OpenGL Alpha Blending Issue, Blending ignored (maybe)? - opengl

In case anyone happens to run into the problem I was running into, there are two solutions. One is the solution accepted, but that only applies if you are doing things how I was. Let me explain what I was doing:
1.) Render star background to screen
2.) Render ships, then particles to the FBO
3.) Render FBO to screen
This problem, and therefor the solution to this problem, occurred in the first place because I was blending the FBO with the star background.
The real solution, which is supposedly also slightly faster, is to simply render the star background to the FBO, then render the FBO to screen with blending disabled. Using this method, I do not need to mess with glBlendFuncSeparate...
1.) Render stars, then ships, then particles to FBO
2.) Render FBO to screen with blending disabled
----------ORIGINAL QUESTION:----------
From what I understand of the issue, blending is being ignored somehow. The particle texture with alpha transparency completely overwrites below pixels.
I am creating a top-down game. The camera is slightly angled so that there is some feeling of depth. I am rendering my ships, then rending the particles above them...
After beginning the OpenGL context
In the render loop, I do this:
entitymgr_render(ook); //Render entities. Always 1.0 alpha textures.
//glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE); //This would enable additive blending for non-premult
particlemgr_render(ook); //Render particles. Likely always <1.0 alpha textures
If I run with the above code, I get results like this...
Particle tex:
Screenshot from OGL Profiler (Mac tool):
Screenshot of the FBO without any particle rendered:
Screenshot of the FBO with some particles rendered on top:
As you can see, the particle, despite having alpha transparency, doesn't blend with the ship rendered below. Instead, it just completely overwrites the pixels.
Final notes, setting pixel transparency in the shader blends correctly - the ship appears below. And here is my shader:
#version 150
uniform sampler2D s_tex1;
uniform float v4_color;
in vec4 vertex;
in vec3 normal;
in vec2 texcoord;
out vec4 frag_color;
void main()
if(frag_color.a==0.0) discard;
Let me know if there is anything I can provide.

Looks to me like it is rendering the alpha channel as well into the frame buffer, so when you write the particles, the src alpha channel is getting mixed with the destination alpha channel, which is not what you want here.
This is exactly why the glblendfuncseparate() function was created. Try this...
So, the alpha channel of your particles will be used to determine the colours of the final pixels, but the alpha channels of the source and destination will be added together.

My guess is that the FBO's rgb channels are being rendered correctly, but because it also has an alpha channel, and it is being drawn with blending enabled, the end result has incorrect transparency where the particle overlaps the spaceship.
Either use glBlendFuncSeparate (described here) to use different blend factors for the alpha channel when you're drawing the particles:
Or turn off blending altogether when you draw your FBO onto the screen.

In order to obtain texture transparency, other than:
you should assure also that:
when creating the particle tex with glTexImage2D, use as format GL_RGBA (or GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA if you are using gray shaded textures)
when drawing the particle texture, after the glBindTexture command, call
Instead of GL_BLEND, you could use the correct texture functions as described in
the glTexEnv reference:


OpenGL Blend Function To Copy RBG/Disregard Alpha?

There may be an easier way to do this, I can do it with a shader I'd imagine, but I feel like setting the blend function is simpler.
Shader would maybe be gl_FragColor = vec4(texture.rgb, 0);
For a reason, I need to have a freshly cleared FBO filled with a transparent (0) texture. That way the pixels in the FBO are visually transparent, but contain the RGB values of the texture.
It's tough to explain, but it's essentially a glClear() but with a texture rather than a solid color. Is there a combination blend src/dst function that would accomplish this?
Basically it shouldn't matter what the FBO looks like beforehand. I then want to render a texture to it, but since I'm rendering it with alpha 0, it's not overriding the existing FBO pixels.
If you really want to do this via blending, you can do this via the separate blend factors introduced originally in GL_EXT_blend_func_separate (promoted to OpenGL core functionalitiy in Version 2.0):
glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO);
glBlendEquation(GL_ADD); // is the default anyway

