Netbeans / C++: Link 2 projects together (Executable / Dynamic Library) - c++

I am creating 2 projects at the moment. The first one is an executable application. The second one is a Dynamic Library. Is there a way to link the Dynamic Library to the application in Netbeans so when I run the application I can load in the Dynamic Library. I know I could just copy the built files over, but that is a pain in the ass as I need to test if it's working every minute.
Does anyone know how to do this? I'm pretty sure it's possible as it would be so useful in many cases.

Yes it's possible:
Application Project -> right click -> Properties -> Linker
Libraries -> ... -> Add Project -> select your library project (-> check Build and select the Configuration if necessary)
Add the proper include directory at C or C++ Compiler settings
Properties -> Related Projects -> ... -> at your library project there
Not sure if step #4 is required.
If you build your application project, the library project will get build too.

An alternative is to point the project that uses the shared library to the directory where netbeans places the .so it generates from the shared library project. In other words, project 1 creates a shared library, project 2 uses it. So in netbeans right click on project2, choose
properties->linker->libraries (click "...")
then click on "add library" and navigate to the folder of project 1 that is the actual netbeans project folder -- in it there will be a "dist" directory, with children, something like "/dist/Debug/linux-x86/.so" choose that .so file
note, project 1 should be created as a netbeans "C Dynamic Library" project, in which case it will automatically pre-pend "lib" in front of the project name when it generates the .so, so that the .so file's name automatically starts with "lib"..
After that, you can update and build the two projects independently, and project 2 will always see the latest build of project 1.


create dll out of yaml-cpp source code

Newbie to windows. I need to use yaml-cpp library in a project, but I can't seem to compile it in windows. I tried everything (everhthing!) I could find but no place have the full answer, just tips for the process. but those tips don't help so much.
I did create shared lib in Ubuntu but can't create dll in windows.
can someone give the full explanation to get dll from source code?
(I also be grateful for explanation of how use the dll with it's includes).
Working with visual studio 2015.
So finally I got it.
for linux users - use cmake. for windows users - you can but I really don't recommend it unless you need cross compiling. Use visual studio: (explained for VS 2017)
First create new project with existing code.
The folder you pick should be "src" (in case of cpp-yaml).
When creating the project you need to choose type of project (exe, dynamic or static library), so choose dynamic library to create .dll or static to create .lib.
After creating your project go to your project properties, go to c/c++ tab --> General --> "additional include directories", and add your path to the headers folder ("include"). Do not add "cpp-yaml" inside the include folder, only "include".
Now build. In the console you can see where the library was created.
To use it, in case you made static library 4 things need to be done:
add to your project "#include cpp-yaml/yaml.h"
in properties:
in tab "c/c++" --> General --> "additional include directories", add the include folder path. (as before)
in tab "Linker" -->Input, add to the "Additional dependencies" your lib name (followed by semi-colon)
in tab "Linker" --> General, add to "additional library directories" the path to your lib.

Selecting C++ main function to build in eclipse

I've a C++ project in eclipse which is version managed with git. I've a git submodule, which is another project I've written in C++. The submodule has its main function and my project has its own.
Eclipse chooses other main (from the submodule) to compile when I press build. Is there a way to choose which main to build in eclipse?
Update: I'm still working on the issue. Excluding resources from the project didn't help either. Will answer the question when I solve it.
Update 2: Solved at last. See my answer.
I have solved the problem, at last. The solution is not a simple and straightforward one, so I'm writing step by step:
First set your toolchain correctly from Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Chain Editor -> Current toolchain. It's MacOSX GCCor Linux GCC for me.
Set your correct project source path. I've symlinked the files from projects I imported as submodules to my project, so setting the correct source directory didn't exclude any required files from my project. Setting is at Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths & Symbols -> Source Location. Make sure you exclude the other submodules and symlink the required files to your project.
Change the name of the artifact (binary, library, etc.) to something different than the ${projName}, because when you have submodules, you will have a directory named as ${projName} inside your build folder. Setting is at Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Build Artifact -> Artifact name.
After making these changes, your project should build automatically. Looks like eclipse makes all necessary checks during build, but doesn't warn you about the problems. I had to see all these problems with running make --always-build inside the Debug folder.

