webstorm 6.0.1 not starting in winxp in VMwareFusion - webstorm

I get the following error when i start webstorm in winXP in VMWare Fusion on a macbookpro. Please can some one help
config path \vmware-host\shared Folders.webstorm6\config is invalid
IF you have modified the 'idea.config.path' property please make sure it is correct, otherwise please re-install the IDE.

Seems that ${user.home} property is resolved to \vmware-host\shared Folders, and this path is not accepted by WS. You can try editing bin\idea.properties under the WebStorm installation directory and point the idea.config.path and idea.system.path to specific directories under your user account

I ran into the same problem and was able to work around by moving the .exe file to launch the program to another directory. Turns out, I had shared my desktop with my mac, so the working directory resolved to my physical machine, instead of the virtual one.
When I copied the executable (in my case, intellij idea) to a folder that was not shared between operating sytems then it launched correctly.


VS 2017 Setup Project wouldn't install in C:\DestFolder\

Due to the administrative privilege of the application, I need to install my program including .exe and .dll in C:\DestFolder\SubFolder\ but I keep getting C:\Program Files\\[Manufacturer]\\[Product Name]\ where the placeholders are specified in the properties window.
I tried this article but no good.
Please don't give me answer like try changing the defaultlocation to C:\Destination\ of the Application Folder as I have already tried. Also I don't want solution like just change the installation destination path manually during the installation.
I have found the answer from this article:
"[ProgramFilesFolder] is built in, and correctly leads to the Program Files directory on the target machine, no matter how customized the setup of Window is..."
There might be tools out there that allow installing outside of Program Files.
[Edit] Infact I've found out this great extension for VS 2017 community called Wix. There's a guy who did a fabulous tutorial on it.

unable to uninstall netbeans 8.0.2

Error message showing is :
The specified target component - nb-base/ was not
found in the registry. The installer can continue as if the target
component was specified. Click yes to continue, No to exit the
I have tried a lot to uninstall my NetBeans8.0.2 but were unable. After lot of googling found out a solution. I think I should have and entry in stackoverflow.
Best way to remove Netbeans can be done using following steps
Remove the Netbeans folder from program file
Delete the .nbi(hidden) folder from your C:\User{Current User}
Go to control panel and remove it
It works for me hope it will you too!
Actually Devashish's answer is (partly) correct. If you click link provided by him, you will see that the problem (most likely) is because the install was done by a different user than the user who is uninstalling. (In my case, I added an admin user after the Netbeans install, so all computer changes now pass through the admin user)
Here is what I did to complete the install:
Find a .nbi folder under C:\Users\folder. This folder has .nbi folder under it
Open a command prompt and Go to NetBeans folder which has uninstall.exe
Run this command in the command prompt:
uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\folder\\.nbi
folder is the folder you found in step 1.
This uninstalled for me. Hope it helps you.
Go to C:\Users{User}\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans
Delete "lock" file
Uninstall NetBeans
Please follow the link to have a solution:
The comment 5 has easiest solution:
Run Command Prompt in Administrator mode and run the following command :
uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\Administrator.nbi
Does not seem to work in my Win 10 environment. I've also tried
.\uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\Administrator\.nbi
.\uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\Administrator.nbi
'NetBeans 8.0.1'\uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\eric_2\.nbi
.\'NetBeans 8.0.1'\uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\eric_2\.nbi
.\'NetBeans 8.0.1'\uninstall.exe --userdir c:\Users\eric_2.nbi
You get the point. I'm running the WindowsPowerShell as an Administrator.
Someone here must have successfully deleted it even with the error message from the OP. I just have to find out who!
After struggling here and there, I:
Opened c:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.2\lock where XXX was the user name. Then, I renamed lock. (The name didn't matter.)
Then, I went back and uninstalled NetBeans.
By the way, I had to delete Java separately.
I was having the exact same problem as above.
Prior to the "symptoms", I installed the application in a newly created folder on the C drive (Not the Program Files default installation directory).
I then changed the name of the folder directory where the executable was installed to enable a third-party script to launch the NetBeans executable as the script required no spaces in the path. In any case, in attempting to uninstall the application again, I got the above error.
I tried running the command as outlined above (namely) running the command prompt with the following:
C:\Netbeans\NetBeans 8.0.2>uninstall.exe --userdir C:\Users\mark.burl.nbi
it launched the uninstall but the same error popped up.
I then undertook the following and the problem was solved for me:
I manually deleted the NetBeans executable folder.
I then reinstalled NetBeans to the default Program Files location.
I then uninstalled NetBeans again no problem.
From PowerShell as administrator I removed all directories here described and finally enter regedit and search for all occurrences of “NetBeans (x86)”. And delete all of them then restart and after that everything is clear
You need to do the following:
Go to C:\Users{User}\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans
Delete the folder named after your Netbean version you want to uninstall
Uninstall NetBeans
Finally i found the reason. i.e while installing NetBeans i used our IT Team Admin credentials (assume user-1 ). But i am uninstalling with my credentials(assume user-2).
So, you can't uninstall. Follow below steps.
1.Go to C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.1> you will find uninstall.exe file.
2.Find who is installed your netbeans for me user-1 (Admin).(You can find all users here C:\Users )
3.Then search for .nbi folder you can get at C:\Users\{user-1}\.nbi
Note: here user-1 is who installed your NetBeans initially.
finally open cmd prompt and run the command below given.
C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.1>uninstall.exe --userdir C:\Users\{user-1}\.nbi
referred from https://stackoverflow.com/a/45387962/10971996
I had the same problem and no matter how hard I tried it won't uninstall until I installed it all over again then uninstalled.
Stop/ pause protection for your anti-virus. Then click on un-install. It will work for sure.

