Is there some equivalent to setInterval in the ZK server structure? - refresh

I'm trying to make a process that will refresh my Chart from time to time. In Javascript the answer comes in my mind: setInterval() + ajax call. How can I do this with ZK?
I looked at the Client Side Programming but didn't find anything that solves this requirement.
In the Server Side, it seems that I can fire events with Events.echoEvent(), doing this repeatdly have any downside?

All you need is the Timer component. It fires events after a specified delay.


Dialogflow : display "processing" message on intents triggered by followup events

I've been working on a Dialogflow chatbot that calls a webhook which can often take more than the 5s delay to process and answer the user's request. So, following this post, my webhook sends a response containing a followup event if the processing is too long, and will be able to answer the following request sent by the intent triggered by the event.
Now, while this approach is working great, I have two questions :
Is there any way to send a message ("Please wait, I'm processing your request") to the user on every followup event ?
Since I'm using the Dialogflow-Messenger integration, is there any way to display the three dots "typing" animation while the webhook is processing the request ?
Thanks !
When developing a chatbot, you should keep in mind that you are trying to duplicate how 2 humans interact. You are developing a conversation and in the conversation, we should not keep other person waiting. All your requests should be completed within 4-5 seconds (to avoid timeout by the platform) to have a better UX.
So there is no way to show either Please Wait or animated 3 dots!
Write a good backend code to fetch response faster or tweak and cache your response. Dialogflow is currently designed for 1-1 conversation and cannot provide multiple delayed responses. If you need it that way, you will require to develop your own NLP engine.

How to update progress bar while making a Django Rest api request?

My django rest app accepts request to scrape multiple pages for prices & compare them (which takes time ~5 seconds) then returns a list of the prices from each page as a json object.
I want to update the user with the current operation, for example if I scrape 3 pages I want to update the interface like this :
Searching 1/3
Searching 2/3
Searching 3/3
How can I do this?
I am using Angular 2 for my front end but this shouldn't make a big difference as it's a backend issue.
This isn't the only way, but this is how I do this in Django.
Things you'll need
Asynchronous worker procecess
This allows you to do work outside the context of the request-response cycle. The most common are either django-rq or Celery. I'd recommend django-rq for its simplicity, especially if all you're implementing is a progress indicator.
Caching layer (optional)
While you can use the database for persistence in this case, temporary cache key-value stores make more sense here as the progress information is ephemeral. The Memcached backend is built into Django, however I'd recommend switching to Redis as it's more fully featured, super fast, and since it's behind Django's caching abstraction, does not add complexity. (It's also a requirement for using the django-rq worker processes above)
Basically, we're going to send a request to the server to start the async worker, and poll a different progress-indicator endpoint which gives the current status of that worker's progress until it's finished (or failed).
Server side
Refactor the function you'd like to track the progress of into an async task function (using the #job decorator in the case of django-rq)
The initial POST endpoint should first generate a random unique ID to identify the request (possibly with uuid). Then, pass the POST data along with this unique ID to the async function (in django-rq this would look something like function_name.delay(payload, unique_id)). Since this is an async call, the interpreter does not wait for the task to finish and moves on immediately. Return a HttpResponse with a JSON payload that includes the unique ID.
Back in the async function, we need to set the progress using cache. At the very top of the function, we should add a cache.set(unique_id, 0) to show that there is zero progress so far. Using your own math implementation, as the progress approaches 100% completion, change this value to be closer to 1. If for some reason the operation fails, you can set this to -1.
Create a new endpoint to be polled by the browser to check the progress. This looks for a unique_id query parameter and uses this to look up the progress with cache.get(unique_id). Return a JSON object back with the progress amount.
Client side
After sending the POST request for the action and receiving a response, that response should include the unique_id. Immediately start polling the progress endpoint at a regular interval, setting the unique_id as a query parameter. The interval could be something like 1 second using setInterval(), with logic to prevent sending a new request if there is still a pending request.
When the progress received equals to 1 (or -1 for failures), you know the process is finished and you can stop polling
That's it! It's a bit of work just to get progress indicators, but once you've done it once it's much easier to re-use the pattern in other projects.
Another way to do this which I have not explored is via Webhooks / Channels. In this way, polling is not required, and the server simply sends the messages to the client directly.

