By default the program runs fine, but should I explicitly invoke h.clear() in the main(), or is clear() always invoked in case of declaration of a global map variable?
map <int , long long> h;
long long f(int n)
int main()
long long int t,n,x;
//Should I explicitly invoke h.clear() here?
clear() is not called for you, but there is no need to. The destructor will take care of cleanup and release the memory used by the map internally.
You should only clear the map if you expect that other global objects which will be destructed upon exiting main depend on fact that the map is empty (which looks like a bad idea, but who knows...)
If your code is really just this, then the map will be empty.
It could be non-empty in more exotic cases like
map <int , long long> h;
int fetchSomeVar()
h[ 0 ] = 0;
return 0;
int someVar = fetchSomeVar();
int main()
where fetchSomeVar will be called before main and happens to modify the map, but such constructs should be avoided.
The map will be destructed, but not until after main has finished. Invoking clear() at the end of main or not will only affect your program if h is referenced by destructors of other globals (which ought to be in the same translation unit).
I've been calling heap pointers now for as long as I can remember, which in turn has caused me to think about their implications while writing and what I realised was I have no knowledge on how or even if it is possible to clear a stack variable declared within main() from memory once it has been allocated.
Clearly I can just use a struct and destructor or similar, which I would but lets for say I wanted to remove an array that was on the stack declared in main() is it possible?
I wanted to remove an array that was on the stack declared in main()
is it possible?
In main() (and most anywhere you use an automatic variable), you can trigger a dtor by closing the containing scope.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int retVal = 0;
int arr[10];
T610_t t610;
retVal = t610.exec(argc, argv);
// ...
// ... // t610 exists to end of main() scope.
// ... // arr[10] exists to end of main() scope
return retVal;
Instance t610 (of the user defined T610_t type) lasts the life-time of the program, even when not used after the exec() returns retVal;
In contrast:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int retVal = 0;
int arr[10];
T610_t t610;
retVal = t610.exec(argc, argv);
// ... // no t610 instance exists, and arr[] is no longer accessible
// ...
// ...
// ...
return retVal;
The dtor of instance t610 is called at the close-brace after exec() returns retVal. arr[10] also no longer exists.
All the lines after the close brace do not have access to T610_t, nor arr[10], and any automatic memory grabbed in the 'small scope' is 'released' for re-use. (for instance, another T610_t instance...)
Any 'clearing' of the space used by T610_t is dependent on what the dtor does and what you mean by clearing. Thus, for instance, an array data attribute of T610_t can be filled with 0's (to 'clear' it), and the dtor also releases the memory for re-use. Remember, do no delete when you did no 'new'.
No, you can't really remove a variable out of the current, local scope.
It's not something you should be concerned with - the compiler takes care of everything there.
If you are concerned about privacy, you can of course blank the variable out after use.
A semi-answer to demonstrate a trick the actual answers neglected. (Edit: Neglect changed by the time this was posted)
If you have a large block of memory that you allocated on the stack (an Automatic allocation) and you need that memory back without returning from the function, you can introduce a new scope by calling another function
int get_and_compute()
int array[1024*1024];
return compute_stuff_with__array(array);
int main()
int result = get_and_compute();
// now you have enough memory to call
Or by surrounding the code in question with a set of braces
int main()
int result = 0;
{ //introduce a new scope
int array[1024*1024];
result = compute_stuff_with__array(array);
} // array goes out of scope here
// now you have enough memory to call
Most of the time I prefer option 1, adding a function, but there are times where the extra function doesn't make much sense. Pick the option that is easiest to read, write, and maintain.
I wanted to remove an array that was on the stack declared in main() is it possible?
