics doesn't make sense for a column-major matrices that are a transpose of row major matrices.
could someone please explain?
Citing OpenGL faq:
For programming purposes, OpenGL matrices are 16-value arrays with
base vectors laid out contiguously in memory. The translation
components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th elements of the 16-element
matrix, where indices are numbered from 1 to 16 as described in
section 2.11.2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification.
Column-major versus row-major is purely a notational convention. Note
that post-multiplying with column-major matrices produces the same
result as pre-multiplying with row-major matrices. The OpenGL
Specification and the OpenGL Reference Manual both use column-major
notation. You can use any notation, as long as it's clearly stated.
About some conventions:
Row vs Column Vector
Multiply 2 matrices is possible only if the number of columns of the left matrix is equal to the number of rows of the right matrix.
MatL[r1,c] x MatR[c,r2]
So, if you are working on a piece of paper, considering that a vector is a 1 dimensional matrix, if you want to multiply a 4vec for 4x4matrix then the vector should be:
a row vector if you post-multiply the matrix
a colum vector if you pre-multiply the matrix
Into a computer you can consider 4 consecutive values either as a column or a row (there's no concept of dimension), so you can post-multiply or pre-multiply a vector for the same matrix. Implicitly you are sticking with one of the 2 conventions.
Row Major vs Column Major layout
Computer memory is a continuous space of locations. The concept of multiple dimensions doesn't exist, it's a pure convention. All matrix elements are stored continuously into a one dimensional memory.
If you decide to store a 2 dimensional entity, you have 2 conventions:
storing consecutive row elements in memory (row-major)
storing consecutive column elements in memory (column-major)
Incidentally, transposing the elements of a matrix stored in row major, it's equivalent to store its elements in column major order.
That implies, that swapping the order of the multiplication between a vector and a matrix is equivalent to multiply the same vector in the same order with the transposed matrix.
Open GL
It doesn't officially prescribes any convention, as stated above. I suggest you to look at OpenGL convention as if the translation is stored in the last column and the matrix layout is column major.
Why does this works? is it even legal to post multiply in glsl?
It is legal. As far as you are consistent across you code, either convention/multiplication order is fine.
How can I pass my C++ matrices so that they work properly inside the
If you are using 2 different convention in C++ and in the shader, than you can either transpose the matrix and keep the same multiplication order, or don't transpose the matrix and invert the multiplication order.
If you got any gaps see Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices.
If you swap between column major (OpenGL matrices) and row major (DX and Your matrices) order of matrices then it is the same as transpose so you're right. What you are missing is that:
For orthogonal and orthonormal homogenous transform matrices if you
transpose a matrix it is the same as if you're invert it
Which is answer to your question I think.
transpose(M) = inverse(M)
The other question if it is OK to post multiply a vertex that is only matter of convention and it is not forbidden in GLSL. The whole point of GLSL is that you can do almost anything there.

Getting the Tangent for a Object Space to Texture Space

A university assignment requires me to use the Vertex Coordinates I have to calculate the Normals and the Tangent from the Normal values so that I can create a Object Space to Texture Space Matrix.
I have the code needed to make the Matrix, and the binormal but I don't have the code for calculating the Tangent. I tried to look online, but the answers usually confuse me. Can you explain to me clearly how it works?
EDIT: I have corrected what I wrote previously as clearly I misunderstood the assignment. Thank you everyone for helping me see that.
A tangent in the mathematical sense is a property of a geometric object, not of the normalmap. In case of normalmapping, we are in addition searching for a very specific tangent (there are infinitely many in each point, basically every vector in the plane defined by the normal is a tangent).
But let's go one step back: We want a space where the u-direction of the texture is mapped on the tangent direction, the v-direction on the bitangent/binormal and the up-vector of the normalmap to the normal of the object. Thus the tangent for a triangle (v0, v1, v2) with uv-coordinates (uv1, uv2, uv3) can be calculated as:
dv1 = v1-v0
dv2 = v2-v0
duv1 = uv1-uv0
duv2 = uv2-uv0
r = 1.0f / (duv1.x * duv2.y - duv1.y * duv2.x);
tangent = (dv1 * duv2.y - dv2 * duv1.y) * r;
bitangent = (dv2 * duv1.x - dv1 * duv2.x) * r;
When having this done for all triangles, we have to smooth the tangents at shared vertices (quite similar to what happens with the normal). There are several algorithms for doing this, depending on what you need. One can, for example, weight the tangents by the surface area of the adjacent triangles or by the incident angle of them.
An implementation of this whole calculation can be found [here] along a more detailed explaination: (http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/intermediate-tutorials/tutorial-13-normal-mapping/)

