Variable inside XSL´s for-each not catching value - xslt

I have a little problem with an XSL for-each and I can´t find the solution (yes, I know GIYF, I doesn´t help either). That´s the problem. I have this code
<select class="gr">
<xsl:attribute name="style">position:relative; width:350px;</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="name">organoDestinatario</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="id">organoDestinatario</xsl:attribute>
<option value=""></option>
<xsl:for-each select="$lang.options/option">
<xsl:variable name="lang.temp" select="value"/>
<option value="$lang.temp"><xsl:value-of select="text"/></option>
It seems to be right but, when I look into the option variable value, what I see is $lang.temp, so It´s not catching the value of $lang.temp but the name of the variable. Weird thing is that "text" is working and, If I change it to "value", It works and shows the value. So I´m sure that everything is "filled".
Any advice about It? I really don´t know What´s going on here. Any Help will be appreciated.

You need to use an attribute value template
<option value="{$lang.temp}">
or just drop the variable altogether and say
<option value="{value}">
Any parts of a literal attribute value that you want to be interpreted as XPath expressions need to be wrapped in braces. Anything not in braces is rendered literally.


XSL-FO | FO: Tags are being removed

I'm currently using XSL for a work project and I'm facing an issue.
I'm trying to read values for a database that look like this:
<fo:block font-weight='bold>hello</fo:block>
and it seems that XSL is stripping the <fo:block> element because it gives me text only ( I only see Hello, not in bold, and it doesn't behave like a block element ). I feel like, somehow, that XSL interprets the value read from the DB as a string, and strip of the <fo> tags, leaving my with text only.
Any idea what could be done in order that my styling get preserved?
( Obviously this example have been simplified, the text to be displayed is longer than that )
EDIT : Self answered for future references
Based on the comments you want to change <xsl:value-of select='/fulfill-list/ticket-list/list-item/eventTicketConte‌​nt/xmlTicketContent/‌​ticketdescription'/> to <xsl:copy-of select='/fulfill-list/ticket-list/list-item/eventTicketConte‌​nt/xmlTicketContent/‌​ticketdescription'/> (or perhaps <xsl:copy-of select='/fulfill-list/ticket-list/list-item/eventTicketConte‌​nt/xmlTicketContent/‌​ticketdescription/node()'/>).
As first i wanted to thanks you all to have taken the time to answer me. I'm very very very glad to see SO community is such strong.
I have solved my problem this way :
<xsl:for-each select="/fulfill-list/ticket-list/list-item/eventTicketContent/xmlTicketContent/ticketdescription/node()">
<xsl:copy-of select="child::node()" />
I don't really know what happened beneath the hood and why the <fo> tags were removed, but they were. Looping through all of them and using <xsl:copy-of> did the trick.
Once again, a big thanks to y'all !

XML when statement doesn't work

The following is giving me the "memberstable is an unexpected token" error.
<xsl:when value-of memberstable/#member_cancontactthem =1>
<td bgcolor="#ff00ff">
<xsl:value-of select="You can contact this member"/></td>
I've used this to initialize it:
<xsl: value of select = "memberstable/#member_cancontactthem" />
The value in the DB is boolean, so either 1 or 0.
Until now, all suggestions will produce errors if I am not mistaken. xsl:when needs a test attribute:
<xsl:when test="memberstable[#member_cancontactthem='1']">
is the correct syntax. Also, xsl:when must be inside an xsl:choose element.
In general, please be careful with whitespace, and with hyphenations (for instance, value of is not the same as value-of) and make sure all attribute values are between quotes. XSLT must respect the rules of XML, which is not as forgiving as HTML.

displaying the result of xsl in cusomised format

I have the below xsl tag
<xsl:value-of select="../#id" />
and there can be two possible out come values of this as shown below..
1) <RectypeLegType>fixedLeg_612822</RectypeLegType>
but i want this value to be dispalyed as
now please advise how can i achieve this possible outcome i need to do cheanges in my please advise what changes need to be done
Assuming the underscore will always exist in the id attribute:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(../#id, '_')" />

How Can I Reduce "When" Statement in XSLT

Hello I am writing a XSLT statement where I need to implement 1500 conditional statements like -
<xsl:when test="ID = '51'">
<xsl:text>background: url('rightcolumn_seniorliv.jpg') no-repeat;</xsl:text>
<xsl:when test="ID = '52'">
<xsl:text>background: url('rightcolumn_seniorliv.jpg') no-repeat;</xsl:text>
If i write statement like this way then my pages will be very slow. How can i reduce my code and write this statement in a smart way?
<xsl:variable name="idlist">
<xsl:key name="idk" match="id" use="."/>
<xsl:when test="key('idk', ID, $idlist)">...
This is XSLT 2.0 but can be adapted to work with 1.0.
I can't see all your cases, but if the pattern from your first two continues and you want that same 'rightcolumn_seniorliv.jpg' for IDs 51 thru 1551 then
<xsl: when test="ID>'50' and ID<'1552'">
it sounds like these ID cases are going well beyond logic and into the data realm. i obviously dont know anything about your app, but perhaps an ID to imagename mapping somewhere (probably database) would be in order. depending on what process generates the XML file (the first one, before XSLT transformation), you might want to just set the image name (or lack thereof) explicitly thru this mapping. then lose the when all together

Assigning parameter value to the xsl: for each

Can anybody who has worked with XSLT help me on this?
I am using XSL version 1.0.
I have declared a parameter in XSL file like:
<xsl:param name="HDISageHelpPath"/>
Now I am assigning the value to this parameter from an asp page . The value which I assign is "document('../ChannelData/Sage/help/ic/xml/HDI.xml')/HelpFiles/Help". Now I want to assign this parameter to the <xsl for each> like
<xsl:for-each select="msxsl:node-set($HDISageHelpPath)" > (This does not work)
But it does not work. I checked the parameter value by debugging it as below
<debug tree="$HDISageHelpPath">
<xsl:copy-of select="$HDISageHelpPath"/>
I'm able to print the value and it seems correct. In fact when I assign the static path ("document('../ChannelData/Sage/help/ic/xml/HDI.xml')/HelpFiles/Help") by hard-coding it, it works
<xsl:for-each select="document('../ChannelData/Sage/help/ic/xml/HDI.xml')/HelpFiles/Help"> (This works)
Can anyone please let me know why assigning the parameter to xsl:for-each does not work?
Note: I have referred the site ""
You can't easily evaluate dynamic strings as XPath expressions in XSLT 1.0. They must be hard-coded, normally.
There's EXSLT's dyn:evaluate(), but I doubt you can use that with the MXSML processor.
As an alternative approach, you could either try passing the file path only:
<xsl:param name="HDISageHelpFilePath"/>
<!-- ... -->
<xsl:for-each select="document($HDISageHelpFilePath)/HelpFiles/Help">
or making placeholder, replacing it with search-and-replace before you load the actual XSL code into the processor (as a string). This is a bit messy and error-prone, but it could give you the possibility to use an actual dynamic XPath expression.
<xsl:for-each select="%HELP_FILE_XPATH%">
Load the file as text, replace %HELP_FILE_XPATH% with your actual XPath, feed it to the processor. If it loads, you are fine, if it doesn't, your input XPath was malformed.