Fast Screen Transfer [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the fastest way in C++ to share screens between computers, like in Skype or Google Plus? Currently I'm taking a screenshot, convert it to low-quality JPG with GDI+ and then send it too a remote computer, but although it works, it is not very fast (7 FPS via localhost).

I can't comment :(
But some things to think about.
Which operation(s) take the most time? I suspect this would be the capture due to the localhost xmission - but it really could be anything. Benchmark.
Does the sender "block" the next frame generation while waiting on the recipient display? If this is so then it might add in an implict bottleneck. The sender probably wants to keep sending frames unless the recipient requests a throttle.
If bandwidth is an issue, what about only sending partial or delta frames? Even though localhost shouldn't be a bandwidth issue, I am fairly certain that this is done in more advanced clients.
Consider looking at some [open source] VNC clients for how they work. It's not necessarily the same as "Skype", but it shound provide insight for a screen sharing program.


How would I grab image data from display output of amd gpus? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am attempting to create a personal PC streaming application on Windows. I was wondering how I could grab data from an AMD GPUs display output in C++ 11 (somewhat like OBS)? I attempted this in java with Robot.createScreenCapture method but was not able to achieve sufficient speeds required for streaming. I hope this is clear enough. Anything helps, thanks.
AMD AMF SDK can get you this: Is there a functionality to capture screen directly and encode at GPU buffer memory?
amf\public\src\components\DisplayCapture already has code which is basically wrapping DD API into AMF component. If my memory serves me right DVR sample shows how to use it (source code definitely has traces that it was/is working).

How does data get stored in online exams or tests in real time when the connection's OFFLINE? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to know how or where data gets stored in an online TIMED exam or test when the network connection becomes offline! I've seen scenarios where the network connection suddenly drops down and when the user logs into his account again, finds that the he can resume his test from the point the connection went offline! So, where does the data of his answers to his previous questions actually get stored? Is it in the client or server side? Do the test providers use any offline storage for these?
I was just curious about this (and kinda new to this) and couldn't find any accurate explanations for this in any search engine. A li'l guidance would be much helpful! [This could really be some kinda basic question I'm sorry for my ignorance- but I really don't know]
Without knowing the particular exam/system in question, the answer will be a bit generalized. Here goes:
The client side (code running in the browser most likely) must be saving the answers directly to the server as they come in.
The client side can also be linked to the server where the test results are stored. This can be done via a live link such as websockets. Once the server detects that the client is 'down' (for whatever reason) the server may or may not stop the timing of the test. It all depends on the specifics of the particular test. Care to share which?

Listening for wave out in windows [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So I want to "listen" to the output to sound devices in windows. Preferably in C/C++. I have no idea what a proper starting point would be for this on windows and was wondering if I could get pointed in the right direction to capture sound. I would like to do this so that I can change different settings based on the sound that is playing. I am not looking to listen through a microphone
You need to work with Windows audio related COM-based interfaces. Starting point is to obtain a reference to the IMMDevice interface of an endpoint object in a device collection by calling the IMMDeviceCollection::Item method. Afterwards, it is possible to get a reference to the IMMEndpoint interface of an endpoint object by calling the IMMDevice::QueryInterface` method. After retrieving a collection of endpoint devices, it is possible to query the properties of the individual devices in the collection to determine their suitability for use.
This is one example and this is another

Web Development on different browsers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to development of websites
I have query why does a website work on some browsers while not for others
I have designed a website which works on one browser IE and then it does not for other computers IE
it does not goes through hit .
The warning which I got was as below
The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see:
but I did not understood Kindly explain and give some tips
Ok I think I got something wrong with my code or internet speed
I kept the code in Developers option and let it wait then the hit went through all the 4 states and I got a response
Am I missing something ... In normal mode the hit does not go through all the states
Set your mode as synchronous to true

How can I "do stuff" on a webpage through C++(or suggest another language) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What I exactly want to do is this:
I want my program to take this link;_ylt=Aj_zP9qxkgoIzbqd5GR_zkH05nNG;_ylv=3?sid=396546041
and retrieve a list of all the questions in a page or any selected page. That part is easy through simply going through the page, but I want to be able to "do" things such as typing an answer in the console or window and post it in the question in that forum. Or be able to upvote/downvote and do most of the operations that require a button click. Save questions for later view and other things like that.
My approach for retrieving info is using C++ to parse the info from the page by going through it line by line. But I have absolutely no clue how to send information such as button pressing and other stuff. I even don't know how to search for it because I'm not sure what it's called.
Use sockets api (windows sockets or posix on linux);
Connect on 80 (or any http) port to your server;
Send a http-header and get/post parameters (should be urlencoded);
Receive response.
Keywords: http-protocol, berkeley sockets, c++, good luck!