ember nested route doesnt resolve with direct entry - ember.js

Edit(current jsbin http://jsbin.com/univer/17/edit ) see comments
Output:: http://jsbin.com/univer/3/
Code:: http://jsbin.com/univer/3/edit
I'm not using the ID for the url, I'm using a slug I pass in. I don't know if that has anything to do with the issue but I can navigate directly to the nested route.
If you go here jsbin.com/univer/3#/projects/ , everything works as intended. However, if you try to go here jsbin.com/univer/3#/projects/project-1, the page is blank.
Using the rest adapter, I have the projects view rendering with the same code but the model never get's set on the project view. When you navigate directly to the page, the view renders but all you see is "This is the model:" without the name.
Any help is greatly appreciated. If needed, I can make my API public to test on the REST adapter itself but thought the fixture adapter should work the same.

First issue is with the setupController method for App.ProjectRoute. It is missing the controller, model arguments.
App.ProjectRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupConroller:function(controller, model){
Next issue is that the FixtureAdapter does not support findQuery out-of-box. If you're planning to use RestAdapter instead this might not be important, but if you want to make things work in jsBin using FixtureAdapter will need to reopen DS.FixtureAdapter and add a custom queryFixtures method. Advice on how to do that can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18165887/983357


Ember View loses content

I am working on a bit of code to show a D3 chart using Ember fixture data as the source for the data. The charts show up just fine on the first load of the page but if I move to a different route & then return to the first route (the one with the working chart) the chart simply disappears. So I guess my question is, how do I get the chart to appear every time the route is visited? Here is what my Route and View code looks like, will add more code if requested.
Updated with JS Bin: http://jsbin.com/ihapaz/2/edit
The route may not be getting any data when you return back to it. When using linkTo the model hooks are not fired. The setupController is called directly with the model that you pass to linkTo. However if the route depends on the model hook having fired to load it data then the view would be empty as it wouldn't have any data to render.
That's the only thing that comes to mind from the above code. Try posting a jsbin if this doesn't work.
Edit: Post jsbin
After looking at your jsbin I realized my earlier answer was incorrect. In general it is true that linkTo skips the model hook, but only if dynamic segments are present. Your route has no dynamic segments. Hence the model hook will always be called, so the view/chart is getting data correctly.
The error is in your implementation of render. The purpose of the render method is to push strings of html onto the DOM. This isn't the appropriate place for custom DOM insertion. For that you need to put things on the didInsertElement method.
I made these changes, renaming render to didInsertElement and the corresponding updateChart. Here's the updated jsbin.

Transition from one route to another with a different model in Emberjs

I have a search page where we are getting different types of search results. In the list of search results I would like to use
{{#linkTo 'someResources.someResource' result}}{{result.Name}}{{/linkTo}}
And on the route someResources.someResource I want to use a totally different model than on the search page. How do I do that? When I click on the link for the linkTo it doesn't load the model again, instead it tries to use the model named result here.
So what I would like to do is to reload the model when I navigate to someResources.someResource based on the values in result.
The I do have a model named App.SomeResource and a find method for it that works if I go directly to that page.
Ember will bypass the model() hook when using linkTo as you've discovered. The assumption is that you passed a model to it, so it and will use that(result) as the model.
The next hook you can use is setupController. Since you have a model hook that works on the direct route, you can use call it directly from here.
One caveat is that you need to also allow for the direct route loading where the model will already have loaded.
setupController: function(controller, model) {
if (!model.isModel) {
this.model().then(function(result)) {
controller.set('model', result)
model.isModel is this check via an isModel property on the directly loaded model, which should be absent when passed with linkTo.
Note: the above code assumes that you are returning a Promise in your model() hook.
Since the problem is that I want a full reload of the model when doing the transition using linkTo won't work since that is using the model given to it. The solution to the problem is actually quite simple, just use a regular html a-tag instead. What I ended up doing was this:
<a {{bindAttr href="somePropertyInYourModel"}}>{{someTextProperty}}</a>
The property somePropertyInYourModel is a property containing the url to the new page. If the url is in the ember routes it will be as if you where typing that address in the address bar and pressing enter, but without the full reload of the page.
I think this is something that could be improved in ember, it would be much nicer if I could write something like:
{{#linkToRoute "resourceA.routeB" params="val1,val2,val3"}}Go here{{/linkToRoute}}
given I have this routes set up:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource("resourceA", {{path: "/resourceA"}}, function() {
this.route("routeB", {{path: "/:prop1/:prop2/:prop3");
I would like to get:
Go here
The order of the val1,val2,val3 matters, if the order is changed they should also be changed in the final url.

