Inkscape color areas - inkscape

I have created a dog with open paths. Now I have to color it but I can't simply change the fill color because the paths are open.
I tried to combine the paths, create a new rectangle on the bottom and divide them but it does not work.
I need something like "live painting" in adobe illustrator:
That's my graphic(there's no fill, all the pieces are divided):
What can I do?

You can use the path effect 'Fill between many'.
A tutorial by Mark Crutch for it is available in the Ubuntu Full Circle Magazine, issue 127:


how to create an outline of a text with fonts with separate polygons for each letter?

I want the outline of text with the standard Windows font "Bahnschrift". I tried to convert it with "Path->Object to Path" and then setting fill to X and stroke to black, but looks like the font is constructed with separate polygons for each letter. See this example:
Top is Bahnschrift, and bottom is Arial which works fine.
Is it possible to calculate somehow automatically the outline of the top text, without intersections, and without doing it all manually for all the letters? And including the right outline for letters with holes, like the "e"?
Some letters are even kind of twisted internally, looks pretty bad:
So I guess an algorithm to detect if it is a real hole, or if it is a hole from such twists and to ignore it, could be difficult.
Select the complete character in question. Then select from the drop down menu:
Path intersection followed by path union. This fixes the character font outline problem where the outline crosses into the body of the character.

Use clipboard images to draw paths that repeat over entire length of the line

Using Inkscape, I have an image path created similar to below:
With this image copied to the clipboard I can then draw paths using the image, however each line I draw will 'stretch' the base image...for example:
My question is to find if there is a way to prevent the 'stretching'...? I would like the base image copied to clipboard to 'fill' and/or 'repeat' over the entire length of the drawn this possible? To show it graphically I would like to draw line(s) where the base image repeats to cover the entire length of the drawn line, similar to this:
...Possible? Any advice appreciated. I thank you in advance.
Sure. Use the 'Pattern along Path' extension or the 'Pattern along Path' path effect (< recommended, because you can modify it 'live').
Actually, that path effect is the same one as the 'from clipboard' option in the Bézier and Pencil tools, only with the 'single, stretched' option instead of 'repeated'.

Add text to a picture using photoshop

I want to know if exist templates to add text on photoshop like in the following pictures:
Could you suggest some pages where I can study and try those effects ?
Step1: Find the fonts. Search on font sites for similiar fonts or try to cut out the font and upload it to or
Step2: just play around with blending options and stuff.
from what I can see it's these settings you want too look at:
"Notche Latina": Gradient overlay, white stroke and black dropshadow.
"photo recoblablabla": inner shadow and might be in overlay-mode or something
"Festival de la bira": once again, white stroke
First make a layer adjust the objcet on layer as per your requirement.
Add some effects from filter gallery if you required (or layer style).
Click on the text toolbar type your text (required text).Then to apply effects
right click on text layer and click on rasterize you can add effects from the filter gallery to the text.(or Layer style eg-inner shadows,bevel and emboss).

top view drawings in illustrator

I would like to create a city of top view. For example, something similiar as these images:,1329086967,2/stock-photo-city-top-view-95061103.jpg
I work in adobe Illustrator. Please, how can I do a building of top view? Can I make a building in the perspective view and then rotate to the top view? Or how? Please, if you know about a good tutorial where it is describes, could you send me the link? Thanks.
For the first image, I would go to 3d programs like 3ds Max / sketchup for that effect.
For the second image,
You could use:
- draw some squares
- go to "effect" at the top menu, "3D" - "extrude and bevel"
Hope that helps
Please check that only first image opens.
Its way too easy to do like this. Just hit "M" in illustrator and start making squares and rectangles.

creating squares and rectangles in wxwidgets

I'm working on an application, and part of it is making the user create a shapes such as squares or rectangles. I'm wondering if there is a function in wxwidgets that enable the user to do that. What i want to do is the user will click this button then he/she can draw a square or rectangle in his/her desired size. It is like in paint where you can make your own size in your desired size. Is that possible in wxwidgets and codeblocks? maybe some related links or tutorials or anything that will help. thanks !!
You should use this contrib library:
Object Graphics Library
OGL defines an API for applications that need to display objects connected by lines. The objects can be moved around and interacted with. You can find this in contrib/src/ogl, contrib/include/wx/ogl, and contrib/samples/ogl.
This is the link:
Titles sais context here is "drawing", ok.
But in case you are talking about user-created rectangles as means of selecting stuff (or users end up here while searching for that context), jargon for that is rectangles as selection is "marquee selection", and you would look into Wx::Overlay to accomplish that.