Is it a good idea to include a large text variable in compiled code? - c++

I am writing a program that produces a formatted file for the user, but it's not only producing the formatted file, it does more.
I want to distribute a single binary to the end user and when the user runs the program, it will generate the xml file for the user with appropriate data.
In order to achieve this, I want to give the file contents to a char array variable that is compiled in code. When the user runs the program, I will write out the char file to generate an xml file for the user.
char* buffers = "a xml format file contents, \
this represent many block text \
from a file,...";
I have two questions.
Q1. Do you have any other ideas for how to compile my file contents into binary, i.e, distribute as one binary file.
Q2. Is this even a good idea as I described above?

What you describe is by far the norm for C/C++. For large amounts of text data, or for arbitrary binary data (or indeed any data you can store in a file - e.g. zip file) you can write the data to a file, link it into your program directly.
An example may be found on sites like this one

I'll recommend using another file to contain data other than putting data into the binary, unless you have your own reasons. I don't know other portable ways to put strings into binary file, but your solution seems OK.
However, note that using \ at the end of line to form strings of multiple lines, the indentation should be taken care of, because they are concatenated from the begging of the next lineļ¼š
char* buffers = "a xml format file contents, \
this represent many block text \
from a file,...";
Or you can use another form:
char *buffers =
"a xml format file contents,"
"this represent many block text"
"from a file,...";

Probably, my answer provides much redundant information for topic-starter, but here are what I'm aware of:
Embedding in source code: plain C/C++ solution it is a bad idea because each time you will want to change your content, you will need:
It can be acceptable only your content changes very rarely or never of if build time is not an issue (if you app is small).
Embedding in binary: Few little more flexible solutions of embedding content in executables exists, but none of them cross-platform (you've not stated your target platform):
Windows: resource files. With most IDEs it is very simple
Linux: objcopy.
MacOS: Application Bundles. Even more simple than on Windows.
You will not need recompile C++ file(s), only re-link.
Application virtualization: there are special utilities that wraps all your application resources into single executable, that runs it similar to as on virtual machine.
I'm only aware of such utilities for Windows (ThinApp, BoxedApp), but there are probably such things for other OSes too, or even cross-platform ones.
Consider distributing your application in some form of installer: when starting installer it creates all resources and unpack executable. It is similar to generating whole stuff by main executable. This can be large and complex package or even simple self-extracting archive.
Of course choice, depends on what kind of application you are creating, who are your target auditory, how you will ship package to end-users etc. If it is a game and you targeting children its not the same as Unix console utility for C++ coders =)

It depends. If you are doing some small unix style utility with no perspective on internatialization, then it's probably fine. You don't want to bloat a distributive with a file no one would ever touch anyways.
But in general it is a bad practice, because eventually someone might want to modify this data and he or she would have to rebuild the whole thing just to fix a typo or anything.
The decision is really up to you.
If you just want to keep your distributive in one piece, you might also find this thread interesting: Store data in executable

Why don't you distribute your application with an additional configuration file? e.g. package your application executable and config file together.
If you do want to make it into a single file, try embed your config file into the executable one as resources.

I see it more of an OS than C/C++ issue. You can add the text to the resource part of your binary/program. In Windows programs HTML, graphics and even movie files are often compiled into resources that make part of the final binary.
That is handy for possible future translation into another language, plus you can modify resource part of the binary without recompiling the code.


How to convert a string into .exe and then execute using system()?

I have a small myTest.exe file. I opened this in a text editor and copied the text.
std::string exeBinaryCode = "Copied text from exe";
Now I want that when I passed this string to the system(exeBinaryCode) then it will execute and give the same result that myTest.exe gives.
If anyone knows how to achieve this, please post the answer.
To begin with, executable files are binary files. You can't open them in text editors, or copy/paste them as text, or store them in a string variable.
(That last part isn't 100% true, since std::string basically just stores a string of bytes that don't necessarily have to be text, but you really shouldn't use it as such.)
There are a few different ways to achieve similar results, which you choose depends on what you're actually trying to accomplish.
Notice that none of these include directly running the binary data. Though there may be some obscure system call that allows you to do that you'll likely end up with loads of trouble (anti-virus, incompatibility across platforms, etc.).
Refer to the external executable by path
Simplest, just pass the path to the executable to system. If you intend to distribute your application you'd just package the external executable as well (so if you have your own code compiled into bin/myapp.exe in a zip-file you'd also have bin/whatineedtocall.exe in the same zip).
Unless you have very specific requirements this is what I'd recommend.
Use your build system to embed the data and write it to the file system
Some build systems and frameworks (for example CMake, see Embed resources (eg, shader code; images) into executable/library with CMake) have the ability to embed binary data such as executables into code. You can then, in your code, write this binary data to the file system when it is needed (preferably into some temporary location) and run it from there using system.
Embed as hexadecimal data and write to file system
Similar to the previous, but you can also insert the contents into your code manually. Note that you'd need to copy the executable binary not from a text editor, but in it's hexadecimal representation (see the previously linked question for examples, you'd want to end up with pretty much the same file).

