How to restart a multithreaded C++ program inside the code? - c++

as i describe in the header I would like to have in a thread an if statement which is checked every 1 minute and if it is true restart the whole programm.. Any suggestions?
void* checkThread(void* arg)
//restart procedure
int main()
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, checkThread, main_object);

If you are going for the nuke-it-from-orbit approach (i.e. you don't want to trust your code to do a controlled shutdown reliably), then having the kill-and-auto-relaunch mechanism inside the same process space as the other code is not a very robust approach. For example, if one of the other threads were to crash, it would take your auto-restart-thread down with it.
A more fail-safe approach would be to have your auto-restart-thread launch all of the other code in a sub-process (via fork(); calling exec() is allowable but not necessary in this case). After 60 seconds, the parent process can kill the child process it created (by calling kill() on the process ID that fork() returned) and then launch a new one.
The advantage of doing it this way is that the separating of memory spaces protects your relauncher-code from any bugs in the rest of the code, and the killing of the child process means that the OS will handle all the cleanup of memory and other resources for you, so there is less of a worry about things like memory or file-handle leaks.

If you want a "nice" way to do it, you set a flag, and then politely wait for the threads to finish, before relaunching everything.
main_thread() {
do {
kill_and_restart_everything = false;
// create your threads.
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, checkThread, main_object);
pthread_create(&thread2, ...);
pthread_create(&thread3, ...);
// wait for your threads.
pthread_join(thread1, nullptr);
pthread_join(thread2, nullptr);
pthread_join(thread3, nullptr);
} while (kill_and_restart_everything);
void* checkThread(void* arg) {
while (! kill_and_restart_everything) {
kill_and_restart_everything = true;
void* workerThread(void* arg) {
// do stuff. periodically check
if (kill_and_restart_everything) {
// terminate this thread early.
// do it cleanly too, release any resources, etc (RAII is your friend here).
return nullptr;
// do other stuff, remember to have that check happen fairly regularly.
This way, whenever if(statement) is true, it will set a boolean that can be used to tell each thread to shut down. Then the program waits for each thread to finish, and then starts it all over again.
Downsides: If you're using any global state, that data will not be cleaned up and can cause problems for you. If a thread doesn't check your signal, you could be waiting a looooong time.
If you want to kill everything (nuke it from orbit) and restart, you could simply wrap this program in a shell script (which can then detect whatever condition you want, kill -9 the program, and relaunch it).

Use the exec system call to restart the process from the start of the program.

you can do it in two parts:
Part1: one thread that checks for the statement and sets a boolean to true when you need to restart the program
This is the "checker" thread
Part2: one thread that computes what you want:
this will "relaunch" the program as long as needed
This "relaunch" consists in a big loop
In the loop:
creates a thread that will actually execute your programme (the task you want to be executed)
ends this taks when the boolean is set to true
creates another thread to replace then one that is terminated
The main of your program consists in launching the "checker" and the "relauncher"
Tell me if you have any questions/remarks I can detail or add some code


How to run a thread infinitely without blocking main thread in c++?

I am trying to make a native app , and I need a separate thread freezing some values(constant overwriting with delay) in the background and I don't need any return from it to main. So after creating the thread when I detach from it , it does not do the freezing.
pthread_create(&frzTh, NULL, freezingNow, NULL);
But if I join the thread then it performs freezing but my main thread gets blocked as it waits for the child thread to finish , and since the child runs infinitely , there is no coming out.
pthread_create(&frzTh, NULL, freezingNow, NULL);
So, I tried using fork() to create a child process instead of thread. Now , I am able to perform all tasks parallel to my main. But , this is causing a lot of memory usage and leads to heating of device.
pid_t pid_c = fork();
if (pid_c == 0 && freeze) {
while (freeze) {
So, what is the best way to do this ?
Best example is game guardian app and it's freezing mechanism.
To do this properly, you need to have a mechanism by which the main thread can cause the child thread to exit (a simple std::atomic<bool> pleaseQuitNow that the child thread tests periodically, and the main thread sets to true before calling pthread_join(), will do fine).
As for why you need to call pthread_join() before exiting, rather than just allowing the main thread to exit while the child thread remains running: there is often run-time-environment code that executes after main() returns that tears down various run-time data structures that are shared by all threads in the process. If any threads are still running while the main-thread is tearing down these data structures, it is possible that the still-running thread(s) will try to access one of these data structures while it is in a destroyed or half-destroyed state, causing an occasional crash-on-exit.
(Of course, if your program never exits at all, or if you don't care about an occasional crash-on-exit, you could skip the orderly shutdown of your child thread, but since it's not difficult to implement, you're better off doing things the right way and avoiding embarrassment later when your app crashes at the end of a demo)
If you wanna do Something as async with Mainthread untill end main ,
I recommand Promise - future in c++
this example :) good luck
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void DoWork(promise<int> p)
// do something (child thread)
// saved value in p
int main(void)
promise<int> p;
auto future = p.get_future();
thread worker{ DoWork, std::move(p)};
// do something you want
// return result
int result = future.get();
std::cout<< result <<'\n'; // print 10

