Array as out parameter in c++ - c++

I created a function that returns an error code (ErrCode enum) and pass two output parameters. But when I print the result of the function, I don't get the correct values in the array.
// .. some codes here ..
ErrCode err;
short lstCnt;
short lstArr[] = {};
err = getTrimmedList(lstArr, &lstCnt);
// list returned array (for comparison)
for (int i=0; i<lstCnt; ++i)
printf("lstArr[%3d] = %d", i, lstArr[i]);
// .. some codes here ..
The getTrimmedList function is like this:
ErrCode getTrimmedList(short* vList, short* vCnt)
short cnt;
ErrCode err = foo.getListCount(FOO_TYPE_1, &cnt);
if (NoError!=err) return err;
short* list = new short [cnt];
short total = 0;
for (short i=0; i<cnt; ++i)
FooBar bar = foo.getEntryByIndex(FOO_TYPE_1, i);
if (bar.isDeleted) continue;
list[total] = i;
*vCnt = total;
//vList = (short*)realloc(index, sizeof(short)*total);
vList = (short*)malloc(sizeof(short)*total);
memcpy(vList, list, sizeof(short)*total)
// list returned array (for comparison)
for (int i=0; i<lstCnt; ++i)
printf("lstArr[%3d] = %d", i, lstArr[i]);
return NoError;
foo is an object that holds arrays of FooBar objects
foo.getListCount() returns the number of objects with type FOO_TYPE_1
FOO_TYPE_1 is the type of object we want to take/list
foo.getEntryByIndex() returns the ith FooBar object with type FOO_TYPE_1
bar.isDeleted is a flag that tells if bar is considered as 'deleted' or not
What's my error?
Sorry, I copied a wrong line. I commented it above and put the correct line.
Edit 2
I don't have control over the returns of foo and bar. All their function returns are ErrCode and the outputs are passed through parameter.

Couple of questions before I can answer your post...
Where is "index" defined in:
vList = (short*)realloc(index, sizeof(short)*total);
Are you leaking the memory associated with:
short* list = new short [cnt];
Is it possible you have accidentally confused your pointers in memory allocation? In any case, here is an example to go from. You have a whole host of problems, but you should be able to use this as a guide to answer this question as it was originally asked.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
int getTrimmedList(short** vList, short* vCnt);
int main ()
// .. some codes here ..
int err;
short lstCnt;
short *lstArr = NULL;
err = getTrimmedList(&lstArr, &lstCnt);
// list returned array (for comparison)
for (int i=0; i<lstCnt; ++i)
printf("lstArr[%3d] = %d\n", i, lstArr[i]);
// .. some codes here ..
return 0;
int getTrimmedList(short** vList, short* vCnt)
short cnt = 5;
short* list = new short [cnt];
short* newList = NULL;
short total = 0;
list[0] = 0;
list[1] = 3;
list[2] = 4;
list[3] = 6;
total = 4;
*vCnt = total;
newList = (short*)realloc(*vList, sizeof(short)*total);
if ( newList ) {
memcpy(newList, list, sizeof(short)*total);
*vList = newList;
} else {
memcpy(*vList, list, sizeof(short)*total);
delete list;
return 0;

You have serious problems.
For starters, your function has only one output param as you use it: vCnt.
vList you use as just a local variable.
realloc is called with some index that we kow nothing about, not likely good. It must be something got from malloc() or realloc().
The allocated memory in vList is leaked as soon as you exit getTrimmedList.
Where you call the function you pass the local lstArr array as first argument that is not used for anything. Then print the original, unchanged array, to bounds in cnt, while it has 0 size still -- behavior is undefined.
Even if you managed to pass that array by ref, you could not reassign it to a different value -- C-style arrays can't do that.
You better use std::vector that you can actually pass by reference and fill in the called function. eliminating the redundant size and importantly the mess with memory handling.

