COM: pass reference to a SAFEARRAY - c++

I want to query a COM function with Qt. I have a documentation but for VB. Nevertheless this doc says:
Object.Frequencies DataArray
Object -> An object expression that evaluates to a BKDataSet object.
DataArray -> An array of strings or an array of values
The DataArray structure must be declared in the application that is controlling PULSE and the size of the array must be equal to the number of x-axis entries. In Visual Basic, use the DIM (or corresponding) statement to declare the variable and allocate storage space. In other languages use a safearray of strings (VT_BSTR) or reals (VT_R8 for double or VT_R4 for float/single).
Step 1
First I used OLEVIEW to see what the function prototype really looks like.
I got: void Frequencies(VARIANT* FrequencyArray).
So I tried to do it with Qt:
IBKDataSet *data = function->FunctionData();
int nbFrequencies = data->dynamicCall("GetNumberOfXAxisEntries()").toInt();
QList<QVariant> frequencies;
for(int i=0; i<nbFrequencies; j++) {
frequencies << 0.0;
QList<QVariant> parameters;
parameters << QVariant(frequencies);
data->dynamicCall("Frequencies(QVariant&)", parameters);
for(int i=0; i<frequencies.size(); i++) {
qDebug() <<;
Note: I used a QList<QVariant> as it is shown here.
But I had the following message Type Mismatch in Parameter. Pass an array of type string or real..
Step 2
So I tried with an array of string:
IBKDataSet *data = function->FunctionData();
int nbFrequencies = data->dynamicCall("GetNumberOfXAxisEntries()").toInt();
QList<QString> frequencies;
for(int i=0; i<nbFrequencies; i++) {
frequencies << "0.0";
QList<QVariant> parameters;
parameters << QVariant(frequencies);
data->dynamicCall("Frequencies(QList<QString>&)", parameters);
for(int j=0; j<frequencies.size(); j++) {
qDebug() <<;
No more error but the returned values are the values set during the initialization (I tried with several ones, not only 0.0).
Step 3
After that, I tried many combinations with no success. So I asked the developers (hard to contact) to provide an example. They sent me the following code (Visual-C++):
IBKDataSetPtr bkDataSet(function->FunctionData);
int nEntries = bkDataSet->GetNumberOfXAxisEntries();
COleSafeArray safeArray;
safeArray.CreateOneDim( VT_R8, nEntries);
COleVariant vDontCare;
double* pFrequencyData;
CString sMessage;
sMessage.Format("Y[1] = %1.4e ", pFrequencyData[1]);
How this code can be used in QtCreator?
I realized COleSafeArray is specific to VisualStudio...
I am sorry for the length of the post but this is a while I'm trying to get around this issue without success.
Here is a clue on how to do that with the WIN32 API:
QList<double> getCOMValues(IDispatch *dispatch, const QString &method, int arraySize) const {
QList<double> result;
// I don't know how to convert a QString into an OLECHAR*
OLECHAR * szMember = L"Frequencies";
DISPID dispid;
// Retrieve the dispatch identifier for the method.
// Use defaults where possible.
hr = dispatch->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szMember, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid);
// Test return is OK
if(FAILED(hr)) {
qDebug() << "Error while trying to read the " << method;
return result;
// Defines a SAFEARRAY.
// Represents the bounds of one dimension of the array.
// The lower bound of the dimension starts at 0.
freqBound[0].lLbound = 0;
// The number of elements in the dimension is the number of frequencies.
freqBound[0].cElements = arraySize;
// Creates a new array descriptor, allocates and initializes the data for
// the array, and returns a pointer to the new array descriptor.
// VT_R8 represents double.
// 1 is the number of dimensions in the array.
psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_R8, 1, freqBound);
// Check the array is not NULL.
if(psa == NULL) {
qDebug() << "Error while trying to read the " << method;
return result;
// This is the default value to put into the array.
double init[] = {0.0};
// Populates the array with 0.0.
for(long index=0;index<arraySize;index++)
// Stores the data element at the specified location in the array.
hr = SafeArrayPutElement(psa,&index,init);
if( FAILED(hr)) {
qDebug() << "Error while initialising the array for " << method;
// Describes arguments passed within DISPPARAMS.
// A safe array descriptor, which describes the dimensions, size, and in-memory location of the array.
v[0].parray = psa;
// The type of data in the union.
v[0].vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_R8;
// Contains the arguments passed to a method or property.
DISPPARAMS params = {v, NULL, 1, 0};
// To catch errors
// Provides access to properties and methods exposed by the object.
hr = dispatch->Invoke(dispid, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &params, NULL, &pExcepInfo, NULL);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
if(hr == DISP_E_EXCEPTION) {
printf("%S\n", pExcepInfo.bstrSource);
printf("%S\n", pExcepInfo.bstrDescription);
qDebug() << "Error while trying to read the " << method;
return result;
double res = 0;
for(long idx=0; idx<arraySize; idx++) {
hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &idx, &res);
if(hr == S_OK) {
} else {
qDebug() << "Error while trying to read the " << method;
// Clears the variant.
hr = VariantClear(v);
return result;
But the Invoke method returns a DISP_E_EXCEPTION: Type Mismatch in Parameter. Pass an array of type string or real.