Use system() to create independent child process

I have written a program where I create a thread in the main and use system() to start another process from the thread. Also I start the same process using the system() in the main function also. The process started from the thread seems to stay alive even when the parent process dies. But the one called from the main function dies with the parent. Any ideas why this is happening.
Please find the code structure below:
void *thread_func(void *arg)
int main()
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, thread_func, NULL);
while (true)
pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);
return 0;
My suggestion is: Don't do what you do. If you want to create an independently running child-process, research the fork and exec family functions. Which is what system will use "under the hood".
Threads aren't really independent the same way processes are. When your "main" process ends, all threads end as well. In your specific case the thread seems to continue to run while the main process seems to end because of the pthread_join call, it will simply wait for the thread to exit. If you remove the join call the thread (and your "command") will be terminated.
There are ways to detach threads so they can run a little more independently (for example you don't have to join a detached thread) but the main process still can't end, instead you have to end the main thread, which will keep the process running for as long as there are detached threads running.
Using fork and exec is actually quite simple, and not very complex:
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
// We are in the child process, execute the command
execl(command.c_str(), command.c_str(), nullptr);
// If execl returns, there was an error
std::cout << "Exec error: " << errno << ", " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
// Exit child process
else if (pid > 0)
// The parent process, do whatever is needed
// The parent process can even exit while the child process is running, since it's independent
// Error forking, still in parent process (there are no child process at this point)
std::cout << "Fork error: " << errno << ", " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
The exact variant of exec to use depends on command. If it's a valid path (absolute or relative) to an executable program then execl works well. If it's a "command" in the PATH then use execlp.
There are two points here that I think you've missed:
First, system is a synchronous call. That means, your program (or, at least, the thread calling system) waits for the child to complete. So, if your command is long-running, both your main thread and your worker thread will be blocked until it completes.
Secondly, you are "joining" the worker thread at the end of main. This is the right thing to do, because unless you join or detach the thread you have undefined behaviour. However, it's not what you really intended to do. The end result is not that the child process continues after your main process ends... your main process is still alive! It is blocked on the pthread_join call, which is trying to wrap up the worker thread, which is still running command.
In general, assuming you wish to spawn a new process entirely unrelated to your main process, threads are not the way to do it. Even if you were to detach your thread, it still belongs to your process, and you are still required to let it finish before your process terminates. You can't detach from the process using threads.
Instead, you'll need OS features such as fork and exec (or a friendly C++ wrapper around this functionality, such as Boost.Subprocess). This is the only way to truly spawn a new process from within your program.
But, you can cheat! If command is a shell command, and your shell supports background jobs, you could put & at the end of the command (this is an example for Bash syntax) to make the system call:
Ask the shell to spin off a new process
Wait for it to do that
The new process will now continue to run in the background
For example:
const std::string command = "./myLongProgram &";
// ^
However, again, this is kind of a hack and proper fork mechanisms that reside within your program's logic should be preferred for maximum portability and predictability.

