SFML Only Lists Invalid VideoModes in Debug Mode - c++

I have this weird problem where SFML's sf::VideoMode::getFullscreenModes() method, which is supposed to only return valid video modes, actually only returns invalid video modes.
When I change my launch configuration to Release it works fine.
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argCount, char** argVector) {
std::vector<sf::VideoMode> videoModes;
videoModes = sf::VideoMode::getFullscreenModes();
sf::VideoMode videoMode;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < videoModes.size(); i++) {
std::cout << "Vanlid VideoMode: " << i << " - " << videoModes[i].width << "x" << videoModes[i].height << " b" << videoModes[i].bitsPerPixel << std::endl;
std::cout << "Invalid VideoMode: " << i << " - " << videoModes[i].width << "x" << videoModes[i].height << " b" << videoModes[i].bitsPerPixel << std::endl;
char input[1];
std::cin >> input;
return 0;
Console Output:
Invalid VideoMode: 0 - 3131961357x3131961357 b3131961357
Invalid VideoMode: 1 - 3131961357x3131961357 b3131961357
Invalid VideoMode: 2 - 3131961357x3131961357 b3131961357
Invalid VideoMode: 3 - 3131961357x3131961357 b3131961357

The answer is the same as on this question:
You have to use the debug libraries in debug mode, and the release ones in release mode. Mixing them up can result in crashes.


How to ignore certain input lines in C++?

Okay so a little background this code is supposed to read through a file containing DNA and calculate the number of nucleotides A, C, T, G and print them out and also do some other slight calculations. My code runs fine for most files except for files that contain lines that start with # and + in the file. I need to skip those lines in order to get an accurate number. So my question is how to skip or ignore these lines in my calculations.
My code is
#include <iostream>
#include <stream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Ignore how the above argc and argv are used here
auto arguments = std::vector<std::string>(argv, argv + argc);
// "arguments" box has what you wrote on the right side after &&
if (arguments.size() != 2) {
// ensure you wrote a file name after "./a.out"
std::cout << "Please give a file name as argument\n";
return 1;
auto file = std::fstream(arguments[1]);
if (!file) {
// ensure the file name you gave is from the available files
std::cout << "Cannot open " << arguments[1] << "\n";
return 1;
auto counts = std::map<char,int>({{'G',0.0},{'A',0.0},{'C',0.0},{'T',0.0}});
// Just a test loop to print all lines from the file
for (auto dna = std::string(); std::getline(file, dna); ) {
//std::cout << dna << "\n";
for (auto nucleotide:dna) {
counts[nucleotide]=counts[nucleotide] + 1;
double total = counts['A'] + counts['T'] + counts['G'] + counts['C'];
double GC = (counts['G'] + counts['C'])*100/total;
double AT = (counts['A'] + counts['T'])*100/total;
double ratio = AT/GC;
auto classification = "";
if ( 40.0 < GC < 60.0) {
classification = "moderate GC content";
if (60 <= GC) {
classification = "high GC content";
if (GC <= 40.0) {
classification = "low GC content";
std::cout << "GC-content: " << GC << "\n";
std::cout << "AT-content: " << AT << "\n";
std::cout << "G count: " << counts['G'] << "\n";
std::cout << "C count: " << counts['C'] << "\n";
std::cout << "A count: " << counts['A'] << "\n";
std::cout << "T count: " << counts['T'] << "\n";
std::cout << "Total count: " << total << "\n";
std::cout << "AT/GC Ratio: " << ratio << "\n";
std::cout << "GC Classification: " << classification << "\n";
The file that is giving me trouble is this which is like this
#ERR034677.1 HWI-EAS349_0046:7:1:2144:972#0 length=76
+ERR034677.1 HWI-EAS349_0046:7:1:2144:972#0 length=76
If anyone can help me with this. I will be very grateful. I only need a hint or an idea of the concept I am missing so I can make my code compatible with all files. Thanks in advance
Your actual problem seems to be the standard case of "input is not always clean syntax".
The solution is always "do not expect clean syntax".
First read whole lines into a buffer.
Then check for syntax.
Skip broken syntax.
Scan clean syntax from buffer.

Is it possible to have memory problems that don’t crash a program?

