UPDATE I've been told this isn't possible using arrays because of they way they are stored. This changes my question a bit, but the gist is still the same. How can I most efficiently generate the tables I need from a given vector of values (ex: day, week, month, year) without just repeating the code multiple times? Is there any way to simply substitute the given date value into INTX in a loop?
Ok, this is my last question on this subject, I promise. After some good advice, I'm using the INTX function. However, I'd like to just loop through the different categories I select and create tables. I tried this, but to no avail.
array period [*] $ day week month year;
%MACRO sqlloop;
proc sql;
%DO k = 1 %TO dim(&period); /* in case i decide to drop/add from array later */
%LET bucket = &period[&k];
CREATE TABLE output.t_&bucket AS (
SELECT INTX( "&bucket.", date_field, O, 'E') AS test FROM table);
Sadly this doesn't work because I'm fouling up the array reference somehow. If I can get this step I'll be in good shape.
You could replace your array with a macro variable string:
%let period=day week month year;
In your macro then, you loop over the words in the macro variable:
%MACRO sqlloop;
proc sql;
%DO k = 1 %TO %sysfunc(countw(&period.)); /*fixed extra s*/
%LET bucket = %scan(&period.,&k.);
CREATE TABLE output.t_&bucket AS (
SELECT INTNX( "&bucket.", date_field, 0, 'E') AS test FROM table);
edit you forgot some semicolons apparently. :p
So I have this macro: stab_index(yearmonth,period).
Let's say that I have to run it 5 times (maybe more) with different parameters like this
in order to generate a adequate dataset to run another macro: Stab_Ind_DYNAMICS.
But I don't want to run 6 times to get the result, I would like to run all of them at once without having to fill the parameters every time.
Can someone point me in the direction of how I would set this up?
This assumes your parameter values always exist within your data. If you can get your dataset down to every unique combination of yearmonth and period (how my unique dataset looks below), then you don't need to input anything, just let the data do the work which can accommodate changing data:
** create test data **;
data have0;
year = 2016;
do i=1 to 12;
data have; set have0;
temp1 = strip(put(year,best4.))||strip(put(temp,z2.));
yearmonth=intnx('month', input(put(temp1,6.), yymmn6.), 1)-1;
format yearmonth yymmn6. period mmyys7.;
** get data down to every unique combination of yearmonth and period **;
proc sort data = have out=unique(keep=yearmonth period) nodupkey;
by yearmonth period;
** create a macro string dynamically using data **;
data create_macro_string; set unique;
keep yearmonth period macro_str;
** put all your macros into a list **;
proc sql noprint;
select macro_str
into: macro_list separated by " "
from create_macro_string;
** call your macros **;
%put ¯o_list.;
You can achieve this with another macro which loops trough your list of parameters.
%let param1 = 201601 201602 201603 201604 201605;
%let param2 = 01/2016 02/2016 03/2016 04/2016 05/2016;
%macro loop();
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(¶m1,%str( )));
%let thisparam1=%scan(¶m1,&i,%str( ));
%let thisparam2=%scan(¶m2,&i,%str( ));
%put &thisparam1 &thisparam2;
%mend loop;
You first need to define your lists of parameters (I called them param1 & param2 here).
Then you can loop from 1 to the number of words and retrieve the i'th paramter from the list and use it in your stab_index macro.
Just in case you parameters contains spaces, you can use another separator than spaces for your lists and define it with a 2nd argument in the countw function (%sysfunc(countw(¶m1,'-'))) and a third parameter in the scan function (%scan(¶m1,&i,'-')).
I have a table with observations from the date 01.08.2016 to 30.08.2016.
How to create 12 tables in the following way:
the first one contains observations from the date 01.08.2016 to 20.08.2016;
the second one contains observations from the date 01.08.2016 to 21.08.2016;
the 12th one contains observations from the date 01.08.2016 to 30.08.2016.
I think that it is better to do using loops, but dont know how.
This assumes that the date is in SAS date format. You can use character comparison if your date is in character format.