Rendering transparent texture onto glTexture

I've been working in opengl for a while relatively smoothly, but recently I've noticed that when I render a primitive with a transparent texture onto my fbo texture (custom frame buffer) it makes the fbo texture transparent at the pixels the primitive's texture is transparent. The problem is that there are things behind this primitive (with solid color) already rendered before the transparent one. So the fbo texture should not be transparent at those pixels - blending a solid & transparent color should result in a solid color, shouldn't it?
So basically, opengl is adding transparency to my fbo-texture just because the last primitive drawn has transparent pixels even though there are solid colors behind it already drawn into the fbo texture. Shouldn't opengl blend the transparent texture with the fbo's existing pixels, and result in a solid color if the fbo texture is already filled with solid colors before rendering the transparent primitive?
What happens when I render my fbo texture to the default frame buffer, is that the clear color bleeds through parts of it - where the last drawn texture is transparent. But when I render the same scene straight to the default opengl frame buffer, the scene looks fine and the clear color is not bleeding into the transparent texture.
What's even more interesting is that the glClearColor - color is only visible where the primitive's texture's alpha has a gradient - the clear color has no influence on where the texture alpha is 1.0 or 0.0... is this a bug? It seems to affect the primitive's texture the most at pixels with 0.5 alpha. Then going further above or below decreases the glClearColor influence.
I know it's a bit of a complex question/situation, I honestly tried my best to explain
I'm using:
to draw both the partly transparent primitive into the fbo-texture, and then the fbo texture to the default framebuffer
This is what the fbo-texture drawn into the default opengl fbo looks like:
glClearColor is set to red.
blending a solid & transparent color should result in a solid color, shouldn't it?
Only if your blend mode tells it to. And it doesn't:
This applies the same blending operation to all four components of the colors. This causes the final alpha to be the result of multiplying the source alpha by itself and adding that to the destination alpha times 1-src alpha.
Now, you could use separate blend functions for the color and the alpha:
The last two parameters specify the blending for just the alpha, while the first two specify the blending for the RGB colors. So this preserves the alpha. Separate blend functionality is available on GL 3.x and above, but is also available as an extension on older hardware.
But it seems to me that you probably don't want to change the alpha at all. So simply mask alpha writes when rendering to the texture:
Don't forget to undo the alpha mask when you want to write to it again.

OpenGL implementing skybox in a deferred renderer

I am trying to figure out how to render a skybox in a deferred renderer so that it can be included in post processing effects, However my Geometry stage is in view space and unfortunately the skybox in this stage will be effected by it's position relative to the light as any object would (it behaves like large box located very far from the light source and shows up very dark).
my setup without trying to incorporate the skybox in post processing is as follows:
1:(bind FBO) Render Geometry to color, normal, position FBO texture attachments (unbind FBO).
2:(bind FBO) Render the scene and calculate lighting in screen space.(unbind FBO)
3:(bind FBO) apply post processing effects (unbind FBO)
4: blit the Geometry FBO's depth buffer to the default frame buffer
5: render skybox.
I've tried to switch step 5 with 3
like this:
2:(bind FBO) Render the scene and calculate lighting in screen space.
5: render skybox
(unbind FBO)
3:(bind FBO) apply post processing effects (unbind FBO)
4: blit the Geometry FBO's depth buffer to the default frame buffer
but obviously the skybox has no depth information about the scene and renders on top of the lighting stage. And if I try to do any depth blitting between 2 and 5, I believe I am making invalid GL calls because I'm already bound to an FBO while calling
GL30.glBindFramebuffer(GL30.GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, DeferredFBO.fbo_handle);
GL30.glBindFramebuffer(GL30.GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); // Write to default
// framebuffer or a skybox framebuffer
GL30.glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, DisplayManager.Width,
DisplayManager.Height, 0, 0, DisplayManager.Width,
DisplayManager.Height, GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT,
So I came up with a really easy hacky solution to this problem without having to incorporate any texture barriers or messing with the depth or color buffers.
I actually render the Skybox Geometry in the Geometry pass of the Deferred Rendering process, I render the skybox and set a flag in the fragment shader to color my skybox, remembering to modify the view matrix to remove the translation with another uniform flag in the vertex Shader. In the fragment shader I set the skybox color as such. Here is a basic summary without pasting all of the code.
layout (binding = 4) uniform samplerCube cubeMap;
uniform float SkyRender;
void main(){
vec4 SkyColor = texture(cubeMap, skyTexCoords);
gAlbedoSpec.rgb = SkyColor.rgb;
gAlbedoSpec.a = -1;
gAlbedoSpec.rgb = texture(DiffuseTexture, TexCoords);
gAlbedoSpec.a = texture(SpecularTexture, TexCoords).r;
I set the alpha component of my skybox in the Color buffer as a flag for my Lighting pass. Here I set it to to -1.
In my lighting pass I simply choose to color my box with Diffuse Only instead of adding lighting calculations if my gAlbedoSpec alpha value is -1.
if(Diffuse.a > -1){
FragColor = SphereNormal * vec4(Dlighting, 1.0)+vec4(Slighting, 1.0);
FragColor = Diffuse ;
It's fairly simple and doesn't require much code and gets the job done.
Then give it the depth information it lacks.
When you rendered your scene in step 1, you used a depth buffer. So when you draw your skybox, you need an FBO that uses that same depth buffer. But this FBO also needs to use the color image that you rendered to in step 2.
Now, this FBO cannot be the same FBO you used in step 2. Why?
Because that would be undefined behavior. Presumably, step 2 reads from your depth buffer to reconstruct the position (if this is not the case, then you can just attach the depth buffer to the FBO from step 2. But then again, you're also wasting tons of performance). But that depth buffer is also attached to the FBO. And that makes it undefined behavior. Even if you're not writing to the depth, it is still undefined under OpenGL.
So you will need another FBO, which has the depth buffer from step 1 with the color buffer from step 2.
Unless you have access to OpenGL 4.5/ARB_texture_barrier/NV_texture_barrier. With that feature, it becomes defined behavior if you use write masks to turn off writes to the depth buffer. All you need to do is issue a glTextureBarrier before performing step 2. So you don't need another FBO if you have that.
In either case, keep the depth test enabled when rendering your skybox, but turn off depth writing. This will allow fragments behind your actual world to be culled, but the depth of the skybox fragments will be infinitely far away.