You should use std::vector instead of raw c-style arrays, and pass-by-reference using "&" instead of "*" here. Right now, you are not properly setting your out parameter (a pointer to an array would look like "short **arr_ptr" not "short *arr_ptr", if you want to be return a new array to your caller -- this API is highly error-prone, however, as you're finding out.)
Your getTrimmedList function, therefore, should have this signature:
ErrCode getTrimmedList(std::vector<short> &lst);
Now you no longer require your "count" parameters, as well -- C++'s standard containers all have ways of querying the size of their contents.
C++11 also lets you be more specific about space requirements for ints, so if you're looking for a 16-bit "short", you probably want int16_t.
ErrCode getTrimmedList(std::vector<int16_t> &lst);
It may also be reasonable to avoid requiring your caller to create the "out" array, since we're using smarter containers here:
std::vector<int16_t> getTrimmedList(); // not a reference in the return here
In this style, we would likely manage errors using exceptions rather than return-codes, however, so other things about your interface would evolve, as well, most likely.


C++ - CORBA::LongSeq to long*

I'm new to C++ (I usually work on Java), and I'm trying to convert a ::CORBA::LongSeq object to a long * in C++, in order to perform operations on it afterwards.
So basically, what I tried is to do that :
long * Sample (const ::CORBA::LongSeq& lKeys) {
long nbElts = lKeys.length();
long * lCles = NULL;
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < nbElts; iIndex++) {
lCles[iIndex] = (long) lFCKey[iIndex];
return lCles;
And what happens is that I can retrieve the length of lKeys (so it should be looking at the right location, as far as I can tell), but then I get an access violation exception when I enter inside the for loop.
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I'm not sure of what I'm doing wrong though... Anyone has an idea ?
Here is one solution, and you don't get into the mess with pointers:
#include <vector>
std::vector<long> Sample (const ::CORBA::LongSeq& lKeys)
long nbElts = lKeys.length();
std::vector<long> lCles(nbElts);
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < nbElts; ++iIndex)
lCles[iIndex] = (long) lFCKey[iIndex];
return lCles;
This is guaranteed to work correctly, if the number of elements is correct.
Since you say you know Java, then a std::vector<long> would be the equivalent to a few of the Java containers that store sequences of values. For example, you can get the return value and call the vector's data() function to get you a long * that points to the vector's internal buffer.
But overall, get out of the pointer business (or try to limit their usage).
Edit: The comment stated to use CORBA::Long. So here it is:
std::vector<CORBA::Long> Sample (const ::CORBA::LongSeq& lKeys)
long nbElts = lKeys.length();
std::vector<CORBA::Long> lCles(nbElts);
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < nbElts; ++iIndex)
lCles[iIndex] = lFCKey[iIndex];
return lCles;
The difference between Java and C++ is that you have to manage your memory yourself (in most cases).
The error you get is that you try to assign things to an uninitialized variable (lCles), and returning a local variable. The local variable lCles which is stored on the stack will be "destroyed" once you leave the method.
One suggestion of how to do this could be something like this:
long* lCles = new long[lKeys.length()];
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < nbElts; iIndex++) {
lCles[iIndex] = (long) lFCKey[iIndex];
return lCles;
The important part in the method calling this code is to then release the memory held by this lCles by doing a
delete [] lCles; // or whatever the name of the variable is.
when done.
Like this:
long * l = Sample(lkeys);
// Do your stuff here
delete [] l;
(Using std::vector as suggested in another answer is actually preferred, since you don't have to do memory management by yourself.)
There are two things wrong here.
1) You attempt to use lCles before you have initialised it:
long * lCles = NULL;
This causes the access violation inside the for loop.
2) You return a pointer, lCles which is only declared locally:
return lCles;
This means that it goes out of scope when the function exits, and it then becomes invalid.