I wrote a text cipher program. It seems to works on text strings a few characters long but does not work on a longer ones. It gets the input text by reading from a text file. On longer text strings, it still runs without crashing, but it doesn’t seem to work properly.
Below I have isolated the code that performs that text scrambling. In case it is useful, I am running this in a virtual machine running Ubuntu 19.04. When running the code, enter in auto when prompted. I removed the rest of code so it wasn't too long.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <new>
bool run_cypher(char (&a)[27],char (&b)[27],char (&c)[11],char (&aa)[27],char (&bb)[27],char (&cc)[11]) {
//lowercase cypher, uppercase cypher, number cypher, lowercase original sequence, uppercase original sequence, number original sequence
std::ifstream out_buffer("text.txt",std::ios::in);
std::ofstream file_buffer("text_out.txt",std::ios::out);
std::cout << "size of text: " << out_buffer.tellg() << std::endl;//debug
const int size = out_buffer.tellg();
std::cout << "size: " << size << std::endl;//debug
char *out_array = new char[size + 1];
std::cout << "size of out array: " << sizeof(out_array) << std::endl;//debug
for (int u = 0;u <= size;u = u + 1) {
out_array[u] = 0;
char original[size + 1];//debug
for (int bn = 0;bn <= size;bn = bn + 1) {//debug
original[bn] = out_array[bn];//debug
for (int y = 0;y <= size - 1;y = y + 1) {
std::cout << "- - - - - - - -" << std::endl;
std::cout << "out_array[" << y << "]: " << out_array[y] << std::endl;//debug
int match;
int case_n; //0 = lowercase, 1 = uppercase
if (isalpha(out_array[y])) {
if (islower(out_array[y])) {
//std::cout << "out_array[" << y << "]: " << out_array[y] << std::endl;//debug
//int match;
for (int ab = 0;ab <= size - 1;ab = ab + 1) {
if (out_array[y] == aa[ab]) {
match = ab;
case_n = 0;
std::cout << "matched letter: " << aa[match] << std::endl;//debug
std::cout << "letter index: " << match << std::endl;//debug
std::cout << "case_n: " << case_n << std::endl;//debug
if (isupper(out_array[y])) {
for (int cv = 0;cv <= size - 1;cv = cv + 1) {
if (out_array[y] == bb[cv]) {
case_n = 1;
match = cv;
std::cout << "matched letter: " << bb[match] << std::endl;//debug
std::cout << "letter index: " << match << std::endl;//debug
std::cout << "case_n: " << case_n << std::endl;//debug
if (case_n == 0) {
out_array[y] = a[match];
std::cout << "replacement letter: " << a[match] << " | new character: " << out_array[y] << std::endl;//debug
if (case_n == 1) {
std::cout << "replacement letter: " << b[match] << " | new character: " << out_array[y] << std::endl;//debug
out_array[y] = b[match];
if (isdigit(out_array[y])) {
for (int o = 0;o <= size - 1;o = o + 1) {
if (out_array[y] == cc[o]) {
match = o;
std::cout << "matched letter: " << cc[match] << std::endl;//debug
std::cout << "letter index: " << match << std::endl;//debug
out_array[y] = c[match];
std::cout << "replacement number: " << c[match] << " | new character: " << out_array[y] << std::endl;//debug
std::cout << "- - - - - - - -" << std::endl;
std::cout << "original text: " << "\n" << original << "\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "encrypted text: " << "\n" << out_array << std::endl;
delete[] out_array;
return 0;
int main() {
const int alpha_size = 27;
const int num_size = 11;
char l_a_set[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char n_a_set[] = "0123456789";
std::cout << "sizeof alpha_set: " << std::endl;//debug
char lower[alpha_size] = "mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq";
char upper[alpha_size] = "POIUYTREWQASDFGHJKLMNBVCXZ";
char num[num_size] = "9876543210";
int p_run; //control variable. 1 == running, 0 == not running
int b[alpha_size]; //array with values expressed as index numbers
std::string mode;
int m_set = 1;
while (m_set == 1) {
std::cout << "Enter 'auto' for automatic cypher generation." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Enter 'manual' to manually enter in a cypher. " << std::endl;
std::cin >> mode;
if (mode == "auto") {
p_run = 2;
m_set = 0;
if (mode == "manual") {
p_run = 3;
m_set = 0;
if (p_run == 2) { //automatic mode
std::cout <<"lower cypher: " << lower << "\n" << "upper cypher: " << upper << "\n" << "number cypher: " << num << std::endl;//debug
return 0;//debug
while (p_run == 3) {//manual mode
return 0;//debug
return 0;
For example, using an array containing “mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq” as the cipher for lower case letters, I get “mnbv” if the input is “abcd”. This is correct.
If the input is “a long word”, I get “m gggz zzzv” as the output when it should be “m gkjz rkov”. Sort of correct but still wrong. If I use “this is a very very long sentence that will result in the program failing” as the input, I get "uas” as the output, which is completely wrong. The program still runs but it fails to function as intended. So as you can see, it does work, but not on any text strings that are remotely long. Is this a memory problem or did I make horrible mistake somewhere?
For your specific code, you should run it through a memory checking tool such as valgrind, or compile with an address sanitizer.
Here are some examples of memory problems that most likely won't crash your program:
Forgetting to delete a small object, which is allocated only once in the program. A memory leak can remain undetected for decades, if it does not make the program run out of memory.
Reading from allocated uninitialized memory. May still crash if the system allocates objects lazily at the first write.
Writing out of bounds slightly after an object that sits on heap, whose size is sizeof(obj) % 8 != 0. This is so, since heap allocation is usually done in multiples of 8 or 16. You can read about it at answers of this SO question.
Dereferencing a nullptr does not crash on some systems. For example AIX used to put zeros at and near address 0x0. Newer AIX might still do it.
On many systems without memory management, address zero is either a regular memory address, or a memory mapped register. This memory can be accessed without crashing.
On any system I have tried (POSIX based), it was possible to allocate valid memory at address zero through memory mapping. Doing so can even make writing through nullptr work without crashing.
This is only a partial list.
Note: these memory problems are undefined behavior. This means that even if the program does not crash in debug mode, the compiler might assume wrong things during optimization. If the compiler assumes wrong things, it might create an optimized code that crashes after optimization.
For example, most compilers will optimize this:
int a = *p; // implies that p != nullptr
if (p)
Into this:
int a = *p;
If a system allows dereferencing nullptr, then this code might crash after optimization. It will not crash due to the dereferencing, but because the optimization did something the programmer did not foresee.

