Android show ActionBar without navigation items - android-actionbar

I would like to display the ActionBar alone without any navigation buttons(Home, back,etc) which are present at the bottom of the screen.
If I use '#android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen', then even the ActionBar is not present.
Is there a way to display ONLY the ACTIONBAR without the navigation bar at the bottom?

For hiding the Navigation Bar, which is there only since API 14, see this


Declare bottom zone in a SwiftUI navigation sidebar below a list

In the below screenshots (taken from the Apple Developer app), we can see that the Account button sticks to the bottom of the sidebar.
When the window is tall enough (left), the list doesn’t scroll, Account button’s background color has no difference. When the window is not tall enough (right), causing the list to scroll, Account button changes its background color to reveal the relationship.
The list's scroll position can not be probed. How can I declare the Account button in SwiftUI?
That app is a UIKit catalyst app and the sidebar uses scrollViewDidScroll which uses the contentSize to set a bottomButtonState which is passed into a child UIHostingController (so the account button can be SwiftUI) which I would assume switches between a clear or solid background.
We cant get the scroll info in SwiftUI however a possible workaround would be to add dummy 1 pixel high cell to the bottom of the list and using its onAppear to set a binding that is used in a bottom view to enable/disable a background colour and should achieve the same effect.

SwiftUI - Hide the navigation bar on scroll

I'm wanting to hide the toolbar as I scroll down a page and return it as I scroll up. I have seen this done in UIKit but wanting to know if someone has done this in SwiftUI?

scrollbars of a CScrollView in a CDockablePane are disabled

I've designed a toolbox control. It's inside a CDockablePane object. Since the tools inside it may need to be scrolled, I've created a CScrollView as a child of the pane and have inserted the tools inside it as children. Based on the pane size, scrollbars of the CScrollView object appear properly, but clicking on them doesn't scroll the view. It seems that they're disabled. When I use SS_NOTIFY style when creating the CScrollView, the CScrollView object receives mouse clicks, but when i don't use the style, it doesn't. But it seems that the scroll bars inside the view control don't receive clicks. When mouse hover over them, no visual effect in scroll bars appears. It seems that the scroll bars are disabled, while I've not created nor manipulate them.
What's wrong?
mouse wheel works. click on scrollbars is received by the scroll view, not by the scrollbars. inside handler, i wrote this code:
CScrollBar *pScroll = GetScrollBarCtrl(SB_VERT);
if (pScroll->GetSafeHwnd())
if is not true. this means that the scroll view has not a scroll bar, but if so, how is it shown?!
any idea?
since i didn't get answer, i'm going to clarify my question with a sample code:
in this sample, how can i scroll my view as i do with other views like class view and file view?
the sample code screenshot:
Did you initialize by calling SetScrollSizes? The scroll bars are enabled only when the sizeTotal is larger than the view window size.

Can you implement a stacked ActionBar on a tablet?

I have implemented an ActionBar with my own custom icons. I have added tabs as well but I want these to appear below the ActionBar. At the moment they are displaying in the ActionBar. According to the Android Developers guide:
when the screen is wide enough the tabs appear in the action bar
alongside the action buttons (such as when on a tablet, shown in
figure 7), while when on a narrow screen they appear in a separate bar
(known as the "stacked action bar", shown in figure 8)
Is it possible to implement a stacked action bar permanently so that the tabs are constantly displayed below the ActionBar across all devices?
If you want the same effect as in that image, you can use tabs. Here is a tutorial on how to implement them.

Float a control over a CView

I've got an app that uses several CView-derived classes (actually CScrollView) to display document data. For one particular view, I want to add a fly-out edit box to add notes. That is, you'd see a tab at the bottom of the window labeled "Page Notes", and clicking on that would bring up the edit box. Clicking the tab while the edit box is visible would reduce it back to just the tab.
I thought I could use a one-tab CTabCtrl holding an edit box and just position it so that only the tab is visible initially. Capture the tab click notification and move the entire control, with edit box, into view. Clicking the tab again would move it back down so only the tab is visible.
Hosting the CTabCtrl on the CView is fine, and I can get it positioned correctly. The problem is that if the view is scrolled, the tab control is scrolled along with it, whereas I need it to "float" over the view and not be affected by any scrolling. I can move it back into place after the scroll, but the flickering is unsightly.
Is there a straightforward way to accomplish the "floating" effect? I mainly want the tab embedded in the view for maintenance, since it's the only view class out of the several in use that needs the "Page Notes" feature.
Should I just buckle down and put the tab in the view's parent window instead? I know it won't be affected by scrolling there, but I like the idea of keeping the tab as part of the view if possible.
It sound like the tab is functioning like a button. You click the tab and a fly out edit box appears. You could use a modeless dialog.
Select the "Page Note" and the modeless dialog comes up to edit your notes allowing you to scroll your view under the dialog.