Simple C++ getter/setters - c++

Lately I'm writing my getter and setters as (note: real classes do more things in getter/setter):
struct A {
const int& value() const { return value_; } // getter
int& value() { return value_; } // getter/setter
int value_;
which allows me to do the following:
auto a = A{2}; // non-const object a
// create copies by "default" (value always returns a ref!):
int b = a.value(); // b = 2, is a copy of value :)
auto c = a.value(); // c = 2, is a copy of value :)
// create references explicitly:
auto& d = a.value(); // d is a ref to a.value_ :)
decltype(a.value()) e = a.value(); // e is a ref to a.value_ :)
a.value() = 3; // sets a.value_ = 3 :)
cout << b << " " << c << " " << d << " " << e << endl; // 2 2 3 3
const auto ca = A{1};
const auto& f = ca.value(); // f is a const ref to ca.value_ :)
auto& g = ca.value(); // no compiler error! :(
// g = 4; // compiler error :)
decltype(ca.value()) h = ca.value(); // h is a const ref to ca.value_ :)
//ca.value() = 2; // compiler error! :)
cout << f << " " << g << " " << h << endl; // 1 1 1
This approach doesn't allow me to:
validate the input for the setter (which is a big BUT),
return by value in the const member function (because I want the compiler to catch assignment to const objects: ca.value() = 2). Update: see cluracan answer below.
However, I'm still using this a lot because
most of the time I don't need that,
this allows me to decouple the implementation details of my classes from their interface, which is just what I want.
struct A {
const int& value(const std::size_t i) const { return values_[i]; }
int& value(const std::size_t i) { return values_[i]; }
std::vector<int> values_;
// Storing the values in a vector/list/etc is an implementation detail.
// - I can validate the index, but not the value :(
// - I can change the type of values, without affecting clients :)
Now to the questions:
Are there any other disadvantages of this approach that I'm failing to see?
Why do people prefer:
getter/setters methods with different names?
passing the value as a parameter?
just for validating input or are there any other main reasons?

Generally using accessors/mutators at all is a design smell that your class public interface is incomplete. Typically speaking you want a useful public interface that provides meaningful functionality rather than simply get/set (which is just one or two steps better than we were in C with structs and functions). Every time you want to write a mutator, and many times you want to write an accessor first just take a step back and ask yourself "do I *really* need this?".
Just idiom-wise people may not be prepared to expect such a function so it will increase a maintainer's time to grok your code.
The same-named methods are almost the same as the public member: just use a public member in that case. When the methods do two different things, name them two different things.
The "mutator" returning by non-const reference would allow for a wide variety of aliasing problems where someone stashes off an alias to the member, relying on it to exist later. By using a separate setter function you prevent people from aliasing to your private data.

This approach doesn't allow me to:
return by value in the const member function (because I want the compiler to catch assignment to const objects ca.value() = 2).
I don't get what you mean. If you mean what I think you mean - you're going to be pleasantly surprised :) Just try to have the const member return by value and see if you can do ca.value()=2...
But my main question, if you want some kind of input validation, why not use a dedicated setter and a dedicated getter
struct A {
int value() const { return value_; } // getter
void value(int v) { value_=v; } // setter
int value_;
It will even reduce the amount typing! (by one '=') when you set. The only downside to this is that you can't pass the value by reference to a function that modifies it.
Regarding your second example after the edit, with the vector - using your getter/setter makes even more sense than your original example as you want to give access to the values (allow the user to change the values) but NOT to the vector (you don't want the user to be able to change the size of the vector).
So even though in the first example I really would recommend making the member public, in the second one it is clearly not an option, and using this form of getters / setters really is a good option if no input validation is needed.
Also, when I have classes like your second type (with the vector) I like giving access to the begin and end iterators. This allows more flexibility of using the data with standard tools (while still not allowing the user to change the vector size, and allowing easy change in container type)
Another bonus to this is that random access iterators have an operator[] (like pointers) so you can do
vector<int>::iterator A::value_begin() {return values_.begin();}
vector<int>::const_iterator A::value_begin()const{return values_.begin();}
int b=a.value_begin()[4];
vector<int> c(a.value_begin(),a.value_end())
(although it maybe ugly enough that you'd still want your getters/setters in addition to this)

In your example, the assignment happens in the calling code. If you want to validate user input, you need to pass the value to be validated into your struct object. This means you need to use member functions (methods). For example,
struct A {
// getter
int& getValue() const { return value_; }
// setter
void setValue(const int& value) {
// validate value here
value_ = value;
int value_;
By the way, .NET properties are implemented are methods under the hood.