Ember: how do you access the model from the router?

Based on what I've read (please correct me if I'm mistaken), the logic that handles when a model should be saved and where to transition next should be in the router.
If that is the case, I'm running into a bit of a problem: I don't know how to access the model from the route.
This is my controller (and the console logs "CREATED" after I press submit):
App.ScoutsNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
submit: ->
model = #get('model')
model.on 'didCreate', ->
console.log 'CREATED' # I want to redirect to the index after creation
I should move that logic into the route, right? Let's try that:
App.ScoutsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
submit: ->
# Based on what I've read, the right place to put the code you see in the controller is here. How do I get access to the model?
# I have tried #get('model'), #get('content')
Note: I understand that the submit event bubbles up from the view, to the controller, then finally the route, stopping at any one of them that has "submit" defined. So since I want the route to handle it, I removed the controller. I'm able to see any console.log done in the route, I just need to be able to get to the model instance.
I'm using Ember v1.0.0-rc.5-7-g610589a
Two options: this.currentModel or this.modelFor(routeName)
I spoke to SeƱor Alex Matchneer about this. There are no plans for this.currentModel to go away anytime soon, but he considers this.modelFor(this.routeName) the public API.
what should work is
this.currentModel isn't really the approved way as described here
but in my version of Ember (1.11) this.modelFor(this.routeName) returns null, so this is what worked for me
You could also use this.controller.get('model'); but there are plans to remove the controller.
Till that we can use the above code to retrieve the routes current model
With Ember 3.0.0 this is a documented way that works for me:
const model = this.controller.model;

Ember.js - linkTo error on second call

I have a problem using ember especially the linkTo helper.
Here is the : jsfiddle
I can't make the jsfiddle work but here is a link to a running version : running version on cloudfoundry
I use ember-resource.js to get data.
I have two routes, "list" and "item".
Ember modules :
List (controller, route, view and template)
Item (controller, route, view and template)
ItemDetail (controller, view and template) which is included with the controller helper in the Item handlebars template.
The problem is :
When accessing the application from the default route ("#/list") the previous link works perfectly. But when I access the application from a item route ("#/item/1"), the previous link works fine the first time and then doesn't work any more...
And I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong...
Any help would be appreciated...
Don't hesitate to ask extra info
Thanks in advance
Note : I really appreciate ember-resource.js but the stackoverflow tag doesn't exist... Could anyone with 1500 reps create it?
Actually, it's a bug in ember.js that's been solved but not yet released.
It's in the control helper that calls rerender on childViews... Uncommenting this line solved the problem.

Cant figure out views rendering (they are prepended right before /body)

First my apologies: Im very new to ember.js and struggling so far.
I have a pretty basic app written and I've been using this as my main guide: http://trek.github.com/
My biggest issue right now is figuring out how to deal with Views, specifically the rendered HTML and where it appears in the DOM. It appears, at least with my app currently, the DOM elements are created and inserted into the page but right before /body. So everything just loads below the footer of my main site design.
Doesnt seem to matter where placement of the script templates are in relation to the page, or anything like that??
Is there a way to render views to an existing container div or something? Am I thinking about this wrong? Im used to working with jsRender where I have templates setup, but they typically rendered to an in-memory string that I then needed to insert into an existing container like $('#containerDiv').html(myRenderedHtmlFromATemplate);
Thanks for any help or guidance with this!
Ember will want its views to be hierarchical in the DOM so it can rely on event propagation. You probably noticed a <div class="ember-application"> that gets injected, and then all of your views are rendered inside of that.
You can specify the rootElement when you create your Application. The application will be created inside that element and leave the rest of the DOM untouched. If you don't specify that rootElement, then Ember will insert itself right before </body> as you observed.
window.MyApp = Ember.Application.create({
rootElement: "#containerDiv"
Without seeing code it isn't completely clear what exactly is going on, but, I do not see you mention anything about outlets so I assume that might be your problem.
Check out this url on outlets: http://emberjs.com/guides/outlets/
tuxedo25 has the best solution. If you are using StateManager you can also use the following:
App.StateManager = Ember.StateManager.create({
rootElement: '.content',
initialState: 'initial',
initial: Ember.ViewState.create({
route: 'initial',
view: Ember.View.create({ templateName: 'initial' })