How do you change your app icon in visual studio 2013? - c++

I'm new to visual studios and I just created this very short calculator and I want to put it on mediafire for people to download but I wanted to change the icon..
I've heard that you select your app in solution explorer and Project>Properties
But my properties menu seems different.
It saids calculator property pages.
It doesnt have the tabs like ~Publish~ or ~Applications~ where people said you change your icon.
My properties is like this:
Configuration: Active(Debug)
and some other stuff below it some complicated stuff(to me)
Why doesnt mine have what other people have? I just want to share my first ever app with a custom icon. Help please, will appreciate it.

Create a text file, rename it res.rc, edit it to contain the line:
201 ICON "myicon.ico"
Add that file to your project. The file myicon.ico must exists.
Note: This is a bit hacky, the numerical vaulues should preferably be defined in a header.

You might be confused because Visual Studio supports different languages, and its UI is not consistent across those languages. Since you tagged it C++, the "old" rules apply. An application icon is a so-called resource.
You have to provide an .ico file, and reference it in a .rc file. The resource compiler (RC) compiles it into a .res file, and the linker then adds it to the EXE.

In C++, if you open the form in designer view, the properties window has an icon property that will allow you to browse for the icon of your choice.

Just for reference, i spent two hours trying to change it without any success until i resized the icon, it should be 32x32 and another one for small icon -not sure if its necessary though- with 16x16.
visual studio creates two icons when create the project , one is called small.ico and one is name yourexe.ico, just replace those and make sure to have correct sizes.


In Visual C++ 2017: Where in the property pages does it say what Application Types correspond to the projets?

I am trying to recreate a Visual C++ Solution that had about 30 projects so that the general organization will be cleaner.
The original "solution" was in fact a Visual C++ 6 workspace from the turn of the century, migrated into VS 2017.
Some of the projects will be close to being clones of the old ones.
When I try to create a project, I am asked what Application Type it must be:
Single Document/Multiple document/Dialog based or Multiple top level documents.
I thought I could guess this by looking at the property pages of the existing documents, but I can't seem to find it. Or am I likely to be going in the wrong direction?
As far as I'm concerned, we couldn't guess this by looking at the property pages of the existing documents. I suggest that you could check MainFrm.cpp in the project source file to distinguish the project from a single document / multiple documents / dialog based or multiple top-level documents.
A multiple documents:the document's frame window can hold multiple child windows.
A single document:the document's frame window can hold only one document.
dialog based: There is no MainFrm.cpp in the source file.
multiple top-level documents:Creates a multiple top-level architecture for your application, where a view class is based on CView.
clicks New Frame on the File menu:
For more details, I suggest you could refer to the Application Type, MFC Application Wizard

Is there any sort of "Codelet Template" in KDevelop?

Everytime I need to input a piece of code such as "switch .. case" or "declaring a class", I desire a way I can rapidly achieve it by hitting a shortcut.
In many IDEs, we can do it by pressing some shortcut keys, and IDEs will paste a little piece of pre-defined code at the position of the focuse.
Is there any similar way in KDevelop?
I'm not meaning the File/Project Templates here.
Yes, use the 'Snippets' plugin distributed with Kate.
Install the Kate editor. Several of the plugins included can also be used in KDevelop; there's been some discussion of distributing those separately but it hasn't happened yet.
In KDevelop, use the menu Window -> Add Tool View and select 'Snippets'.
There will be a 'Snippets' toolview. Click on entries to paste them, or you can bind a shortcut. You can add new entries and categories.

How to see the list of objects in current file in Visual C++ 2012?

Assume we have the huge Visual Studio solution and there are many files (tabs) opened. Does Visual Studio 2012 (Visual C++ particularly) have any View panel which will show the interactive list of objects from the current file when I switch to the corresponding tab? Or maybe there is an official extension which will help me? The standart Object Browser is not exactly what I want, because I'd like to see the list of all objects from the current file and only them.
Edit: I mean the list of all classes, structures, variables, methods etc., no matter declared or only defined in this file.
Did you try Visual-Assist extension? It might be helpful.
Use Object Browser.
The Object Browser lets you select and examine the namespaces, classes, methods, and other programming symbols available for use in your project. You can open the Object Browser from the View menu, by clicking the Object Browser button on the main toolbar, or by typing CTRL+ALT+J. It will work for VS2005, VS2008, VS2010 and VS2012. Check out here for more info.
EDIT: If you want to see a so-called global tree view. I only know this works for WPF projects. You can use the WPF Tree visualizer to explore the visual tree of a WPF object, and to view the WPF dependency properties for the objects that are contained in that tree. For more information about visual trees, see Trees in WPF. For more information about dependency properties, see Dependency Properties Overview. Check out here.

