cocos2d-x determine where a object will be based off its vector - c++

In my game i want my towers to shoot where the enemy is going to be by the time the bullet reaches it.
i don't want my bullet to curve, i want it to shoot directly to the estimated location based on the speed the unit is moving and the direction it is moving
My thought is that i determine the direction of my enemy by subtracting its current position from its last position every time it moves. so lets say that its direction is (1,1)
after that i am not 100% sure what logic i would need to do.
i am thinking i need to know the distance from the tower to the enemy to determine the time i need to estimate how far the enemy is going to be when the bullet should reach it.
i really don't know where to start with this one, so if anyone can give me some pointers on how i should handle this solution.

In case of uniformly accelerated linear movement
x(t) = x0 + vx * t
y(t) = y0 + vy * t
where vx, vy are projections of velocity v on coordinate axis. Velocity is vector which scalar value is speed, and direction in the direction of movement. In your case, if your direction vector is normalized, multiply it by speed to get velocity.
You know starting position: (x0, y0). You only need projections vx and vy. If w is angle between x-axis and velocity, then
vx = v * cos(w)
vy = v * sin(w)
As for angle: use atan2f function, or cocos2d function ccpToAngle (which uses atan2f itself) with normalized direction vector.

Suppose , the position vector of your enemy is P, his velocity is E and the speed of your bullet is b. [ I will use upper case letter for vector, and its corresponding lower case for its modulus]
Suppose, after time t the enemy will be hit.
Then, t*B = P + t*E [where B is the velocity of the bullet. Note, you don't know the direction of B, but you the mod value of it, b]
Now try to calculate t ! It is not easy I think, there is another unknown, the directional vector of B. You have to replace it with known variables and t and then solve if for t. Use other vector tools, like dot product to get the angle between P and B, to get to other equations and relation between other vectors.
I just did some short calculation, I might be wrong. Just let me know if this works.
t is the real positive solution of the following equation:
t^2*(e^2-b^2) + t*(2*p*e*cos(the angle between P and E)) + p^2 = 0


C++ Move 2D Point Along Angle

So I am writing a game in C++, currently I am working on a 'Compass', but I am having some problems with the vector math..
Here is a little image I created to possibly help explain my question better
Ok, so as you can see the 2D position of A begins at (4, 4), but then I want to move A along the 45 degree angle until the 2D position reaches (16, 16), so basically there is a 12 distance between where A starts and where it ends. And my qustion is how would I calculate this?
the simplest way in 2D is to take angle 'ang', and distance 'd', and your starting point 'x' and 'y':
x1 = x + cos(ang) * distance;
y1 = y + sin(ang) * distance;
In 2D the rotation for any object can be just stored as a single value, ang.
using cos for x and sin for y is the "standard" way that almost everyone does it. cos(ang) and sin(ang) trace a circle out as ang increases. ang = 0 points right along the x-axis here, and as angle increases it spins counter-clockwise (i.e at 90 degrees it's pointing straight up). If you swap the cos and sin terms for x and y, you get ang = 0 pointing up along the y axis and clockwise rotation with increasing ang (since it's a mirror image), which could in fact be more convenient for making game, since y-axis is often the "forward" direction and you might like that increasing ang spins to the right.
x1 = x + sin(ang) * distance;
y1 = y + cos(ang) * distance;
Later you can get into vectors and matricies that do the same thing but in a more flexible manner, but cos/sin are fine to get started with in a 2D game. In a 3D game, using cos and sin for rotations starts to break down in certain circumstances, and you start really benefiting from learning the matrix-based approaches.
The distance between (4,4) and (16,16) isn't actually 12. Using pythagorean theorem, the distance is actually sqrt(12^2 + 12^2) which is 16.97. To get points along the line you want to use sine and cosine. E.g. If you want to calculate the point halfway along the line the x coordinate would be cos(45)(16.97/2) and the y would be sin(45)(16.97/2). This will work with other angles besides 45 degrees.