c++98 struct default to zero except one value

This is certainly related to a bunch of other questions which have been answered, but I have been unable to derive the answer for my specific case from them, largely because I'm not actually a programmer; I'm just an engineer who happens to have to write some code.
Here's the situation:
I have a bunch of variables I'd like to collect together, probably into a structure.
All but two I would like to initialize to zero; two specific variables (which don't happen to be the first two) need to be initialized to one.
The actual names are unique and meaningful enough that using a vector wouldn't be appropriate, plus there are some doubles in there too. I'm keeping my example below simple for clarity.
Because of the project I'm working on, I'm stuck with C++98, so even if C++11 has more elegant solutions, they won't work for me.
I am thinking something along these lines for the structure itself:
struct allFlags
int flagAA;
int flagAB;
int flagAC;
int flagAD;
int flagAE;
// ...
// there's about 100 variables total
// ...
int flagZZ;
I want to have all the flags initialized to 0 except for flagAD and flagAE, which should be 1.
So first of all, I am not sure if I should use typedef struct allFlags or struct allFlags. Next, I am not sure if I should be creating a constructor (which I think only would apply in the case of no typedef?) or making the defaults happens when I instantiate the structure. I have seen things like this (which would be put inside the struct definition):
allFlags() : flagAD(1), flagAE(1) { /*not sure of I'd need anything here*/ }
but I wouldn't want to have to list out all other ~98 variables by name individually in the constructor body to set them to zero. I have also seen things using memset which could potentially help, but I'm not sure the best way to do it.
And finally one additional related question is how to actually declare an instance of my structure (which results in the initial values I want). It looks like sometimes a struct is instantiated with the new keyword and sometimes is it treated more like a base data type, i.e. I have seen both of these in searching:
allFlags flagset1;
flagset2 = new allFlags;
I have also seen syntax which would be like this rather than using a constructor at all:
allFlags flagset3 = {}; // to zero all fields first
flagset3.flagAD = 1;
flagset3.flagAE = 1;
but I'd rather keep the instantiation as clean and simple as possible.
Please forgive the question. I have tried to do my homework before asking, but my C++ knowledge is mediocre at best and so some of the seemingly relevant answers I've found I either didn't fully understand or just raised more questions.
If you feel comfortable with using templates, you can use a class template to automate clean initialization of all member variables of allFlags.
// class template to help initialize members cleanly.
template <typename T>
struct flag
// Constructors
flag() : val(0) {}
flag(T const& v) : val(v) {}
// Automatic cast operators to T
operator T& () { return val; }
operator T const& () const { return val; }
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(flag const& rhs) const { return val == rhs.val; }
bool operator!=(flag const& rhs) const { return val != rhs.val; }
bool operator<(flag const& rhs) const { return val < rhs.val; }
T val;
typedef flag<int> IntFlag;
typedef flag<double> DoubleFlag;
struct allFlags
// Initialize all flags bug flagAD to zero.
allFlags() : flagAD(1) {}
IntFlag flagAA;
IntFlag flagAB;
IntFlag flagAC;
IntFlag flagAD;
IntFlag flagAE;
IntFlag flagZZ;
#include <iostream>
int main()
allFlags f;
std::cout << f.flagAA << " " << f.flagAD << std::endl;
0 1
You answered your own question quite well:
allFlags flagset3 = {}; // to zero all fields first
flagset3.flagAD = 1;
flagset3.flagAE = 1;
It is clean, and very clear about your intentions. Later, when someone else has to read your code they will understand exactly what you are trying to do.
It is similar to what you see in device driver programming:
registerX = 0 | 1 << BIT2 | 1 << BIT3;

In C++ is it possible to call an accessor through property-like syntax?