C++: Thread synchronization scenario on Linux Platform

I am implementing multithreaded C++ program for Linux platform where I need a functionality similar to WaitForMultipleObjects().
While searching for the solution I observed that there are articles that describe how to achieve WaitForMultipleObjects() functionality in Linux with examples but those examples does not satisfy the scenario that I have to support.
The scenario in my case is pretty simple. I have a daemon process in which the main thread exposes a method/callback to the outside world for example to a DLL. The code of the DLL is not under my control. The same main thread creates a new thread "Thread 1". Thread 1 has to execute kind of an infinite loop in which it would wait for a shutdown event (daemon shutdown) OR it would wait on the data available event being signaled through the exposed method/callback mentioned above.
In short the thread would be waiting on shutdown event and data available event where if shutdown event is signaled the wait would satisfy and the loop would be broken or if data available event is signaled then also wait would satisfy and thread would do business processing.
In windows, it seems very straight forward. Below is the MS Windows based pseudo code for my scenario.
//**Main thread**
//Load the DLL
LoadLibrary("some DLL")
//Create a new thread
hThread1 = __beginthreadex(..., &ThreadProc, ...)
//callback in main thread (mentioned in above description) which would be called by the DLL
void Callbackfunc(data)
void OnShutdown()
WaitforSingleObject(hThread1,..., INFINITE);
//Cleanup here
//**Thread 1**
unsigned int WINAPI ThreadProc(void *pObject)
while (true)
HANDLE hEvents[2];
hEvents[0] = g_hShutdownEvent;
hEvents[1] = s_hDataAvailableEvent;
//3rd parameter is set to FALSE that means the wait should satisfy if state of any one of the objects is signaled.
dwEvent = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hEvents, FALSE, INFINITE);
switch (dwEvent)
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0:
// Shutdown event is set, break the loop
return 0;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
//do business processing here
// error handling
I want to implement the same for Linux. According to my understanding when it would come to Linux, it has totally different mechanism where we need to register for signals. If the termination signal arrives, the process would come to know that it is about to shutdown but before that it is necessary for the process to wait for the running thread to gracefully shutdown.
The correct way to do this in Linux would be using condition variables. While this is not the same as WaitForMultipleObjects in Windows, you will get the same functionality.
Use two bools to determine whether there is data available or a shutdown must occur.
Then have the shutdown function and the data function both set the bools accordingly, and signal the condition variable.
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_t cv = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_t hThread1; // this isn't a good name for it in linux, you'd be
// better with something line "tid1" but for
// comparison's sake, I've kept this
bool shutdown_signalled;
bool data_available;
void OnShutdown()
//...shutdown behavior...
shutdown_signalled = true;
void Callbackfunc(...)
// ... whatever needs to be done ...
data_available = true;
void *ThreadProc(void *args)
while (!(shutdown_signalled || data_available)){
// wait as long as there is no data available and a shutdown
// has not beeen signalled
pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mutex);
if (data_available){
//process data
data_available = false;
if (shutdown_signalled){
//do the shutdown
return NULL;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //you might be able to put the unlock
// before the ifs, idk the particulars of your code
int main(void)
shutdown_signalled = false;
data_available = false;
pthread_create(&hThread1, &ThreadProc, ...);
pthread_join(hThread1, NULL);
I know windows has condition variables as well, so this shouldn't look too alien. I don't know what rules windows has about them, but on a POSIX platform the wait needs to be inside of a while loop because "spurious wakeups" can occur.
If you wish to write unix or linux specific code, you have differenr APIs available:
pthread: provides threads, mutex, condition variables
IPC (inter process comunication) mechanisms : mutex, semaphore, shared memory
For threads, the first library is mandatory (there are lower level syscalls on linux, but it's more tedious). For events, the three may be used.
The system shutdown event generate termination (SIG_TERM) and kill (SIG_KILL) signals broadcasted to all the relevant processes. Hence an individual daemon shutdown can also be initiated this way. The goal of the game is to catch the signals, and initiate process shutdown. The important points are:
the signal mechanism is made in such a way that it is not necessary to wait for them
Simply install a so called handler using sigaction, and the system will do the rest.
the signal is set to the process, and any thread may intercept it (the handler may execute in any context)
You need therefore to install a signal handler (see sigaction(2)), and somehow pass the information to the other threads that the application must terminate.
The most convenient way is probably to have a global mutex protected flag which all your threads will consult regularily. The signal handler will set that flag to indicate shutdown. For the worker thread, it means
telling the remote host that the server is closing down,
close its socket on read
process all the remaining received commands/data and send answers
close the socket
For the main thread, this will mean initiating a join on the worker thread, then exit.
This model should not interfer with the way data is normally processed: a blocking call to select or poll will return the error EINTR if a signal was caught, and for a non blocking call, the thread is regularily checking the flag, so it does work too.