C++ Detect collision between two points and bouncing off the normal if there is a collision

I have a ground set up of various points, some of which are flat and others are at an angle, I'm trying to check if there is a collision between the angled points (non-axis aligned).
I have a vector array consisting of two floats at each point - This is each of the points of the ground.
Here's an image representation of what the ground looks like.
At the moment I want to check collisions between points 1 and 2 and then go onto the others.
I shall use points 1 and 2 as an example.
g1x = 150; g2x = 980;
g2x = 500; g2y = 780;
The dxdy of this is dx = 350 and dy = -200
The normal x of this is dy and the normal y is -dx
nx = -200;
ny = -350;
normalized it is the length between points 1 and 2 which is 403.11
nx/normalized = -0.496
ny/normalized = -0.868
//get position of object - Don't know if its supposed to be velocity or not
float vix = object->getPosition().x;
float viy = object->getPosition().y;
//calculate dot product - unsure if vix/viy are supposed to be minused
float dot = ((-vix * nrmx) + (-viy * nrmy)) * nrmx; //= -131.692
Is this information correct to calculate the normal and dot product between the two points.
How can I check if there is a collision with this line and then reflect according to the normal.
Thanks :) any and all changes are welcome.
Say you have a particle at position x travelling at velocity v and a boundary defined by the line between a and b.
We can find how far along the boundary (as a fraction) the particle collides by projecting c-a onto b-a and dividing by the length ||b-a||. That is,
u = ((c-a).((b-a)/||b-a||))/||b-a|| == (c-a).(b-a) / ||b-a||2.
If u > 1 then the particle travels past the boundary on the b side, if u < 0 then the particle travels past the boundary on the a side. The point of collision would be
c = a + u b.
The time to collision could be found by solving
x + t v = a + s (b-a)
for t. The reflection matrix can be found here. But it will need to be rotated by 90 deg (or pi/2) so that you're reflecting orthogonal to the line, not across it.
In terms of multiple boundaries, calculate the time to collision for each of them, sort by that time (discarding negative times) and check for collisions through the list. Once you've found the one that you will collide with then you can move your particle to the point of collision, reflect it's velocity, change the delta t and redo the whole thing again (ignoring the one you just collided with) as you may collide with more than one boundary in a corner case (get it? It's a maths pun).
Linear algebra can be fun, and you can do so much more with it, getting to grips with linear algebra allows you to do some powerful things. Good luck!

Points on a circle, with limits. How To calculate without angle, but radius and centre point?

This is quite complicated to explain, so I will do my best, sorry if there is anything I missed out, let me know and I will rectify it.
My question is, I have been tasked to draw this shape,
This is to be done using C++ to write code that will calculate the points on this shape.
Important details.
User Input - Centre Point (X, Y), number of points to be shown, Font Size (influences radius)
Output - List of co-ordinates on the shape.
The overall aim once I have the points is to put them into a graph on Excel and it will hopefully draw it for me, at the user inputted size!
I know that the maximum Radius is 165mm and the minimum is 35mm. I have decided that my base Font Size shall be 20. I then did some thinking and came up with the equation.
Radius = (Chosen Font Size/20)*130. This is just an estimation, I realise it probably not right, but I thought it could work at least as a template.
I then decided that I should create two different circles, with two different centre points, then link them together to create the shape. I thought that the INSIDE line will have to have a larger Radius and a centre point further along the X-Axis (Y staying constant), as then it could cut into the outside line.
So I defined 2nd Centre point as (X+4, Y). (Again, just estimation, thought it doesn't really matter how far apart they are).
I then decided Radius 2 = (Chosen Font Size/20)*165 (max radius)
So, I have my 2 Radii, and two centre points.
Now to calculate the points on the circles, I am really struggling. I decided the best way to do it would be to create an increment (here is template)
for(int i=0; i<=n; i++) //where 'n' is users chosen number of points
//Equation for X point
//Equation for Y Point
Now, for the life of me, I cannot figure out an equation to calculate the points. I have found equations that involve angles, but as I do not have any, I'm struggling.
I am, in essence, trying to calculate Point 'P' here, except all the way round the circle.
Another point I am thinking may be a problem is imposing limits on the values calculated to only display the values that are on the shape.? Not sure how to chose limits exactly other than to make the outside line a full Half Circle so I have a maximum radius?
So. Does anyone have any hints/tips/links they can share with me on how to proceed exactly?
Thanks again, any problems with the question, sorry will do my best to rectify if you let me know.
R1 = (Font/20)*130;
R2 = (Font/20)*165;
for(X1=0; X1<=n; X1++)
Y1 = ((2*Y)+(pow(((4*((pow((X1-X), 2)))+(pow(R1, 2)))), 0.5)))/2;
Y2 = ((2*Y)-(pow(((4*((pow((X1-X), 2)))+(pow(R1, 2)))), 0.5)))/2;
As per Code-Guru's comments on the question, the inner circle looks more like a half circle than the outer. Use the equation in Code-Guru's answer to calculate the points for the inner circle. Then, have a look at this question for how to calculate the radius of a circle which intersects your circle, given the distance (which you can set arbitrarily) and the points of intersection (which you know, because it's a half circle). From this you can draw the outer arc for any given distance, and all you need to do is vary the distance until you produce a shape that you're happy with.
This question may help you to apply Code-Guru's equation.
The equation of a circle is
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
With a little bit of algebra, you can iterate x over the range from h to h+r incrementing by some appropriate delta and calculate the two corresponding values of y. This will draw a complete circle.
The next step is to find the x-coordinate for the intersection of the two circles (assuming that the moon shape is defined by two appropriate circles). Again, some algebra and a pencil and paper will help.
More details:
To draw a circle without using polar coordinates and trig, you can do something like this:
for x in h-r to h+r increment by delta
calculate both y coordinates
To calculate the y-coordinates, you need to solve the equation of a circle for y. The easiest way to do this is to transform it into a quadratic equation of the form A*y^2+B*y+C=0 and use the quadratic equation:
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 - r^2 = 0
(y^2 - 2*k*y + k^2) + (x - h)^2 - r^2 = 0
y^2 - 2*k*y + (k^2 + (x - h)^2 - r^2) = 0
So we have
A = 1
B = -2*k
C = k^2 + (x - h)^2 - r^2
Now plug these into the quadratic equation and chug out the two y-values for each x value in the for loop. (Most likely, you will want to do the calculations in a separate function -- or functions.)
As you can see this is pretty messy. Doing this with trigonometry and angles will be much cleaner.
More thoughts:
Even though there are no angles in the user input described in the question, there is no intrinsic reason why you cannot use them during calculations (unless you have a specific requirement otherwise, say because your teacher told you not to). With that said, using polar coordinates makes this much easier. For a complete circle you can do something like this:
for theta = 0 to 2*PI increment by delta
x = r * cos(theta)
y = r * sin(theta)
To draw an arc, rather than a full circle, you simply change the limits for theta in the for loop. For example, the left-half of the circle goes from PI/2 to 3*PI/2.