OpenGL ES 2.0 : paint in FBO + Texture = gray blending in texture

This is how I render my brush in the fragment shader :
gl_FragColor.rgb = Color.rgb;
gl_FragColor.a = Texture.a * Color.a;
With this Blending function on a (0, 0, 0, 0) texture :
This is what I see when I draw my texture ADDED to my white background with glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) :
But this is what I get in my texture :
Can someone help me to understand why I got this grayed stroke in my texture ? Because I need to take a screenshot of this texture, and I want to have the same rendering but without white background.
[1st picture] When I draw my "view" I have a white background
[2nd picture] But I store my stroke in a texture who have a transparent background
You're doing two blending operations, one in your shader, one using the glBlendFunc call. When rendered directly to the screen it doesn't apply the glBlendFunc a second time, however, when rendering to a texture it gets applied when rendering to the texture, and then again when rendering the texture to the screen.
You have two options, 1) don't do blending your shader, 2) use a different blend function (I find glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); to work well). I find option 2 to work the best for me, handling OpenGL blend functions is notoriously annoying.

OpenGL - Using texture's alpha channel AND a "global" opacity level

I'm trying to get a fairly simple effect; I'd like my sprites to be able to have their alpha channels used by GL (that is, translucent across parts of the image, but not all of it) as well as the entire sprite to have an "opacity" level that affects the entire sprite.
I've got the latter part, that was a simple enough matter of using GL_MODULATE and passing a color4d(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity). Works like a dream.
But the problem is in the first part; partially translucent images. I'd thought that i could just fling out a glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); and enable blending, but unfortunately it doesn't do it. What it seems to do is "whiten" the color of the image in question, rather than making it translucent. Any other sprites passing under it behave as if it were a solid block of color, and get directly cut off.
For reference, i've disabled lighting, z-buffer, color material, and alpha test. Did shade model flat, just in case. But other than that, i'm using default ortho settings. I'm using teximage2d for the texture in question, and i've been sure the formats and GL_RGBA are all set correctly.
How can i get GL to consider the texture's alpha channel during blending?
The simplest and fastest solution is to have a fragment shader.
uniform float alpha;
uniform sampler2D texture;
gl_FragColor = texture2d(texture, gl_TexCoords);
gl_FragColor.a *= alpha;
GL_MODULATE is the way to tell GL to use the texture alpha for the final alpha of the fragment (it's also the default).
Your blending is also correct as to how to use that generated alpha in the blending stage.
So the problem lies elsewhere... Your description sounds like you did not in fact disable Z-test, and you do not render your sprites back to front. Alpha blending in GL will only do what you want if you draw your sprites back to front. Otherwise, the sprites get blended in the wrong order, and this does not produce the correct output.
It would be easier to verify this with a picture of what you observe though.