Returned value is partial and not full

I have a file.txt where I'm reading each line and I wan't to handle those lines. The file contains IP, Nicknames and some values. I want to save only the IP addresses to another file, but before that I'm checking the result returned by my function (char* get_ip(char arr[])).
The problem is the returned value, it's showing me only a partial, e.g:
normal IP address:
My return: 66.55.44
There are 2 functions: main() and get_ip()
//<----------- FUNCTION get_ip() -------------------- ><br />
char* get_ip(char buff[]){
char line[32];
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(buff); i++){
if(buff[i] == '.'){
if(isdigit(buff[i + 1])){
i = 0;
while(buff[i] != ' '){
line[i] = buff[i];
return line;
return 0;
//<------------ FUNCTION int main() --------------------->
int main(){
// variable, opening folder etc.
char buff[64], *line;
fgets(buff, 63, fph);
line = get_ip(buff);
cout << line << "\n";
} // main() func. end
Current expected behavior is not defined, as line is a local variable, you are not allowed to return from the function. If you want it to be separate buffer from buff you should use malloc instead of the declaration char line[32];
You should show more code: the signature of you function at least.
You are allocating buff on stack, and then return it.
But arrays are never returned by value, they are decayed to pointer-to-first-element.
That means, that when you use your function like this:
char[32] myFunction(...);
char ip[32] = myFunction(...);
your ip array is initialized with a pointer to array (line) that was destroyed after going out of scope when myFunction returns!
That means, it contains a garbage and you are lucky that you get even partial result from it (although if it was complete garbage you would probably track the problem easier).
The possible remedies is to use std::string (which I recommend) or to pass the pointer to preallocated array to myFunction (C-style solution):
char[32] ip;
myFunction(ip, ...);
One issue might be in the line:
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(buff); i++){
Specifically the statement
While you might have expected this to return 64, the size of the buffer, you are forgetting how C arrays almost always decay to pointers, so this is actually returning 4( if 32-bit) or 8(if 64-bit), the size of a char *.
You need to explicitly pass in a size.

Is it possible to pass char[][] to a function requesting char**?

I am trying to call a function that takes char** as a parameter. Its job is to fill an array of strings (i.e. an array of char*). I know the max length of the strings, and I can pass the max number to fill as another parameter, so I was hoping to stack allocate it like this:
fill_my_strings(char** arr_str, int max_str); // function prototype
char fill_these[max_strings][max_chars_per_string]; // allocating chars
fill_my_strings(fill_these, max_strings); // please fill them!
Of course, I get the "cannot convert char[max_strings][max_chars_per_string] to char**" error.
I know this is some subtle (or not-so-subtle) problem with my understanding of the difference between arrays and pointers. I'm just not sure why it's not possible to pass this block of memory to something wanting a char** and have it fill in my stack-allocated chars. Could somebody please explain if this is possible, or if not, why not?
Is it possible to call a function like this without calling malloc / new?
The simple answer to your question is no; a two dimensional array is different than a pointer-to pointer type. Arrays decay to pointers to their first element, but pointers actually are that value.
The difference between these types is clear, if you cast both to char*
int x;
char *arr_pp[] = {"foo", "bar", "baz"};
char arr_2d[][4] = {"foo", "bar", "baz"};
char *cp = (char*)arr_pp;
for(x=0; x<3; x++)
printf("%d ", cp[x]);
cp = (char*)arr_2d;
for(x=0; x<3; x++)
printf("%d ", cp[x]);
The output (on my computer) is:
-80 -123 4
102 111 111
Where the first row is gibberish formed by the fact that I'm printing an address cast into bytes, and the second row is the ascii values of "foo".
In a function taking a char ** the compiler can't know to decay array types, which don't actually contain pointers.
Suppose you have n pointers to strings of m-1 maximum characters (m characters including the NULL).
So, in pure C:
sizeof(char[n][m]) will return n*m.
sizeof(char**) will return the size of a pointer in your architecture, probably 32 (if x86) or 64 (if x86_64).
char[n][m] actually allocates the n*m byte contiguously. char** allocates a single pointer. This pointer references a memory stripe of *n bytes. Each of these n pointers points to a memory stripe of m characters.
So, considering that sizeof(char) == u, if you declare char a[n][m], when you use a[i][j], the compiler understands *(a + i*m*u + j*u).
So, considering that sizeof(char *) == w, if you declare char **a, when you use a[i][j], the compiler understands ((a + i*w) + j*w).
Completely different data management.
The closes thing you could do to handle your special case is to create a char** variable, and populate it with the addresses of your stack allocated matrix.
char **tmp = malloc(max_strings * sizeof(char *));
int i;
for(i = 0; i < max_strings; i++){
tmp[i] = &(fill_these[i][0]); //you probably can't reference a char[][] with a single index - not confirmed
I am not sure why fill_my_strings() need a char** parameter. From your example, caller have already allocated the memory from stack. So using a char* should be OK.
But if you want to use char** or you can't modify the fill_my_strings() function, try following example code:
void fill_my_strings(char** arr_str, int max_chars_per_string, int max_strings)
for(int i = 0; i < max_strings; ++i)
//Make sure you have enough space
memcpy(*arr_str, "ABCD", sizeof("ABCD"));
*arr_str += max_chars_per_string;
char fill_these[max_strings][max_chars_per_string];
char* pointer = (char*)fill_these;
fill_my_strings(&pointer, max_strings, max_chars_per_string);
The obvious thing to do is build an index
In c use something like:
char string_list[num_strings][str_length];
// ...
char**index = calloc( (num_strings+1), sizeof(*index) ); // calloc insures NULL termination
for (int i=0; i<num_strings; ++i) {
index[i] = string_list[i]
In c++ prefer new[] to calloc;