Modifying executable upon download (Like Ninite)

I'm currently developing an application (Windows) that needs internal modifications upon download time.
Also, I'm delivering it using a Linux host, so, can't compile on demand as proposed.
How does Ninite deal with it?
In, each time you select different options, you get the same .exe, however, with minor modifications inside.
Option 1
Compile the program with predefined data (in Windows).
Use PHP to fseek the file and replace my custom strings.
Option 2
Append the original .EXE with a different resource file
Has someone developed something like this? What would be the best approach?
Thank you.
You can just append data to the back of your original executable. The Windows PE file format is robust enough that this does not invalidate the executable itself. (It will however invalidate any existing digital signatures.)
Finding the start of this data can be a challenge if its size isn't known up front. In that case, it may be necessary to append the variable-length data, and then append the data length (itself a fixed length field - 4 bytes should do). To read the extra data, read the last 4 bytes to get the data length. Get the file length, subtract 4 for the length field, then subtract the variable length to get the start of the data.
The most portable way could be to have a plugin (whose path in wired inside your main program) inside your application. That plugin would be modified (e.g. on Linux by generating C++ code, forking a g++ -Wall -shared -fPIC -O -o compilation, then dlopen-ing the ./ and your application could have something to generate the C++ source code of that plugin and to compile it.
I guess that the same might be doable on Windows (which I don't know). Probably the issue is to compile it (the compilation command would be different on Windows and on Linux). Beware that AFAIK on Windows a process cannot modify its own executable (but you should check).
Qt has a portable layer for plugins. See QPluginLoader & Qt Plugins HowTo
Alternatively, don't modify the application, but use some persistent file or data (at a well defined place, -whose location or filepath is wired in the executable- preferably in textual format like JSON, or maybe using sqlite, or a real database) keeping the changing information. Read also about application checkpointing.
If you need to implement your specific application checkpointing, you'll better design your application very early with this concern. Study garbage collection algorithms (a checkpointing procedure is similar to a precise copying GC) and read more about continuations. See also this answer to a very similar question.

Hiding application resources

I'm making a simple game with SFML 1.6 in C++. Of course, I have a lot of picture, level, and data files. Problem is, I don't want these files visible. Right now they're just plain picture files in a res/ subdirectory, and I want to either conceal them or encrypt them. Is it possible to put the raw data from the files into a resource file or something? Any solution is okay to me, I just don't want the files exposed to the user.
Cross platform solutions best, but if they don't exist, that's okay, I'm working on windows. But I don't really want to use a library if it's not needed.
Most environments come with a resource compiler that converts images/icons/etc into string data and includes them in the source.
Another common technique is to copy them into the end of the final .exe as the last part of the build process. Then at run time, open the .exe as a file and read the data from some determined offset, see Embedding a filesystem in an executable?
The ideal way for this is to make your own archive format, which would contain all of your files' data along with some extra info needed to split files distinctly within it.

How to embed resources into a single executable?

If you've ever used the tool Game Maker, it's a bit like that. I want to be able to take all my sounds, images, and everything else of the like and embed them into a single C++ executable. Game Maker would have a built-in editor, and would have the images embedded into the .gmk file, and when you'd open it it would read the images, and display them in the game. I'm thinking he had the images saved not as images, but as pure data stored in the .gmk file and interpreted by the editor or by some interpreter written into the .exe. How would I go about making something similar?
The windows resource system works like this, so if you make a WinAPI or MFC application, you can use this. Also, Qt provides the same functionality, but in a platform independent way. They just write the files in raw binary format into a byte array in a normal C++ file, so they get compiled as data into the exe. Then they provide functions for accessing these data blocks like normal files, although I don't know how they really work. Probably a special implementation of their file class which just accesses those byte array variables.
For images only, a very simple approach is to use the XPM format.
This format is a valid C/C++ header, so you can include it directly into a C++ source file and use it directly.
The main issue with this approach is that XPM is not a compressed format, so uses a lot of storage.
In consequence, in practice I only seen this used for icons and small graphical objects, but in principle you could do more.
The other cool thing about XPM is that it's human readable - again great for designing small and simple icons.
To generalize this idea to other formats, what you could do is to create a compile chain that:
Encodes the target file as ASCII (Uuencode or such)
Turns that into a single named C String in a source file.
Create a header just declaring the name
Define a function recovering the binary form from the string
For the Windows OS I have a solution if you are willing to use another tool and possibly framework. Try the "peresembed" tool. It embeds files into PE image sections so you can have all your images, sounds and configuration files in just one EXE file. Supports compression too, although you do need a ZIP in-memory reading framework then. Can even embed files into the PE resource tree based on their relative file paths.
Example usage:
peresembed -file content.txt _export_to_resolve input.exe output.exe
In your C++ file you have:
struct embedded_data
void *dataloc;
size_t datasize;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const volatile embedded_data _export_to_resolve = { 0 };
Get peresembed from:
Showcase video:

Methods of storing application data/settings without the registry?

I need some methods of storing and getting data from a file (in WIN32 api c++ application, not MFC or .NET)
e.g. saving the x, y, width and height of the window when you close it, and loading the data when you open the window.
I have tried .ini files, with the functions -- WritePrivateProfileString and ReadPrivateProfileString/Int, but on MSDN it says
"This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows-based applications. Applications should store initialization information in the registry."
and when i tried on my Windows7 64bit machine to read a ini file, i got blue screen! (in debug mode with visual studio) O.O
I notice that most other application use XML to store data, but I don't have a clue how to read/write xml data in c++, are there any libraries or windows functions which will allow me to use xml data?
Any other suggestions would be good too, thanks.
There is nothing wrong with .ini files, the only problem with them is where to write them. CIniFile from CodeProject is good enough class. Ini file should be placed in %APPDATA%/<Name Of Your Application> (or %LOCALAPPDATA%\<Same Name Here>, as described below).
EDIT: If we are talking about Windows family of operating systems from Windows 2000 onward then function SHGetFolderPath is portable way to retrieve user specific folder where application configuration files should be stored. To store data in romaing folder use CSIDL_APPDATA with SHGetFolderPath. To store data to local folder use CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.
The difference between local and roaming folder is in the nature of the data to be stored. If data is too large or machine specific then store it in local folder. Your data (coordinates and size of the window) are local in nature (on other machine you may have different resolution), so you should actually use CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.
Windows Vista and later have extended function SHGetKnownFolderPath with its own set of constants, but if you seek compatibility stick to the former SHGetFolderPath.
TinyXML is a popular and simple XML parser for C++.
Apart from that, you can really use any format you want to store your settings, though it's considered good practice to keep settings in text format so that they can be hand-edited if necessary.
It's fairly simple to write your own functions for reading/writing a file in INI or similar format. The format is entirely up to you, as long as it's easily comprehensible to humans. Some possibilities are:
; Comment
# Comment
Key = Value (standard INI format)
Key Value
Key: Value
You could use Boost.PropertyTree for this.
Property trees are versatile data
structures, but are particularly
suited for holding configuration data.
The tree provides its own,
tree-specific interface, and each node
is also an STL-compatible Sequence for
its child nodes.
It supports serialization, and so is well-suited to managing and persisting changeable configuration data. There is an example here on how to load and save using the XML data format that this library supports.
The library uses RapidXML internally but hides the parsing and encoding details, which would save you some implementation time (XML libraries all have their idiosyncracies), while still allowing you to use XML as the data representation on disk.
libxml2. I have seen quite a lot places where it is used. Easy to use and loads of examples to get you started and not a vast library as such. And in C, take it wherever you want.
pugixml is another good (and well documented) XML parser library. And If you like portability XML is a better option.
While INI files may not be the best format, I think you can safely ignore the warning MSDN puts on WritePrivateProfileString and ReadPrivateProfileString.
Those two functions are NEVER going away. It would break THOUSANDS of applications.
That warning has been there for years and I suspect was added when the registry was all the rage and someone naively thought it would one day completely replace INI files.
I might be wrong but it would be very unlike Microsoft to break so many existing apps like this for no good reasons. (Not that they do not occasionally break backwards compatibility, but this would cause huge problems for zero benefit.)
Ohhh My GOD? Have you ever thought of stright-forward solution rather then thinking of Super-Duper-all-can-do framework way?
You want to store two numbers between restarts???
Save: Open a file, write these two numbers, close the file:
std::ifstream out(file_name);
out << x << ' ' << y;
Load: Open a file, read these two numbers, close the file:
std::ifstream in(file_name);
if(!in) return error...
in >> x >> y;
if(!in) return error...
Libconfig is the best solution in C++ as far as I have tried.
Works multi platform with minimum coding.
You must try that!
I like the TinyXML solution suggested.
But for Windows, I like .ini even more.
So I'll suggest the inih library, free and open source on GitHub here. Very simple and easy to use - 1 header file library iirc.