Simply let the execution go out of the scope where the automatic variable is declared:
int main() {
int arr[10];
// arr is destroyed, and further local variables can reuse its memory
I have a situation in which i need to instantiate a vector of boost::threads to solve the following:
I have a class called Instrument to hold Symbol information, which looks something like below:
class Instrument
Instrument(StringVector symbols, int i);
virtual ~Instrument();
const Instrument& operator= (const Instrument& inst)
return *this;
String GetSymbol() { return Symbol_; }
LongToSymbolInfoPairVector GetTS() { return TS_; }
bool OrganiseData(TimeToSymbolsInfoPairVector& input, int i);
static int getRandomNumber(const int low, const int high);
static double getProbability();
bool ConstructNewTimeSeries(const int low, const int high);
bool ReconstructTimeSeries(TimeToSymbolsInfoPairVector& reconstructeddata, int i);
LongToSymbolInfoPairVector TS_;
String Symbol_;
const int checkWindow_;
String start_, end_;
long numberofsecsinaday_;
static std::default_random_engine generator_;
This class will have as many objects as the number of symbols. These symbols shall be accessed in another class Analysis for further work, whose constructor accepts the vector of the above Instrument class, as shown below.
class Analysis
Analysis(std::vector<Instrument>::iterator start, std::vector<Instrument>::iterator end);
virtual ~Analysis();
bool buildNewTimeSeries(TimeToSymbolsInfoPairVector& reconstructeddata);
bool printData(TimeToSymbolsInfoPairVector& reconstructeddata);
std::vector<Instrument> Instruments_;
Now i want to multithread this process so that i can separate out say 7 symbols per thread and spawn out, say, 4 threads.
Following is the updated main.
std::vector<Instrument>::iterator block_start = Instruments.begin();
int first = 0, last = 0;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<MAX_THREADS; i++)
std::vector<Instrument>::iterator block_end = block_start;
std::advance(block_end, block_size);
last = (i+1)*block_size;
Analysis* analyzed = new Analysis(block_start, block_end /*first, last*/);
analyzed->setData(output, first, last);
threads.push_back(std::thread(std::bind(&Analysis::buildNewTimeSeries, std::ref(*analyzed))));
block_start = block_end;
first = last;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_THREADS; i++)
This is evidently incorrect, although i know how to instantiate a thread's constructor to pass a class constructor an argument or a member function an argument, but i seem to be facing an issue when my purpose is:
a) Pass the constructor of class Analysis a subset of vector and
b) Call the buildNewTimeSeries(TimeToSymbolsInfoPairVector& reconstructeddata)
for each of the 4 threads and then later on join them.
Can anyone suggest a neat way of doing this please ?
The best way to go about partitioning a vector of resources (like std::vector in ur case) on to limited number of threads is by using a multi-threaded design paradigm called threadpools. There is no standard thread-pool in c++ and hence you might have to build one yourself(or use open source libraries). You can have a look at one of the many good opensource implementations here:-
Now, I am not going to be using threadpools, but will just give you a couple of suggestions to help u fix ur problem without modifying ur core functionality/idea.
In main you are dynamically creating vectors using new and are passing on the reference of the vector by dereferencing the pointer. Analysis* analyzed = new. I understand that your idea here, is to use the same vector analysis* in both main and the thread function. In my opinion this is not a good design. There is a better way to do it.
Instead of using std::thread use std::async. std::async creates tasks as opposed to threads. There are numerous advantages using tasks by using async. I do not want to make this a long answer by describing thread/tasks. But, one main advantage of tasks which directly helps you in your case is that it lets you return values(called future) from tasks back to the main function.
No to rewrite your main function async, tweak your code as follows,
Do not dynamically create a vector using new, instead just create a
local vector and just move the vector using std::move to the task
while calling async.
Modify Analysis::buildNewTimeSeries to accept rvalue reference.
Write a constructor for analysis with rvalue vector
The task will then modify this vector locally and then
return this vector to main function.
while calling async store the return value of the async
calls in a vector < future < objectType > >
After launching all the tasks using async, you can call the .get() on each of the element of this future vector.
This .get() method will return the vector modified and returned from
Merge these returned vectors into the final result vector.
By moving the vector from main to thread and then returning it back, you are allowing only one owner to have exclusive access on the vector. So you can not access a vector from main after it gets moved to thread. This is in contrast to your implementation, where both the main function and the thread function can access the newly created vector that gets passed by reference to the thread.