2d boolean array initialization in c++

I don't use C that much and I recently got confused about 2d array initialization problem. I need to debug somebody's code and stuck in the following(her original code):
const int location_num = 10000;
bool **location_matrix;
if (node_locations)
location_matrix = (bool **)malloc(location_num*sizeof(bool *));
if (!location_matrix)
cout<<"error 1 allocating location_matrix" << endl;
for (i=0; i<location_num; i++)
location_matrix[i] = (bool *) malloc(location_num*sizeof(bool ));
if (!location_matrix[i])
cout<<"error 2 allocating location_matrix" << endl;
for (j=0; j<location_num; j++)
location_matrix[i][j] = false;
I thought is was redundant, so I changed it to the following:
location_matrix[location_num][location_num] = { {false} };
However, segmentation fault happens at runtime.
My question is: how does the above code fail? If it looks right, what's the difference between dynamically allocation and static allocation? Is it just because the dimension might not be constant, so we need to do it dynamically?
Also, just for curiosity, how do I malloc 2d array that stores pointers? Thanks.
The change would likely require about 100MB (10,000 * 10,000 * 1) on the stack, so the segmentation fault was likely due to a stack overflow.
Edit I originally stated 400MB in the answer, but #Mooing Duck points out bool will likely be 1 byte. I was thinking the Win32 BOOL (for no real reason at all), which is typedefed to an int.
I actually don't see anything wrong with the code.
The following code doesn't work because location_matrix is not allocated:
location_matrix[location_num][location_num] = { {false} };
GCC will allow the following (as an extension):
bool location_matrix[location_num][location_num] = { {false} };
But it will blow your stack because 10000 x 10000 is too large.
Currently, your code uses dynamic allocation. That's the correct way to do it because the matrix is too large to be done as a static array (and may overrun the stack).
As for your last question, "how to make a 2d array that stores pointers": It can be done almost the same way as your current code. Just change bool to int*.
So a 2D array of NULL int pointers will look like this:
int ***location_matrix;
if (node_locations)
location_matrix = (int***)malloc(location_num*sizeof(int**));
if (!location_matrix)
cout<<"error 1 allocating location_matrix" << endl;
for (i=0; i<location_num; i++)
location_matrix[i] = (int**) malloc(location_num*sizeof(int*));
if (!location_matrix[i])
cout<<"error 2 allocating location_matrix" << endl;
for (j=0; j<location_num; j++)
location_matrix[i][j] = NULL;
The standard library is your friend.
#include <vector>
int location_num = 1000;
std::vector<std::vector<bool> > location_matrix(location_num, std::vector<bool>(location_num, false));
Second, the array is likely too large to fit on the stack, so you'd need to dynamically allocate it -- but you can simplify the code as long as the difference between a 2-dimensional array and an array of pointers won't be an issue (as it would be if you needed to pass the array to a function or use pointer arithmetic with it).
You could use something like this:
bool (*location_matrix)[location_num];
location_matrix = (bool (*)[location_num])calloc( location_num,
location_num * sizeof(bool) );
...which allocates space for the whole two-dimensional array and gives a pointer to an array of bool arrays with location_num elements each.

