Meteor.js template reactivity keep some data - templates

Using meteor.js and i am kind of stuck with the structure of template or how to do this trick as clear as possible.
Example of my chating app problem:
chatingWith = DB query for selecting each user i am chating with like on FB // REACTIVE
{{#each chatingWith}}
{{#each this.messages}}
<input class="sendMessage" type="text" />
This works exactly as i need but with one big problem... when new message arrive... the content is re-rendered ofc and when i am in this time writing a message the value of will dissapear.
How would you solve this?
Sorry for english and thx for tips!

There is a section in the documents about preserving inputs.
From my understanding, as long as you have the package preserve-inputs installed, it should keep the reactive nature of meteor from erasing the input. I would check to see if the preserve-inputs package is installed.


django not cleaning up previous data

I have a django setup which does not include any models or data base. It is just simple HTML, JAVAscript and python. It seems like django is not cleaning up the previous run data. How to cleanup data from forms after every run? I am not making use of sessions also. I am new to django and don;t have much time to learn sessions and implement things. Can any one give a solution on how to cleanup data after every run?
Use clear method to remove dictionary elements. Because django holds old values too. Not sure why, but this isn't the case with normal python scripts.
you have to clean the form via javascript than. The code below might get you some idea.
<form id="newForm">
Student Name<br><input type="text" name="sname"><br>
Student Subject<br><input type="password" name="ssubject"><br>
<input type="button" onclick="clear()" value="Submit">
function clear() {

make an input field required in ember.js

I know there is a way in plain html to require the field have some kind of value. I believe it's 'input required'.
However, I'm not sure how to accomplish this in ember using handlebars. I've tried this but it was unsuccessful:
{{input required value=tax class="form-control" placeholder="State Tax"}}
Thanks in advance.
In ember input helpers you always have to give values to attributes. The shourtcuts like <input disabled required value="..."/> in html without value are not allowed in handlebars. Instead you have to write {{input disabled=true required=true value="..."/>
See ember twiddle with your example:

Access text in dynamic script with Ember using Protractor

How can I access the text "All changes saved" in the dynamically created Ember script below? I use Protractor to create functional test.
<div class="is-muted">
<script id="metamorph-191-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
<script id="metamorph-191-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
All changes saved
<script id="metamorph-191-end" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
Thank you in advance for your help!
I ran into a similar issue earlier and solved it in a rather unelegant manner but it does the job, try the following:
//$$('#metamorph-191-start') will select all the elements on your page with ID metamorph-191-start
//.get(1) will get the second element that passes this requirement aka the script with your text 'all changes saved' in it.
//the .getText().then(function(foo)... gets the text from the element and resolves the promise around it.
I said this was unelegant since it is quite the bad practice to use the same ID more than once on a single HTML page.

Django: How can I invisibly pass a variable to another template?

I have three templates in my project—we'll call them first.html, second.html, third.html.
first.html gets a string from the user, using an <input> tag:
<input type="radio" name="selection" value="example_string" />
second.html displays this string using {{selection}}. (In my, I got the value using request.POST.get and render_to_response().)
The question is: how do I send this value from second.html to third.html? One of my attempts—using a <span> tag to save the information in a variable—is illustrated below, but it doesn't seem to work.
<span name="selection" value={{selection}}>{{selection}}</span>
Edit: The following line works by creating a dummy single radio button. I don't know why it shouldn't be possible to create a variable without an <input> tag [visible to the user].
<input type="radio" name="selected" value={{selected}} checked="checked" />
You need to understand how the web works: each page is entirely separate, and is requested using a separate request.
Your basic options are: save data on the client side, or post it back to the server.
Both options can be performed with javascript, or posting back can also be performed by posting the form back to the server.
If you want to send it back to the server, it will have to be stored in the current session, or in a model.
There are many javascript libraries. If you want to use them, I suggest you google around the subject.
Answering my own question, now that I've found the answer on Django's documentation.
There's a special kind of <input> tag precisely for this: "hidden". The following line accomplishes the same as was asked in the question, but without a dummy element visible to the user:
<input type="hidden" name="selected" value={{selected}} />

Managing a list in umbraco 5

I have recently started working on an umbraco 5 project and am finding it a bit of a struggle compared with umbraco 4. What I am trying to do is have a list of items that are managed in the content section of the site where users can add items to a list, this list is then used in drop downs and page categories throughout the site.
I am looking for the best way to do this, I am currently part way through creating a property editor that manages a list of text boxes but not sure if this is the best way of doing it, and Im currently not entirely sure of how to go about doing even this. I can save one property no problem, but a dynamic list?
Can anybody give me some idea of how they would go about doing this with some code examples, theres not a huge amount of resources for 5 out there at the minute.
Many thanks to those who contribute.
I have now copied the multiple textstring property editor from the source code and am looking to update it to have an extra text input. Its using the knockout javascript library of which Im not too familar with, below is the code I have so far, does anyone know how I would update this to save both text values to the database?
<ul class="relatedlinks-textstring-inputs" data-bind="template: { name: 'textstringRow', foreach: textstrings }"></ul>
<script id="textstringRow" type="text/html">
<li style='width: 250px;'>Name<input type="text" data-bind="value: value" />Url<input type="text" data-bind="value: value" /></li>
#Html.HiddenFor(x => Model.Value, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "data-bind", "value: value" } })