Replacing Anchor in JSTL - regex

In my JSP I have receive some data which is coming from database my data is for example something like this :
Google is the greatest search engine ever
what I wanna do is so simple: I want to make this link wrap in anchor tag using JSTL something like:
Google is the greatest search engine ever
that's all !
take note that the urls are not constant, I mean I'm not sure what that be exactly & I just mentioned google here for the example.

Follow this SO question to create a replaceAll function for JSTL and then use the following pattern to replace the url to html link:
String pattern = "(http:[A-z0-9./~%]+)";
String str = "Google is the greatest search engine ever";
String replaced = str.replaceAll(pattern, "<a href='$1'>$1</a>");


How to replace part of a URL with regex

I need to remove part of a URL with a regex.
From the words: http or https to the word .com.
And it can be several times in one string.
Can anyone help me with this?
For example a string:
"The request is:"
After the removal - "The request is:/questions"
The regex that performed the deletion perfectly is: (#"\w+://[^/$]*")
with replace "".
Something like that:
var regex = new Regex(#"\w+:\/\/[^\/$]*");
regex.Replace(url, "");
You can use the re.sub() function from the regex package. Alternatively if your working with python you can use urlparse package to extract different parts of the url and concatenate it to the prefix you want.

Regular expressions (RegEx) to filter string from URLs in Google Analytics

I want to filter a string from the URLs in Google Analytics. This can be done using the Views > Filter > Exclude using RegEx, but I have been unable to get it to work.
An outline of how these filters are set up, can be found here, however, I can not work out how to isolate the string using RegEx. I believe it will need to be one filter per URL type.
The URLs follow this format:
I need to exclude this part of the URL:
So that the URL data (e.g. Session time) is recorded against:
I have worked out that I can isolate the string using thing following RegEx
It is not very elegant and would require a filter for every URL type.
Thanks for the help!
I'm not certain if this will work in your exact case but instead of using regex for this it might be easier to just create a new string from the start to the end of "software" and append everything from pagename to the end. In Java this might look something like:
String newString = oldString.substring(0, 9) + oldString.substring(oldString.indexOf("pagename"));
Take note though that this will only work if the "software" at the start is always the same length and you are actually only excluding things between "software" and "pagename".

Regex > get YouTube Playlist ID?

Hi I am trying to get the playlist ID of a youtube url. The code below is not solid since the id 'PLcfQmtiAG0X-fmM85dPlql5wfYbmFumzQ' will not be extracted properly. It only returns 'PLcfQmtiAG0X'. Can someone help me?
var reg = new RegExp("[&?]list=([a-z0-9_]+)","i");
var url = '';
var match = reg.exec(url);
return match[1];
I do a fair amount of regex work with URLs. Usually you'll want to use a parser but sometimes that is not an option. So to gather params I like to use a negative character class like this
The [&?] will mean that you won't match &split=123 since it has to start with a & or ?
The [^&]+ is the real magic, it means capture all the non & which is the value you are going for. If you want to play around, this site is pretty good:

Regex ignore first 12 characters from string

I'm trying to create a custom filter in Google Analytic to remove the query parts of the url which I don't want to see. The url has the following structure
I would like to create a regex which skips the first 12 characters (that is until:/?p=899:2000), and what ever is going to be after that replace it with nothing.
So I made this one: (which could be simplified to .{0,12}) , but I actually would like to skip those and only let the regex match whatever is going to be after that, so that I'll be able to tell in Google Analytics to replace it with "".
The part in the url that is always the same is
Thank you
Your regular expression:
Tested in Golang RegEx 2 and RegEx101
It search for /p=###:[optional:####] and capture the rest of the right side string.
(extra) JavaScript:
var regex= /\/\?p=\d{3}\:\d{0,4}(.*)/;
var match = regex.exec(paragraf);
alert('The rest of the right side of the string: ' + match[1]);
Easily use "[domain]/?p=899:2000:15018702722302::NO:::".substr(12)
You can try this:
Which matches just this: ?p=[3numbers]:[0-4numbers]
Not sure about replacing though.

Matching partial URL regex Google analytics

I want show only the URL's that contains "category-".
The following can do the job :
But note that based on your regex engine you may need to escape the back slashe!