Build in branch tests in IntelliJ like those in Sonar [closed] - unit-testing

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm using now the build-in plugin for Code Coverage in IntelliJ. But I need more detailed information about my unit tests. How can I get some branch test statistic in this IDE ?

As far as I know, there's nothing comparable to how sonar branch testing works in IntelliJ out of the box.
For example if a line of code has multiple execution paths, IntelliJ will mark it green if just one of the paths is executed.
In contrast, sonar will tell you that (for example) 1 of 3 possible paths were executed.
Your best bet is to run sonar locally or on a server and use sonar a plugin, for which I see 2 options that seem to be fairly up to date:
Good luck.


Django and Bootstrap relationship [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working on a development road map for a django project. My choosen IDE is pycharm pro and mock up tool is bootstrap studio. One of my criteria is a calendar and I have discovered that none of the existing public projects will meet my needs so I will have to create one from scratch (no problem). My typical approach would have been that the UI and the django project would be done in near parallel periodically merging and diverging the two. However, given the ability of the two software tools, I'm starting to think that that a better approach may be to do the UI first in BSS, next import the templates into the django project and finally perform the django dev to meet the needs of the UI.
The specific calendar functionality is not the issue here, this is a methodology question. While I know that there is a subjective answer to this question (which is not the "answer" I'm looking for here), there also has to be an objective answer as to why this would not work, or be the incorrect approach.
Doing the UI first is fine if you already know exactly what you want it to do and can specify that. Doing the Django first lets you play around with a working rough version and get a better feel for what works best before fine tuning the look and feel. Like you suggest, working on them both together will let each inform the other.

How to test update method with unit test [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a method to update database data, is there a way to test if the method is working using unit test?
Would like to test if the changes were successful.
Strictly speaking this would be an integration test as unit test must not interact with other external resources like databases, web services or the file system.
However from a technical perspective there is no limitation to use the unit test library or framework of your liking to do this. It would follow the same AAA pattern as unit tests:
Arrange data in your test database
Act by calling your update method
Assert that the data was changed as expected by querying from the test database

What is the operating principle of IOS Unit Testing Bundle in Xcode 10? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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please ask the operating principle of IOS Unit Testing Bundle in Xcode 10, such as how the unit test Bundle is compiled? How does the test cases execute? What is the relationship with the tested APP?
I'm writing a book that describes this. Basically, when you run tests against an iOS app:
Xcode builds the test bundle. Since the tests are dependent on the app, it first builds the app.
It launches the app.
It injects the test bundle into the running app.
It tells the test runner to start.

How to test a user's code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My query is very basic one but just want to know the exact things which occur behind the bars and how. Lets say, I am given a question to code. User submits the code in any language(I'd like to go for C or C++ here specifically), now the code gets tested on various test files at the server side. How this happens? As I think and searched, there must be a code at the server side which must be accepting solutions(user's code) from the client in form of the file, then run that file on various test files(which will have all test cases according to the input and output specified in the problem description) and match the output. Is it? I think there is something else or something which I am mistaken.
If I have a very simple program to add two numbers, now I want to test the user's code, what exactly do I have to do? I am asking from the implementation point of view i.e. I want to actually do and test the same on my machine. Can someone please tell me from basic what all I should do?(Much the same way online judges do)
PS: I am not asking this for hosting any contest etc, just doing out of curiosity for learning.
I would divide this into two sub goals
learning automated testing
setting up some application which allows the user to submit testcases, run the automated tests and reports feedback
You could start to get some deeper insight by setting up automated tests for some program in your favourite programming language.
Use a search engine to e.g. look for "automated c++ testing".
If you have managed setting up a few automated tests on a local machine, your could then progress with the second goal.
For example you could set up a Jenkins instance and learn how to add automated tests to it.

How to execute code written in an editor embedded within a browser [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi Guys I was writing a web application which requires me to compile and execute code from within a browser. I am a little clueless about it though I read the following links to see how I can go about it.
I am planning to write it for several languages namely C/C++/java/python/Ruby
Any pointers would be helpful
You can just take the code and send it to server server will compile and execute the code and send back to the browser.
If you don't have much time.
If you have much time then you can build your own compiler like one you want and integrate it with you'r web application. like w3school and ideone.
or pass it to local host compiler it will execute and return the result to the browser.