The data vector still contains the observation after the output statement is executed. So as long as the condition is true, the data step will write the same observation to multiple datasets. Also, I think you will need the date comparisons till 31st August if you want 12 datasets.
data want1 want2 want3 ... want12;
set have;
if date <= '20AUG2016'd then output want1;
if date <= '21AUG2016'd then output want2;
if date <= '22AUG2016'd then output want3;
if date <= '31AUG2016'd then output want12;
It is probably better to use WHERE statements than to make separate tables. But to do either without hardcoding you need to use code generation. That is normally done using macro logic.
%macro split(start,stop);
%local i n;
%let n=%sysfunc(intck(day,&start,&stop));
%let n=%eval(&n+1);
%do i=1 %to &n;
set have ;
%do i=1 %to &n ;
if date <= %sysfunc(intnx(day,&start,&i-1)) then output WANT&i ;
%mend split;
I have multiple tables in a library call snap1:
cust1, cust2, cust3, etc
I want to generate a loop that gets the records' count of the same column in each of these tables and then insert the results into a different table.
My desired output is:
Table Count
cust1 5,000
cust2 5,555
cust3 6,000
I'm trying this but its not working:
%macro sqlloop(data, byvar);
proc sql noprint;
select &byvar.into:_values SEPARATED by '_'
from %data.;
set &data;
select (%byvar);
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(count(_&_values.,_));
%let var = %sysfunc(scan(_&_values.,&i.));
output &var.;
%sqlloop(data=libsnap, byvar=membername);
First off, if you just want the number of observations, you can get that trivially from dictionary.tables or sashelp.vtable without any loops.
proc sql;
select memname, nlobs
from dictionary.tables
where libname='SNAP1';
This is fine to retrieve number of rows if you haven't done anything that would cause the number of logical observations to differ - usually a delete in proc sql.
Second, if you're interested in the number of valid responses, there are easier non-loopy ways too.
For example, given whatever query that you can write determining your table names, we can just put them all in a set statement and count in a simple data step.
%let varname=mycol; *the column you are counting;
%let libname=snap1;
proc sql;
select cats("&libname..",memname)
into :tables separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libname.");
data counts;
set &tables. indsname=ds_name end=eof; *9.3 or later;
retain count dataset_name;
if _n_=1 then count=0;
if ds_name ne lag(ds_name) and _n_ ne 1 then do;
count = count + ifn(&varname.,1,1,0); *true, false, missing; *false is 0 only;
if eof then output;
keep count dataset_name;
Macros are rarely needed for this sort of thing, and macro loops like you're writing even less so.
If you did want to write a macro, the easier way to do it is:
Write code to do it once, for one dataset
Wrap that in a macro that takes a parameter (dataset name)
Create macro calls for that macro as needed
That way you don't have to deal with %scan and troubleshooting macro code that's hard to debug. You write something that works once, then just call it several times.
proc sql;
select cats('%mymacro(name=',"&libname..",memname,')')
into :macrocalls separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libname.");
Assuming you have a macro, %mymacro, which does whatever counting you want for one dataset.
* Updated *
In the future, please post the log so we can see what is specifically not working. I can see some issues in your code, particularly where your macro variables are being declared, and a select statement that is not doing anything. Here is an alternative process to achieve your goal:
Step 1: Read all of the customer datasets in the snap1 library into a macro variable:
proc sql noprint;
select memname
into :total_cust separated by ' '
from sashelp.vmember
where upcase(memname) LIKE 'CUST%'
AND upcase(libname) = 'SNAP1';
Step 2: Count the total number of obs in each data set, output to permanent table:
%macro count_obs;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&total_cust) );
%let dsname = %scan(&total_cust, &i);
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&dsname) );
%let nobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nobs) );
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid) );
data _total_obs;
length Member_Name $15.;
Member_Name = "&dsname";
Total_Obs = &nobs;
format Total_Obs comma8.;
proc append base=Total_Obs
proc datasets lib=work nolist;
delete _total_obs;
You will need to delete the permanent table Total_Obs if it already exists, but you can add code to handle that if you wish.
