Can eclipse do auto-complete using external libraries like cocos2d? - c++

I'm using Eclipse in linux. I have created a project using Cocos2D. It's a Java project, but im opening cpp and headers files to write native code.
Each time, i compile the native code with ./
I will like to know if eclipse could be configure to autocomplete functions in native code.
Must show the options like getWinSize().
Some ideas? Thanks in advance.

I can't answer to the specifics of your question but in general I had this problem in C/C++ with iostream and STL libs. Even though everything would compile fine it wasn't supporting auto-complete. I ended up digging down into the supplied libraries to the root that held each .h file collection and added those to the directories path. Then I rebuilt the index and then auto-complete started working. So if cocos2d stores .h files in more than one location add each folder.

Have you installed the CDT? That give Eclipse C/C++ capabilities similar to what it already has for Java.


Porting a C++ project into an iOS app?

project compiles fine, how do I export it as an iOS app though
I have a large C++ project that I'd like to turn into an iOS app... any tips on how I might go about doing this? What I've done so far is to use CMake to generate an XCode project. I've been able to subsequently build (and archive -- but I can't find the archives in the organizer) my project in XCode, but to my understanding this is merely using XCode as an IDE...
Is there an easy way to remedy this situation? Or do I need to reconstruct the project all over again iOS style. If so, any guides you might recommend?
.mm files compile to objective-c++.
This is how you will get c++ code to talk to all the IOS libraries, which unfortunately are only generally easily available in objective-c and swift.
So create c++ interfaces in .h or .hpp files, and back them up with an objective-c++ impl that then talks to the objective-c runtime.
To get cmake to work nicely with iOS, you'll need a toolchain file.
There is a nice collection that you can use as a starting point here:

SuperLU library XCode issues

I'm a newbie when compiling and adding 3rd party C++ libraries into XCode... So here's the problem. I have .cpp files wich depend on 3 libraries. OpenCV-Eigen-SuperLU. So far think that I managed to add correctly OpenCV-Eigen, but I got trouble adding SuperLU.
I'm really confused on where should I include source files paths??. Some tutorials say that I need to create a static lib... other that I need a framework... on the other hand there are XCode project template which just include src files into a folder inside XCode project's and then reference them from build setting properties. Anyway I really need some guidance here.
So here's my setup for most of the libs. I have a folder within the XCode project with all dependencies.
Then... on project build settings I setup header search paths-- and library search paths. To point that folder
Headers for SuperLU are found correctly... but I get Linker errors.
So as you can see, I have no idea what to do... I'm Sorry but as I told on beginning I'm a newbie adding libs into XCode... plus documentation of procedures it's not good at all. So if anybody could help me with some guidance or links where I can start understanding how the linking process works would be great.
I'm a little desperate at this point, os any kind of help would be really really great.
Thanks a lot.
The problem is that both SuperLU and Objective-C define YES and NO. So you get a conflict.
In the end I was advised to create a different target to compile all SuperLU as a pure c++ project with gcc compiler. That made it possible for iOS app to use the lib as a dependency.

Import existing C++ project into Xcode IDE

I am trying to open an existing C++ open-source library in Xcode to publish it with my own modification/additions. The library is Tesseract-OCR, which does not include a .xcodeproj file.
Since Xcode can function as an IDE, is it possible to open a bunch of files as a single project in Xcode? Is there an easy way to produce an Xcode project?
There are several ways you could do it, depending on the level of IDE integration you want. There's no direct way of importing a Makefile-based project into Xcode. You can create a project that builds via the Makefile, but you wouldn't get many of the benefits of using an IDE, since the editor features such as word completion rely on Xcode being able to parse the files in the project. You will be able to use the debugger though. To do this, create a new project and add a custom target with a script build phase that just calls down to Makefile.
If however the project you're building compiles very easily, ie without requiring a lot of macros to be set up, include paths, etc, then it may be simple to just create an empty project and merely add all source files to it. I've used this method extensively for building boost libraries. If this is a configure && make type project then you will probably have to run the configure step first, and ensure any top level config.h files are included in the project.
If the project has a complex makefile then it is likely to be an involved task to create a useful Xcode project
I realise you asked explicitly for Xcode, but in case you were actually trying to solve the problem of "I have existing C++ code which builds and runs fine from the command line, and I'd like to code and debug it in an IDE, what should I do?" my firm recommendation would be to avoid Xcode and go for Eclipse.
The reason is that as far as I can tell, Xcode has no way of ingesting the command line build environment and effectively requires you to recreate the make process inside Xcode from scratch. Fine for tiny projects, but anything with more than a few source files and it quickly becomes painful. Whereas in Eclipse everything is built around Makefiles. So in my case I got to the "step through code with working code completion" in Eclipse a lot quicker vs. never in Xcode. This of course could be because I'm an Xcode noob, but my 2c.
To create an Xcode project from an existing cmake project, you can run cmake -G Xcode. It produces some folders and files apart from the project file, so it might be better to create a folder for it first. For example:
mkdir -p build/xcode
cd build/xcode
cmake -G Xcode ../..
Xcode is a useable IDE for library creation.
Of course a good first step is to see if the one source code will build on its own with configure scripts that are included.
If not, it becomes a question of how many libraries you need to link in.
There are resources online (or at least there used to be) for using Xcode (or perhaps it's forerunner Product builder) for porting Unix projects to Mac.
Good tutorial at:
Another good reference is Darwin Ports.
As for doing this on your own. You can build c++ based libraries in XCode. People do that every day. You can even use one of the Xcode templates to get you started.
However, library dev requires more experience with Xcode then say a simple Cocoa "Hello World" app.
The remaining questions will be assuring that the source code's dependencies are already built into the Mac's SDK. (Don't hold your breath for linking to MFC)
It's a general question... So it's a general answer.
In Xcode8,there is "Xcode->file->add files to...",then choose your files.If you want to add several files at a time,press "Cmd" when you are choosing.