(I know) In c++ I can declare variable out of scope and I can't run any code/statement, except for initializing global/static variables.
Is it a good idea to use below tricky code in order to (for example) do some std::map manipulation ?
Here I use void *fakeVar and initialize it through Fake::initializer() and do whatever I want in it !
std::map<std::string, int> myMap;
class Fake
static void* initializer()
// Do whatever with your global Variables
return NULL;
// myMap["Error"] = 111; => Error
// Fake::initializer(); => Error
void *fakeVar = Fake::initializer(); //=> OK
void main()
std::cout<<"Map size: " << myMap.size() << std::endl; // Show myMap has initialized correctly :)
One way of solving it is to have a class with a constructor that does things, then declare a dummy variable of that class. Like
struct Initializer
// Do pre-main initialization here
Initializer initializer;
You can of course have multiple such classes doing miscellaneous initialization. The order in each translation unit is specified to be top-down, but the order between translation units is not specified.
You don't need a fake class... you can initialize using a lambda
auto myMap = []{
std::map<int, string> m;
m["test"] = 222;
return m;
Or, if it's just plain data, initialize the map:
std::map<std::string, int> myMap { { "test", 222 } };
Is it a good idea to use below tricky code in order to (for example)
do some std::map manipulation ?
Any solution entailing mutable non-local variables is a terrible idea.
Is it a good idea...?
Not really. What if someone decides that in their "tricky initialisation" they want to use your map, but on some system or other, or for not obvious reason after a particular relink, your map ends up being initialised after their attempted use? If you instead have them call a static function that returns a reference to the map, then it can initialise it on first call. Make the map a static local variable inside that function and you stop any accidental use without this protection.
§ 8.5.2 states
Except for objects declared with the constexpr specifier, for which
see 7.1.5, an initializer in the definition of a variable can consist
of arbitrary expressions involving literals and previously declared
variables and functions, regardless of the variable’s storage duration
therefore what you're doing is perfectly allowed by the C++ standard. That said, if you need to perform "initialization operations" it might be better to just use a class constructor (e.g. a wrapper).
What you've done is perfectly legal C++. So, if it works for you and is maintainable and understandable by anybody else who works with the code, it's fine. Joachim Pileborg's sample is clearer to me though.
One problem with initializing global variables like this can occur if they use each other during initialization. In that case it can be tricky to ensure that variables are initialized in the correct order. For that reason, I prefer to create InitializeX, InitializeY, etc functions, and explicitly call them in the correct order from the Main function.
Wrong ordering can also cause problems during program exit where globals still try to use each other when some of them may have been destroyed. Again, some explicit destruction calls in the correct order before Main returns can make it clearer.
So, go for it if it works for you, but be aware of the pitfalls. The same advice applies to pretty much every feature in C++!
You said in your question that you yourself think the code is 'tricky'. There is no need to overcomplicate things for the sake of it. So, if you have an alternative that appears less 'tricky' to you... that might be better.
When I hear "tricky code", I immediately think of code smells and maintenance nightmares. To answer your question, no, it isn't a good idea. While it is valid C++ code, it is bad practice. There are other, much more explicit and meaningful alternatives to this problem. To elaborate, the fact that your initializer() method returns void* NULL is meaningless as far as the intention of your program goes (i.e. each line of your code should have meaningful purpose), and you now have yet another unnecessary global variable fakeVar, which needlessly points to NULL.
Let's consider some less "tricky" alternatives:
If it's extremely important that you only ever have one global instance of myMap, perhaps using the Singleton Pattern would be more fitting, and you would be able to lazily initialize the contents of myMap when they are needed. Keep in mind that the Singleton Pattern has issues of its own.
