Get trigger from console in C++ - c++

I am writing an application for a robot.
The required UI for the application is described in the pseudo-code below:
if (spacebar is not pressed){
//do something
sleep(1); //wait for a second
If I use cin or some other console input reading function then it will wait for user to press something. How do I ensure that it does not wait to get any input?
I am using Ubuntu. But I do not want it to be OS-specific.
Answers here seem to be OS specific.

Terminal Level input
What you are asking for is fairly close to the hardware (key-press / key-release) compared to the "standard input/output" stream concepts. So your implementation would have to be OS specific. Having said that the library to use is curses[1] which has been around for a long time and is standard on a lot of Un*x platforms. The GNU ncurses flavor compiles for pretty much all of them, it is a standard install in almost all Linux environments, and where it isn't installed by default you can find it. It also works well in Windows (cygwin), os/2 and a bunch of embedded systems etc. so you should be able to write a fairly portable software using curses that does what you want.

It's not too clear what you're asking for. In the if, is the
condition based on whether a space character has been entered,
or whether the user is currently holding down the space bar? In
the first case, you need something like curses (a portable
library which does gets each character as it was entered,
without echo). In the second, I don't think that there is
a portable solution. Even non-portably, you might not be able
to get it if your program is reading from a terminal window
(e.g. xterm); this sort of information is typically only present
as window events, when you created the window in your program.


How to detect whether tying is enabled in the currently selected/active interface in C++

In Windows 7(I am not sure about other OS) when you are on a webpage, pressing the space-bar scrolls a few pixels down the page. But when you are in an interface where typing can be done(like an input element, textarea, word editor, code editor, search bar, etc), pressing the space-bar obviously types a space.
Similarly, when all the open windows or menus are minimized, and you are viewing the desktop, and you press a letter key, instead of the letter being typed somewhere, a beep sound is produced.
This shows that the availability of a typing functionality can be "detected". And if it can be detected, it can most likely be done so using C++.
I don't know what to call this. I tried to find out using google but everything I got seemed unrelated to this. I was probably not using the correct keywords.
Whatever this is, I am creating a C++ program where I need to be able to detect it(in an if condition). Something like this
if (/*typing can be done*/) {
//Do something..........
Or this
if (/*typing can NOT be done*/) {
if( GetKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000 ) {
//Do something..........
And I need to be able to do so natively. Not specific to a particular console window or UI.
If you can help me in any way in figuring this out than please do so. And please feel free to make or suggest relevant edits to improve this question and make it less vague and more detailed and to-the-point.
The functionality you describe belongs to the program running the window with focus, not to the operating system (although the operating system will, at least in part, ultimately power that functionality). It shouldn't come as a surprise that programs can detect keystrokes, because otherwise you wouldn't be able to use your keyboard to input any characters into your computer.
However, you cannot just "detect" a random event with an if statement. "if" is not "when". Your computer will not repeatedly check all if statements in your program and jump to that location in the code whenever one matches. Imagine the chaos!
A program sufficiently complex to have a graphical interface almost certainly has an "event loop", be this in its own code or buried within an API call (as in the case of native Windows applications); such an event loop typically polls for keys being sent to the window(s) managed by the program. If you do not have an event loop (and if your operating system cannot generate a "signal" when a keystroke otherwise goes unhandled), you will have to make one.
Exact specifics are beyond the scope of a Stack Overflow answer, but by pointing you in the direction of a textbook about how to create graphical programs, I am enabling you to discover how input and output is handled in those cases.

Invoking a console application from C++ program

I have an console application 'app.exe', which i want to invoke from a C++ program and then communicate with it as if it was a command line. Essentially I want to make a C++ wrapper around another console application so that I could pass input to it at will and receive output.
In pseudo-code something like:
std:string input("...some parameters..."), output;
Process app("app.exe");
app.InputOutput(input, output);
This must have been answered already, but I seem to lack proper terminology to look it up.
In case it matters, I am running Eclipse CDT on Windows 10 with GCC 5.3.0
EDIT: I need to be able to repeatedly send some values to 'app.exe' and repeatedly receive response, rather than just invoke it with parameters. This is needed for a small personal project so I do not care about it being platform-specific.
I used this code as a starting point, in an MFC dialog, to display output from a called process. It was rather painless as this is well documented. He tells you why he is doing what. It should be suitable as you are working with the Windows platform. But as Alf points out, cross platform is something else.
You can use the system function to invoke a shell (command line) command.
That command can be to execute a program with the arguments you want.
system returns the process exit code, but for other results there is no direct support. One easy way to access the output, for a program that just does a job and ends, is to redirect the program's output to a file.
Otherwise you'll have to use communication mechanisms such as pipes or Windows mailslots, that are not supported by the C++ standard library, i.e. you're then into platform-specific code.

