Cannot execute anything in Xamarin Studio when writing code in D - d

I am using Xamarin Studio as a D environment. I followed all the instructions given here, and the environment works OK. However, whenever I click the 'play' button in the corner, which is meant to build and run my project, regardless of which settings I give it, I can't get it to run. More specifically, the build succeeds, but then I get an error (which I also can't seem to read the entirety of), which starts with
"Cannot execute [name of my project]. The type initializer for 'MonoDevelop.Debugger.Gdb.D.ToStringExaminatio..."
I've tried searching for answers to this, but have found none. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

With Xamarin Studio 4.1.7 on OSX, Mono 3.2.0 and Mono-D and debugger adding 0.2.2, I can start the applications using 'Run without debugging' in the 'Run' menu.
I can't succeed in using the debugger, but I think is an OSX problem: should work on linux.


Visual Studio Code Running Environment

I'm mostly using VSCode. I have two questions:
In the case of having a compiler error, VSCode warns you while you are writing the code (before you compile/run your program.) How I can do this?
How I can have the environment so that when I click on run button it compiles, runs and shows me the output in the terminal section?
Maybe this extension could be of help: C/C++ Advanced Lint
Install Microsoft's C/C++ extension and have a look at the documentation. Especially the topic "Create a build task" should be of interest for you (after you've done all the prerequisites steps.

Can't run VS 2015 Community without /resetsettings; Getting CANTLOADLIBRARY on opening new projects, and crashing on new .cpp files

I have Windows 10, fully updated.
I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Community 2015 last week for the first time, (previously programmed in Code:blocks, still installed) and selected custom install to allow for C++ and Python programming.
Installation ran smoothly, but VS always fails on launch.
On first launch ever, it said it was setting things up for first startup; asked me for sign-in which I did, at which point it briefly showed something about my profile before saying 'An error occurred while starting for the first time. Please restart Microsoft Visual Studio'. Imgur images of all dialog boxes here, including parts of a processmonitor log I estimated to be around the general time of the error.
Closing and restarting several times didn't help.
Uninstalling and re-installing didn't help.
Rebooting didn't help.
And uninstalling, running Ccleaner's Cleaner and Registry Cleaner, rebooting computer and re-installing VS didn't help either.
Repairing the install from Programs also didn't help.
I managed to find the exact same error on Google Search for VS 2013 but the only solution was where one person got a completely new OS and re-installed VS on that.
I tried the other suggestions they had including running:
devenv.exe /safemode
devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
devenv.exe /resetuserdata
devenv.exe /installvstemplates
devenv.exe /resetsettings
the first 3 took me to the same sign-in screen. Regardless of signing-in or not, or running VS from the Administrator Profile or not, these option always give the same failed on first startup error.
Installvstemplates gives an error saying the operation could not be completed, but /resetsettings finally got me into VS.
That's about all it does though, I can go to the home page and access options/menu buttons, but signing-in makes it crash and reload again (but it does sign me in and take me to the home screen)
Signed-in/not and Administrator or not, VS crashes on opening a new .cpp file.
When I click Start a New Project I get "Error loading type library/DLL.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)). Closing VS and trying to open it normally from start menu still always throws the original error, despite working if I open it via /resetsettings.
I've also checked [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{73B7DC00-F498-4ABD-AB79-D07AFD52F395}\InProcServer32] in Regedit and found it is apparently correct.
I also used devenv /log to generate an xml file of the process when I open it.
Just to mention I have .NET Framework 4.5-4.6 installed with VS as well.
Looking forward to any advice.
So, for anyone else getting the same problem, I haven't gotten any other advice, since this post.
If you're still having probs # this point the only real solution seems to be a clean install of your OS .
I can confirm it solved all my issues, with VS + some OS problems I wasn't aware of . I can only assume they might've been related, good luck.