Have a static method create and return the map or use a global namespace. For example, something along the lines of this:
// global.h
namespace Global
extern std::map<std::string, int> myMap;
// global.cpp
namespace Global
std::map<std::string, int> initMap()
std::map<std::string, int> map;
map["test"] = 222;
return map;
std::map<std::string, int> myMap = initMap();
// main.cpp
#include "global.h"
int main()
std::cout << Global::myMap.size() << std::endl;
return 0;
If this is a map with specialized functionality, create your own class (best option)! While this isn't a complete example, you get the idea:
class MyMap
std::map<std::string, int> map;
map["test"] = 222;
void put(std::string key, int value)
map[key] = value;
unsigned int size() const
return map.size();
// Overload operator[] and create any other methods you need
// ...
MyMap myMap;
int main()
std::cout << myMap.size() << std::endl;
return 0;
In C++, you cannot have statements outside any function. However, you have global objects declared, and constructor (initializer) call for these global objects are automatic before main starts. In your example, fakeVar is a global pointer that gets initialized through a function of class static scope, this is absolutely fine.
Even a global object would do provide that global object constructor does the desired initializaton.
For example,
class Fake
Fake() {
// Do whatever with your global Variables
Fake fake;
This is a case where unity builds (single translation unit builds) can be very powerful. The __COUNTER__ macro is a de facto standard among C and C++ compilers, and with it you can write arbitrary imperative code at global scope:
// At the beginning of the file...
template <uint64_t N> void global_function() { global_function<N - 1>(); } // This default-case skips "gaps" in the specializations, in case __COUNTER__ is used for some other purpose.
template <> void global_function<__COUNTER__>() {} // This is the base case.
void run_global_functions();
#define global_n(N, ...) \
template <> void global_function<N>() { \
global_function<N - 1>(); /* Recurse and call the previous specialization */ \
__VA_ARGS__; /* Run the user code. */ \
#define global(...) global_n(__COUNTER__, __VA_ARGS__)
// ...
std::map<std::string, int> myMap;
// Do whatever with your global variables
global(myMap["Error"] = 111);
int main() {
std::cout << "Map size: " << myMap.size() << std::endl; // Show myMap has initialized correctly :)
global(std::cout << "This will be the last global code run before main!");
// ...At the end of the file
void run_global_functions() {
global_function<__COUNTER__ - 1>();
This is especially powerful once you realize that you can use it to initialize static variables without a dependency on the C runtime. This means you can generate very small executables without having to eschew non-zero global variables:
// At the beginning of the file...
extern bool has_static_init;
#define default_construct(x) x{}; global(if (!has_static_init()) new (&x) decltype(x){})
// Or if you don't want placement new:
// #define default_construct(x) x{}; global(if (!has_static_init()) x = decltype(x){})
class Complicated {
int x = 42;
Complicated() { std::cout << "Constructor!"; }
Complicated default_construct(my_complicated_instance); // Will be zero-initialized if the CRT is not linked into the program.
int main() {
// ...At the end of the file
static bool get_static_init() {
volatile bool result = true; // This function can't be inlined, so the CRT *must* run it.
return result;
has_static_init = get_static_init(); // Will stay zero without CRT
This answer is similar to Some programmer dude's answer, but may be considered a bit cleaner. As of C++17 (that's when std::invoke() was added), you could do something like this:
#include <functional>
auto initializer = std::invoke([]() {
// Do initialization here...
// The following return statement is arbitrary. Without something like it,
// the auto will resolve to void, which will not compile:
return true;
bool flag;
if (conditions) {
In this case, is the flag reset to false condition after it exits the inner while loop? It seems from the display of the console that it is still in true condition.
No, there is no "reset". There is no magic whatsoever. In fact, flag will not even be magically initialized to false for you, you'll have to do it yourself.
I think you're thinking of classic examples of scope and shadowing:
int a = 4;
//a is 4 here
int a = 3;
//a is 3 here
//a is 4 here
But there is no magic here, either. There are two different variables a which happen to share a name. a in the inner block refers to the second integer. If you could refer to the first integer, you'd be reading a completely different integer.