Found the problem. Very simple!
IBKDataSet *data = function->FunctionData();
int nbFrequencies = data->dynamicCall("GetNumberOfXAxisEntries()").toInt();
QList<QString> frequencies;
for(int i=0; i<nbFrequencies; i++) {
frequencies << "0.0";
QList<QVariant> parameters;
parameters << QVariant(frequencies);
data->dynamicCall("Frequencies(QList<QString>&)", parameters);
frequencies = parameters.first().toStringList();
for(int j=0; j<frequencies.size(); j++) {
qDebug() <<;
I had to read the first element of parameters and convert it to a QStringList...


Implementing cdbpp library for string values

I am trying to implement the cdbpp library from chokkan. I am facing some problems when I was trying to implement the same for values with data type of strings.
The original code and documentation can be found here: and the git source code is here:
This is what I have so far:
In the sample.cpp (from where i am calling the main function), I modified the build() function:
bool build()
// Open a database file for writing (with binary mode).
std::ofstream ofs(DBNAME, std::ios_base::binary);
if ( {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to open a database file." << std::endl;
return false;
try {
// Create an instance of CDB++ writer.
cdbpp::builder dbw(ofs);
// Insert key/value pairs to the CDB++ writer.
for (int i = 1;i < N;++i) {
std::string key = int2str(i);
const char* val = "foobar"; //string value here
dbw.put(key.c_str(), key.length(), &val, sizeof(i));
} catch (const cdbpp::builder_exception& e) {
// Abort if something went wrong...
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
and in cdbpp.h file, i modified the put() function as :
void put(const key_t *key, size_t ksize, const value_t *value, size_t vsize)
// Write out the current record.
std::string temp2 = *value;
const char* temp = temp2.c_str();
m_os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(key), ksize);
m_os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(temp), vsize);
// Compute the hash value and choose a hash table.
uint32_t hv = hash_function()(static_cast<const void *>(key), ksize);
hashtable& ht = m_ht[hv % NUM_TABLES];
// Store the hash value and offset to the hash table.
ht.push_back(bucket(hv, m_cur));
// Increment the current position.
m_cur += sizeof(uint32_t) + ksize + sizeof(uint32_t) + vsize;
Now the I get the correct value if the string is less than or equal to 3 characters(eg: foo will return foo). If it is greater than 3 it gives me the correct string up to 3 characters then garbage value(eg. foobar gives me foo�`)
I am a little new to c++ and I would appreciate any help you could give me.
(moving possible answer in comment to real answer)
vsize as passed into put is the size of an integer when it should be the length of the value string.

openmpi/c++: defining a mpi data type for class with members of variable length (pointers pointing to malloced memory)?