Prevent mixing of console output and written text

I have a C++ console application that prints some output constantly while it also accepts commands (using std::cin) from the user - output and input happen in separate threads.
If I write a text while some output appears the written text is mixed with application output. How can I prevent this behaviour?
To solve this problem, I need to display the program one line above the line where the text is typed. I'd inspire myself in Minecraft Bukkit server's solution - however I need the same for C++.
Assuming you want the output to appear while things are being typed, you'll need some screen control facilities to have the output go somewhere different than the input area. If I were tasked to implement something like this writing to a terminal I would refresh my ncurses experience. I realize you are on a Windows console and I have no idea if the Windows console is capable of the screen control needed to make it happen.
You can possibly tie custom stream buffers into std::cin and std::cout using the curses functionality under the hood but it may not be worth it. In any case, it isn't entirely trivial.
There's a windows port of ncurses called pdcurses. But if you are using visual studio there's a simple function provided called SetConsoleCursorPosition()

Multiple console windows from one Win32 console app

I've written a program based on an empty Win32 console app in VS2008 running on Win7 64bit. The program is entirely menu based spawning from a main.cpp which only calls external functions that lead to other interfaces based on the users needs (e.g. cashier, inventory, report, etc...). What I would love to do is provide a new console window for each interface.
Ideally it would close the main menu upon invoking any other interfaces and so on as the user progresses through its functions, including reopening the main menu when necessary.
The basis for doing it this way is that I'm starting a new semester next week diving deeper in OOP with C++ and I wanted to go over my text and complete the capstone project which progresses with the topics to ensure that I have all the basics down pat. As much as I would love to do this the smartest-easiest way, it's best if I stick to the limited knowledge presented in the book which only hints at STL and speaks nothing of additional libraries like boost.
I, of course, have searched on SO and elsewhere looking for the solution. I have found answers, most of them falling outside of my tight requirements, some dealing with building a console window from scratch. While from-scratch seems the most promising, it seemed to be dealing with those not using a robust IDE like VS and I don't know if it will cause more conflict than it's worth, or if it can even be used in multiplicity. The majority, however, left me with the impression it isn't possible. The one exception to this was linking a console to a process. This is what I hope is in my future!
What brought me to this was the need to present a clean look at each turn of events. At first I was fooling around with trying to clear the screen with a basic function like void clearScreen(int lines); but this will always clear from the bottom. So, if I clear the screen before the next interface it's still at the bottom. If I clear it then accept input, the prompt is still at the bottom.
In case it hasn't been clear up to this point. My question is:
Is it possible, within reason, to produce multiple console windows which are tied to processes, or is there an easy way which I do not know to manipulate the scrolling of the main console window?
Even though I "need" to stay within the confines of the baby-step process of traditional learning, I would love to hear any input aside from switching the app type.
This is more of an OCD issue than a requirement of the task, so if the effort isn't worth the benefit that's okay too.
There is no portable way of moving the cursor around the console window - in Unix/Linux, you can send terminal codes for that, in Windows I have no idea.
What would work cross-platform, but be terribly slow and not too nice, would be:
read your input character-by-character
remember where on the screen the next character should appear
redraw the whole screen after each key press
If you want to do better, you must turn to platform-specific solutions, or find a library which would do it for you (like ncurses in the Unix world), but I don't know if any of these fit in your requirements.
You can set the cursor-position on Windows using SetConsoleCursorPosition.
Since you were saying something about VS, I assume restricting yourself to Windows isn't a problem. If so, you can use the Windows API for this.
Other than that, ncurses seems to be at least partially ported to most common platforms.
If you were looking for a way to do this in standard C++ - it doesn't exist. C++ doesn't require the platform it's running on to even have a console, so there are no console manipulation functions.
Both aren't that hard to use, but if this is really just some student thingy where you expect to learn something useful you probably shouldn't bother. Console manipulation isn't something you'll have or want to do very often.
Although it may not have been clear in my original question, I was looking for a solution to be used in a console window. Ideally the solution would have been operable on at least Linux and Windows because any programs I write for school must be compiled on each. This wasn't an assignment but it's obviously advantageous to learn things that are usable there as well.
Here's what I found ...Solution thanks to Tim Wei
void clearScreen()
#ifdef _WIN32
This, as simple as it is, was exactly what I was looking for. The function clears the screen and puts the cursor at the top of the console window providing a way to provide static headers or titles with changing data tables. It also allows for simple text based animations - if you like that sort of thing. It made a significant difference in the look, feel and consistency in my console applications this semester!

Clear console using C++ with Xcode?

I'm trying to make a C++ console application using Xcode 4.1, but I can't find the command for cleaning the screen while the program is executing...
Any ideas? Thanks!
OSX doesn't have "consoles" the way Windows does. It has pseudoterminals, which act like an old-fashioned glass terminal to the program running "inside" them, and like a bidirectional pipe to the program that set them up. That outer program can do whatever it likes with the inner program's input and output. Notable examples of such programs are, which emulates the venerable VT-100, and ssh, which forwards the I/O over a secure channel to its own controlling terminal (which is probably itself a pseudoterminal). This is all by way of saying that there isn't a method that's guaranteed to work, because maybe the program on the outside of the pseudoterminal doesn't have a "screen" that you can meaningfully "clear." (Expect is a good example of a program like that.)
Having said that, though, if there is a screen, these days you can pretty much count on it to respect the VT-100 control codes. So this should do what you want:
std::cout << "\033[2J" << std::flush;
If you find that you need even one more control code, though, it's time to hook your program up to ncurses, which presents a nice friendly API to all the tricks that modern terminal windows are capable of, and will also have your back in the increasingly unlikely event that your program is attached to a terminal (or a program emulating a terminal) that is not a VT-100 nor one of its descendants.