create object in for loop - c++

I have the following for loop, in this foor loop I create an object kw.
The class keywords (string, vector<pair<int,string>>, vector<string>)
for(size_t i = 0; i < names.size();i++)
Keywords kw (names[i].c_str(),vreg, stopWords);
Document d = kw.extractKeywords();
I think that there is a problem in this for loop. I thought that it might be better if i take the Keywords out of the for loop, since i just need to create that object once.
Keywords kw (vreg, stopWords);
for(size_t i = 0; i < names.size();i++)
Document d = kw.extractKeywords(names[i].c_str());
When I do that I don't get the right output. Can you please give me a hint thank you.
This class is being used to extract keywords out of an xml File. I provided the:
Class constructor
Copy Constructor
Setters and getters
Do you think that there is a problem in the copy constructor
Keywords::Keywords(string xmlF,vector<pair<int, string>> re,vector<string> sw)
// Setter for string: the path of the xml File
// Setter for the vector<pair<int, string>> re
//setter for vector<string> sw
void Keywords::setRegularExpression(vector<pair<int, string>> re)
vreg = re;
vector<pair<int, string>> Keywords::getRegularExpression()
return vreg;
void Keywords::setStopWords(vector<string> s)
sw = s;
vector<string> Keywords::getStopWords()
return sw;
void Keywords::setXml(string xmlF)
xmlFile = xmlF;
Keywords::Keywords(const Keywords& other):vreg(other.vreg),sw(other.sw)

kw is allocated in the second code only once, but in the first code for each loop iteration
In non runtime critical code it is good practice to construct objects in a RAII fashion.


C++ Bad access when assigning an element to map value

So the question explains the problem...
I'm trying to solve this problem from HackerRank.
It's basically an html tag parser. Valid input guaranteed, attributes are strings only.
My Approach
I created a custom Tag class that can store a map<string,Tag> of other Tag's, as well as a map<string,string> of attributes. The parsing seems to be working correctly.
The Problem
During the querying part, I get a BAD_ACCESS error on the following query/html combo:
4 1
<a value = "GoodVal">
<b value = "BadVal" size = "10">
The error occurs when I try to access the b Tag from a. Specifically, it's in the t=t.tags[tag_name], Line 118 below.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
class Tag {
Tag(string name):name(name){};
string name;
map<string,Tag> tags = map<string, Tag>();
map<string,string> attribs=map<string,string>();
int main() {
int lines, queries;
std:string str;
getline(cin, str);
stack<string> open;
auto tags = map<string, Tag>();
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
getline(cin, str);
if (str.length()>1){
// If it's not </tag>, then it's an opening tag
if (str[1] != '/') {
// Parse tag name
auto wordidx = str.find(" ");
if (wordidx == -1) {
wordidx = str.length()-1.f;
string name = str.substr(1,wordidx-1);
auto t = Tag(name);
string sub = str.substr(wordidx);
auto equalidx=sub.find("=");
// Parse Attributes
while (equalidx != std::string::npos) {
string key = sub.substr(1,equalidx-2);
sub = sub.substr(equalidx);
auto attrib_start = sub.find("\"");
sub = sub.substr(attrib_start+1);
auto attrib_end = sub.find("\"");
string val = sub.substr(0, attrib_end);
sub = sub.substr(attrib_end+1);
t.attribs[key] = val;
// If we're in a tag, push to that, else push to the base tags
if (open.size() == 0) {
tags[name] = t;
} else {
} else {
// Pop the stack if we reached a closing tag
auto wordidx = str.find(">");
string name = str.substr(2,wordidx-2);
// Sanity check, but we're assuming valid input
if ( {
return 9;
} else {
// Parse in queries
for (int i = 0; i < queries; i++) {
getline(cin, str);
Tag t = Tag();
bool defined = false;
auto next_dot = str.find(".");
while (next_dot!=string::npos) {
string name = str.substr(0,next_dot);
if (defined && t.tags.find(name) == t.tags.end()) {
cout<<"Not Found!"<<endl;
t = !defined ? tags[name] : t.tags[name];
defined = true;
str = str.substr(next_dot+1);
next_dot = str.find(".");
auto splitter = str.find("~");
string tag_name = str.substr(0,splitter);
string attrib_name = str.substr(splitter+1);
if (!defined) {
t = tags[tag_name];
} else if (t.tags.find(tag_name) == t.tags.end()) {
cout<<"Not Found!"<<endl;
} else {
t = t.tags[tag_name];
// T is now set, check the attribute
if (t.attribs.find(attrib_name) == t.attribs.end()) {
cout<<"Not Found!"<<endl;
} else {
return 0;
What I've tried
This is fixed by just defining Tag x = t.tags[tag_name]; in the line above as a new variable, and then doing t = x; but why is this even happening?
Also, the following query also then fails: a.b.c~height, but it fails on Line 99 when it tried to get a.tags["b"]. No idea why. I was gonna just go with the hacky fix above, but this seems like a big core issue that i'm doing wrong.
I would suggest running this on an IDE and verifying that the parsing is indeed correct.
This expression is unsafe because you are copy-assigning an object that is owned by that object over the owning object.
Consider what happens on this line:
The map lookup is performed and returns a Tag&.
You try to copy-assign this to t, invoking the implicit copy-assigment operator.
This operator copy-assigns t.tags from the tags attribute of the copy source -- which lives in t.tags.
The result is that the object you're copying into t is destroyed in the middle of that copy. This causes undefined behavior, and an immediate crash is honestly the best possible outcome as it told you exactly where the problem was. (This kind of problem frequently manifests at some point later in the program, at which point you've lost the state necessary to figure out what caused the UB.)
One workaround would be to move the source object into a temporary and then move-assign that temporary over t:
t = Tag{std::move(t.tags[tag_name])};
This lifts the data we want to assign to t out of t before we try to put it in t. Then, when t's assignment operator goes to replace t.tags, the data you're trying to assign to t doesn't live there anymore.
However, this overall approach involves a lot of unnecessary copying. It would be better to declare t as Tag const *t; instead -- have it be a pointer to a tag. Then you can just move that pointer around to point at other tags in your data structure without making copies.
Side note: I just did this problem the other day! Here's a hint that might help you simplify things: do you actually need a structure of tags? Is there a simpler type of lookup structure that would work instead of nested tags?