i am currently learning to use openmpi, my aim is to parallelize a simple program whose code i will post bellow.
The program is for testing my concept of paralleling a much bigger program, i hope to learn all i need to know for my actual problem if i succeed with this.
Basically it is a definition of a simple c++ class for lists. A list consists of two arrays, one integer and one double. Entries with the same indicies belong together, in a way that the integer entry is some kind of list entry identifier (maybe an object ID) and the double entry is some kind of quantifier (maybe the weight if an object).
The basic purpose of the program is to add lists together (this is the task i want to parallelize). Adding works as follows: For each entry in one list it is checked if there is the same integer entry in the the other list, if so then the double entry gets added to the double entry in the other list, if there is no such entry in the other list then both the integer and the double entries gets added to the end of the list.
Basically each summand in this list addition represents a storage and each entry is a type of object with a given amount (int is the type and double is the amount), so adding two lists means putting the stuff from the second storage to the first.
The order of the list entries is irrelevant, this means that the addition of lists is not only associative but commutative too!
My plan is to add a very large number of such lists (a few billions) so parallelizing could be to let each thread add a subset of lists first and when this is finished distribute all such sublists (one for each thread) to all of the threads.
My current understanding of openmpi is that only the last step (distributing of finished sublists) needs any special non standard stuff. Basically i need a AllReduce but with a custom data type and a custom operaton.
The first problem i have is understanding how to create a fitting MPI data type. I came to the conclusion that i probably need MPI_Type_create_struct to create a struct type.
I found this site with a nice example:
from which i learned a lot but the problem is, that in this case there are fixed member arrays. In my case i have lists with arbitrary sized member variables or better with pointers pointing to memory blocks of arbitrary size. So doing it like in the example would lead to creating a new MPI datatype for each list size (using fixed sized lists could help but only in this minimalistic case, but i want to learn how to do it with arbitrary sized lists are preparation for my actual problem).
So my question is: how to create a data type for this special case? What is the best way?
I even thought to maybe write some non mpi code to serialize my class/object, (which would be a lot of work for my real problem but in this example it should be easy) to a single block of bits. Then i could simply use a MPI function to distribute those blocks to all threads and then i just have to translate it back to the actual object, and then i could let each thread simply add the "number-of-threads" lists together to have the same full reduced list on all threads (because the operation is commutative it is not important if the order is the same on each thread in the end).
The problem is that i do not know which MPI function to use to distribute a such memory blocks to each thread so that in the end each thread has an array of "number-of-threads" such blocks (similar like AllReduce but with blocks).
But thats just another idea, i would like to hear from you whats the best way.
Thank you, here is my fully working example program (ignore the MPI parts thats just preparation, you can simply compile with: g++)
As you can see, i needed to create custom copy constructors because standard of the pointer members. I hope thats not a problem for MPI?
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#if (CFG_MPI > 0)
#include <mpi.h>
#define MPI_Barrier(xxx) // dummy code if not parallel
class list {
int *ilist;
double *dlist;
int n;
list(int n, int *il, double *dl) {
int i;
if (n>0) {
this->ilist = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
this->dlist = (double*)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
if (!ilist || !dlist) std::cout << "ERROR: malloc in constructor failed!" << std::endl;
} else {
this->ilist = NULL;
this->dlist = NULL;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
this->ilist[i] = il[i];
this->dlist[i] = dl[i];
this->n = n;
~list() {
ilist = NULL;
dlist = NULL;
list(const list& cp) {
int i;
this->n = cp.n;
this->ilist = NULL;
this->dlist = NULL;
if (this->n > 0) {
this->ilist = (int*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(int));
this->dlist = (double*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(double));
if (!ilist || !dlist) std::cout << "ERROR: malloc in copy constructor failed!" << std::endl;
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++) {
this->ilist[i] = cp.ilist[i];
this->dlist[i] = cp.dlist[i];
list& operator=(const list& cp) {
if(this == &cp) return *this;
int i;
this->n = cp.n;
if (this->n > 0) {
this->ilist = (int*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(int));
this->dlist = (double*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(double));
if (!ilist || !dlist) std::cout << "ERROR: malloc in copy constructor failed!" << std::endl;
} else {
this->ilist = NULL;
this->dlist = NULL;
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++) {
this->ilist[i] = cp.ilist[i];
this->dlist[i] = cp.dlist[i];
return *this;
void print() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++)
std::cout << i << " : " << "[" << this->ilist[i] << " - " << (double)dlist[i] << "]" << std::endl;
list& operator+=(const list& cp) {
int i,j;
if(this == &cp) {
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++)
this->dlist[i] *= 2;
return *this;
double *dl;
int *il;
il = (int *) realloc(this->ilist, (this->n+cp.n)*sizeof(int));
dl = (double *) realloc(this->dlist, (this->n+cp.n)*sizeof(double));
if (!il || !dl)
std::cout << "ERROR: 1st realloc in operator += failed!" << std::endl;
else {
this->ilist = il;
this->dlist = dl;
il = NULL;
dl = NULL;
for (i=0; i<cp.n; i++) {
for (j=0; j<this->n; j++) {
if (this->ilist[j] == cp.ilist[i]) {
this->dlist[j] += cp.dlist[i];
} if (j == this->n) {// no matching entry found in this
this->ilist[this->n] = cp.ilist[i];
this->dlist[this->n] = cp.dlist[i];
il = (int *) realloc(this->ilist, (this->n)*sizeof(int));
dl = (double *) realloc(this->dlist, (this->n)*sizeof(double));
if (!il || !dl)
std::cout << "ERROR: 2nd realloc in operator += failed!" << std::endl;
else {
this->ilist = il;
this->dlist = dl;
return *this;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int npe, myid;
#if (CFG_MPI > 0)
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
if (!myid) // reduce output
std::cout << "NPE = " << npe << " MYID = " << myid << std::endl;
int ilist[5] = {14,17,4,29,0};
double dlist[5] = {0.0, 170.0, 0.0, 0.0, 24.523};
int ilist2[6] = {14,117,14,129,0, 34};
double dlist2[6] = {0.5, 170.5, 0.5, 0.5, 24.0, 1.2};
list tlist(5, ilist, dlist);
list tlist2(6, ilist2, dlist2);
if (!myid) {
tlist +=tlist2;
if (myid) tlist.print();
#if (CFG_MPI > 0)
return 0;