Legacy C++ project using Makefile ..moving to Eclipse IDE?

I have a legacy C++ project on Linux which uses the typical:
make install
to build and install. I would really like to build it instead with an IDE like Eclipse.
Is this doable? Is there something in Eclipse that can parse the original Makefile(s) and turn it into an Eclipse project?
Using Eclipse with the CDT plugin will allow you to use it for C/C++ projects, and you can tell it to use Makefiles to build your project. You just have to set up a Makefile project. You might have to tell it to let you manage the Makefiles rather than have it do it - I don't remember off the top of my head - but there should be no problem in setting up Eclipse to use pre-existing Makefiles to build a pre-existing project. I've done it before.
You will have to tell it where the include directories are and what macros to assume are defined for things like code completion to work correctly (I don't know of any way for Eclipse to figure that out for you), so there is definitely some set up that you'll have to do. But it definitely works.
Just grab the C++ version of Eclipse from their site (it comes with all of the appropriate C/C++ plugins so that you don't have to track them down), and you can look at the CDT site for documentation, frequently asked questions, etc.
Edit: I don't know how well you can get it to work with configure though. That's not something that I've tried. Makefiles work just fine though.
If the project is not too big or too complex. You might do better to just start a new C++ project in Eclipse. Then import the various source and header files into the project.

How do I zip a directory of files using C++?

I'm working on a project using C++, Boost, and Qt. I understand how to compress single files and bytestreams using, for example, the qCompress() function in Qt.
How do I zip a directory of multiple files, including subdirectories? I am looking for a cross-platform (Mac, Win, Linux) solution; I'd prefer not to fire off a bunch of new processes.
Is there a standard way to combine bytestreams from multiple files into a zipped archive, or maybe there is a convenience function or method that would be available in the Boost iostream library?
Many thanks for the assistance.
Update: The QuaZip library looks really great. There is an example in the download package (in the "tests" dir) that shows very clearly how to zip up a directory of files.
Update 2: After completing this task on my Linux build environment, I discovered that QuaZip doesn't work at all with the Visual Studio compiler. It may be possible to tackle all those compiler errors, but a word of caution to anyone looking down this path.
I have found the following two libraries:
ZipIOS++. Seems to be "pure" C++. They don't list Windows explicitly as a supported platform. So i think you should try your luck yourself.
QuaZIP. Based on Qt4. Actually looks nice. They list Windows explicitly (Using mingw). Apparently, it is a C++ wrapper for [this] library.
Ah, and of course, i have ripped those sites from this Qt Mailinglist question about Zipping/Unzipping of directories :)
Just for the record...
Today, I needed to do something very similar in Visual C++. (Though wanted to maintain the possibility to compile the project on other platforms; however preferred not to adopt Qt just for this purpose.)
Ended up using the Minizip library. It is written in plain C, but devising a simple C++ wrapper around it was a breeze, and the end result works great, at least for my purposes.
I have built a wrapper around minizip adding some features that I needed and making it nicer to use it. Is does use the latest c++11 and is developed using Visual Studio 2013, so it should work out-of-the-box for you.
There's a full description here:
you can zip entire folders, streams, vectors, etc. Also a nice feature is doing everything entirely in memory.
Poco::Zip is also a choice, it has clearly documentation and some code for demo.
Poco::Zip Document
system("zip *");
I tried QuaZIP 0.4.3 on Windows with VisualStudio 2010 -- there are still issues but can be resolved easily.
To build with VS:
Use CMake to configure and generate VS solution for QuaZIP.
Open soltion with VS and build -- you'll first notice that it can't find 'zlib.h'.
Open preferences for quazip project and add path to Qt's copy of Zlib to C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories: $(QTDIR)/src/3rdparty/zlib.
Rebuild again and you'll get lots of warnings and one error C2491: dllimport static issue on QuaZipFile::staticMetaObject.
This is because QuaZipFile is declared like "class QUAZIP_EXPORT QuaZipFile" and QUAZIP_EXPORT needs to resolve to Q_DECL_EXPORT for dll and to Q_DECL_IMPORT for application, based on whether QUAZIP_BUILD is defined or not. When building QuaZIP QUAZIP_BUILD should be defined but isn't -- configuration process defines in error completely useless "quazip_EXPORTS" instead.
To fix, just remove "quazip_EXPORTS" from all build configurations and add QUAZIP_BUILD instead -- QuaZIP will now build fine.