std::list and garbage Collection algorithm

I have a server that puts 2 players together on request and starts a game Game in a new thread.
struct GInfo {Game* game; std::thread* g_thread};
while (true) {
players_pair = matchPlayers();
Game* game = new Game(players_pair);
std::thread* game_T = new std::thread(&Game::start, game);
GInfo ginfo = {game, game_T}
_actives.push_back(ginfo); // std::list
I am writing a "Garbage Collector", that runs in another thread, to clean the memory from terminated games.
void garbageCollector() {
while (true) {
for (std::list<Ginfo>::iterator it = _actives.begin(); it != _actives.end(); ++it) {
if (! it->game->isActive()) {
delete it->game; it->game = nullptr;
delete it->g_thread; it->g_thread = nullptr;
This generates a segfault, I suspect it is because of the _active.erase(it) being in the iteration loop.
For troubleshooting, I made _actives an std::vector (instead of std::list) and applied the same algorithm but using indexes instead of iterators, it works fine.
Is there a way around this?
Is the algorithm, data structure used fine? Any better way to do the garbage collection?
Help is appreciated!
If you have a look at the documentation for the erase method it returns an iterator to the element after the one that was removed.
The way to use that is to assign the returned value to your iterator like so.
for (std::list<Ginfo>::iterator it = _actives.begin(); it != _actives.end();) {
if (! it->game->isActive()) {
delete it->game; it->game = nullptr;
delete it->g_thread; it->g_thread = nullptr;
it = _actives.erase(it);
else {
Since picking up the return value from erase advances the iterator to the next element, we have to make sure not to increment the iterator when that happens.
On an unrelated note, variable names starting with underscore is generally reserved for the internals of the compiler and should be avoided in your own code.
Any better way to do the garbage collection?
Yes, don't use new,delete or dynamic memory alltogether:
struct Players{};
struct Game{
Game(Players&& players){}
struct GInfo {
GInfo(Players&& players_pair):
game(std::move(players_pair)),g_thread(&Game::start, game){}
Game game;
std::thread g_thread;
std::list<GInfo> _actives;
void someLoop()
while (true) {
GInfo& ginfo = _actives.emplace_back(matchPlayers());
void garbageCollector() {
while (true) {
//Since C++20
//_active.remove_if([](GInfo& i){ return !;});
//Until C++20
auto IT =std::remove_if(_actives.begin(),_actives.end(),
[](GInfo& i){ return !;});
There might be a few typos, but that's the idea.