Parsing numbers and stdStrings to char* in C++ [QT]

I have this piece of code, where audio_bitRate & video_bitRate are numbers, and audio_address & video_address are strings.
I get these variables from my Qt interface, but I don't know what happens when I try to parse these variables to my char *vector[10], what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
int counter = 0;
char *vector[10];
memset(vector, 0, 10);
qDebug() << counter;
audio_address = ui->lineEdit->text().toStdString();
video_address = ui->lineEdit_2->text().toStdString();
audio_bitRate = ui->lineEdit_3->text().toDouble();
video_bitRate = ui->lineEdit_4->text().toDouble();
qDebug() << audio_bitRate;
qDebug() << video_bitRate;
pat_bitRate = ui->lineEdit_6->text().toDouble();
pmt_bitRate = ui->lineEdit_7->text().toDouble();
ewbs_bitRate = ui->lineEdit_8->text().toDouble();
qDebug() << "00";
//The problem is here
strcpy(vector[0], (char*)(&audio_bitRate));
strcpy(vector[2], (char*)(&video_bitRate));
In this part my application finished, the exact message from the command line of QT is `
"The program has unexpectedly finished."
1) I can see that your not allocated memory for vector.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int size = 10; // allocate size how much you required
vector[i] = (char*) malloc(size);
memset(vector[i], 0, size);
2) For converting number in QString to char * you can use bellow code:
strcpy(vector[1], ui->lineEdit_3->text().toStdString().c_str());
Note: For converting number to byte array you need to use different method.

