Multi Threading Using Boost C++ - Synchronisation Issue - c++

I would like to do multithreading where Thread ONE passes data to 4-5 Worker Threads which process the data and ones ALL Worker Threads are finished I would like to continue. I'm using boost to realize that however I have a synchronisation problem. Meaning at one point the program stops and doesn't continue working.
I used OpenMP before and that works nicely but I would like to set the thread priorities individually and I could not figure out how to do that with OpenMP therefore I worked on my own solution:
I would be very glad if some could give hints to find the bug in this code or could help me to find another approach for the problem.
Thank you,
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#define N_CORE 6
#define N_POINTS 10
#define N_RUNS 100000
class Sema{
Sema(int _n =0): m_count(_n),m_mut(),m_cond(){}
void set(int _n)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> w_lock(m_mut);
m_count = -_n;
void wait()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mut);
while (m_count < 0)
void post()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mut);
boost::condition_variable m_cond;
boost::mutex m_mut;
int m_count;
class Pool
boost::thread m_WorkerThread;
boost::condition_variable m_startWork;
bool m_WorkerRun;
bool m_InnerRun;
Sema * m_sem;
std::vector<int> *m_Ep;
std::vector<int> m_ret;
void calc()
unsigned int no_pt(m_Ep->size());
std::vector<int> c_ret;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<no_pt;i++)
c_ret.push_back(100 + m_Ep->at(i));
m_ret = c_ret;
void run()
boost::mutex WaitWorker_MUTEX;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u_lock(WaitWorker_MUTEX);
void start(Sema * _sem){
m_WorkerRun = true;
m_sem = _sem;
m_WorkerThread = boost::thread(&Pool::run, this);}
void stop(){m_WorkerRun = false;}
void join(){m_WorkerThread.join();}
void newWork(std::vector<int> &Ep)
m_Ep = &Ep;
std::vector<int> getWork(){return m_ret;}
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
Pool TP[N_CORE];
Sema _sem(0);
for(int k=0;k<N_CORE;k++)
std::vector<int> V[N_CORE];
for(int k=0;k<N_CORE;k++)
for(int i=0;i<N_POINTS;i++)
for(int j=0;j<N_RUNS;j++)
for(int k=0;k<N_CORE;k++)
for(int k=0;k<N_CORE;k++)
std::cout<<"ERROR: "<<"V["<<k<<"].size(): "<<V[k].size()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"LOOP: "<<j+1<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"FINISHED: "<<std::endl;
return a.exec();

You have a race between the calls to Pool::newWork() and Pool::run().
You have to remember that signaling/broadcasting a condition variable is not a sticky event. If your thread is not waiting on the condition variable at the time of the signaling, the signal will be lost. This is what can happen in your program: There is nothing that prevents your main thread to call Pool::newWork() on each of your Pool objects before they have time to call wait() on your condition variable.
To solve this, you need to move boost::mutex WaitWorker_MUTEX as a class member instead of it being a local variable. Pool::newWork() needs to grab that mutex before doing updates:
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u_lock(WaitWorker_MUTEX);
m_Ep = &Ep;
m_startWork.notify(); // no need to use notify_all()
Since you're using a condition variable in Pool::run(), you need to handle spurious wakeup. I would recommend setting m_Ep to NULL when you construct the object and every time you're done with the work item:
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u_lock(WaitWorker_MUTEX);
while (1) {
while (m_Ep == NULL && m_workerRun) {
if (!m_workerRun) {
m_Ep = NULL;
stop() will need to grab the mutex and notify():
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u_lock(WaitWorker_MUTEX);
m_workRun = false;
These changes should make the 10ms sleep you have un-necessary. You do not seem to call Pool::stop() or Pool::join(). You should change your code to call them.
You'll also get better performance by working on m_ret in Pool::calc() than copying the result at the end. You're also doing copies when you return the work. You might want Pool::getWork() to return a const ref to m_ret.
I have not run this code so there might be other issues. It should help you move
It seems from your code that you're probably wondering why condition variables need to go hand in hand with a mutex (because you declare one local mutex in Pool::run()). I hope my fix makes it clearer.

It could be done with Boost futures. Start the threads then wait for all of them to finish. No other synchronization needed.