Why can't one clone a `Space` in Gecode before solving the original one?

I'm looking for a way to copy Space instances in Gecode and then analyze the difference between the spaces later.
However it goes already wrong after the first copy. When one copies the code in the book Modelling and Programming in Gecode, as shown here below, and simply modifies it such that a copy is made first (SendMoreMoney* smm = m->copy(true);), one gets a Segmentation fault, regardless whether the shared option is true or false.
#include <gecode/int.hh>
#include <gecode/search.hh>
using namespace Gecode;
class SendMoreMoney : public Space {
IntVarArray l;
SendMoreMoney(void) : l(*this, 8, 0, 9) {
IntVar s(l[0]), e(l[1]), n(l[2]), d(l[3]),
m(l[4]), o(l[5]), r(l[6]), y(l[7]);
// no leading zeros
rel(*this, s, IRT_NQ, 0);
rel(*this, m, IRT_NQ, 0);
// all letters distinct
distinct(*this, l);
// linear equation
IntArgs c(4+4+5); IntVarArgs x(4+4+5);
c[0]=1000; c[1]=100; c[2]=10; c[3]=1;
x[0]=s; x[1]=e; x[2]=n; x[3]=d;
c[4]=1000; c[5]=100; c[6]=10; c[7]=1;
x[4]=m; x[5]=o; x[6]=r; x[7]=e;
c[8]=-10000; c[9]=-1000; c[10]=-100; c[11]=-10; c[12]=-1;
x[8]=m; x[9]=o; x[10]=n; x[11]=e; x[12]=y;
linear(*this, c, x, IRT_EQ, 0);
// post branching
branch(*this, l, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
// search support
SendMoreMoney(bool share, SendMoreMoney& s) : Space(share, s) {
l.update(*this, share, s.l);
virtual SendMoreMoney* copy(bool share) {
return new SendMoreMoney(share,*this);
// print solution
void print(void) const {
std::cout << l << std::endl;
// main function
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// create model and search engine
SendMoreMoney* m = new SendMoreMoney;
SendMoreMoney* mc = m->copy(true);
DFS<SendMoreMoney> e(m);
delete m;
// search and print all solutions
while (SendMoreMoney* s = {
s->print(); delete s;
return 0;
How can one make a real copy?
You have to call status() on the Space first.
I found this exchange in the Gecode mailing list archives:
It would seem that internally, Gecode uses the copy function and constructor for its own internal purposes, so to make a "copy-by-value" copy of a space, you need to use the clone() function defined in the Space interface. However, as noted in #Anonymous answer, you need to call status() before calling clone or it will throw an exception of type SpaceNotStable
I augmented my space with the function below to automatically call status, make the clone, and return a pointer of my derived type:
struct Example : public Space {
Example * cast_clone() {
return static_cast<Example *>(this->clone());
As a workaround, one can create a totally independent space and then use equality constraints
on the variable level to reduce the domains of these variables.
void cloneHalfValues(SendMoreMoney* origin) {
int n = l.size();
for(int i = 0x00; i < n/2; i++) {
if(origin->l[i].assigned()) {
rel(*this, l[i], IRT_EQ, origin->l[i].val());
The reason why one can't clone a Space is however still a mystery.

C++ How to use less conditional statements?