C++ Returning results from several threads into an array

I've a pattern-matching program which takes as input a string and returns a string closely matched by a dictionary. Since the algorithm takes several seconds to run one match query, I am attempting to use multi-threading to run batch queries.
I first read in a file containing a list of queries and for each query dispatch a new thread to perform the matching algorithm, returning the results into an array using pthread_join.
However, I'm getting some inconsistent results. For example, if my query file contains the terms "red, green, blue", I may receive "red, green, green" as the result. Another run may generate the correct "red, green, blue" result. It appears to sometimes be writing over the result in the array, but why would this happen since the array value is set according to the thread id?
Dictionary dict; // global, which performs the matching algorithm
void *match_worker(void *arg) {
char* temp = (char *)arg;
string strTemp(temp);
string result = dict.match(strTemp);
return (void *)(result.c_str());
void run(const string& queryFilename) {
// read in query file
vector<string> queries;
ifstream inquery(queryFilename.c_str());
string line;
while (getline(inquery, line)) {
pthread_t threads[queries.size()];
void *results[queries.size()];
int rc;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, match_worker, (void *)(queries[i].c_str()));
if (rc) {
cout << "Failed pthread_create" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
rc = pthread_join(threads[i], &results[i]);
if (rc) {
cout << "Failed pthread_join" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
cout << (char *)results[i] << endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
string queryFilename = arg[1];
return 0;
Edit: As suggested by Zac, I modified the thread to explicitly put the result on the heap:
void *match_worker(void *arg) {
char* temp = (char *)arg;
string strTemp(temp);
int numResults = 1;
cout << "perform match for " << strTemp << endl;
string result = dict.match(strTemp, numResults);
string* tmpResult = new string(result);
return (void *)((*tmpResult).c_str());
Although, in this case, where would I put the delete calls? If I try putting the following at the end of the run() function it gives an invalid pointer error.
for (i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
delete (char*)results[i];
Without debugging it, my guess is that it has something to do with the following:
void *match_worker(void *arg)
char* temp = (char *)arg;
string strTemp(temp);
string result = dict.match(strTemp); // create an automatic
return (void *)(result.c_str()); // return the automatic ... but it gets destructed right after this!
So when the next thread runs, it writes over the same memory location you are pointing to (by chance), and you are inserting the same value twice (not writing over it).
You should put the result on the heap to ensure it does not get destroyed between the time your thread exits and you store it in your main thread.
With your edit, you are trying to mix things up a bit too much. I've fixed it below:
void *match_worker(void *arg)
char* temp = (char *)arg;
string strTemp(temp);
int numResults = 1;
cout << "perform match for " << strTemp << endl;
string result = dict.match(strTemp, numResults);
string* tmpResult = new string(result);
return (void *)(tmpResult); // just return the pointer to the std::string object
Declare results as
// this shouldn't compile
//void* results[queries.size()];
std::string** results = new std::string[queries.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.size(); ++i)
results[i] = NULL; // initialize pointers in the array
When you clean up the memory:
for (i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++)
delete results[i];
delete [] results; // delete the results array
That said, you would have a much easier time if you used the C++11 threading templates instead of mixing the C pthread library and C++.
The problem is caused by the lifetime of the local variable result and the data returned by the member function result.c_str(). You make this task unnecessary difficult by mixing C with C++. Consider using C++11 and its threading library. It makes the task much easier:
std::string match_worker(const std::string& query);
void run(const std::vector<std::string>& queries)
std::vector<std::future<std::string>> results;
for (auto& query : queries)
std::async(std::launch::async, match_worker, query));
for (auto& result : results)
std::cout << result.get() << '\n';

How to call a method that returns an array of strings in Borland C++?

I've created a COM wrapper in C# with a method that returns an array of strings:
public string[] GetArrayOfStrings()
string[] array = new string[3];
array[0] = "first";
array[1] = "second";
array[2] = "third";
return array;
In VB6 I'm calling that method and presenting strings in a list like this:
Dim s() As String
s = obj.GetArrayOfStrings()
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
List1.AddItem s(i)
Next i
Does anyone know how to call that method from Borland C++ and get all elements in the returning array?
Arrays in COM are handled by the SAFEARRAY struct.
Depending on how the COM object exposes the array, it may return a SAFEARRAY directly, eg:
SAFEARRAY *psa = obj->GetArrayOfStrings();
VARTYPE vtype;
SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &vtype);
if (vtype == VT_BSTR)
LONG lBound, uBound;
SafeArrayGetLBound(psa, 0, &lBound);
SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 0, &uBound);
for(LONG i = lBound; i <= uBound; ++i)
BSTR str;
SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &str);
Or it may be wrapped inside of a VARIANT struct instead, eg:
VARIANT v = obj->GetArrayOfStrings();
if (V_VT(&v) & VT_ARRAY)
Either way, the elements inside of the array may or may not be wrapped inside of VARIANT structs, eg:
SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &vtype);
if (vtype == VT_VARIANT)
SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elem);