Using pointer for crossing over all elements in INTEGER array

Is there a way to cross over all elements in integer array using pointer ( similiar to using pointer to cross over string elements).I know that integer array is not NULL terminated so when I try to cross over array using pointer it overflows.So I added NULL as a last element of an array and it worked just fine.
int array[7]={1,12,41,45,58,68,NULL};
int *i;
printf("%d ",*i);
But what if one of the elements in array is 0 ,that will behave just as NULL.Is there any other way that will implement pointer in crossing over all elements in integer array?
In general, no unless you pick a sentinel value that's not part of the valid range of the data. For example, the valid range might be positive numbers, so you can use a negative number like -1 as a sentinel value that indicates the end of the array. This how C-style strings work; the NULL terminator is used because it's outside of the valid range of integers that could represent a character.
However, it's usually better to somehow pair up the array pointer with another variable that indicates the size of the array, or another pointer that points one-past-the-end of the array.
In your specific case, you can do something like this:
// Note that you don't have to specify the length of the array.
int array[] = {1,12,41,45,58,68};
// Let the compiler count the number of elements for us.
int arraySize = sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);
// or int arraySize = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);
int main()
int* i;
for(i = array; i != array + arraySize; i++)
printf("%d ",*i);
You can also do this:
int arrayBegin[] = {1,12,41,45,58,68};
int* arrayEnd = arrayBegin + sizeof(arrayBegin)/sizeof(arrayBegin[0]);
int main()
int* i;
for(i = arrayBegin; i != arrayEnd; i++)
printf("%d ",*i);
But given only a pointer, no you can't know how long the array it points to is. In fact, you can't even tell if the pointer points to an array or a single object! (At least not portably.)
If you have functions that must accept an array, either have your function require:
the pointer and the size of the array pointed by the pointer,
or two pointers with one pointing to the first element of the array and one pointing one-past-the-end of the array.
I'd like to give some additional advice: Never use some kind of sentinel/termination value in arrays for determining their bounds. This makes your programs prone to error and is often the cause for security issues. You should always store the length of arrays to limit all operations to their bounds and test against that value.
In C++ you have the STL and its containers.
In C you'll effectively end up using structures like
typedef struct t_int_array
size_t length;
int data[1]; /* note the 1 (one) */
} int_array;
and a set of manipulation functions like this
int_array * new_int_array(size_t length)
int_array * array;
/* we're allocating the size of basic t_int_array
(which already contains space for one int)
and additional space for length-1 ints */
array = malloc( sizeof(t_int_array) + sizeof(int) * (length - 1) );
return 0;
array->length = length;
return array;
int_array * concat_int_arrays(int_array const * const A, int_array const * const B);
int_array * int_array_push_back(int_array const * const A, int const value);
/* and so on */
This method will make the compiler align the t_int_array struct in a way, that it's optimal for the targeted architecture (also with malloc allocation), and just allocating more space in quantities of element sizes of the data array element will keep it that way.
The reason that you can iterate across a C-style string using pointers is that of the 256 different character values, one has been specifically reserved to be interpreted as "this is the end of the string." Because of this, C-style strings can't store null characters anywhere in them.
When you're trying to use a similar trick for integer arrays, you're noticing the same problem. If you want to be able to stop at some point, you'll have to pick some integer and reserve it to mean "this is not an integer; it's really the end of the sequence of integers." So no, there is no general way to take an array of integers and demarcate the end by a special value unless you're willing to pick some value that can't normally appear in the string.
C++ opted for a different approach than C to delineate sequences. Instead of storing the elements with some sort of null terminator, C++-style ranges (like you'd find in a vector, string, or list) store two iterators, begin() and end(), that indicate the first element and first element past the end. You can iterate over these ranges by writing
for (iterator itr = begin; itr != end; ++itr)
/* ... visit *itr here ... */
This approach is much more flexible than the C-string approach to defining ranges as it doesn't rely on specific properties of any values in the range. I would suggest opting to use something like this if you want to iterate over a range of integer values. It's more explicit about the bounds of the range and doesn't run into weird issues where certain values can't be stored in the range.