libc++: Why is the stream still good after closing

I have a very simple program
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
void CHECK(std::iostream& s)
std::cout << "good(): " << s.good()
<< " fail(): " << s.fail()
<< " bad(): " << s.bad()
<< " eof(): " << s.eof() << std::endl;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
std::fstream ofs("test.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
std::cout << "opened" << std::endl;
ofs << "Hello, World!\n";
std::cout << "closed" << std::endl;
ofs << "Hello, World!\n";
std::cout << "after operation" << std::endl;
return 0;
With libc++ I get the following last line:
good(): 1 fail(): 0 bad(): 0 eof(): 0
Expected (or with libstdc++):
good(): 0 fail(): 1 bad(): 1 eof(): 0
I have tested on OSX with Xcode 9.4.1 (or on Linux), but always the same. Can anybody explain me the situation here? Also the file content was not updated, because already closed. Why is the stream still good after closing and further operation?
What I suspect is happening is that the operations are stuffing the data into the rdbuf associated with the stream. That succeeds, as long as there is room in the buffer. Eventually, the buffer gets full, and the stream attempts to write to the file (which is closed) and that fails.
You can test that by making the last bit a loop:
std::cout << "closed" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
ofs << "Hello, World!\n";
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "after operation" << std::endl;
On my machine, it fails after about 300 - and forever after that.
Is this correct behavior? (or even standards-compliant?)
I don't know.
[ Later: If I change libc++ do set the buffer size to 0 upon close, then the first write fails - so that suggests that my analysis is correct. However, I still haven't found anything in the standard about what this 'should' do. ]

