DBUS - multithread processing - c++

I have a main loop in my program, which calls this method from dbus:
I have some registered callbacks, which are invoked, when message arrives. Within this callback I am also processing the response and sending back response. Problem is that sometimes it takes much time so probably it will block receiving messages from DBUS.
Question - can I call dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch() method on the same connection from more than one thread? Then it will be probably possible to receive new DBUS messages while the previous one is being processed.
Or maybe better idea is to process responses in another thread than the main loop, from callback is invoked?
Thank you

you can call dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch() from multiple threads if you have called the function dbus_threads_init_default() atleast once.Instead a better approach is to have a single thread running dbus dispatcher and use a thread-pool to process the data from callbacks.
See dbus_threads_init_default() for more info.

By the document provided by freedesktop.org, you can.
But if you operate with same DBusConnection instance from different threads directly, eg. calling dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block in a thread while anothoer thread is blocking on dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch, the connection maybe work unproperly. According to official document, DBus connection will be locked when calling callback functions.DBusConnection
In my situation, the dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block didn't return even if the return message was send to my process (I had seen it on dbus-monitor). Calling dbus_thread_init does not work at all.
Recently I used a delegate to send / receive / dispatch all dbus messages in one thread, and problem disappeared.
A mail in mailing list of freedesktop.org


Change GUI in thread

I have an operation which ends in about 20 seconds. To avoid freezing, I want to create a thread and update a label text in it every second. I searched a lot, since everyone has different opinion, I couldn't decide which method to use.
I tried SendMessage and it works but some people believe that using SendMessage is not safe and I should use PostMessage instead. But PostMessage fails with ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY (1159).
char text[20] = "test text";
SendMessage(label_hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, text);
I searched about this and I think it's because of using pointers in PostMessage which is not allowed. That's why it fails.
So, what should I do? I'm confused. What do you suggest? Is this method is good for change UI elements in other thread?
The documentation for ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY says:
The message can be used only with synchronous operations.
This means that you can use synchronous message delivery, i.e. SendMessage and similar, but you cannot use asynchronous message delivery, i.e. PostMessage.
The reason is that WM_SETTEXT is a message whose parameters include a reference. The parameters cannot be copied by value. If you could deliver WM_SETTEXT asynchronously then how would the system guarantee that the pointer that the recipient window received was still valid?
So the system simply rejects your attempt to send this message, and indeed any other message that has parameters that are references.
It is reasonable for you to use SendMessage here. That will certainly work.
However, you are forcing your worker thread to block on the UI. It may take the UI some time to update the caption's text. The alternative is to post a custom message to the UI thread that instructs the UI thread to update the UI. Then your worker thread thread can continue its tasks and let the UI thread update in parallel, without blocking the worker thread.
In order for that to work you need a way for the UI thread to get the progress information from the worker thread. If the progress is as simple as a percentage then all you need to do is have the worker thread write to, and the UI thread read from, a shared variable.
Well, the error says it all. The message cannot be sent asynchronously. The thing about PostMessage is that it posts the message to the listening thread's queue and returns immediately, without waiting for the result of message processing. SendMessage on the other hand, waits until the window procedure finishes processing the message and only then it returns.
The risk of using PostMessage in your case is that before window procedure processes the message you may have deallocated the string buffer. So it is safer to use SendMessage in this instance and that's what MS developers probably thought about when they decided not to allow asynchronous posting of this particular message.
EDIT: Just to be clear, of course this doesn't eliminate the risk of passing a naked pointer totally.
If you send a message in the range below WM_USER to the asynchronous message functions (PostMessage, SendNotifyMessage, and SendMessageCallback), its message parameters cannot include pointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail.
The asynch PostMessage() alternative requires that the lifetime of the data passed in the parameters is extended beyond the message originator function. The 'classic' way of doing that is to heap-allocate the data, PostMessage a pointer to it, handle the data in the message-handler in the usual way and then delete it, (or handle it in some other way such that it does not leak). In other words, 'fire and forget' - you must not touch the data in the originating thread after the PostMessage has been issued.
The upside is that PostMessage() allows the originating thread to run on 'immediately' and so do further work, (maybe posting more messages). SendMessage() and such synchronous comms can get held up if the GUI is busy, imacting overall throughput.
The downside is that a thread may generate mesages faster than the GUI can process them. This usually manifests to the by laggy GUI responses, especially when performing GUI-intenisve work like moving/resizing windows and updating TreeViews. Eventually, the PostMessage call will fail when 10,000+ messages are queued up. If this is found to be a problem, additional flow-control may have to be added, so further complicating the comms, ( I usually do that by using a fixed-size object pool to block/throttle the originating thread if all available objects are stuck 'in transit' in posted, but unhandled, messages.
I think you can use SendMessage safely here. Then you don't need to worry about memory persistence for your string and other issues.
SendMessage is not safe when you send messages from another message handler or send message to blocked GUI thread, but if in your case you know it is safe - just use it
This is not a problem with the PostMessagebut a problem with the message you are sending - WM_SETTEXT. First a common misconception is that if you SendMessage() to a control from a thread, it is different from calling GUI API, it is in fact NOT. When you call a GUI API (from anywhere) for example to set text, windows implement this in the form of SendMessage() call. So when you are sending the same message, it is essentially same as calling the API. Although directly GUI access like this works in many ways it is not recommended. For this reason, I would beg to disagree with the accepted answer by #David.
The correct way is (code on the fly)
char* text = new char[20]
strcpy_s(text, "test text");
PostMessage(label_hwnd, IDM_MY_MSG_UPDATE_TEXT, NULL, text);
you will updated the text in your own message IDM_MY_MSG_UPDATE_TEXT handler function and delete the memory.

