CommonJS loader for browsers? [closed] - commonjs

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Closed 6 years ago.
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to increase the velocity of my development, i'd like to use commonjs for my client-side and server-side javascript, so i can use a common codebase/libraries across all of my projects.
Why not AMD? browsers and node support AMD, but phantomjs does not, and i can switch to that later for optimal (browser) production builds.
Looking around, I can't find ANY module loaders that directly support CommonJS. You always have to write wrappers/etc over them, or require bootstrapping configs.
Do I have any options other?

no commonjs loaders......
so i ended up using AMD for both browser and nodejs.
because I code everything using Typescript, for phantomjs I have a seperate build process that takes all my source and builds a mirror of it in commonjs format.
as i mention in my comment, you could kind of use CommonJs in the browser with but that bundles everything into it's own runtime, not what i want.


Is there a tool to generate OCMOD files? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm starting to get into customizing OC3 for my needs, and see the benefit of putting extensions in OCMOD files.
I assume people test and debug their code by temporarily rewriting the core files, and only write the OCMODs after the extension is ready.
Given an original file and a version with a customized script or modification, is there a tool to compare them and generate the OCMOD xml automatically? (maybe based on diff)
Or extension developers do that manually?
Try this repository in github. it automatically generates install.xml :
There are no tools available for OCMOD.
Extension Developers do that manually.

Web frontend designer [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to learn web development and I did take some Django courses. I would like to know is there some kind of "Frontend Designer" (some think similar to wordpress) that can create templates like html etc. which are easy to use for Django developer? Or are there some kind of "Frontend Designer" that are more optimized for Django?
Many many thank in advance.
You can use Django as a backend for Apis and I would highly recommend using Frontend framework/Library like React/Vue.
I know you want an easy solution for frontend like WordPress (drag & drop ) but I don't think there is such a thing which you can customize with liberty and according to your ease and have your full control over it.
Plus, there are tons of themes and components available for React/Vue Or these libraries have a strong community.
You can use simple HTML with bootstrap, jquery.
They too have tons of themes available.

Does anyone know how to integrate Redis with Visual Studio for using with c++ [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to Redis and want to use it in my application.
Have tried doing various steps from links across the web but not able to get it done,I need to send / receive strings to/ from redis db using c++..
If anyone knows any certain way or link where I can get the clear steps it will be very helpful!
HiRedis is your best bet:
It's a C client, so you might want to write some wrappers for convenience, but it's very solid. The downside is that it's not easiest to use asynchronously if you have to make more than a few calls.
I've also used cpp_redis:
It's easier to use, but last time I worked with it, it still had some bugs. It is in active development, however, so it likely to be better by now. It also comes with MSVC project, so it might make it a lot easier for you to integrate. If stability isn't crucial for your project, and integration time is, I'd give it a try.

Creating a build server for .NET and C/C++ [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am interested in creating a build server for automating builds in .NET and C/C++.
I understand the basic structure of the system but I would like to know there is any open source of professional software out there that I can install on the server for performing automated builds.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
In addition to Cruise Control (which I'm also using), there's also UppercuT.
TeamCity is really easy to use and setup.
It's a commercial product, but there is a free edition with basically no restrictions, except that the number of possible build configurations (=projects) is limited to 20. See the feature comparison here.
I've used CruiseControl with MSBuild pretty successfully. It runs on Java.
There's also CruiseControl.Net for running using the .NET platform.

Writing a Firefox Extension that uses XPCOM components? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a Firefox extension that writes Firefox's history into the Windows system history, which ought to be useful for folks at work who use IE and Firefox to get work done.
Adding pages to IE history appears simple enough (IUrlHistoryStg::AddUrl ought to do it). However, my experience with Firefox extensions is limited to small chrome hacks packaged together in an XPI.
From my initial reading, it appears that I have to create a XPCOM component that will insert URLs into history. I'm not sure this can be done using Javascript, and I don't have much experience in writing extensions that use XPCOM components.
Could anyone familiar with Firefox extension development please point to any tutorials about writing extensions that use XPCOM components, especially those written using C++? Or are there any open-source extensions that use components I could look at to learn more about this?