C++ threads & infinite loop

I have a little problem, I wrote a program, server role, doing an infinite loop waiting for client requests.
But I would like this program to also return his pid.
Thus, I think I should use multithreading.
Here's my main :
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int pid = (int) getpid();
int port = 5555
ServerSoap *servsoap;
servsoap = new ServerSoap(port, false);
servsoap->StartServer(); //Here starts the infinite loop
return pid; //so it never executes this
If it was bash scripting I would add & to run it in background.
Shall I use pthread ? And how to do it please ?
When a program returns (exits), all running threads terminate, so you can't have a background thread continue to run.
In addition, the int return value of main is (usually) truncated to a 7-bit value, so you don't have enough space to return a full pid.
It'd be better just to print the pid to stdout using printf.
If you put the infinite loop in a separate thread, and then return from main it will kill the whole process including your new thread. One solution, keeping to threads, is to make a detached thread. A better solution is probably to create a new process:
int main()
int pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
else if (pid == 0)
ServerSoap serversoap(5555, false);
return pid;
Edit: Also note the limit to the return value from main as noted in the answer from ecatmur.
I have a feeling that you're trying to implement daemon.
To add to #ecatmur answer, if no error has happened program should always return 0 on termination.
PID is usually saved in some file, often times in /var/run/ directory. Some programs use /tmp/ directory.
Your main is attempting to do what your server should do. You're confusing a couple patterns here.
Pattern #1: Daemon
Think of the main as the program that, when on, accepts client requests and performs operations with them. The main has to wait for requests if this is the structure of the program. When a request is received, only then do you perform the requested operation. The main serves only to turn on or off this service. Normally this type of behavior is handled by default with threads. The listener activates a thread calling specific methods with information regarding the request, for instance. Unless you require threads for the work you need done, you shouldn't require threads for this.
Pattern #2: Tool
Alternatively, you could simply call this program as a tool. You'd still need a web service, but this program could be separate from that. Apart from what your tool should do, you shouldn't require threads for this.
In either case, I don't think what you're looking for is to implement threading. You're simply activating a server which does nothing. You should probably look into adding request handlers instead.

child waiting for another child

is there a way for a forked child to examine another forked child so that, if the other forked child takes more time than usual to perform its chores, the first child may perform predefined steps?
if so, sample code will be greatly appreciated.
Yes. Simply fork the process to be watched, from the process to watch it.
if (fork() == 0) {
// we are the watcher
pid_t watchee_pid = fork();
if (watchee_pid != 0) {
// wait and/or handle timeout
int status;
waitpid(watchee_pid, &status, WNOHANG);
} else {
// we're being watched. do stuff
} else {
// original process
To emphasise: There are 3 processes. The original, the watcher process (that handles timeout etc.) and the actual watched process.
To do this, you'll need to use some form of IPC, and named shared memory segments makes perfect sense here. Your first child could read a value in a named segment which the other child will set once it has completed it's work. Your first child could set a time out and once that time out expires, check for the value - if the value is not set, then do what you need to do.
The code can vary greatly depending on C or C++, you need to select which. If C++, you can use boost::interprocess for this - which has lots of examples of shared memory usage. If C, then you'll have to put this together using native calls for your OS - again this should be fairly straightforward - start at shmget()
This is some orientative code that could help you to solve the problem in a Linux environment.
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) {
printf("fork: %s", strerror(errno));
} else if (pid > 0) {
/* parent process */
int i = 0;
int secs = 60; /* 60 secs for the process to finish */
while(1) {
/* check if process with pid exists */
if (exist(pid) && i > secs) {
/* do something accordingly */
} else {
/* child process */
/* child logic here */
... those 60 seconds are not very strict. you could better use a timer if you want more strict timing measurement. But if your system doesn't need critical real time processing should be just fine like this.
exist(pid) refers to a function that you should have code that looks into proc/pid where pid is the process id of the child process.
Optionally, you can implement the function exist(pid) using other libraries designed to extract information from the /proc directory like procps
The only processes you can wait on are your own direct child processes - not siblings, not your parent, not grandchildren, etc. Depending on your program's needs, Matt's solution may work for you. If not, here are some other alternatives:
Forget about waiting and use another form of IPC. For robustness, it needs to be something where unexpected termination of the process you're waiting on results in your receiving an event. The best one I can think of is opening a pipe which both processes share, and giving the writing end of the pipe to the process you want to wait for (make sure no other processes keep the writing end open!). When the process holding the writing end terminates, it will be closed, and the reading end will then indicate EOF (read will block on it until the writing end is closed, then return a zero-length read).
Forget about IPC and use threads. One advantage of threads is that the atomicity of a "process" is preserved. It's impossible for individual threads to be killed or otherwise terminate outside of the control of your program, so you don't have to worry about race conditions with process ids and shared resource allocation in the system-global namespace (IPC objects, filenames, sockets, etc.). All synchronization primitives exist purely within your process's address space.