I'm trying to convert a hyphenated string to CamelCase string. I followed this post: Convert hyphens to camel case (camelCase)
(defn hyphenated-name-to-camel-case-name [^String method-name]
(clojure.string/replace method-name #"-(\w)"
#(clojure.string/upper-case (first %1))))
(hyphenated-name-to-camel-case-name "do-get-or-post")
==> do-Get-Or-Post
Why I'm still getting the dash the output string?
You should replace first with second:
(defn hyphenated-name-to-camel-case-name [^String method-name]
(clojure.string/replace method-name #"-(\w)"
#(clojure.string/upper-case (second %1))))
You can check what argument clojure.string/upper-case gets by inserting println to the code:
(defn hyphenated-name-to-camel-case-name [^String method-name]
(clojure.string/replace method-name #"-(\w)"
(println %1)
(first %1)))))
When you run the above code, the result is:
[-g g]
[-o o]
[-p p]
The first element of the vector is the matched string, and the second is the captured string,
which means you should use second, not first.
In case your goal is just to to convert between cases, I really like the camel-snake-kebab library. ->CamelCase is the function-name in question.
inspired by this thread, you could also do
(use 'clojure.string)
(defn camelize [input-string]
(let [words (split input-string #"[\s_-]+")]
(join "" (cons (lower-case (first words)) (map capitalize (rest words))))))
I am trying to replace bad characters from a input string.
Characters should be valid UTF-8 characters (tabs, line breaks etc. are ok).
However I was unable to figure out how to replace all found bad characters.
My solution works for the first bad character.
Usually there are none bad characters. 1/50 cases there is one bad character. I'd just want to make my solution foolproof.
(defn filter-to-utf-8-string
"Return only good utf-8 characters from the input."
(let [bad-characters (set (re-seq #"[^\p{L}\p{N}\s\p{P}\p{Sc}\+]+" input))
filtered-string (clojure.string/replace input (apply str (first bad-characters)) "")]
How can I make replace work for all values in sequence not just for the first one?
Friend of mine helped me to find workaround for this problem:
I created a filter for replace using re-pattern.
Within let code is currently
filter (if (not (empty? bad-characters))
(re-pattern (str "[" (clojure.string/join bad-characters) "]"))
filtered-string (clojure.string/replace input filter "")
Here is a simple version:
(ns xxxxx
[clojure.string :as str]
(def all-chars (str/join (map char (range 32 80))))
(println all-chars)
(def char-L (str/join (re-seq #"[\p{L}]" all-chars)))
(println char-L)
(def char-N (str/join (re-seq #"[\p{N}]" all-chars)))
(println char-N)
(def char-LN (str/join (re-seq #"[\p{L}\p{N}]" all-chars)))
(println char-LN)
all-chars => " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"
char-N => "0123456789"
char-LN => "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"
So we start off with all ascii chars in the range of 32-80. We first print only the letter, then only the numbers, then either letters or numbers. It seems this should work for your problem, although instead of rejecting non-members of the desired set, we keep the members of the desired set.
If I have this set
(def my-set #{"foo.clj" "bar.clj" "baz.clj"})
How can I turn it to this pattern string:
My attempt :
(defn set->pattern-str [coll]
(-> (clojure.string/join "|" coll)
(clojure.string/replace #"\." "\\\\.")))
(set->pattern-str my-set)
=> "foo\\.clj|baz\\.clj|bar\\.clj" ;I get the double backslash
Better ideas?
In case your set of strings might have other metacharacters than just . in them, a more general approach is to ask the underlying java.util.regex.Pattern implementation to escape everything for us:
(import 'java.util.regex.Pattern)
(defn set->pattern-str [coll]
(->> coll
(map #(Pattern/quote %))
(clojure.string/join \|)
IDEone link here. Remember, IDEone is not a REPL, and you have to tell it to put values on stdout with e.g. println before you can see them.
You were close to the final solution. Double backslash is displayed because it is shown escaped. When you turn it into a seq you will see individual characters:
(seq "foo\\.clj")
;;=> (\f \o \o \\ \. \c \l \j)
And working solution:
(def my-set #{"foo.clj" "bar.clj" "baz.clj"})
(def my-set-pattern
(-> (clojure.string/join "|" my-set)
(clojure.string/replace "." "\\.")
(re-matches my-set-pattern "foo.clj")
;;=> "foo.clj"
(re-matches my-set-pattern "bar.clj")
;;=> "bar.clj"
(re-matches my-set-pattern "baz.clj")
;;=> "baz.clj"
(re-matches my-set-pattern "foo-clj")
;;=> nil
Edit: OK, this one does in fact work. Probably want to break it apart a bit more if it's meant to be long lived code, but this is the simplest way I could find to do it with minimal string munging.