Can't run C++ in NetBeans: "No Shell Found" error

I'm trying to learn C++ using NetBeans but even though I have CYGWIN and everything set up in my PATH, I keep getting an error that says: "No shell found. Cannot proceed. Please install either CYGWIN or Msys."
I don't know what Msys is but since the error says "or" I assume that if I have CYGWIN that I don't need to have Msys.
I'm trying to run the basic "Hello World!" tutorial but this error from what I've seen isn't covered. I'm getting aggravated because I have a project I need to have done in a few weeks.
If anyone has any answers for me, that would be great. I can supply screenshots if you need them.
Cygwin alone is not enough, first of all you have to check if you installed C++/gcc/gdb packages in your Cygwin.
From Cygwin/Net beans docs:
Open the Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel) and double-click the System program.
Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
In the System Variables panel of the Environment Variables dialog, select the Path variable and click Edit.
Add the path to the cygwin-directory\bin directory to the Path variable, and click OK. By default, cygwin-directory is C:\cygwin. Directory names must be separated with a semicolon.
Click OK in the Environment Variables dialog and the System Properties dialog.
If it fails you could try to Re-Install Netbeans from/within an cygwin/bash instance start the netbeans from a cygwin/bash instance.
Netbeans should automatically detect gdb/g++
PS: I'd prefer to use a good Gnu/Linux distro
I had the same problem with 8.1.
Adjusting the %PATH%-variable - in my case adding C:\msys64\usr\bin - solved it (as wdavilaneto's slightly verbose answer suggested).
This is not an answer but it adds to this question, I know that isn't very objective but in this case there may be a problem with Netbeans. I have 7.3 so this could be the reason. I am getting the same error but it used to work just fine, then one day it just stopped working and couldn't find the Shell. I have everything you need to make C/C++ work for Netbeans and it was working, for a while too!
It is rather old, but I've had the same issue a moment ago. It "Solved itself" by Creating a new "welcome sample" project and then made it run, then went back to my original project and made it run again. For me, it solved the problem. Probably it is related to an issue with Netbeans as Cian said.
Btw, I'm with Netbeans 8.1.
Make sure the shell is in your path! Depending whether you have Cygwin, Mingw32, Mingw32, TDM Mingw... it will be somewhere here:
c:\<installation path>\usr/bin
Hmh, I have 2 C compilers one for 64bit and one for 32bit set in NetBeans. When I had 32bit compiler without 64bit one then compiling went fine but when I have installed 64bit then NetBeans has started to do some problems, firstly everything went fine but then I started to get this problem to. For me fix is to switch from 64bit compiler back to 32bit compiler, then compile my program and then go back to 64bit compiler and now I can compile it with 64bit compile... Not sure why is this fixing it.
I have this problem with Netbeans 10.
Computer is Windows 10 x64.
Resolved by following the answer given by TNT.
Problem was when start building my project the said "no shell" (the topic of this posting) dialog box popped up. Since there was no command prompt, the build tools cannot run - process cannot spawn.
Solution was to give the correct path (environment variable). Since I am using MSYS, Since I am using MSYS, adding
to my PATH made it work.

Juno CDT plugin failing to run a C++ application

I have a simple mixed C/C++ application (OpenGL example) which I have successfully built using Eclipse CDT in Juno (MinGW toolchain).
I can run this application fine by hand from a Win7 command console, but it seems to rarely work when running from Eclipse's "Run as" menu. Whether it works or not seems down to seemingly unrelated changes in the code, and I get nothing of interest on the Eclipse run console (just a <terminated> status) even when no code near the start of the application has changed.
I'd like to and it sometimes I can work around this for now, but would be good to get this working if anyone has any ideas - it seems an essential stepping stone to get the debug environment working in Eclipse.
EDIT Side thought - eclipse seems awfully thin on debug diagnostics when something like this fails. If there is any way to turn on more debug I'd welcome the knowledge =)
Resolved - the issue is down to the path being given to the application, or more specifically the OS launcher (so it can find the DLLs it needs).
Even through the default "run" config claims to inherit the parent environment, it doesn't seem to get the same environment as the Win7 command console. I had to manually edit the "Run as" config in Eclipse to have a custom PATH environment variable containing the directories I needed (MinGW/bin, and a directory containing some custom DLLs).
Cheers, Iso

Eclipse c++ never run when build has errors

When programming in eclipse (c++), I would like to just hit f5 (run) and have the project I'm working on save, build and (if there are no errors) run. If there are errors I want it to show the problems window and stop.
This all works at the moment except for the part where it shouldn't run when there are errors.
Is there a way to make eclipse never run the project when there are errors? Perhaps with an addon?
EDIT: Forgot to mention the prompt... The prompt does show but I want it to not show at all. If you look at the preference window you'll see that there's no 'never' option, there is one for all the other options but not for the 'launch if project contains errors'.
By default, Eclipse CDT does not run code with build errors, but maybe you have checked the option Always launch without asking checkbox.
You should go to Windows menu->Preferences->Run/Debug->Launching->Continue launch if project contains errors and check Prompt option instead of Always. Using this, Eclipse CDT will prompt you if errors exists during building or launch your binary if it has been compiled without errors.