For my assignment, I'm storing user login infos. I'm taking in a string which is the command. The command can be create, login, remove, etc. There are 10 total options, i.e 10 different strings possible. Can anyone explain a more efficient way to write this instead of 10 if and else if statements? Basically how should I format/structure things besides using a bunch of if (string == "one"), else if (string == "two"). Thank you
I expect that your lecturer would like you to extract function to another re-usable function:
string action;
command = CreateAction(action);
Ofcourse, inside you CreateAction class you still need to have the conditionals that determine which commands need to be created.
AbstractCommand CreateAction(action)
if (action == "login")
return LoginCommand();
else if (action == "remove")
return RemoveCommand();
..... etc etc
And if you really want to get rid of all the conditionals than you can create some self-registering commands but that involves a lot more code and classes......
You should look up things like Command Pattern and Factory Pattern
You can use function pointers and a lookup table.
typedef void (*Function_Pointer)(void);
void Create(void);
void Login(void);
void Remove(void);
struct Function_Option_Entry
const char * option_text;
Function_Pointer p_function;
Function_Option_Entry option_table[] =
{"one", Create},
{"two", Login},
{"three", Remove},
const unsigned int option_table_size =
sizeof(option_table) / sizeof(option_table[0]);
std::string option_text;
for (i = 0; i < option_table_size; ++i)
if (option_text == option_table[i].option_text)
Use a switch, and a simple hash-function.
You need to use a hash-function, because C and C++ only allow switching on integral values.
template<size_t N> constexpr char myhash(const char &x[N]) { return x[0] ^ (x[1]+63); }
char myhash(const string& x) { return x.size() ? x[0] ^ (x[1]+63) : 0; }
switch(myhash(s)) {
case myhash("one"):
if(s != "one") goto nomatch;
// do things
case myhash("two"):
if(s != "two") goto nomatch;
// do things
// No match
Slight adjustments are needed if you are not using std::string.
I would recommend you to create a function for every specific string. For example, if you receive a string "create" you will call function doCreate(), if you receive a string "login" then you call function doLogin()
The only restriction on these function is that all of them must have the same signature. In an example above it was smh like this:
typedef void (*func_t) ();
The idea is to create a std::map from strings to these functions. So you wouldn't have to write 10 if's or so because you will be able to simple choose the right function from the map by the name of a specific string name. Let me explain it by the means of a small example:
typedef void (*func_t) ();
void doCreate()
std::cout << "Create function called!\n";
void doLogin()
std::cout << "Login function called!\n";
std::map<std::string, func_t> functionMap;
void initMap()
functionMap["create"] = doCreate;
functionMap["login"] = doLogin;
int main()
std::string str = "login";
functionMap[str](); // will call doLogin()
str = "create";
functionMap[str](); // will call doCreate()
std::string userStr;
// let's now assume that we also can receive a string not from our set of functions
std::cin >> userStr;
if (functionMap.count(userStr))
functionMap[str](); // now we call doCreate() or doLogin()
std::cout << "Unknown command\n";
return 0;
I hope it will help you in someway=)
You can use a map which does the comparison for you.
Something like this:
Initialise map:
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(std::string&)>> map;
map["login"] = std::bind(&Class::DoLogin, this, std::placeholders::_1);
map["create"] = std::bind(&Class::DoCreate, this, std::placeholders::_1);
Receive message:;
void Class::DoLogin(const std::string& data)
// do login
Maybe you can create a std::map<std::string, int> and use map lookups to get the code of the command that was passed - you can later switch on that number. Or create an enum Command and have a std::map<std::string, Command> and use the switch.
enum Command
std::map<std::string, Command> commandNameToCode;
// fill the map with appropriate values
commandNameToCode["create"] = Command::CREATE;
// somehow get command name from user and store in the below variable (not shown)
std::string input;
// check if the command is in the map and if so, act accordingly
if(commandNameToCode.find(input) != commandNameToCode.end())
case CREATE:
// handle create

Checking list within constructor for duplicates

I have a class called Recipe. The Recipe maynot contain duplicate Ingredients, otherwise a Illegal Argument Exception should be thrown. I tried to use a helplist but I am getting a NullPointerException for the line: "for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++)"
public class Recipe {
private String title;
private String instructions;
private LinkedList<Ingredient> ingredients;
boolean noduplicate = true;
// constructor
public Recipe(String title, String instructions,
List<Ingredient> ingredients) {
this.title = title;
this.instructions = instructions;
LinkedList<Ingredient> helplist = new LinkedList<Ingredient>();
for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++) {
Ingredient x = ingredients.get(i);
if (helplist.contains(x)) {
noduplicate = false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This ingredient is duplicate!");
if (noduplicate) {
noduplicate = true;
this.ingredients = helplist;
Use a set instead of a list, since that is the datastructure you want. In short, a set only contains unique elements. When you try to add stuff which is already there, nothing happens. You have to override the equal/hash method of your Ingredients class in order to make it work.