django admin django.contrib.staticfiles - django

I'm following the tutorial contained here:
They say that the admin site should look like this:
When I start the admin site, though, it looks really simplistic, just plain text and links:
Django administration
Welcome, admin. Change password / Log out
Site administration
Groups Add Change
Users Add Change
Recent Actions
My Actions
None available
I noticed that it looks all nice like the link when I uncomment django.contrib.staticfiles from the INSTALLED_APPS, although that wasn't mentioned in the tutorial...can someone please explain this behavior to me?
Thank you for your help!

The Django Book is a little out of date (although an update is in the works I believe):
This book was originally published by Apress in 2009, and covered Django 1.0. Since then, it’s languished. We’re working on getting the book updated to cover Django 1.4, 1.5, and beyond
Static files are all the CSS/JS & images that your site (and the django admin) uses. They need to be collected and placed somewhere that your server (or development server) can serve them. This is the job of django.contib.staticfiles.
You can read more about this in the 'Managing Static Files' documentation
Websites generally need to serve additional files such as images, JavaScript, or CSS. In Django, we refer to these files as “static files”. Django provides django.contrib.staticfiles to help you manage them.


Django-Machina forum panel not showing in wagtail admin panel

I have a wagtail project being developed, essentially a blog with a forum. I chose django-machina as the forum I want to use because of how modular it is and how well it integrates into existing projects.
I followed the instructions in the documentation without issue, and the install was a success. I can access the app by going to /forum on my project.
However, the next step in the documentation refers to using the forum admin panel. My wagtail admin menu does not have a section for forum and I can't access the django admin panel as it is a wagtail project.
Where exactly can I access the django-machina forum admin panel in a wagtail project? Or would I have to recreate it somehow?
Jake, it's not so difficult. Let your project be named 'my_project'. So than we should go to my_project/my_project/ There we see something like this:
And what this string say to us? It show how to get the vanilla django-admin! Ok, now just go to and run your forum! ;)
Unless the documentation specifically mentions Wagtail, it's more likely that the admin panel shows up in the Django admin backend rather than the Wagtail one. On a standard Wagtail project this is found at the URL /django-admin/, but it depends on what you have specified in your project's file.

Need help to add front-end on slatwall eCommerce

I am trying to build the eCommerce store by using Slatwall and lucee. Slatwall is the ColdFusion based eCommerce framework. The admin part is working fine. But I could not create the user side. I also referred the slatwall documentation. But no luck I couldn't seen any clear example and document for adding the front end on slatwall. If anyone knows help me please?
Slatwall frontend document
As OP says, SlatWall has excellent $upport, that's where they make a living. You now have three choices for a front end:
1) Slatwall latest versions have their own integrated CMS now. I'd recommend you export your product info, install the latest Slatwall, import the data back in.
2) Load MuraCMS, an Open Source Content Management (i.e. front-end) system that has integration to Slatwall (or the other way round, IIRC)
3) Roll your own in ColdFusion after learning ins and outs of the Slatwall api. Not recommended unless you're already CF experienced and have some previous experience with an api, any api.
For completeness I am going to answer this question even though its months old, for anyone else that views this.
You have a couple options here but the easiest way:
There is a complete example of a fully implemented Slatwall site including product listing pages, shopping-cart, and checkout included with Slatwall.
You may view the sample site by visiting http://{yourslatwallsite}/meta/sample
On the sample site, you can choose from the menu to view your products, add them to your cart, or checkout. Make sure your products are both active and published in the admin or you will not see them on the sample site. If you go through the .cfm pages that makeup the sample site, there are many examples documented (as comments in the code). Note that the actual .cfm files will be stored in /public/views/xxx.cfm and the meta folder just references them. /public/views/templates/slatwall-productlisting.cfm for example has complete examples on listing products on the frontend.
The sample site is powerful enough that you could restyle it and use it as your store

Should I use a blog app in Django?

I want to create my own admin panel and every users will can have their own blogs. I'm using a blog app called 'Zinnia', I liked it. Zinnia have some visual editors (WYMEditor, Tinymce) also have a tag system, etc. that I want to have in my admin panel.
I was wondering if should I create my own admin panel or blog app and integrate the visual editor programatically. What would be better?
Thanks for answers.
EDIT: My real question is: What's better?
create my admin and my blog app
create my admin integrating Zinnia or another blog app
use the django admin panel (but i want to customize the fully admin panel, so I guess that is not a good option)
Remembering, the users (not only admins) can post to their blogs. (this is the reason that I don't want to use the Django admin)
Exactly what I want: I want to use all the features (such as tagging, WYMEditor [I know i can implement this programmaticaly], etc.) of Zinnia (or another blog app) with my custom admin panel, with my buttons, my layout, my css, my everything!
Thanks for all answers, it's important for me.
Here is a simple tutorial for creating a django blog app:
If you are still learning django, I recommend it to create your own blog!!!
Creating a good Django blog application is straightforward, but tedious work, that can quite easily get unwieldy if you start implementing additional features such as multiple language support, linkback handling, search, sitemap generation, etc.
I definitely wouldn't suggest that you start from scratch. If your not completely satisfied by the full extent of possibilities or the initial feature set of Zinnia, you can check out all the Django blog applications on Django Packages.

How to relocate the django admin site below root?

The contrib admin site of Django is a perfect starting point for simple in-house applications that lots of people use.
I've done a bit of searching and seen the discussions of media and tools for working with and merging static media for the admin site. But it is still pretty fragmented and opaque.
Assume I have a site "mysite" with an application "myapp" that is derived from the admin app.
I would really appreciate an example of relocating mysite and myapp, including the admin app, onto a web server where it is not at the root url.
I think this use case would flush out a lot of the issues and confusion that I see people have.
I think what you want to do is use the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/path/not/at/root/of/domain' option in your file. No trailing /.
I hope I'm understanding your question right and I hope this helps solve it.
Edit: oops gave link to old docs...updated with new docs version
Edit2: Here is another link describing this here at djangoproject again.

How do you setup admin media in Webfaction for Django?

I have my django setup. Now i just need to get the admin site to be correct. Currently there is no css asigned to it, so i guese my admin media urls etc in settings file is not correct?
Have you read through their docs? Or is there something in there that wasn't working?
This seems more like a question to ask on their forum. Their tech people usually respond pretty quickly.
you need to issue
pythonX.Y collectstatic
where X.Y is the version of your application's python. this will copy admin media inside your static directory.