Call an action only once when it's called from two places

I have an app we have connected to Pubnub for a live socket service to keep data on the page fresh for the user.
I have an ajax call that will do something with our API, and when it is successful I call an action on the application controller. At or around the same time, as long as Pubnub is still connected it receives a message with the action handler name and it attempts to call the same action.
Ideally I want to make sure this code only runs once weather it was first called by Pubnub or by my ajax success callback. How can I do this maybe using the ember run loop? It seems viable here I'm just not able to wrap my head around how I would actually do this.
Well, I would only use the web socket.
But for your question:
There is not build-in functionality in the runloop to do that. You will need some kind of uniq message id, and then have a list of processed messages and check there before you run your code.

Automate Suspended orchestrations to be resumed automatically

We have a BizTalk application which sends XML files to external applications by using a web-service.
BizTalk calls the web-services method by passing XML file and destination application URL as parameters.
If the external applications are not able to receive the XML, or if there is no response received from the web-service back to BizTalk the message gets suspended in BizTalk.
Presently for this situation we manually go to BizTalk admin and resume each suspended message.
Our clients want this process to be automated all, they want an dashboard which shows list of message details and a button, on its click all the suspended messages have to be resumed.
If you are doing this within an orchestration and catching the connection error, just add a delay shape configured to 5 hours. Or set a retry interval to 300 minutes and multiple retries on the send port if that makes sense. You can do this using the rule engine as well.
Why not implement an asynchronous pattern?
You make it so, so that the orchestration sends the file out via a send shape while initializing a certain correlation set.
You then put a listen shape with at one end:
- the receive (following the initialized correlation set)
- a delay shape set to 5 hours.
When you receive the message, your orchestration can handle it gracefully.
When you don't, the delay shape will kick in and you handle accordingly.
Benefit to this solution in comparison to the solution of 40Alpha will be that your orchestration will only 'wake up' from a dehydrated state if the timeout kicks in OR when the response is received. In the example of 40Alpha, the orchestration would wake up a lot of times, consuming extra resources.
You may want to look a product like BizTalk 360. It has those sort of monitoring and command built into it. I'm not sure it works with BizTalk 2006R2 though, but you should be thinking about moving off that platform anyway as it is going out of Microsoft support.

implementing a timer in a django app

In my Django app, I need to implement this "timer-based" functionality:
User creates some jobs and for each one defines when (in the same unit the timer works, probably seconds) it will take place.
User starts the timer.
User may pause and resume the timer whenever he wants.
A job is executed when its time is due.
This does not fit a typical cron scenario as time of execution is tied to a timer that the user can start, pause and resume.
What is the preferred way of doing this?
This isn't a Django question. It is a system architecture problem. The http is stateless, so there is no notion of times.
My suggestion is to use Message Queues such as RabbitMQ and use Carrot to interface with it. You can put the jobs on the queue, then create a seperate consumer daemon which will process jobs from the queue. The consumer has the logic about when to process.
If that it too complex a system, perhaps look at implementing the timer in JS and having it call a url mapped to a view that processes a unit of work. The JS would be the timer.
Have a look at Pinax, especially the notifications.
Once created they are pushed to the DB (queue), and processed by the cron-jobbed email-sending (2. consumer).
In this senario you won't stop it once it get fired.
That could be managed by som (ajax-)views, that call system process....
instead of cron-jobs you could use a twisted-based consumer:
write jobs to db with time-information to the db
send a request for consuming (or resuming, pausing, ...) to the twisted server via socket
do the rest in twisted
You're going to end up with separate (from the web server) processes to monitor the queue and execute jobs. Consider how you would build that without Django using command-line tools to drive it. Use Django models to access the the database.
When you have that working, layer on on a web-based interface (using full Django) to manipulate the queue and report on job status.
I think that if you approach it this way the problem becomes much easier.
I used the probably simplest (crudest is more appropriate, I'm afraid) approach possible: 1. Wrote a model featuring the current position and the state of the counter (active, paused, etc), 2. A django job that increments the counter if its state is active, 3. An entry to the cron that executes the job every minute.
Thanks everyone for the answers.
You can always use a client based jquery timer, but remember to initialize the timer with a value which is passed from your backend application, also make sure that the end user didn't edit the time (edit by inspecting).
So place a timer start time (initial value of the timer) and timer end time or timer pause time in the backend (DB itself).
Monitor the duration in the backend and trigger the job ( in you case ).
Hope this is clear.