Apart from the usual suggestion that you should go and use the STL, you can find the length of a fixed array like this:
int array[6]={1,12,41,45,58,68};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); ++i)
{ }
If you use a templated function, you can implicitly derive the length like this:
template<size_t len> void func(int (&array)[len])
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { }
int array[6]={1,12,41,45,58,68};
If 0 is a value that may occur in a normal array of integers, you can specify a different value:
const int END_OF_ARRAY = 0x80000000;
int array[8]={0,1,12,41,45,58,68,END_OF_ARRAY};
for (int i = 0; array[i] != END_OF_ARRAY; ++i)
{ }
If every value is a possibility, or if none of the other approaches will work (for example, a dynamic array) then you have to manage the length separately. This is how strings that allow embedded null characters work (such as BSTR).
In your example you are using (or rather abusing) the NULL macro as a sentinel value; this is the function of the NUL('\0') character in a C string, but in the case of a C string NUL is not a valid character anywhere other than as the terminal (or sentinel) value .
The NULL macro is intended to represent an invalid pointer not an integer value (although in C++ when implicitly or explicitly cast to an int, its value is guaranteed to be zero, and in C this is also almost invariably the case). In this case if you want to use zero as the sentinel value you should use a literal zero not NULL. The problem is of course that if in this application zero is a valid data value it is not suitable for use as a sentinel.
So for example the following might suit:
static const int SENTINEL_VALUE = -1 ;
int array[7] = { 1, 12, 41, 45, 58, 68, SENTINEL_VALUE } ;
int* i ;
for( i = array; *i != SENTINEL_VALUE; i++ )
printf( "%d ", *i ) ;
If all integer values are are valid data values then you will not be able to use a sentinel value at all, and will have to use either a container class (which knows its length) or iterate for the known length of the array (from sizeof()).
Just to pedanticize and expand a little on a previous answer: in dealing with integer arrays in C, it's vanishingly rare to rely on a sentinel value in the array itself. No(1) sane programmer does that. Why not? Because by definition an integer can hold any value within predefined negative/positive limits, or (for the nowadays-not-unusual 32-bit integer) 0 to 0xffffff. It's not a good thing to redefine the notion of "integer" by stealing one of its possible values for a sentinel.
Instead, one always(1) must(1) rely on a controlling up-to-date count of integers that are in the array. Suppose we are to write a C function
that returns an int pointer to the first array member whose value is greater than the function's argument or, if there's no such member, returns NULL (all code is untested):`
int my_int_array[10]; // maximum of 10 integers in my_int_array[], which must be static
int member_count = 0; // varies from 0 to 10, always holds number of ints in my_int_array[]
int *
first_greater_than ( int val ) {
int i;
int *p;
for ( i = 0, p = my_int_array; i < member_count; ++i, ++p ) {
if ( *p > val ) {
return p;
return NULL;
Even better is also to limit the value of i to never count past the last possible member of my_int_array[], i.e., it never gets bigger than 9, and p never points at my_int_array[10] and beyond:
int my_int_array[10]; // maximum of 10 integers in my_int_array[], which must be static
int member_count = 0; // varies from 0 to 10, always holds number of ints in my_int_array[]
int *
first_greater_than ( int val ) {
#define MAX_COUNT sizeof(my_int_array)/sizeof(int)
int i;
int* p;
for ( i = 0, p = my_int_array; i < member_count && i < MAX_COUNT; ++i, ++p ) {
if ( *p > val ) {
return p;
return NULL;
HTH and I apologize if this is just too, too elementary.
Not strictly true but believe it for now
In ANSI C it's very easy and shorter than solution before:
int array[]={1,12,41,45,58,68}, *i=array;
size_t numelems = sizeof array/sizeof*array;
while( numelems-- )
printf("%d ",*i++);
Another way is to manage array of pointers to int:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_ELEMENTS 10
int main() {
int * array[MAX_ELEMENTS];
int ** i;
int k;
// initialize MAX_ELEMENTS,1 matrix
for (k=0;k<MAX_ELEMENTS;k++) {
array[k] = malloc(sizeof(int*));
// last element of array will be NULL pointer
if (k==MAX_ELEMENTS-1)
array[k] = NULL;
array[k][0] = k;
// now loop until you get NULL pointer
for (i=array;*i;i++) {
printf("value %i\n",**i);
// free memory
for (k=0;k<MAX_ELEMENTS;k++) {
return 0;
In this way loop condition is totally independent from the values of integers. But... for this to work you must use 2D array (matrix) instead of ordinary 1D array. Hope that helps.