Environment to simulate classic distributed computation model on single machine [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm searching for a tool to simulate the classic distributed computation model on a single machine to implement several algorithms in the purpose of the paper that I'm working on. Thus, performance isn't so important, it's only for scientific applications.
I want to have the possibility to specify the number of processes and the communication links between them. In other words, I want to define the network graph structure.
The computation should be asynchronous and message driven i.e. I want to send messages between connected processes and react to these messages.
Is there any library or framework for such computations? Simpler is better. Language doesn't matter so much, but I'd prefer Python or C++. I've given a look at Celery but I didn't find there the possibility to specify the connection between processes.

Very easy - python remote objects - pyro will run on a single machine or on multiple across a network.

You might also stick to python multiprocessing primitives, that allow you to create processes that communicate via queues, shared memory etc. Way easier than it seems ;)
See: http://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html


What possible choices do I have to implement a high-performing low-level Linux TCP/IP Socket client for 5 concurrent connections? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a scenario where I'm trying to research (and utilise) the best available C++ Library to fulfill the following requirements:
Develop a low-level Linux based TCP/IP Socket CLIENT application, that,
a) can connect to a 3rd party SERVER via up to 4-5 sockets
b) POLL it every 200 milli seconds (with a small piece of data) - via all 5 sockets
c) and. based on the reply it gets, occassionally send an XML-formatted request(a rather important one).
The most important factor in this design is to be PERFORMANCE and latency + minimal development time(for me)
I already have a (past) background doing these things in C(and some C++), but have done some research and come up with a short=list of possible ready-made Socket libraries to use.
a) Boost::Asio
b) http://www.alhem.net/Sockets/index.html - C++ Sockets Library
c) other possible "small scale" and minimally functional libraries
design and Write it my self , using BSD sockets and some multi-threading options(which was my original plan)
Anyone with any ideas on the best and most time-saving route to take ??
Thanks folks.
I believe Poco C++ Library ( http://pocoproject.org/ ) is what you need.
it is a highly protective and the performance very impressive and mainly for networking + it is really well documented.

What kind of front end/ gui is used with trading applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was wondering what kind of front end is used for trading applications. Coming from a quant background, I was always only concerned with research and back end of the application but am at a total loss when it comes to front end/ gui. Most of my coding has been done in c++ and I am using just a config file to pass parameters.
Now it turns out due to regulatory reasons, this might not suffice. I need to have a front end which can start/ stop the strategy, change parameters and fetch order and trade history. So question boils down to this, How can I create a simple ui which can sit on another machine, communicate with the colocated machine and do all this.
Initially I thought of using web/javascript but not much is out there regarding this. Qt is another option but I suspect it will require substantial rewrite of the code and learning.
What is the preferred front end for medium to high frequency trading applications which have the core strategy running in c++?
Coming from the industry, I can tell you with certainty: Anything goes. I have worked on trading application frontends using MFC, QT, Forms, WPF. Java is quite popular too, as are homegrown abominations. One non-obvious way to communicate with the colocated machine is Citrix or Remote Desktop.
You do need to make sure that you have well defined behavior in case the client crashes, server crashes, connection between them freezes/gets lost, connection to the market gets lost, connection comes back, etc. Tell the trader how it will react in these situations, in advance. If it doesn't make sense, the trader won't use your application.
Further details depend on many variables. Are you an ISV, or is it an in-house application? Are you working in an arcade? Which markets are you connecting to? Does your hosted co-lo environment have some special rules in regards to what can run there?

Fast voice recognition for limited number of commands [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone have experience programming voice recognition in C++ (Windows and/or Mac) for a limited number of commands aiming for SPEED? Is it realistic at this point to achieve recognition of the command from the first syllable - ie, command is recognized by the time user gets to second syllable at reasonably fast speaking tempo? All commands would be programmed to start with a different syllable, if necessary, a radically different one (like, "oo", "xy", "fay" - only some 30 commands would be required).
Similar questions have been asked, but this is a fast moving field. Would the best idea be to look for open source libraries or to interface with compiled implementations?
I'm working professionally in this field, and I seriously doubt whether it is possible at all. C++ isn't the problem, the question is whether a computer allows it. The error rate on small sound clips is large, it's the Hidden Markov Model that fixes recognition. But in your case you simply can't feed it enough data.
Not that humans can do it either. Speech processing isn't as instant as your brain makes you believe.
You can do this with CMUSphinx with Pocketsphinx decoder.
The partial hypothesis of decoding is avaiable during the recognition process and you can usually get a first syllable as soon as it is uttered. If you give it 0.1s to stabilize (not visible for the user), you will get an accurate results on a command set.
There are even tools build on the top of CMUSphinx specifically designed for realtime control, for example in games, you can check InProTK and their demonstrations.

finding static scheduling of DAG for multiprocessors - library? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a graph of the dependencies of all tasks, and the costs of each task. Now I want to calculate a scheduling for a given amount of CPUs. I've found many papers on scheduling algorithms, optimal schedulers seem to be too expensive for my problem size (around 100 nodes) as it's an NP-hard problem. I'd settle for a heuristic, preferably one that has a bound how close it gets to the optimum. My problem now is: do I really have to code it myself?? This should have been solved many times before, it can be easily applied to project management, maybe there something exists?
If you happen to know a library in python that'd be perfect or the next best thing would be C++, otherwise i'd settle for anything else.
This is a pretty common problem. It also shows up in hardware design.
There has been a lot of work on algorithms to solve it.
If you are going to write something yourself, start by checking out "Hu's Algorithm".
If you just want a solution, these functions are built into architectural synthesis programs.
Look at the Wikipedia pages on high level synthesis and logic synthesis.
There are several professional tools that can handle this, if you can get access to them through school or work.
There are university programs you can often get for free that can also handle this problem.
I'm not up-to-date on what is currently available. An very old one is MIS II from Berkeley. It's scripting language was Tcl, not Python.

Cloud service for applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make an application that has (preferably native) versions for multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, maybe Linux, iOS). By native I mean versions made independently with native tools (Visual Studio and maybe C# on Windows, Xcode and maybe Objective-C on Mac). I want that application to have cloud-stored user-based structural data (not much; maybe XML-based? I want to minimize the server-side part, because I'm not comfortable with it) so it would be an advantage if it could be easily accessible from different network libraries. I don't need any server-side data processing. I don't want to have to learn (I don't understand well any) any web technologies; I would simply need an interface for creating and managing users and data client-side using desktop programming languages and tools.
If I were only targeting Apple platforms, iCloud would be an option.
The best I've found is Appcelerator Cloud Services (http://www.appcelerator.com/cloud), but I'm looking for other solutions.
I have virtually no budget for the project; I'm a high-school student doing programming for fun and in order not to remain idle.
What are my options?