EvtSubscribe and threading

I am trying to write a log forwarded for Windows. The plan is simple - receive an event notification and then write it over a TCP socket. This MSDN example shows that I should be using EvtSubscribe. However, I am confused as to how I should share the file descriptor for the open TCP socket. Will the EvtSubscribe callback block by default or will it thread or...?
Thank you in advance for any tips, picking up C++ on Windows after C on Linux has been a bit of a challenge for me :)
The docs are quite sparse in details, but I reckon that it works as follows:
If you use the subscription callback, then it will be called in a dedicated thread. So, if you delay in it, it will block further callbacks, but not other thread of the program
If you use the SignalEvent, it will get signaled when the event arrives, and no threads are created automatically.
You can check that it is really another thread by calling GetCurrentThreadId() from the code that calls EvSubscribe() and from the callback, and compare the values.
My recommendation is to use the thread options, as the Event handlers in Windows are so difficult to be programmed correctly.
About sharing the TCP socket, you can share a socket between threads, but you should not write to it from more than one thread at a time. Nor read.
You can, however, read from one thread and write from another. Also, you can close the socket from one thread while other is in a blocking operation: it will get cancelled.
If you find this limiting, you should create a user thread and use it to send and/or receive data, while communicating with the other threads with queues, or similar.

Difference between smtpClient.send() and smtpClient.SendAsync()?

I am trying to send mail from localhost..
and on doing this i have got methods from different sites to sending mails..but on doing this i am confused between smtpClient.send() and smtpClient.SendAsync()..
I want to know that How they are different from each other???
Thanks in advance..
smtpClient.send() will initiate the sending on the main/ui thread and would block. smtpClient.SendAsync() will pick a thread from the .NET Thread Pool and execute the method on that thread. So your main UI will not hang or block.
Async Method Invocation - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/AsyncMethodInvocation.aspx
SendAsyc - Sends the specified e-mail message to an SMTP server for delivery. This method does not block the calling thread and allows the caller to pass an object to the method that is invoked when the operation completes. More details : SmtpClient.SendAsync Method

boost::asio, threads and synchronization

This is somewhat related to this question, but I think I need to know a little bit more. I've been trying to get my head around how to do this for a few days (whilst working on other parts), but the time has come for me to bite the bullet and get multi-threaded. Also, I'm after a bit more information than the question linked.
Firstly, about multi-threading. As I have been testing my code, I've not bothered with any multi-threading. It's just a console application that starts a connection to a test server and everything else is then handled. The main loop is this:
Root::instance().performIO(); // calls io_service::runOne();
When I write my main application, I'm guessing this solution won't be acceptable (as it would have to be called in the message loop which, whilst possible, would have issues when the message queue blocks waiting for a message. You could change it so that the message-loop doesn't block, but then isn't that going to whack the CPU usage through the roof?)
The solution it seems is to throw another thread at it. Okay, fine. But then I've read that io_service::run() returns when there is no work to do. What is that? Is that when there's no data, or no connections? If at least one connection exists does it stay alive? If so, that's not so much of a problem as I only have to start up a new thread when the first connection is made and I'm happy if it all stops when there is nothing going on at all. I guess I am confused by the definition of 'no work to do'.
Then I have to worry about synchronizing my boost thread with my main GUI thread. So, I guess my questions are:
What is the best-practice way of using boost::asio in a client application with regard to threads and keeping them alive?
When writing to a socket from the main thread to the IO thread, is synchronization achieved using boost::asio::post, so that the call happens later in the io_service?
When data is received, how do people get the data back to the UI thread? In the past when I used completion ports, I made a special event that could post the data back to the main UI thread using a ::SendMessage. It wasn't elegant, but it worked.
I'll be reading some more today, but it would be great to get a heads up from someone who has done this already. The Boost::asio documentation isn't great, and most of my work so far has been based on a bit of the documentation, some trial/error, some example code on the web.
1) Have a look at io_service::work. As long as an work object exists io_service::run will not return. So if you start doing your clean up, destroy the work object, cancel any outstanding operations, for example an async_read on a socket, wait for run to return and clean up your resources.
2) io_service::post will asynchronously execute the given handler from a thread running the io_service. A callback can be used to get the result of the operation executed.
3) You needs some form of messaging system to inform your GUI thread of the new data. There are several possibilities here.
As far as your remark about the documention, I thing Asio is one of the better documented boost libraries and it comes with clear examples.
boost::io_service::run() will return only when there's nothing to do, so no async operations are pending, e.g. async accept/connection, async read/write or async timer wait. so before calling io_service::run() you first have to start any async op.
i haven't got do you have console or GUI app? in any case multithreading looks like a overkill. you can use Asio in conjunction with your message loop. if it's win32 GUI you can call io_service::run_one() from you OnIdle() handler. in case of console application you can setup deadline_timer that regularly checks (every 200ms?) for user input and use it with io_service::run(). everything in single thread to greatly simplify the solution
1) What is the best-practice way of using
boost::asio in a client application
with regard to threads and keeping
them alive?
As the documentation suggests, a pool of threads invoking io_service::run is the most scalable and easiest to implement.
2) When writing to a socket from the main
thread to the IO thread, is
synchronization achieved using
boost::asio::post, so that the call
happens later in the io_service?
You will need to use a strand to protect any handlers that can be invoked by multiple threads. See this answer as it may help you, as well as this example.
3) When data is received, how do people
get the data back to the UI thread? In
the past when I used completion ports,
I made a special event that could post
the data back to the main UI thread
using a ::SendMessage. It wasn't
elegant, but it worked.
How about providing a callback in the form of a boost::function when you post an asynchronous event to the io_service? Then the event's handler can invoke the callback and update the UI with the results.
When data is received, how do people get the data back to the UI thread? In the past when I used completion ports, I made a special event that could post the data back to the main UI thread using a ::SendMessage. It wasn't elegant, but it worked
::PostMessage may be more appropriate.
Unless everything runs in one thread these mechanisms must be used to safely post events to the UI thread.

