Like a FB page without using the mouse? - facebook-like

Hi all this is my fist Q here
i want to make a keyboard shortcut or a command that i can run from the java script console or any way to do a Facebook page like (the page is in the Facebook not on my site)
so i'am on a FB page and i want to like it without using mouse and clicking like i want to make it with the keyboard or maybe a java command or any thing but using the mouse
or maybe make a script that auto like a FB page when i visit ?
is this possible ?
any ideas ?

You try this shortcut key from Keyboard
Press Alt+8 and Like Page

Which Browser you use?
Now you see this and implement.
Firefox: Shift + Alt + 8
Chrome: Alt + 8


How to set click events in WebKitX ActiveX control in C++

I am using WebKitX ActiveX control for displaying web page in MFC Dialog. Now i want to set click events for same. I am setting click events using below code :
m_ctrlWebKit.SetEvents(m_ctrlWebKit.DOM_EVENT_CLICK || m_ctrlWebKit.DOM_EVENT_DBLCKICK);
But when i click on web page i always get only click event not double click. So can anyone tell me how to do it.
WebKitX - Getting Started with C++
I hope this helps!

Postman won't start on Windows 7

I've been using Postman for a while now. Suddenly though it has stopped working. When trying to open it I get a loading spinner then nothing. No error. Nothing in Event Viewer. Nothing. Although the Icon in the task bar at the foot of the page looks broken or corrupted.
I've tried reinstalling, rebooting, clearing cache - nothing
I'm on Windows 7, 64 bit
Anyone ran into anything like this? :-/
I had a similar issue. The solution that worked for me is to use --disable-gpu flag for postman shortcut C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Postman\<app-version>\Postman.exe --disable-gpu:
More info on Github:
This issue happened for me when running a remote desktop session, it appears that postman is running but opening off screen. According to this thread
This can happen when you add or change a monitor.
There is a solution there - deleting some json files - but I found that I could see the Postman app in Task Manager -> Applications and then bring it up by selecting "Switch To"
I faced a similar issue and found that you need to navigate to AppData\Local\Postman and find the latest installed version folder now change the shortcut path on the desktop in my case it was AppData\Local\Postman\app-7.36.0\Postman.exe I did and it worked :)
postman folder
postman desktop shortcut
I had a similar issue on Windows 10. The application did not show up after opening it. This post helped me:
Hover the Postman icon in the taskbar. Then click the preview window that opens above it.
Press Alt + Space and then M or click "Move".
Move the Postman window with arrow keys, it probably was invisible on the right or left side of your screen.
This problem appeared after working with an external display. When I got Postman back visible, it showed an update dialogue.

Access content property in the debugger

how can i access the content property of a controller within the chrome debugger.
I really try to find a way to debug my application. So far i can't find a way to do that.
Thank you
add the statement
in the method you want to debug,
Open Google Chrome, CTRL+SHIFT+i
Hit the URL of your application, navigate to the state where you think the code would run
Google Chrome automatically stops at the debugger; statement and focuses you to the sources/scripts tab as you can see in the picture
Inside the Watch expression tab click on the "+" too evaluate code in your case it would be
As long as you have this breakpoint you can switch to the console panel and execute the code in that context, whenever you are done you can either close the panel by clicking CTRL+SHIFT+I or the close button down there, you can add breakpoints manually by clicking on the line number as well , Hope this helps
For more info
I'm using Ember Extentions which is not ready yet but certainly usable.
There are 2 possibilities
Use the Ember Inspector Tool for Chrome: It is not officially released yet, but from what i have heard it seems usable. I had no time to try it myself yet, but here is an article telling you how to install and use it.
Get access to your controller in the console of your browser. And then examine it as you like. Here is the code to get access to your controller.I use it myself in my app for debugging:
// i assume that your Ember.Application is stored in the global var App
var App = Ember.Application.create({
getController : function(name){
return this.__container__.lookup("controller:" + name);
// now you can use it like this. To get the users controller (App.UsersController) just use this in the console:

How to open a new tab in same browser using robot frame work

As far as I know there is no straight keyword to open new tab in selenium2library. I have seen the below code which opens a new tab in IE(default browser)for the given URL
But I want to write a keyword which opens a new tab on current running browser (it may be any browser).
You can try
Execute Javascript'')
Get Window Titles
Select Window title=undefined
Go To ${URL}
This Code helps to Open New tab in the same browser and collect the Windows Title of all tabs in same browser.
Based on the Window Title name , it identifies the Newly opened tab and launch the URL
You can use the Javascript Keyword
Execute Javascript'NewTabUrl');
Execute Javascript'');
It's sloppy, but you can try:
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
I'm not aware of a browser-agnostic method.
After opening a new tab you can change tabs by finding the window handle with driver.window_handles and switching to the appropriate handle: browser.switch_to_window(handle)
You can use an AutoIt Library For Simulating KeyStroke in Robot Frame Work
Import AutoItLibrary
Import Selinium2library
send "^t" Open the New Tab
same way simulate others
Ctrl+Tab – Switch to the next tab – in other words, the tab on the right. (Ctrl+Page Up also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)
Ctrl+Shift+Tab – Switch to the previous tab – in other words, the tab on the left. (Ctrl+Page Down also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 – Close the current tab.
Ctrl+Shift+T – Reopen the last closed tab

Programmatically navigating to the Windows Mobile home screen

We have an application that downloads some files in the background. Our application pops up when an Internet connection is made, and after prompting the user to accept the downloads, we'd like to switch back to the home screen while we do our stuff.
We can't work out how to do to this. We can emulate pressing "back" a few times, which sometimes works, but where you end up depends on what the user was doing when the Internet connection happened.
So, can someone provide pointers to how to do this?
Can you try setting the today screen as the foreground window?
HWND hWnd = FindWindow(_T("DesktopExplorerWindow"), _T("Desktop"));
Why don't you simply hide your app?
Using a Notification shell object instead of popping up a full screen window might be a better alternative. Details here.