how to replace ’ with ’ in perl [closed] - regex

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have below piece of code in Perl
my $file2 = "devil’s-claw-extract.html";
$file2 =~ s/’/’/ig;
print "$file2";
This code is working fine(means replacing ’ with ’) when running in konsole but not working in browser.
Please help me out.

Of course it “works”, and I will believe so until you produce a self-contained example that indicates otherwise.
Your first problem is that you are reinventing the wheel, there already is a module on CPAN to do such escaping for you:
use utf8; # because this source file contains special chars
use HTML::Entities;
my $file2 = "devil’s-claw-extract.html";
print encode_entities $file2;
or with encode_entities_numeric:
use utf8;
use HTML::Entities 'encode_entities_numeric';
my $file2 = "devil’s-claw-extract.html";
print encode_entities_numeric $file2;
Secondly, it is worth noting that your input string contains ’, a single right quote. This has the codepoint U+2019 (not U+0092, which is in a private use area. Conveniently, it decodes to ’ in the Windows-1252-encoding, but the actual encoding should always be explicitly set).
The apostrophe ', which you likely wanted, is U+0027 or '.


Replace the words "can't, don't" by "can not, do not" using python [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to replace words like "{can't, don't, won't }" by "{can not, do not, would not}" using python
The problem is:
"can't" can be detected by checking suffix "n't", so we can replace "n't" by "not"
But how can we transform "ca" to "can" as when we split "can't" it should be transformed to "can not"?
Since the rules of English are large and sometimes inconsistent, your best bet is probably just to set up full word maps rather than trying to figure out on the fly which letters are represented by the apostrophe.
In other words, a dictionary with values like:
can't -> can not
don't -> do not
won't -> will not
oughtn't -> ought not

unix change number's value on given line number in shell script for loop [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How can I change a number on a line in a file using a unix tool like awk or sed?
I want to change the line 3 in my example file to the number 1-10 using a shell script. I think I need to use regex to recognize the digit but I'm not sure how to do this, or to allow multiple digits (like 10).
Example file:
/examples/are/hard so/hard/1
Shell script so far:
for i in {1..3};
sed 's|/examples/are/hard so/hard/7 | /examples/are/hard so/hard/'"$i" ex_file
cat ex_file
Desired output:
/examples/are/hard so/hard/1
/examples/are/hard so/hard/2
/examples/are/hard so/hard/3
What you've run isn't a valid sed command. If you're trying to do a substitution, that's s/search/replace/flags.
I imagine you meant:
sed 's/here\/is the number\/to\/change 3/here\/is the number\/to\/change '"$i"'/' ex_file
Note that we temporarily break out of single quote. Inside of single quotes, variable aren't interpolated. We swap the double quotes, bring in $i, then return to single quotes to finish the command.
P.S. You also don't have to use / as your delimiter.
sed 's|here/is the number/to/change 3|here/is the number/to/change '"$i"'|' ex_file

Replacing ascii with matching characters using perl / awk or other [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an access log that was written with nginx and lua code.
It is url encoded and those some characters are written in the format of \xHexCode (for example, double quotes are written as \x22).
I would like to run awk or perl or other fast script to replace it back.
You can use gnu-awk like this:
str='\x22 \x41 written as \x22).'
awk -v RS='\\\\x[0-9]+' 'RT{ORS=sprintf("%c", strtonum("0" substr(RT, 2)))} 1' <<< "$str"
" A written as ").
This is how it is working:
Using RS='\\\\x[0-9]+' we're separating custom record separator for each of those \xNN numbers.
substr(RT, 2) takes x41 from \x41
strtonum("0" substr(RT, 2)) adds 0 to make it 0x41 and returns ascii code 65.
printf "%c" prints equivalent ascii character A from 65.
ORS=... sets output record separator same as the return value of sprintf.

How to check the format of keyboard input for a Perl script? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My Perl script just takes whatever you give as an input, and I want make it more robust by checking the pattern of the input string. My input string has to be in the format xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx. How can I check that?
$foo =~ /^.{5}-.{4}-.{4}\z/s
For example, this will repeatedly ask for the value until it gets a valid one.
my $foo;
while (1) {
print("Please provide foo (xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx): ");
my $foo = <STDIN>;
die("EOF\n") if !defined($foo);
last if $foo =~ /^.{5}-.{4}-.{4}\z/s;
print("Invalid input\n");

Doing SSH via PERL [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to login to a different shell in a different server. So i wrote the following code.
use lib qw(/volume/labtools/lib);
use Net::SSH::Perl;
my $host = 'wd-shell2';
my $cmd = "cd /volume/ftp/private/det/os;ls -lrt jinstall*";
my $user = 'joydeep';
my $pass = '';
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("$host", debug=>0);
$ssh->login($user, $pass);
my($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd($cmd);
print "\n$stdout\n";
I am not sure, whether i wrote it right or not. i am in tts-shell1, how can i login to wd-shell2 and do my thing with the code(after correcting). Please help me here.
First off, always include use strict; and use warnings; at the top of EVERY perl script.
Secondly, you should turn on debug mode so the module will give you as many helpful messages as possible:
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("$host", debug => 1);