Here is some magic:
SomeClass x; //x's constructor is called
SomeOtherClass y; //y's constructor is called
} //y's destructor is called
Since y is automatic, it gets destroyed at the end of its scope. (So did the second a, by the way, only there was no way to tell.) If it has a destructor, it will be called. If its destructor does something fancy such as "resetting some flag", you'll see the results. (Only not through y, which will be gone.)
The fact that the {} have no if/while/function/etc. attached to them is irrelevant.
I would like to do something like:
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
addresses[i] = & function(){ callSomeFunction(i) };
Basically, having an array of addresses of functions with behaviours related to a list of numbers.
If it's possible with external classes like Boost.Lambda is ok.
Edit: after some discussion I've come to conclusion that I wasn't explicit enough. Please read Creating function pointers to functions created at runtime
What I really really want to do in the end is:
class X
void action();
X* objects;
for(int i=0;i<0xFFFF;i++)
addresses[i] = & function(){ objects[i]->action() };
void someFunctionUnknownAtCompileTime()
void anotherFunctionUnknowAtCompileTime()
patch someFunctionUnknownAtCompileTime() with assembly to jump to function at addresses[0]
patch anotherFunctionUnknownAtCompileTime() with assembly to jump to function at addresses[1]
sth, I don't think your method will work because of them not being real functions but my bad in not explaining exactly what I want to do.
If I understand you correctly, you're trying to fill a buffer with machine code generated at runtime and get a function pointer to that code so that you can call it.
It is possible, but challenging. You can use reinterpret_cast<> to turn a data pointer into a function pointer, but you'll need to make sure that the memory you allocated for your buffer is flagged as executable by the operating system. That will involve a system call (LocalAlloc() on Windows iirc, can't remember on Unix) rather than a "plain vanilla" malloc/new call.
Assuming you've got an executable block of memory, you'll have to make sure that your machine code respects the calling convention indicated by the function pointer you create. That means pushing/popping the appropriate registers at the beginning of the function, etc.
But, once you've done that, you should be able to use your function pointer just like any other function.
It might be worth looking at an open source JVM (or Mono) to see how they do it. This is the essence of JIT compilation.
Here is an example I just hacked together:
int func1( int op )
printf( "func1 %d\n", op );
return 0;
int func2( int op )
printf( "func2 %d\n", op );
return 0;
typedef int (*fp)(int);
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
fp funcs[2] = { func1, func2 };
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
The easiest way should be to create a bunch of boost::function objects:
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
// ...
std::vector< boost::function<void ()> > functors;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
functors.push_back(boost::bind(callSomeFunction, i));
// call one of them:
Note that the elements of the vector are not "real functions" but objects with an overloaded operator(). Usually this shouldn't be a disadvantage and actually be easier to handle than real function pointers.
You can do that simply by defining those functions by some arbitrary names in the global scope beforehand.
This is basically what is said above but modifying your code would look something like this:
std::vector<int (*) (int)> addresses;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
addresses[i] = &myFunction;
I'm not horribly clear by what you mean when you say functions created at run time... I don't think you can create a function at run time, but you can assign what function pointers are put into your array/vector at run time. Keep in mind using this method all of your functions need to have the same signature (same return type and parameters).
You can't invoke a member function by itself without the this pointer. All instances of a class have the function stored in one location in memory. When you call p->Function() the value of p is stored somewhere (can't remember if its a register or stack) and that value is used as base offset to calculate locations of the member variables.
So this means you have to store the function pointer and the pointer to the object if you want to invoke a function on it. The general form for this would be something like this:
class MyClass {
void DoStuf();
//on the left hand side is a declaration of a member function in the class MyClass taking no parameters and returning void.
//on the right hand side we initialize the function pointer to DoStuff
void (MyClass::*pVoid)() = &MyClass::DoStuff;
MyClass* pMyClass = new MyClass();
//Here we have a pointer to MyClass and we call a function pointed to by pVoid.
As i understand the question, you are trying to create functions at runtime (just as we can do in Ruby). If that is the intention, i'm afraid that it is not possible in compiled languages like C++.
Note: If my understanding of question is not correct, please do not downvote :)