Calculating divergence of vector in GLSL (or gradient of vector)

I have a situation in GLSL where I need to calculate the divergence of a vector in fragment shader
vec3 posVector;
Divergence is mathematically given by
It's a dot product between vector and Gradient.
Does anyone how to compute this ?
The divergence of the position vector is the the divergence of the identity vector field
F: ℝ³ -> ℝ³
F(r_) = r_
and div of that is both const and known:
div(r_) = 3.

What does (gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w) represent?

I want actual world space distance, and I get the feeling from experimentation that
(gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w)
is the depth in world space? But I'm not too sure.
EDIT I've just found where I had originally located this snippet of code. Apparently it is the actual depth from the camera?
This was asked (by the same person) and answered elsewhere. I'm paraphrasing and embellishing the answer here:
As stated in section 15.2.2 of the OpenGL 4.3 core profile specification (PDF), gl_FragCoord.w is 1 / clip.w, where clip.w is the W component of the clip-space position (ie: what you wrote to gl_Position).
gl_FragCoord.z is generated by the following process, assuming the usual transforms:
Camera-space to clip-space transform, via projection matrix multiplication in the vertex shader. clip.z = (projectionMatrix * cameraPosition).z
Transform to normalized device coordinates. ndc.z = clip.z / clip.w
Transform to window coordinates, using the glDepthRange near/far values. win.z = ((dfar-dnear)/2) * ndc.z + (dfar+dnear)/2.
Now, using the default depth range of near=0, far=1, we can define win.z in terms of clip-space: (clip.z/clip.w)/2 + 0.5. If we then divide this by gl_FragCoord.w, that is the equivalent of multiplying by clip.w, thus giving us:
(gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w) = clip.z/2 + clip.w/2 = (clip.z + clip.w) / 2
Using the standard projection matrix, clip.z represents a scale and offset from camera-space Z component. The scale and offset are defined by the camera's near/far depth values. clip.w is, again in the standard projection matrix, just the negation of the camera-space Z. Therefore, we can redefine our equation in those terms:
(gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w) = (A * cam.z + B -cam.z)/2 = (C * cam.z + D)
Where A and B represent the offset and scale based on near/far, and C = (A - 1)/2 and D = B / 2.
Therefore, gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w is not the camera-space (or world-space) distance to the camera. Nor is it the camera-space planar distance to the camera. But it is a linear transform of the camera-space depth. You could use it as a way to compare two depth values together, if they came from the same projection matrix and so forth.
To actually compute the camera-space Z, you need to either pass the camera near/far from your matrix (OpenGL already gives you the range near/far) and compute those A and B values from them, or you need to use the inverse of the projection matrix. Alternatively, you could just use the projection matrix directly yourself, since fragment shaders can use the same uniforms available to vertex shaders. You can pick the A and B terms directly from that matrix. A = projectionMatrix[2][2], and B = projectionMatrix[3][2].
According to the docs:
Available only in the fragment language, gl_FragDepth is an output variable that
is used to establish the depth value for the current fragment. If depth buffering
is enabled and no shader writes to gl_FragDepth, then the fixed function value
for depth will be used (this value is contained in the z component of
gl_FragCoord) otherwise, the value written to gl_FragDepth is used.
So, it looks like gl_FragDepth should just be gl_FragCoord.z unless you've set it somewhere else in your shaders.
gl_FragCoord.w = 1.0 / gl_Position.w
And (likely) your projection matrix gets w from -z (if the last column is 0,0,-1,0) then;
float distanceToCamera = 1.0 / gl_FragCoord.w;