If you want to get the total number of non-missing observations for a particular column, do the same code as above, but delete the 3 %let statements below %let dsname = and replace the data step with:
data _total_obs;
length Member_Name $7.;
set snap1.&dsname end=eof;
retain Member_Name "&dsname";
if(NOT missing(var) ) then Total_Obs+1;
format Total_Obs comma8.;
(Update: Fixed %do loop in step 2)
I am an intermediate user of SAS, but I have limited knowledge of arrays and macros. I have a set of code that prompts the user to enter a date range. For example, the user might enter December 1, 2015-December 5,2015. For simplicity, imagine the code looks like:
data new; set old;
if x1='December 1, 2015'd then y="TRUE";
I need to run this same code for every day in the date prompt range, so for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. My thought was to create an array that contains the dates, but I am not sure how I would do that. My second thought was to create a macro, but I can't figure out out to feed a list through a macro.
Also, just FYI, the code is a lot longer and more complicated than just a data step.
The following macro can be used as a framework for your code:
%MACRO test(startDate, endDAte);
%DO i=&startDate %to &endate;
/* data steps go here */
/* example */
DATA test;
SET table;
IF x1 = &i THEN y = "true";
Look into call execute to call your macro and a data null step using a do loop to loop through the days. Getting the string correct for the call execute can sometimes be tricky, but worth the effort overall.
data sample;
do date='01Jan2014'd to '31Jan2014'd;
%macro print_date(date);
proc print data=sample;
where date="&date"d;
format date date9.;
%let date_start=05Jan2014;
%let date_end=11Jan2014;
data _null_;
do date1="&date_start"d to "&date_end"d by 1;
str='%print_date('||put(date1, date9.)||');';
call execute(str);
I'm trying to rename variables x0 - x40 so that x0 will become y_q1_2014, x1 will become y_q4_2013, x2 will become y_q3_2013 and so on till x40 that will become y_q1_2004.
I want my new variable to display in its name the quarter and year of the observation. Now I have the following macro in SAS that is not working properly: the values of j and k are not changing according to the if - then condition. What am i doing wrong?
%macro rename(data);
%let j=1;
%let k=2014;
%do i = 0 %to 40 %by 1;
data mydata;
set &data.;
y_q&j._&k. = x&i.;
if &j.=1 then do k = &k.-1 and j = 4;
else do j=&j.-1;
This will likely be easier to do using the data step rather than a macro loop (as most things are!).
In this case, you have two problems:
How to mass-rename variables
How to convert x# to y_q#_####
An easy way to rename variables is to create a dataset with the variable names as rows, then create the new variable names. You can then pull that into a rename list very easily.
So something like this would do that.
*Create dataset with names in it.
data names;
set sashelp.vcolumn;
where memname='HAVE' and libname='WORK' and name =: 'X';
keep name;
*some operation to determine new_name needs to go in that dataset also - coming later;
*Now create a list of rename macro calls.
proc sql;
select cats('%rename(var=',name,',newvar=',new_name,')')
into :renamelist separated by ' '
from names;
*Here is the simple rename macro.
%macro rename(var=,newvar=);
rename &var.=&newvar.;
%mend rename;
*Now do the renames. Can also go in a data step.
proc datasets lib=work;
modify have;
How to convert is a more interesting question, and begs the question: is this a one time thing, or is this a repeated process? If it's a repeated process, does X0 always mean the most recent quarter in the data, or does it always mean q1 2014?
Assuming it is always the most recent quarter, you can use intnx to do this.
%let initdate='01JAN2014'd;
data have;
do x = 0 to 40;
qtr = intnx('QUARTER',&initdate,-1*x);
format qtr YYQ.;
You can thus use this code (the portion inside the do loop, operating on an x that you pull out of the name in the dataset) in the earlier names data step to create new_name however you want. You might use the YYQ format in your new name if you have flexibility here (as it's standard, and the easiest solution). Otherwise, you would want to pull this apart either using put and then substring, or quarter() and year() functions off of the date variable here.