Movement of a sprite according to rotation

I hope this is an acceptable question for this forum, as it's more of a maths question than a programming question.
I am developing a basic space shooter game using the cocos2d framework, where the user controls a spaceship and shoots asteroids/enemies, and the enemies also shoot back at the spaceship (original eh?).
The 'lasers' that are fired by the enemies are a tube like shape, and generally only travel form right to left on the x axis. This is easy to achieve, and the movement is created with this line of code:
currentEnemyProjectile.position = ccp(currentEnemyProjectile.position.x - ((screenSize.width/kLaserSpeed)* dtSixty), currentEnemyProjectile.position.y);
I also have one particular enemy, which resides in the middle of the screen and rotates to fire its projectiles at the spaceship, so if the space ship is at a different y position than the enemy then the projectile sprite will be rotated and then will move to the spaceship's position, so it will need to also move through the y axis.
I'm currently using code to achieve this:
float xDiff = ((screenSize.width/kLaserSpeed)* dtSixty);
float yDiff = (xDiff / 57) * currentEnemyProjectile.rotation;
currentEnemyProjectile.position = ccp(currentEnemyProjectile.position.x - xDiff, currentEnemyProjectile.position.y + yDiff);
I just worked this out as a temporary fix, I know it is not the optimal way of doing things. It sort of works, but as I am working out the y offset from the movement along the x axis, the projectiles will move faster if they have further to travel along the y axis. Ideally they should move slower along the x axis if they are moving further upwards or downwards, so that the rate of travel is constant for any trajectory. (I hope I've explained that well enough)
It's been roughly 10 years since I last had a maths lesson, so my geometry/trigonometry is rather hazy/non-existent, can anyone shed any light on how this can be done?
Also, it's worth noting that I would like to do this without the use of cocos2d actions. I would rather move my sprites each frame as I have been currently doing as I manipulating the flow of time as part of the game, so I need more control than the cocos2d actions can offer.
Thanks in advance for any help.
To find a position using a starting position, an angle, and a distance, the formula is as follows:
ccp( x + ( distance * sin( angle ) ), y + ( distance * cos( angle) ) )
Keep in mind that the angle for this formula will have to be in radians, not degrees. You can convert degrees into radians like this:
radians = degrees * PI / 180
Try this. I realized since you know the vector to the player, you don't need the trig. You only need to calculate v and h once so you may want to save those values and not calculate them on every frame.
// Vector from enemy to player
CGPoint v = enemy.position - player.position;
// distance from enemy to player (sqrt of the dot product of v with v)
float h = sqrt(v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y);
// Desired distance to move along v
delta = ((screenSize.width/kLaserSpeed)* dtSixty);
// delta/h is the % moved along v, find the % moved in the x and y direction
xDiff = v.x * delta/h;
yDiff = v.y * delta/h;