save() function in Armadillo

I'm using the Armadillo library in a C++ project (with Xcode) and I would like to create a .mat file containing matrix A (as in the code hereafter).
#include <iostream>
#include <armadillo>
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
int main ()
mat A;
A << 0.165300 << 0.454037 << 0.995795 << 0.124098 << 0.047084 << endr
<< 0.688782 << 0.036549 << 0.552848 << 0.937664 << 0.866401 << endr
<< 0.348740 << 0.479388 << 0.506228 << 0.145673 << 0.491547 << endr
<< 0.148678 << 0.682258 << 0.571154 << 0.874724 << 0.444632 << endr
<< 0.245726 << 0.595218 << 0.409327 << 0.367827 << 0.385736 << endr;
cout << A << endl;
bool status = A.save("test.mat", arma_ascii);
if(status == true)
cout << "Save OK !" << endl << endl;
cout << "Problem with save" << endl << endl;
mat B;
B.load("test.mat", arma_ascii);
cout << B;
return 0;
Everything works fine, as you can see in the results below, except the fact that I cannot find the file "test.mat" anywhere :( ! It is supposed to be in the project's folder, but unfortunately this is not the case! Anyone have any idea to solve this issue?
0.1653 0.4540 0.9958 0.1241 0.0471
0.6888 0.0365 0.5528 0.9377 0.8664
0.3487 0.4794 0.5062 0.1457 0.4915
0.1487 0.6823 0.5712 0.8747 0.4446
0.2457 0.5952 0.4093 0.3678 0.3857
Save OK !
0.1653 0.4540 0.9958 0.1241 0.0471
0.6888 0.0365 0.5528 0.9377 0.8664
0.3487 0.4794 0.5062 0.1457 0.4915
0.1487 0.6823 0.5712 0.8747 0.4446
0.2457 0.5952 0.4093 0.3678 0.3857
Thanks in advance!
P.S. I have problems with the function load() too. It always fail to read the file located in the project's folder.

make some crc check code, loop for multiple file (c++)

so i have this code for checking crc file named map.spak and compare the result with my specified crc result which stored in variable "compare"
int main(int iArg, char *sArg[])
char sSourceFile[MAX_PATH];
memset(sSourceFile, 0, sizeof(sSourceFile));
CCRC32 crc32;
crc32.Initialize(); //Only have to do this once.
unsigned int iCRC = 0;
strcpy(sSourceFile, "map.spak");
int compare = 399857339;
ifstream checkfile(sSourceFile);
if (checkfile){
cout << "Checking file " << sSourceFile << "..." << endl;
crc32.FileCRC(sSourceFile, &iCRC);
if(iCRC == compare){
cout << "File " << sSourceFile << " complete!\nCRC Result: " << iCRC << endl;
cout << "File " << sSourceFile << " incomplete!\nCRC Result: " << iCRC << endl;
cout << "File not found!" << endl;
return 0;
and now i want to make this code for multiple file
let's say the file name list stored in filelist.txt
the filelist.txt structure:
id|filename|specified crc
how to make the crc check, loop for each file name
i'm not really good at c++ i only know some algorithm because i know PHP
c++ is too complicated
this is the full source included CRC source Source Code
or pastebin
TestApp.cpp link
I made several changes to your code. I removed guard headers since we use it only in header files. Old-fasioned memset has been replaced by operation on strings. I suspect that you need to pass char* to CCRC32 object hence sSourceFile is still const char*. I compiled code except parts with CCRC32.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../CCRC32.H"
int main(int iArg, char *sArg[])
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
// TODO - populate filesnames (paths?)
CCRC32 crc32;
crc32.Initialize(); //Only have to do this once.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
const char* sSourceFile = filenames[i].c_str();
unsigned int iCRC = 0;
int compare = 399857339; // TODO - you need to change this since you are checking several files
std::ifstream checkfile(sSourceFile);
if (checkfile) {
std::cout << "Checking file " << sSourceFile << "..." << std::endl;
crc32.FileCRC(sSourceFile, &iCRC);
if(iCRC == compare){
std::cout << "File " << sSourceFile << " complete!\nCRC Result: " << iCRC << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "File " << sSourceFile << " incomplete!\nCRC Result: " << iCRC << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "File tidak ditemukan!" << std::endl;
return 0;