VSCode "go to definition" not working

I installed Visual Studio Code 1.1 with the C/C++ extension,
opened my C++ project and tried to use "Go to definition" in vain.
The "Go to definition" is not working at all.
Example, go to definition of a class member:
int i = m_myVar;
(I opened a simpler project with one file and it was working for this one)
In the end, what I want is good indexation of my big project, is there a way to install Intellisense?
I had a the same issue: F12 and Ctrl + Click and Right Click "Go To Definition" wasn't working.
The fix for me was:
Go to Extensions
Click "Disable All Installed Extensions"
Close and Reopen VS Code
Back to Extensions and "Enable All Extensions"
Essentially enable/disable all extensions fixed the issue.
I recently came across this same issue and after trying all of the suggested solutions I could find with no success, I found this article:
Basically my project grew too large and VS code was no longer able to track all files, which messed up the "go to definition" functionality.
After following the steps on the link to increase the maximum number of files to be tracked, the issue was resolved.
The correction is pretty simple (tested on Ubuntu 18.04):
Add this line:
to the end of the file /etc/sysctl.conf
After saving, run the following command:
sudo sysctl -p
Hopefully this will be useful to someone else, this has been bothering me for the last few days.
I had a similar problem except with Python and google searches for solutions kept bringing me back to this post so I figured I'd post my solution here in the hopes that it might help other people.
I was working on a remote cluster through VScode Remote and was getting similar errors to the original question(all 'go to ___' functionality was unavailable and was even getting a 'too large to track' error) and I thought I had to increase the number of watches, which didn't end up helping.
All I needed to do was install a python interpreter on the remote VScode server. This fixed my problem.
I believe vscode 1.1 (well, 1.1.1 actually) + the C++ extension (cpptools) is as much Intellisense as we can get for now.
You should load your big project with the "open folder" function to make vscode know about the other files.
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/03/31/cc-extension-for-visual-studio-code/ warns about letting the indexing finish first (red icon in lower right corner during indexing) and mentions the current limitations on the source code parsing.
It wasn't working on my laptop as well after installing a few VSCode extensions. I decided to close and re-open VSCode with administrator permission and suddenly it sorted out.
I have been trying to fix this for a long time. In the end, what worked for me was simply reinstalling VSCode, then installing the latest C/C++ extension (v0.18.1). Then, in your .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file, under includePath, add your include folder which has all your header files.
I tried the methods mentioned in this thread none of them seemed to work for me. A simple solution that worked for me is that I closed the current workspace and created a new workspace, added the folders which I required(same as the old workspace), and saved the new workspace. Waited for a couple of minutes to index and IntelliSense is able to find definitions now.
I am using VSCode 1.52.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.
In my case, for whatever reason,c_cpp_properties.json has become set to Disabled in ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json.
Manually changing it to Enabled solved the problem.
Fixed mine by UNCHECKING C_Cpp > Default > Limit Symbols To Included Headers
Your mileage may vary. Good luck!
Have you saved your workspace? Or did you just open a folder with File->Open Folder? This question already has many answers, but none of them address this case, which was my issue.
The question is not specific enough for me to know if you are having the exact same symptoms as my case.
You have not saved your workspace. vscode doesn't say "(workspace)" at the top of the window.
None of the goto functions are working, but instead report: "No ___ found for ____"
The tag parser database icon in the bottom right is always there but only reports "Parsing open files", rather than telling you how many files have been parsed.
Try saving your workspace.
If you have multiple versions of a language on your PC, specify the exact language you are using in the VScode(in my case, I am using Python, so I must specify the version to the python Interpreter in VS Code)
If you could not do it whatsoever, then uninstall all the other versions that you don't use and then if you go to VS Code, it will ask the version to be used, and you would have only one version, so when you select the version, the "Go To Definition" will be activated.
I was having a similar issue with java on Ubuntu 20.04 using OpenJDK version 11 (openjdk-11-jdk in apt). At first I didn't have the JRE installed, so I installed it and it still didn't work.
Afterwards, I went to the CTRL + SHIFT + P menu and then to Java: Configure Java Runtime, there I saw in the Java Tooling Runtime tab that /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 was selected, changed it to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 just to see if it would work, and after a restart it did. I'm not sure why this is, but I hope it may help somone else.
For python ensure your code analysis settings are correct. In my case the languageServer was accidentally set to 'None'. Reverting it to 'default' or 'pylance' did the trick.
Just to inform if none of above works then
In my case i was using Kite extension in my VS code, I just disabled it and it worked. I think kite extension is blocking this feature.
OS: Linux Ubuntu 22.04
if you encountered with following error:
"The .NET Core SDK cannot be located. .NET Core debugging will not be enabled. Make sure the .NET Core SDK is installed and is on the path."
Normally Vscode remains unable to locate .Net sdk. need to set path manually.
sudo ln -s /snap/dotnet-sdk/current/dotnet /usr/local/bin/dotnet
restart omnisharp & restart vscode
No need to do anything. Just close and re-open. It will work.
I also faced similar problem. In my mac os cmnd + 'click' is used to 'go to definition' then it suddenly stoped working. If that is the case then please follow these steps:
restart vs code
restart pc
uninstall all extensions and reinstall again followed by a pc restart.
I had a similar issue with the extension C/C++ installed. I solved it by downloading an older version of the extension and upgrading to the last version. Somehow it solved the problem...