Rotate a 3D- Point around another one

I have a function in my program which rotates a point (x_p, y_p, z_p) around another point (x_m, y_m, z_m) by the angles w_nx and w_ny.
The new coordinates are stored in global variables x_n, y_n, and z_n. Rotation around the y-axis (so changing value of w_nx - so that the y - values are not harmed) is working correctly, but as soon as I do a rotation around the x- or z- axis (changing the value of w_ny) the coordinates aren't accurate any more. I commented on the line I think my fault is in, but I can't figure out what's wrong with that code.
void rotate(float x_m, float y_m, float z_m, float x_p, float y_p, float z_p, float w_nx ,float w_ny)
float z_b = z_p - z_m;
float x_b = x_p - x_m;
float y_b = y_p - y_m;
float length_ = sqrt((z_b*z_b)+(x_b*x_b)+(y_b*y_b));
float w_bx = asin(z_b/sqrt((x_b*x_b)+(z_b*z_b))) + w_nx;
float w_by = asin(x_b/sqrt((x_b*x_b)+(y_b*y_b))) + w_ny; //<- there must be that fault
x_n = cos(w_bx)*sin(w_by)*length_+x_m;
z_n = sin(w_bx)*sin(w_by)*length_+z_m;
y_n = cos(w_by)*length_+y_m;
What the code almost does:
compute difference vector
convert vector into spherical coordinates
add w_nx and wn_y to the inclination and azimuth angle (see link for terminology)
convert modified spherical coordinates back into Cartesian coordinates
There are two problems:
the conversion is not correct, the computation you do is for two inclination vectors (one along the x axis, the other along the y axis)
even if computation were correct, transformation in spherical coordinates is not the same as rotating around two axis
Therefore in this case using matrix and vector math will help:
b = p - m
b = RotationMatrixAroundX(wn_x) * b
b = RotationMatrixAroundY(wn_y) * b
n = m + b
basic rotation matrices.
Try to use vector math. Decide in which order you rotate, first along x, then along y perhaps.
If you rotate along z-axis, [z' = z]
x' = x*cos a - y*sin a;
y' = x*sin a + y*cos a;
The same repeated for y-axis: [y'' = y']
x'' = x'*cos b - z' * sin b;
z'' = x'*sin b + z' * cos b;
Again rotating along x-axis: [x''' = x'']
y''' = y'' * cos c - z'' * sin c
z''' = y'' * sin c + z'' * cos c
And finally the question of rotating around some specific "point":
First, subtract the point from the coordinates, then apply the rotations and finally add the point back to the result.
The problem, as far as I see, is a close relative to "gimbal lock". The angle w_ny can't be measured relative to the fixed xyz -coordinate system, but to the coordinate system that is rotated by applying the angle w_nx.
As kakTuZ observed, your code converts point to spherical coordinates. There's nothing inherently wrong with that -- with longitude and latitude, one can reach all the places on Earth. And if one doesn't care about tilting the Earth's equatorial plane relative to its trajectory around the Sun, it's ok with me.
The result of not rotating the next reference axis along the first w_ny is that two points that are 1 km a part of each other at the equator, move closer to each other at the poles and at the latitude of 90 degrees, they touch. Even though the apparent purpose is to keep them 1 km apart where ever they are rotated.
if you want to transform coordinate systems rather than only points you need 3 angles. But you are right - for transforming points 2 angles are enough. For details ask Wikipedia ...
But when you work with opengl you really should use opengl functions like glRotatef. These functions will be calculated on the GPU - not on the CPU as your function. The doc is here.
Like many others have said, you should use glRotatef to rotate it for rendering. For collision handling, you can obtain its world-space position by multiplying its position vector by the OpenGL ModelView matrix on top of the stack at the point of its rendering. Obtain that matrix with glGetFloatv, and then multiply it with either your own vector-matrix multiplication function, or use one of the many ones you can obtain easily online.
But, that would be a pain! Instead, look into using the GL feedback buffer. This buffer will simply store the points where the primitive would have been drawn instead of actually drawing the primitive, and then you can access them from there.
This is a good starting point.