(defn is-matching-file-name [target-string]
(re-pattern (clojure.string/escape (String/join "|" my-set) {\. "\\."}))
The clojure.string/escape here takes two arguments: the string to escape, and a mapping of the characters to escape to the replacement strings. The key in this map is the literal \. and the value needs two backslashes since we want to include one backslash preceding any . in the final string to be used as the argument for the re-pattern function.
In Clojure I could use something like this solution: Compact Clojure code for regular expression matches and their position in string, i.e., creating a re-matcher and extracted the information from that, but re-matcher doesn't appear to be implemented in ClojureScript. What would be a good way to accomplish the same thing in ClojureScript?
I ended up writing a supplementary function in order to preserve the modifiers of the regex as it is absorbed into re-pos:
(defn regex-modifiers
"Returns the modifiers of a regex, concatenated as a string."
(str (if (.-multiline re) "m")
(if (.-ignoreCase re) "i")))
(defn re-pos
"Returns a vector of vectors, each subvector containing in order:
the position of the match, the matched string, and any groups
extracted from the match."
[re s]
(let [re (js/RegExp. (.-source re) (str "g" (regex-modifiers re)))]
(loop [res []]
(if-let [m (.exec re s)]
(recur (conj res (vec (cons (.-index m) m))))
You can use the .exec method of JS RegExp object. The returned match object contains an index property that corresponds to the index of the match in the string.
Currently clojurescript doesn't support constructing regex literals with the g mode flag (see CLJS-150), so you need to use the RegExp constructor. Here is a clojurescript implementation of the re-pos function from the linked page:
(defn re-pos [re s]
(let [re (js/RegExp. (.-source re) "g")]
(loop [res {}]
(if-let [m (.exec re s)]
(recur (assoc res (.-index m) (first m)))
cljs.user> (re-pos "\\w+" "The quick brown fox")
{0 "The", 4 "quick", 10 "brown", 16 "fox"}
cljs.user> (re-pos "[0-9]+" "3a1b2c1d")
{0 "3", 2 "1", 4 "2", 6 "1"}
I have this function to read a file and convert it to a list of two-elements lists:
(def f1 "/usr/example")
(defn read-file [file]
(let [f
(with-open [rdr (clojure.java.io/reader file)]
(doall (map list (line-seq rdr))))]
(= file f1) (map #(map read-string (split (first %) #" ")) f)
:else (map #(map read-string (split (first %) #"\t")) f))))
I use cond to split the file correctly(I have two types of files, the first separates elements by spaces and the second, with tabs).
The first type of file would be like:
"1.3880896237218878E9 0.4758112837388654
1.3889631620596328E9 0.491845185928218"
while the second is:
I get the result I want, for example:
((1.3880896237218878E9 0.4758112837388654) (1.3889631620596328E9 0.491845185928218))
But I wonder if there's a cleaner way to do that, maybe using less map functions or doing it without cond
This returns a vector of vectors, splitting individual lines on arbitrary whitespace and using Double/parseDouble to read in the individual doubles. What it doesn't handle are any single or double quote characters in the files; if they are part of the actual input, I suppose I'd just preprocess it with a regex to get rid of them (see below).
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io] '[clojure.string :as string])
(defn read-file [f]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader f)]
(mapv (fn [line]
(mapv #(Double/parseDouble %) (string/split line #"\s+")))
(line-seq rdr))))
As for the aforementioned preprocessing, you could use #(string/replace % #"['\"]" "") to remove all single quotes. That would be appropriate if they occur at the beginning and end of the input, or perhaps the individual lines. (If the individual numbers are quoted, then you need to make sure you're not removing all delimiters between them -- in such a case it may be better to replace with a single space and then use string/trim to remove any whitespace from the ends of the string.)
I'm trying to write a function that takes a string and returns a result of a filter function (I'm working through 4clojure problems). The result must be a string too.
I've written this:
(fn my-caps [s]
(filter #(Character/isUpperCase %) s))
(my-caps "HeLlO, WoRlD!")
Result: (\H \L \O \W \R \D)
Now I'm trying to create a string out of this list, using clojure.string/join, like this:
(fn my-caps [s]
(clojure.string/join (filter #(Character/isUpperCase %) s)))
The result is however the same. I've also tried using apply str, with no success.
You have to convert the lazy sequence returned by filter into a string, by applying the str function. Also, use defn to define a new function - here's how:
(defn my-caps [s]
(apply str (filter #(Character/isUpperCase %) s)))
It works as expected:
(my-caps "HeLlO, WoRlD!")
The last code snippet you pasted works fine. join indeed does return a string.
Try this:
(defn my-caps [s]
(->> (filter #(Character/isUpperCase %) s)
(apply str)))
filter function returns a lazy sequence. If you want to get a string, you should transform the sequence to string by applying str function.