SuperLU library XCode issues - c++

I'm a newbie when compiling and adding 3rd party C++ libraries into XCode... So here's the problem. I have .cpp files wich depend on 3 libraries. OpenCV-Eigen-SuperLU. So far think that I managed to add correctly OpenCV-Eigen, but I got trouble adding SuperLU.
I'm really confused on where should I include source files paths??. Some tutorials say that I need to create a static lib... other that I need a framework... on the other hand there are XCode project template which just include src files into a folder inside XCode project's and then reference them from build setting properties. Anyway I really need some guidance here.
So here's my setup for most of the libs. I have a folder within the XCode project with all dependencies.
Then... on project build settings I setup header search paths-- and library search paths. To point that folder
Headers for SuperLU are found correctly... but I get Linker errors.
So as you can see, I have no idea what to do... I'm Sorry but as I told on beginning I'm a newbie adding libs into XCode... plus documentation of procedures it's not good at all. So if anybody could help me with some guidance or links where I can start understanding how the linking process works would be great.
I'm a little desperate at this point, os any kind of help would be really really great.
Thanks a lot.

The problem is that both SuperLU and Objective-C define YES and NO. So you get a conflict.

In the end I was advised to create a different target to compile all SuperLU as a pure c++ project with gcc compiler. That made it possible for iOS app to use the lib as a dependency.


First steps to adding a static library to c++/ROS (CMake)

I'm trying to add a static library to my C++/ROS project and having trouble wondering where to start. I have the project currently working with a CMake file to build it and have downloaded (and can build) an external static library that I want to use in the project.
I am very new to CMake and C++ in general and am working on a project that I haven't created myself. I've read a lot of tutorials on how to add libraries but I'm stuck at knowing where to start as I know there are many different steps needed. I was looking at find_library(), add_library() and ExternalProject_Add() but I don't really understand the difference and the documentation doesn't make it much clearer. As it stands the CMake file has very little in it so I was wondering what exactly I need to add and what commands are best just to be able to use this library in my project. Specifically, I guess what set of commands would I add to a pretty empty CMake file for it to work given I have the lib.a file. Sorry for the vagueness but any help would be appreciated.

How to add 3rd party library in Unreal Engine 4

I am new to Unreal Engine. But here is what I planned to do. I want to an experiment project by combining with Unreal Engine 4. I know somebody may shot at me, for it already had a plugin. But I don't like graph programming at all (I prefer "real" coding)
But as I followed instruction from Installing C++ and here. It just won't work. The error told me something about File Not Found on multiple headers file from this github repo. So I tried to add a lot of things (Hopefully it won't affect the outcome). And now a tons of errors had popped up. Now they are mostly about Macro errors. And I have absolutely no idea how to fix.
The problem is I don't understand why after I include .lib files to PublicAdditionalLibraries I still needed the original file (Shouldn't it work like any other visual studio projects?)
Also how to tackle loads of errors I am facing
Thanking in advanced
Did you add your include paths with the lib headers to PublicIncludePaths array ( in the StartupModule() method ? it's gonna be needed to use methods from your lib.
Here is an exemple how to use the PublicIncludePaths
string includePath = Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "opencv", "include");
ThirdPartyPath is a member of my module class i retrieve with my getter
Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ModulePath, "../../ThirdParty/"));
I took a look at the github repo of Socket-IO-cpp lib and the only libs compiled for windows are in 32bits, take care you're not tried to compile in 64bits, or every .lib files of your libraries are in 32bits to be linked all together, in case you're using others libs.
If you got some runtime error, take a look at my answer which explain how to indicate .dll when .libs arn't enough.
Hope it helps

Add external library into current c++ project

I'm trying to use the xgboost library to basically translate a model I developed in R to C++.
I've not used an external library and other sources online did not help me much so decided to ask the question here to hopefully find the way to do it.
Here's the library I need to use in my C++ code:
I'm using Visual Studio Ultimate 2013. I have a make file that I use to define my project.
I am looking for the proper way to use this library in my C++ code.
If you have ever used this library before, I really appreciate your help. Any hint will be appreciated.
To use the library, one needs to first build it. I could not manage to build the master branch. So, I decided to use the V0.4 instead. I built the solution in that branch using Visual Studio and it produced the dll and lib files. One can then import the .dll file by using Add_library to add it via Cmake. After Add_library, the include directories need to be added by include_directories command.
I need to generate .a and .so files in the end. I'm working in windows and could not find a way to generate these files, yet!
So I found the way to resolve this issue. I shared it in another answer
Add an external library (e.g., Eigen) via CMake
Hope this helps people who are looking!

Adding third party libraries to an OpenCV project on Xcode

I am new to the XCode environment so apologies if this sounds trivial.
I am trying to use a third party library using for OpenCV that helps me do some blob analysis, CCL etc. Hosted here
I have searched a lot but there doesn't seem to be much documentation on how to go about adding and using these new libraries. I am using XCode 4.5.2, OpenCV 2.4.2.
When I simply add all the header files to the project folder and #include them in the source code, it fails to compile. I have also tried adding the "Header Paths" but it doesn't help. What am I missing?
I have tried to follow the instructions (compiling it using the terminal but it doesn't compile too) I am not clear on how or when exactly to use CMAKE.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
I would suggest you using CvBlob on google code which is different from the one on willowgarage, I have got recently confused with this so take a look at this question for alternative blob analysis libraries.
Moreover, CvBlob has also a good support community here. (Search on "[cvblobslib]" or on "[blob] [opencv]")
Try this: cvBlob: OSX installation
Once you get it compiled, you need to include the library under Link Binary with Libraries in Build Phases. (This screenshot shows the core, imgproc, and highgui libraries. Your cvBlob library would go in the same place.)

Can eclipse do auto-complete using external libraries like cocos2d?

I'm using Eclipse in linux. I have created a project using Cocos2D. It's a Java project, but im opening cpp and headers files to write native code.
Each time, i compile the native code with ./
I will like to know if eclipse could be configure to autocomplete functions in native code.
Must show the options like getWinSize().
Some ideas? Thanks in advance.
I can't answer to the specifics of your question but in general I had this problem in C/C++ with iostream and STL libs. Even though everything would compile fine it wasn't supporting auto-complete. I ended up digging down into the supplied libraries to the root that held each .h file collection and added those to the directories path. Then I rebuilt the index and then auto-complete started working. So if cocos2d stores .h files in more than one location add each folder.
Have you installed the CDT? That give Eclipse C/C++ capabilities similar to what it already has for Java.