Migrate data from one version of WSO2 Governance Registry to another one - wso2

We use WSO2 Registry Governance 4.5.3 and ask ourselves how to get information introduced (Resources, Users, LifeCycle ...) from one version to another. I saw that check-in can help.
Is it able to work with different versions of WSO2 Greg and will it take information other than resources, it seems that not.
But then how to transfer automatically these other infos from one version to another ? Is it possible through an API and which ?
Thank you in advance for your response.
Jean-Pierre Indot

I tried migrating a datasource configuration (a basic text resource) from WSO2 GReg 4.1.1 to GReg 4.5.3 using the check-in client. The migration was successful.
But there is a possibility of this approach not being adequate for migrating more complex resources. (E.g.: Resources containing data structures)
Could you please share the nature of the resources you're trying to migrate, so that we can try to provide you with a more subjective solution.


Multiple Instance issue of WSO2 (version 5.8) with Claim

Currently, We are using WSO2(v5.8) in our development environment. We have used all the soap request almost of WSO2 - tenant creation, service provider, user store, and claim as well. All the soap requests are working fine. But in case of Claim : the problem is , it created successfully and updated successfully using soap request without any error. When we are going to see the new added claim on wso2 console then the newly added claims are not displaying under claims. After sometime the claims are available, which means we are able to see the newly added claim and we can use it with service provider also.
But most of the time is not displaying. I think the claims are not synced properly in case of multiple instances running of WSO2. Somebody help highly appreciated
Historically WSO2 Identity Server used distributed caching to utilize the above-mentioned advantages as well as to minimize the coherence problem. However, in newer deployment patterns where the network is not tightly controlled, distributed caching fails in unexpected ways. Hence, we no longer recommend using distributed caching. Instead, it is recommended to have local caches.
Refer to this document to get further information about deployment patterns.
In order to enable localcaches, Please check whether you have enabled this property in /repository/conf/carbon.xml file
For clustered nodes, enabling this property enables local cache invalidations.
There is a similar issue already reported regarding claims are not listed or not synced properly in a clustered environment when forcelocalcache is enabled. You can refer to the git issue here. This issue is fixed with Identity Server 5.9.0

Accessing WSO2 BPS and ESB registry from code

I am trying to access the registry of WSO2 BPS and WSO2 ESB from Java in order to automatically fill the registry based on the data I provide.
I have already found a number of resources about the required Java code and dependencies, this being the most helpful one: [WSO2 Governance Registry]Using WSRegistryServiceClient. However, the approach described in these resources depends on the WSRegistryService service. This service is included in Governance Registry by default, but not in the other WSO2 products. I have verified that my code works for the Governance Registry. For any other WSO2 product on my machine, I get this error:
The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) https://localhost:9445/services/WSRegistryService
I found an old thread suggesting that it should be possible to install the WSRegistryService on other WSO2 products as well, but I have not been able to find out how to do so. I can't seem to find it within the features I can install from the web console of the products. I have also tried manually copying the relevant jar from the plugins directory of Governance Registry into the plugins directory of other products, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient.
Note that my application for filling the registry will not be running on the carbon server whose registry I want to access, so using CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() (an approach I found in some other articles) is not an option.
I think your referring to how to install features to WSO2 products,
Please find this documentation.

WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustering with Oracle Coherence

Halo everybody (maybe Asela? :),
Can anyone guide me how can I implement Oracle Coherence as a Cache provider with WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustered using with WSO2 ELB?
I found some very useful links on that topic, from which I consider this one as a good start: Clustering Identity Server
But I cannot find a way how to find solution for changing Hazelcast cache provider for any other provider.
I also realized, WSO2 is not using javax.caching implementation from JDK (since it was introduced in 1.7 and later), it is using its own based on JSR-107 (from which JSR I suppose Java JDK JCache is originated.
This article shows, that there is a way, how to somehow implement user JSR 107 JCache, but I don't see it configured for whole Identity Server:
WSO2 Multi-tenant Cache: JSR-107 (JCache)
I'm expecting answer which will guide me, what to change or add (for instance to carbon core) and where to setup / configure those changes, to make them global used within WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0.
I hope it is relevant question and since this Carbon based platform is very rich and configurable, I hope this will be possible with some time invested.
Thank you in advance,
Coherence supports the real JCache APIs, so if WSO2 uses JCache, it should be easy to integrate Coherence!

Error occurring while Listing wsdl from wso2 governance

I have added wso2 governance registry on wso2 BPS 3 as a feature from http://dist.wso2.org/p2/carbon/releases/turing/
and restarted.
When tried to add wsdl from file it giving error:
org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.exception.GovernanceException: Attribute Search Service not Found.
I am trying to use BPS, GREG as a single component to reduce servers in my project. After GREG added as a feature it adding ".wsdl" file at "_/system/governance" and it is not forming endpoints,services as GREG normally do.
Is there any way to get out of this problem.
Thank's in advance....
The reason for this is missing some of the features which needed in ordered to work governance features. I think best option is using Governance Registry separately and mount the registry of it to BPS. By doing this you can add services from Governance Registry and use them in BPS. You can follow this document for more information on registry mounting.

WSO2 ESB and GReg on same Carbon instance

I have installed WSO2 AS, after I have installed GReg and ESB by Feature Install. It was OK.
But now I would like to know how to I have to configure GReg and ESB using same WSO2 Application Server.
For example, I would like to configure ESB and GReg following pattern #2 or pattern #3 of this blog post but considering that ESB and GReg were installed in same WSO2 AS instance.
Is that a correct escenary ? or I Have to install allways in separated AS ?
These patterns are used when you need to share registry spaces across multiple server instances. A common config registry space is used to share configuration details across multiple instances of the same product. A common governance registry space is used to share metadata across the multiple products in a platform.
In the setup you have described,since ESB and AS products are installed in the same server, there is no need for sharing the registry space.
Sharing the registry space would be required only if these products are run as separate server instances.
Is there any particular reason/requirement you have for the setup described?