Featured Products linking to different url - opencart

I have assigned some featured products in my homepage and somehow the link to product is different from that of my menu.
For example:
From menu:
From featured products section:
I am using opencart extension menu but I don't supposed that is the source of this problem.
I need the URL to point to same location as the url for featured product link to the product nicely but the side product menu only display parent categories.
Is there anyway to resolve this?

The "OpenCart Featured Products and News" Module is a jquery based open cart module which is shows the Selected Featured Products and/or News or relevant posts
OpenCart featured products and news is useful and has a nice plugin.

Known problem for me. Using canonicals referencing the desired URL for these duplicates is sort of a solution for this problem. For example:
contains a canonical to the desired URL:
This will prefent search engines from indexing/crawling the duplicate page and your correct/desired page from losing metrics.
p.s. I had to change the URL's to example.com for my post to get through.


Individual product detail pages with django cms

I have an e-commerce app based on Django. The product model contains basic fields like name, brand, short description, etc. So far, I only have a "generic product detail page" that displays these information for each product.
Now I want to create more extensive product detail pages for some of the products with django cms so that they contain more product information and seo keywords. This means that most products would just have the "generic" detail page and some have a more extensive version.
I am using a url path like mydomain.com/products/product-slug and the view finds the respective product to be displayed using the product-slug. So far, this "/products/..." path is handled outside of the django-cms url namespace.
I am rather new to django cms and unsure how I should handle this project. My first idea would be:
Add empty django-cms placeholders to the generic detail page
Include the /products/... path in the django-cms namespace
Run a script that creates a page in django-cms for each individual product (whenever a new product is added to the database, a new django-cms page must then be added as well programatically)
Go to the products of high interest and add additional content with django-cms editor
Do you have any other ideas how I could handle this task?

Implementing SEO friendly URL's in uCommerce for Sitecore

I'm wondering whether anyone has come across the following issue. We're currently working on a Sitecore website that uses integrated uCommerce to provide eCommerce functionalty.
Rather than passing category and product ids to a static url that maps directly to an item in the sitecore content tree e.g.
We want to be able to have URL's like follows:
Generating this url shouldn't be too difficult if we use IUrlService provided by uCommerce.
Is there an easy solution to get these sort of URL's to map to a particular item in the Sitecore content tree and ensure the uCommerce context is updated accordingly?
Thanks in advance for any help received.
I am using the Sitecore Commerce Connect framework and am using wildcard URLs for my products and categories. Since my products often appear in several categories, I have kept the structure of having separate URLs for products and categories to make sure that the URL for the product is not repeated if it appears under several categories.
Home/product/* is my the wildcard item for products
Home/category/* is the wildcard item for my categories
The wildcard manager will then allow me to render the product and category pages based on those pages where I just resolve the item in Commerce connect by the information provided in the URL.
The custom LinkManager will then provide the references to the correct URL when fetching a link for and item and it will not risk having the URL changed if I do changes to the category structure or add it in several categories.

Opencart: List Products from a Specific Category on Homepage

I am trying to figure out a way to generate a list of products from a specific category on the home page. I want to use something similar to the Featured Module or the Latest Module but be able to pick the products to be shown by their category. I am currently using the Featured Module but I have to manually enter each Product into the module.
Is there an extension or a way to modify an existing module so that I can select a category and have the products display in a similar way.
Thanks in advance for any ideas or help.
Go and install modules that can display products by categories. You can download them from the opencart website

problems in virtumart cart page and product description page

I am using Virtuemart 2 and Joomla 2.5 . i have assigned slideshow module in home page, but slide show module is displayed in Cart Page too. I'm much confused and I have no idea to solve it.
Like Shairya said, modules depend on the item ID to determine if they need to display or not. If a page in Joomla does not have a corresponding menu item, then it will inherit the item ID from the page that linked to it. You can do a couple of things to fix your issue. First, you can make a new menu and create a menu item for the VM cart. You don't have to put the menu in a module, it does not need to display for it to work.
You can also install Advanced Module Manager and use the Display on Home Page filter for the slideshow. AMM will not display modules on a page that inherits the home page item ID if you use this filter.

How to create a landing page with OpenCart, using OpenCart only?

What if one would want to create a landing page/home page for opencart?
How does someone will supposed to do that?
A landing page or home page, using only opencart and no other means.
What I meant of Home Page is it's literal meaning in the context of Front-End WebDev. What I meant to say is, the page where user is redirected when they access my site's root domain.
I want to design and create a custom landing and home page. That landing page has no product content.
It shall only contain the folowing;
Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
Site Name, Site Logo
Site Name with Tagline.
Banner Rotator with CTA button.
Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
This Home Page/Landing Page/Index Page, is a different page from the main store section. On this page, It has a home page link and a store page link. So on the main nav of this page, you shall see a Home link and a Store link. Clicking store link, shall take you to the main store section and the main nav shall show the categories, the store has.
To achieve what You are requesting:
It shall only contain the folowing:
 1. Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
 2. Site Name, Site Logo
 3. Site Name with Tagline.
 4. Banner Rotator with CTA button.
 5. Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
You would have to disable any module that is displaying on homepage (categories, featured, bestsellers, latest, specials, etc.) and enable only the carousel module (or install one of Your desire) and place it on the Content Top position.
In that case You would have these elements:
header (with site name, logo, main navigation)
Your desired carousel/banner rotator
footer (with additional links)
Is that what You are requesting?
Edit 1: I think the homepage You request is kinda nonsense... Why on earth You would like to have a homepage with a link to homepage and store? I would understand to have a website (presentation) with a blog and store that both run within u subdirectory, thus having a site www.site.com, with a blog at www.site.com/blog/ and a store at www.site.com/store/. In that case I would understand that within the main site (www.site.com) You would have a homepage with link to /blog/ and to /store/.
BUT if You are running only a store at Your domain (www.site.com) then having additional homepage is nonsense, as You could create a homepage described above (header + text and carousel as content + footer)...
Edit 2:
Yes, that's my main idea mydomain.com would be my landing page/index page/home page. mytdomain.com/store, is the store section and also with the blog section at mydomain.com/blog.
In that case You could create just a simple static HTML page that will contain static text and a javascript carousel (banner rotator/slider). After You have installed the blog and store to their subdirectories then just create a link to both of them within Your static homepage that lays in the root of the web folder and is called index.html.
Another way how to achieve this with slightly more effort is to have the desired blogging system installed in the root, editing it's homepage while having the main blog on a subpage and a store within a subdirectory. Many people run wordpress/drupal installation at www.site.com and an OpenCart installation at www.site.com/store/. Within a wordpress site You can then have a subpage /blog/ where You will post all of Your blog posts...
So is this the final solution?
The reason why someone would want to do that is for marketing purposes. Creating unique content is extremely important for SEO. The opencart default page does not have much area for landing pages or gateway pages. You may have to improvise to achieve this.
What I would recommend is just create your landing page and then use .htaccess file in /public_html folder to use whatever page you created, inside the landing page code use href links that take you to the products. This would be your best bet.