C++ Timers in Unix

We have an API that handles event timers. This API says that it uses OS callbacks to handle timed events (using select(), apparently).
The api claims this order of execution as well:
readable events
writable events
timer events
This works by creating a point to a Timer object, but passing the create function a function callback:
Something along these lines:
Timer* theTimer = Timer::Event::create(timeInterval,&Thisclass::FunctionName);
I was wondering how this worked?
The operating system is handling the timer itself, and when it sees it fired how does it actually invoke the callback? Does the callback run in a seperate thread of execution?
When I put a pthread_self() call inside the callback function (Thisclass::FunctionName) it appears to have the same thread id as the thread where theTimer is created itself! (Very confused by this)
Also: What does that priority list above mean? What is a writable event vs a readable event vs a timer event?
Any explanation of the use of select() in this scenario is also appreciated.
This looks like a simple wrapper around select(2). The class keeps a list of callbacks, I guess separate for read, write, and timer expiration. Then there's something like a dispatch or wait call somewhere there that packs given file descriptors into sets, calculates minimum timeout, and invokes select with these arguments. When select returns, the wrapper probably goes over read set first, invoking read callback, then write set, then looks if any of the timers have expired and invokes those callbacks. This all might happen on the same thread, or on separate threads depending on the implementation of the wrapper.
You should read up on select and poll - they are very handy.
The general term is IO demultiplexing.
A readable event means that data is available for reading on a particular file descriptor without blocking, and a writable event means that you can write to a particular file descriptor without blocking. These are most often used with sockets and pipes. See the select() manual page for details on these.
A timer event means that a previously created timer has expired. If the library is using select() or poll(), the library itself has to keep track of timers since these functions accept a single timeout. The library must calculate the time remaining until the first timer expires, and use that for the timeout parameter. Another approach is to use timer_create(), or an older variant like setitimer() or alarm() to receive notification via a signal.
You can determine which mechanism is being used at the OS layer using a tool like strace (Linux) or truss (Solaris). These tools trace the actual system calls that are being made by the program.
At a guess, the call to create() stores the function pointer somewhere. Then, when the timer goes off, it calls the function you specified via that pointer. But as this is not a Standard C++ function, you should really read the docs or look at the source to find out for sure.
Regarding your other questions, I don't see mention of a priority list, and select() is a sort of general purpose event multiplexer.
Quite likely there's a framework that works with a typical main loop, the driving force of the main loop is the select call.
select allows you to wait for a filedescriptor to become readable or writable (or for an "exception" on the filedeescriptor) or for a timeout to occur. I'd guess the library also allow you to register callbacks for doing async IO, if it's a GUI library it'll get the low primitive GUI events via a file descriptor on unixes.
To implement timer callbacks in such a loop, you just keep a priority queue of timers and process them on select timeouts or filedescriptor events.
The priority means it processes the file i/o before the timers, which in itself takes time, could result in GUI updates eventually resulting in GUI event handlers being run, or other tasks spending time servicing I/O.
The library is more or less doing
for(;;) {
timeout = calculate_min_timeout();
ret = select(...,timeout); //wait for a timeout event or filedescriptor events
if(ret > 0) {
process_timer_queue(); //scan through a timer priority queue and invoke callbacks
Because of the fact that the thread id inside the timer callback is the same as the creator thread I think that it is implemented somehow using signals.
When a signal is sent to a thread that thread's state is saved and the signal handler is called which then calls the event call back.
So the handler is called in the creator thread which is interrupted until the signal handler returns.
Maybe another thread waits for all timers using select() and if a timer expires it sends a signal to the thread the expired timer was created in.