Using a dialog box to graphically retrieve user input

I am not new in C++ but this is my first time developing a Win32 program. It has to be graphical and so I have been attempting to get user input using an input/dialog box with no success.
I have read this topic on MSDN and found it helpful, but I get an error about IDD_PASSWORD and IDE_PASSWORD not being defined. Declaring them in resource.h and giving arbitrary values (like 110, 111) yields no results. Other attempts I have tried to modify the auto-generated about box, which also yields no results after modification, I noticed that if i change the value of IDD_ABOUTBOX in resource.h from 103, this also does not work. I also tried using the .rc under Resource View, but still no results.
So I'd like to know if the resource box templates have predefined constant numbers that i have to use, if so where because I searched that too or if there is another way to obtain user input in a windowed application. I just want to obtain an integer, that's all.
There is nothing magic in the numbers assigned to resources. The numbers are what the code actually uses to identify the resources. Visual Studio just allows you to assign symbolic names to those numbers through the use of C macros (i.e., #define) to make your code easier to read. These values are all defined in the file resource.h by convention, and although you can modify that file manually, you usually should not do so—let the Visual Studio Resource Editor handle that for you.
The problem you're running into is that you actually have to create those resources first before the numbers will mean anything. When you create a new Win32 project, Visual Studio will automatically create an about box dialog and give it the symbolic ID IDD_ABOUTBOX. However, there is no such IDD_PASSWORD dialog created by default in a new project, and there isn't one built into Windows.
You can create this dialog yourself using the Dialog Editor (part of Visual Studio's Resource Editor), which is pretty easy to do as it allows you to drag controls around on the dialog where WYSIWYG. When you add a new dialog box to your project's resources, you will be given the option to name it anything you like. You can use IDD_PASSWORD if you want, or any other name. A numeric ID will be assigned automatically based on an algorithm; generally the lowest available number is used.
The article you linked to is assuming that you have already added a dialog to your project with the symbolic name IDD_PASSWORD (which is probably a mistake on the part of the author). All it shows you is how to display that dialog once it exists as part of your project's resources.
It's going to be somewhat difficult to learn Win32 programming just by reading the MSDN documentation. I strongly suggest getting a book that explains it more clearly and in a more logical order. The canonical text is Charles Petzold's Programming Windows, 5th Edition. Note that you will need to make sure you get the 5th edition, as the newer editions digress from their Win32 roots and start talking about completely unrelated things like C# and Silverlight.
If you absolutely must learn by trial-and-error and MSDN, start reading about dialog box resources here.

Renaming a form in Visual C++

I start Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I chose to start a new project on the Welcome Page. Ofcourse my preferred language is Visual C++ and I'm chosing to begin a Windows Forms Application. I give up a name like Calculator for this one. I do not touch the other options on this dialog. The project gets created and a new Form1.h is automatically added to the project, and a Form1.resX is also added. Because 'Form1' is useless to me, I'dd like to rename it to something more VB6 style, like "frmMain.h". So I right click the Form and simply chose "Rename". After accepting my new name, the necessary changes seem to be occuring. first impression But now, when I try to build this project, It gives a BUILD FAILED. When I look into my files.. Form1 is still mentioned..
So my question is: How do you actually/OFFICIALLY rename Forms?
I've been reading a lot about this and mostly the answer is to delete the form, and re add a new with the right name.. I've heard also that VS asks to rename all references to it, but that doesn't show up to me. Some other people say, you have to use the quick replace function, and rename all references to this class and its file.. This is not a good way to me.. Or is it really the standard procedure?
I have programming experience in C++ and I know about classes and polymorfism and so on. But this is one of the simplest things that keeps me annoying!
You are using VC++.NET to create .NET applications (Windows Form in your case). I must warn you that VS is not very friendly for VC (refactoring, renaming, and little intellisense).
In this case, you renamed the form which will make VS also rename the Form1.resX, but it will not rename the class. It will do it if in C# or VB.NET. Just open the .h file and rename the class itself to match the name of the file.
You also need to update the main .cpp file where "main" resides, and update the Application::Run(gcnew Form1()); in there as well include the "#include".
A solution replace will work (Ctrl+Shift+H), but be careful with this.
click on the form -> properties -> text (usually named as Form1) -> change it.