Eclipse C/C++: Using static/shared library project in executable project

I think the title almost hits the point..
What I am trying to do is write a server. Here is the thing:
I want to separate separateable parts of the server into different projets. For example I wanted to create a Project "ServerNetworkStuff" and "ServerGameLogicStuff" into two projects which are static or shared libraries..
Now I want to create another Project "Server" that uses these two Projects as library.
Eclipse Projects:
- ServerNetworkStuff (static library)
- ServerGameLogicStuff (shared library)
- Server (using ServerNetworkStuff, ServerGameLogicStuff)
Is that even possible? Or is there any equivalent solution which doesn't force me to reinvent the wheel?
Thank you for your help!
If I add a reference to the active mode under "Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols > References" it doesn't work. The compiler can't find the header files.. if I add the path to the header files I get "undefined reference" errors.
*Okay it compiles now... but execution doesn't work at the moment..
What I did was first creating my projects "Server" (executable) and ServerNetwork (shared lib). After adding a ServerNetwork reference to Server there were a few things to do left.
I had to change my includes from
#include <include/ServerThread.hpp>
#include "ServerThread.hpp"
without meaning any shared libraries I am using in the project. Just changed it for the references of my own classes.
In my project Server that wants to use ServerNetwork I needed to add -lServerNetwork and -fPIC as parameter for g++.
And additionally the folder which the .so-file contains must be added to the library path (which Eclipse should do automatically if you add the specific project as reference).*
The Reference in Eclipse only works with open projects. I found the fastest way is to add or symlink the headers needed in the system path (/usr/local/include or similar) or just add the path to it, and doing the same with the library.
If you don't want to do that (which should be the best option), you still can add includes and libraries:
the -I path in Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Includes,
the -L libs' paths in Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Library Paths,
the -l libs in Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Path and
Symbols -> Libraries.
Or by hand: the -I path in Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> [CGG/C/C++] Compiler -> Includes, and the -L -l libs in Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> C++ Linker -> Libraries.
Now you can #include either with <> or "" syntax (is a good practice to reserve the former to system libraries).
You should have execution problems if you don't move/copy/symlink the libraries in default paths, for example with OSX, the solution is to export the non-default path just before execution (e.g. export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH:/non-default/lib/path for OSX).

How can I include Lua library in VS 2008

I'm not sure about this location.
In Properties > Linker > General > Additional Dependencies
I have to include some library in Additional Library Directories, haven't I?
or I have to install some program in my computer?
The problem is I can't to use luaL_dofile, but I can use it before my computer was formatted.
That's why I'm not sure about library. I compile and run my code after my
computer was formatted suddenly. I'm pretty sure that my code has no problems
because it can run before my computer was formatted.
Well, then, obtain the library from where you get it. Place it in some place that you know it will not be moved (or install it if an installer is provided), and do this:
Select menu item Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker ->Input.
Now add the name of the library in the "Additional Dependencies" edit control.
You need to do two things:
Add the library directory to Libraries directory
Add the library name (without path, but with extension) to Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies

How do I include a statically linked library in my Eclipse C++ project?

I have an open-source library that's distributed in source form. After I run the Makefile, I end up with a .h file and a .a file that I then want to include in a project that I'm working on. I'm familiar with how I can add these by editing a Makefile manually or by invoking the compiler from the command line, but I'm not sure how I can add these to my Eclipse C++ project, created using the CDT.
I'm currently using Eclipse Indigo. I found some instructions for older versions of Eclipse, but the menus aren't what are described. I poked around a bit, and didn't see anything familiar.
right click on the project name in the project explorer with the project being opened, select project properties. Then select C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> includes -> GNU C++ and add the path to your header file. You should do the same for you library under : C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Libraries -> Add , and add your library file path.
How do I add an external library to my C++ project?
Go to Your Project's Properties by right clicking on project's name and selecting properties. Click on "C/C++ Build". Under Settings->Tool Settings Tab, click on GCC C Linker / Libraries. Then add a library and a search path.