problems in virtumart cart page and product description page - joomla2.5

I am using Virtuemart 2 and Joomla 2.5 . i have assigned slideshow module in home page, but slide show module is displayed in Cart Page too. I'm much confused and I have no idea to solve it.

Like Shairya said, modules depend on the item ID to determine if they need to display or not. If a page in Joomla does not have a corresponding menu item, then it will inherit the item ID from the page that linked to it. You can do a couple of things to fix your issue. First, you can make a new menu and create a menu item for the VM cart. You don't have to put the menu in a module, it does not need to display for it to work.
You can also install Advanced Module Manager and use the Display on Home Page filter for the slideshow. AMM will not display modules on a page that inherits the home page item ID if you use this filter.


Add a new field to Sitecore JSS

I created a simple Sitecore JSS Application and imported the same.
In connected mode, I want to add a few new fields. I added them to the template (Image 1) and they show up in the item (Image 2). When I query the item, I get the new fields in the json object as well (Image 4).
However, I cannot see the new fields in the experience editor (Image 3) and I am assuming I need to add those in the View. I am unable to locate where I need to add these fields or what I need to do, to have these show up.
Image 1: The modified template
Image 2: Both description and photo show up in the item
Image 3: Description and photo do not show up in the experience editor
Image 4: Json however returns these 2 properties
The Experience Editor use the Node.js app inside the /dist folder of your Sitecore webroot. (See also the config, you can have multiple apps)
Change your frontend, I Guess you use React, Vue, or Angular and upload/deploy to the dist folder.
You need to choose your dev workflow see:
When you add your fields in Sitecore, you are using the Sitecore-First Workflow.
Hidden gem:
JSS add a extra Field "Always Display Field Editor Button in Experience Editor" to Renderings. In the Experience editor the Chrome Toolbar from a rendering has as first icon a Pencil, That opens a Field editor for all custom fields.

Button to create new page

I'm new to Mezzanine and django, in this moment I'm trying to make a button in a page template, the idea is to allow the registered user to do two things:
create a new daughter page of the current page
add an access link to a list of links of the current page
I would like to make a popup appear that asks for the name and content of the new page, I do not know if what I need is very complex to do with mezzanine, I study the djangogirls tutorial ( and I reviewed the examples of the mezzanine documentation (, but I do not see how to do what I need, this is the link for my mezzanine project:
in advance I appreciate the help.

Add app model in new Page by drop-down select in Django

It is bit complicated so I hope that explain this properly.
I have app which is created within new Page in admin site. In that app I have also drop-down list with my installed apps like on picture.
drop-down of installed apps in new Page
I need someway to add models of selected app dynamicaly by add button at the end of this Page. So if I select app, with add button add model of app below page content, next select second app and add model below app added before. So at the end I will have filled Page with models of apps that I added.
Adding functionality like on this picture or with some add button or add button next to drop-down.
desired functionality
I dont have so much experiences in Django that I can make it self right now. I know that this is possible but I need help of you that you are Django Pro. I really need to make this done.

adding custom page's link in homepage in opencart

I am new in opencart, and I am trying to build a new eCommerce site using opencart where I need to add some custom static page ( some additional page ). So I follow the link New Page For OpenCart and opencart php custom page without using the "information" feature, and I can create a new custom page. But my problem is, how can I get this page's link on my home and others page so that people view my page.
If you are creating a new page that way, you will be to access the page (called "newpage" for example) at: /index.php?route=common/newpage or /index.php?route=common/home/newpage depending how you set it up.
The simplest way of creating a new page is to create a new information page. You can input your custom html there if needs be. The link would then look like:
/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=x where the id is the id of your new page.
To add this link into your main menu you can edit template/common/header.tpl and hardcode in the new link.
Creating your link would depend greatly on how the page has been created, and where it's located.
Urls are built based on the location ie: route of your controller.
Let's say your new page has been built in:
Obviously you'll need to follow the code standards listed in the posts you referenced for created a correct class that extends the Controller, a language file, a model class (if your page needs to interact with the database) and a view file.
Once all that is correct via the previous posts you can create a link anywhere on the catalog (front) by calling the url class and passing in the required information.
You'll need to pass in a route, any arguments such as an id or customer, and whether the url should be secure.
$link = $this->url->link('common/mypage', 'mypage_id=' . $this->request->get['mypage_id'], 'SSL');
$arguments and 'SSL' being optional if they're needed.

Featured Products linking to different url

I have assigned some featured products in my homepage and somehow the link to product is different from that of my menu.
For example:
From menu:
From featured products section:
I am using opencart extension menu but I don't supposed that is the source of this problem.
I need the URL to point to same location as the url for featured product link to the product nicely but the side product menu only display parent categories.
Is there anyway to resolve this?
The "OpenCart Featured Products and News" Module is a jquery based open cart module which is shows the Selected Featured Products and/or News or relevant posts
OpenCart featured products and news is useful and has a nice plugin.
Known problem for me. Using canonicals referencing the desired URL for these duplicates is sort of a solution for this problem. For example:
contains a canonical to the desired URL:
This will prefent search engines from indexing/crawling the duplicate page and your correct/desired page from losing metrics.
p.s. I had to change the URL's to for my post to get through.