I am working with a large code base, and there are a number of publicly defined variables. Unfortunately, the functions of accessing these variables has changed, and this new functionality would be best encapsulated by public accessors and a private instance variable.
So, I am trying to make this change. To do so, I planned to make each public property private and then create accessors. But, I don't want to change any of the code which accesses the old public properties. For example:
After changing the public property to private, I have the following class:
class Test {
int item = 5;
int GetItem() {
return item;
void SetItem(int new_item) {
item = new_item;
In the past, "item" used to be a public property of the class, and it was accessed through:
Test* t = new Test();
int item = t->item;
Now though, I need to add new functionality to the way in which "item" is retrieved. For example:
int GetItem() {
// Some complicated code which changes "item"
return item;
How can I keep the same syntax:
int item = t->item;
But have this actually perform:
int item = t->GetItem();
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can make int item = t.item; work, by defining item as a member variable whose type is a helper class with a custom conversion operator int() defined. Also, operator=(int new_value) to intercept the set operation.
What you can't make work is
int& item = t.item;
int* pitem = &t.item;
because both of these enable direct memory access, without going through any getter or setter. When creating the reference or pointer, you can't even determine how many accesses there will be or whether they will be reads or writes.
C++ is a compiled non-reflective language, i.e. you can't just "look names up as you access an element", because in the binary, there are no names anymore.
So, no, what you want is impossible. (at least not without restrictions – see Ben Voigt's excellent answer; having a "transparent" property which is in fact a getter call surely isn't worth the pitfalls you're building with that-)
Also, please don't let your C++ become Java just for the sake of having getters and setters – if they don't actually add security, I don't really see the point of using them
In case that your question is based in the fact that you don't want to call 2 different functions for setting and getting, you can make a function that returns a reference of the member:
int& Item()
// Some complicated code which changes *items
return item;
as you can see, the return type is int& instead of int. so you can use this function this way
t.Item() = someValue;
To expand on Ben Voight's answer, you can define a proxy template that allows this without the boiler plate:
template <typename Return, typename Containing, Return (Containing::* func)()>
struct proxy
Containing& c;
proxy(Containing& c) : c(c) {}
operator Return() { return (c.*func)(); }
Return& operator=(const Return& r) { return (c.*set)() = r; }
Then to define a "property"
class c {
int y_;
int get_y() { std::cout << "Getting y" << std::endl; return y_; }
proxy<int, x, &x::get_y> y;
c() : y(*this) {}
And in client code
int main() {
c val;
val.y = 5;
std::cout << val.y << std::endl;

C++ Programming ( advantages of by ref & by val) query? / methods of editing struct other than byRef

I am going over a mock exam in revision for my test, and one question on the paper confuses me.
Q.)An application is required to pass a structure to a function, which will modify the contents of the structure such that on return from the function call the caller can use the new structure values. Would you pass the structure to the function by value, address or reference?
State clearly why you chose a particular method. Justify your choice by comparing the three methods.
Now I have difficulty understanding this, because I assume the best answer to the question would always be by Ref as that takes the reference pointer of the value and edits its contents rather than just getting a copy. This would be different if using a class based program.
The only other method I would understand would be having a separate value and getting and setting the values, but this would mean extra lines of code, I am a little unsure on what this means, can anyone help enlighten me ? I do not know any other methods to achieve this.
This is not "advanced programming"; it is the absolute basics of C++.
Whether return-by-value or "out" parameters (implementing using references or pointers) are "best" for any given use case depends on a number of factors, style and opinion being but two of them.
// Return by value
// T a; a = foo(a);
T foo(const T& in) // or: T foo(T in)
{ // {
T out = in; //
out.x = y; // in.x = y;
return out; // return in;
} // }
// Out parameter (reference)
// T a; foo(a);
void bar(T& in)
in.x = y;
// Out parameter (pointer)
// T a; foo(&a);
void baz(T* in)
in->x = y;
The question is asking you what the pros and cons are of these three approaches.

c++ class members functions: how to write these functions?