Building Qt cross compile from windows

[edit] Sorry, I out thought myself. I was using a .bat file to set environment variables that wasn't set up properly. When I went to a straight VS2005 command prompt, the configure ran fine. Sorry for the noise.[/edit]
I'm trying to compile qt-everywhere-opensource for embedded. I'm using MSVC2005. However, I guess I am confused on the process. I am getting compiler errors during the configure step. I thought the configure step was just trying to generate the needed makefiles, so I'm not sure what it is trying to compile.
I expected to modify the mkspec, but I'm not sure if during configure I should point to windows headers or sdk headers. I know during the build phase I should point to sdk headers, but I'm not getting that far.
I can change the errors by modifying INCPATH, there's also a QMAKE_INCDIR that seems to have an effect. It occurred to me that since I pulled the source, maybe configure needs to build the compiler tools, in which case I should point to MSVC headers. I also tried downloading the SDK and adding the path to it's bin folder to my path ahead of the -everywhere- source, but that didn't fix the problem and I don't want to jack up my system too much testing things.
Hope someone out there can help!
When you install Qt from source under Win32, you must:
Extend the PATH variable to include $(QTDIR)\bin, where $(QTDIR) is the directory where you installed Qt.
Open a Visual Studio command prompt in $(QTDIR); a plain old Windows command prompt won't do (unless you run vcvars.bat to load Visual Studio's environment variables; but opening a Visual Studio command prompt directly is better).
At this point, configure should run properly, after which you can run nmake.
I suggest that you clear your previous installation attempts from your system before you try these steps.

WMI CreateProcess - spawned exes are stalling

I'm using WMI's CreateProcess() to run an installation bootstrapper process (setup.exe) on a remote machine. The setup.exe is happily able to run .msi packages but for some reason it is not able to run the vcredist.exe packages that are used to redistribute the MS VS 2008 SP1 C++ Runtimes.
What I'm seeing is that the redist package is able to extract itself into a temp folder in the root of the C:\ drive, e.g. C:\a26f91763649ecad76a09d or some such, but after that the process hangs around.
I don't know what to do to debug further - I suspect that there is a modal dialog in the hidden windows station awaiting dismissal, but I can't see what the text is. Process Explorer isn't yielding much either.
Anyone got any suggestion? The problem applies equally in Windows 2000 as in Windows 2008. We used to use a DCOM-based method to launch setup.exe remotely and this did not exhibit the problem.
Can anyone shed any light on what might be going on, or how to diagnose further.
Many thanks,
User error! My suspicion about the modal dialog was correct. It seems that invoking the setup.exe files with a relative path somehow caused the command line arguments to get stripped when passed to the nested exe, so they ran in full UI mode! Invoking with a fully-qualified path resolved the problem.