In my Object Oriented c++ course, we have to write this class that I have put below.
class Point{
Point( double x = 0, double y = 0 );
double getX() const;
double getY() const;
Point & setX( double x ); // mutator, returning reference to self
Point & setY( double y );
const Point & output() const;
double distance( const Point & other ) const;
double xPoint, yPoint;
}; // class Point
my question is...I can't find any information on how the functions setX, setY, and output should work. They are the same type as the class itself and I have written what I would expect them to look like below. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and maybe some more specifics of how these functions are working?
The setX function should change xPoint in the object, the setY should do the same for the yPoint and output should simply output them.
Point & Point::setX( double x )
xPoint = x;
Point & Point::setY( double y )
Ypoint = y;
const Point & Point::output() const
cout << xPoint << yPoint;
Just add a return *this; at the end of your setX and setY: you are returning a reference to your object, so that for example you can do: p0.setX(1.23).setY(3.45), with of course p0 an instance of Point. In the output function, put a separator between xPoint and yPoint, like a space. You say They are the same type as the class itself: don't confuse a variable type with the type returned by a function/method: the method setX, setY and output return a reference to an instance of the class to which they belong. Note that the reference returned by output is const, so you can do:
But not:
As setX is not a const method (it doesn't declare that it won't modify the data inside the class instance to which it belongs).
You can call instead:
double x = p0.output().getX();
because getX is a const method.
Note: I am not saying you should use the methods in this way, but the point is to show what potentially you can do.
Setters are public metods thats allow you change private members of the class, they don't have return type so setX, setY should be void not Point:
void set(double x); // Declaration
void Point::setX( double x ) // Definition outside Point.h
xPoint = x;
Same with output should be void, rest is fine you can define it whatever you wish to display it, you can change it like this:
void Point::output() const
cout << "(" << xPoint << ", " << yPoint << ")";
setX() will probably change the value of the pointX member, and return a reference to the object being acted on.
So an implementation might be something like
Point &Point::setX(double xval)
if (IsValid(xval)) pointX = xval; // ignore invalid changes
return *this;
This can (assuming other member functions and operators are being used correctly) be used in things like this
#include <iostream>
// declaration of Point here
int main()
Point p;
std::cout << p.setX(25).setY(30).getX() << '\n';
While this example isn't particularly useful (it shows what is possible) the chaining of member function calls is useful in various circumstances. For example, this technique is actually the basis on which iostream insertion and extraction operators work, and allow multiple things to be inserted/extracted to/from a stream in a single statement.
The documentation of the setX and setY functions says
// mutator, returning reference to self
Your implementation does the mutation, but you've failed to complete the contract that this function is supposed to satisfy: it's supposed to return a reference to itself.
this is a pointer to the object you're invoking the method on, and so adding the line
return *this;
would complete the contract.
This is an aside, but it may help you understand why anyone would want to use such a 'strange' design.
You may be familiar with ordinary assignment being used in ways such as
a = b = 0;
if((result = some_function()) == 0) {
// Do something in the `result == 0` case
} else {
// Do something in the `result != 0` case
and other similar things. The first example sets both a and b to be 0. The second example stores the return value of the function call into the variable result, and then branches based on whether that value is 0 or not.
The way this works is that x = y is a binary operator that which has the side effect of copying the value of y into x, and then returns that value (technically a reference to x) so that it may be used in the surrounding expression.
So when you write a = b = 0, this is parsed as a = (b = 0), and has the effect of making b zero, and then evaluates to a = 0 which is then evaluated and makes a zero. Similarly for the branching example.
This is something people like to do when writing code (it's a completely separate topic whether or not this is good style), so when people design new types with operator= methods, they design them to support this usage, by making them return a reference to the object assigned to. e.g.
MyClass& MyClass::operator=(arg a)
// Copy the value of `a` into this object
return *this;
The other assignment operators, like operator+= also work this way.
Now, when you're used to this usage, it is a small step to extend it to other functions that sort of act like assignment, like setX and setY. This has the additional convenience of making it easy to chain modifications, as in point.setX(3).setY(7).

What is the difference between using the friend keyword, and using a member function to modify private variables inside of a class?

As the question asks...
What is the difference between:
class MyClass
m_a = 0;
int m_a;
friend void set_a(MyClass &a);
void set_a(MyClass &a)
std::cout << a.m_a << std::endl;
a.m_a = 500;
std::cout << a.m_a << std::endl;
int main(void) {
MyClass my_class_instance;
class MyClass
m_a = 0;
void set_a(){
std::cout << this->m_a << std::endl;
this->m_a = 500;
std::cout << this->m_a << std::endl;
int m_a;
int main(void) {
MyClass my_class_instance;
Is it simply the preferred structure of the function, or are there real, measurable differences? From what I can tell, both functions achieve the same results in all circumstances, except if you had multiple overloads for the first example, that took different types of objects.
As the C++ FAQ says: Use a member when you can, and a friend when you have to.
There are situations where making friend a free function is preferable, most situations related to the fact that the first parameter of a member function is always of that class (Its the hidden *this parameter).
One example is arithmetic operators overloading:
Suppose you write a complex class which represents complex numbers. Using a member operator+() you could write expressions like complex + float, but not float + complex. But you could do it with the free form of the operator+:
class complex
friend complex operator+( float f , complex c );
This whole question comes down to "Why would I use friends in C++?". The answer is that when used properly, friends enhance encapsulation. This is an FAQ:
Do friends violate encapsulation?
Your example is too short and too abstract, of course. Some better, real life examples I could think of from the top of my head involve iterators. You may have many iterator objects referring to only one container object, and you may want the iterator to be able to access private member variables of the container. At the same time, you don't want the container to expose those variables to the rest of the world.
Such a design could be perfectly implemented with the friend feature.
Many people defend that making accessor methods, you can in a later stage of development put barriers to the incorrect access to the member variables (or even change the member variables totally) without breaking your (correct) clients.
One classical case is of a
class ComplexNumber {
double real, imaginary;
double re() { return re; }
double setRe(double v) { return re = v; }
// and so on ...
one day you discover, in some maintenance, that you need the polar coordinates for that number, so you add the methods
double rho() { /* calculate rho */ }
double theta() { /* calculate theta */ }
double setRho(double v) { /* calculate real, imaginary, based on the new rho */ }
and so on.
Later yet, you discover that the users of the class use far more often polar than Cartesian coordinates for complex numbers, and that the conversions have been the bottleneck of a performance problem, so you ditch real and imaginary and store rho and theta, and change the getter and setter methods for the new -- more efficient -- storage for rho, theta, re, im, and so on. All the clients of your class will recompile without problems, because you changed your implementation but kept your interfaces stable.