block the main thread to wait for its child threads

So I have this class:
class foo {
foo() { };
void me1() const {
while(1) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> ldock(m);
std::cout << 0;
void me2() const {
while(1) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> ldock(m);
std::cout << 1;
std::mutex m;
Now I want to run this two methods in some two different threads, I do it like this:
int main() {
foo myfoo;
std::thread firstThread(&foo::me1, &myfoo);
std::thread secondThread(&foo::me2, &myfoo);
//while(1) { }
return 0;
I don't want to wait for any of this two methods to finish, they will simultaneously run until the main thread will be killed.
Is it ok to have some kind of infinite-loop at the end of main thread? (like the commented while(1) {}).
Or should I call some kinda sleep function?
You need to define an exit condition in your foo::me1() and foo::me2() . If you don't know how to do that, that
sleep(/*number of seconds you want your program to run*/ );
will do just fine.
If you define a termination clause then the bruteforce would be
to expose something like an atomic:
class foo {
std::atomic<int> me1done = false;
std::atomic<int> me2done = false;
foo() { };
void me1() {
while(/* need exit condition here*/) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> ldock(m);
std::cout << 0;
me1done = true;
void me2() {
while(/*need exit condition here*/) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> ldock(m);
std::cout << 1;
me2done = true;
std::mutex m;
and then you can check in main by polling every x-seconds.
int main(void)
// start your threads and detach
foo myfoo;
std::thread firstThread(&foo::me1, &myfoo);
std::thread secondThread(&foo::me2, &myfoo);
while( not (myfoo.me1done and myfoo.me2done ) )
sleep( /* some time */);
return 0;
If you want to be more elaborate you will have to work with condition variables.
If you want to determine if the two threads have finished your best bet is actually not to detach() the threads but rather join() them before exiting the main thread. That is, you'd kick off both threads and they'll run concurrently and once kicked off you simply join() each. Of course, that assumes that the threads would terminate.
Having a detach()ed thread effectively means you can never be sure if it has finished. That is generally rarely useful and I consider it a mistake that detach() was added to std::thread. However, even with detach()ed thread you can recognize when an objective is achieved without a busy wait. To that end you'd set up suitable variables indicating completion or progress and have them protected by a std::mutex. The main thread would then wait() on a std::condition_variable which gets notify_once()ed by the respective thread upon the completion/progress update which would be done in reasonable intervals. Once all threads have indicated that they are done or have achieved a suitable objective the main() thread can finish.
Using a timer alone is generally not a good approach. The signalling between threads is typically preferable and tends to create a more responsive system. You can still used a timed version of wait() (i.e., wait_until() or wait_for()), e.g., to alert upon suspecting a somehow hung or timed-out thread.
empty infinite loops as while(1) { } are UB.
adding a sleep inside is OK though.
To run infinitely foo::me1/foo::me2, you have several other choices:
int main()
foo myfoo;
std::thread firstThread(&foo::me1, &myfoo);
std::thread secondThread(&foo::me2, &myfoo);
firstThread.join(); // wait infinitely as it never ends.
secondThread.join(); // and so never reach
or simply use main thread to do one work:
int main()
foo myfoo;
std::thread firstThread(&foo::me1, &myfoo);
myfoo.me2(); // work infinitely as it never ends.
firstThread.join(); // and so never reach

How can I tell when my ThreadPool is finished with its tasks?

In c++11, I have a ThreadPool object which manages a number of threads that are enqueued via a single lambda function. I know how many rows of data I have to work on and so I know ahead of time that I will need to queue N jobs. What I am not sure about is how to tell when all of those jobs are finished, so I can move on to the next step.
This is the code to manage the ThreadPool:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
class ThreadPool;
class Worker {
Worker(ThreadPool &s) : pool(s) { }
void operator()();
ThreadPool &pool;
class ThreadPool {
template<class F>
void enqueue(F f);
void joinAll();
int taskSize();
friend class Worker;
// the task queue
std::deque< std::function<void()> > tasks;
// keep track of threads
std::vector< std::thread > workers;
// sync
std::mutex queue_mutex;
std::condition_variable condition;
bool stop;
void Worker::operator()()
std::function<void()> task;
{ // acquire lock
// look for a work item
while ( !pool.stop && pool.tasks.empty() ) {
// if there are none wait for notification
if ( pool.stop ) {// exit if the pool is stopped
// get the task from the queue
task = pool.tasks.front();
} // release lock
// execute the task
// the constructor just launches some amount of workers
ThreadPool::ThreadPool(size_t threads)
: stop(false)
for (size_t i = 0;i<threads;++i) {
// the destructor joins all threads
// stop all threads
stop = true;
// join them
for ( size_t i = 0;i<workers.size();++i) {
void ThreadPool::joinAll() {
// join them
for ( size_t i = 0;i<workers.size();++i) {
int ThreadPool::taskSize() {
return tasks.size();
// add new work item to the pool
template<class F>
void ThreadPool::enqueue(F f)
{ // acquire lock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queue_mutex);
// add the task
} // release lock
// wake up one thread
And then I distribute my job among threads like this:
ThreadPool pool(4);
/* ... */
for (int y=0;y<N;y++) {
pool->enqueue([this,y] {
// wait until all threads are finished
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(100) );
Waiting for 100 milliseconds works just because I know those jobs can complete in less time than 100ms, but obviously its not the best approach. Once it has completed N rows of processing it needs to go through another 1000 or so generations of the same thing. Obviously, I want to begin the next generation as soon as I can.
I know there must be some way to add code into my ThreadPool so that I can do something like this:
while ( pool->isBusy() ) {
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(1) );
I've been working on this for a couple nights now and I find it hard to find good examples of how to do this. So, what would be the proper way to implementat my isBusy() method?
I got it!
First of all, I introduced a few extra members to the ThreadPool class:
class ThreadPool {
/* ... exisitng code ... */
/* plus the following */
std::atomic<int> njobs_pending;
std::mutex main_mutex;
std::condition_variable main_condition;
Now, I can do better than checking some status every X amount of time. Now, I can block the Main loop until no more jobs are pending:
void ThreadPool::waitUntilCompleted(unsigned n) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(main_mutex);
As long as I manage what's pending with the following bookkeeping code, at the head of the ThreadPool.enqueue() function:
and right after I run the task in the Worker::operator()() function:
if ( --pool.njobs_pending == 0 ) {
Then the main thread can enqueue whatever tasks are necessary and then sit and wait until all calculations are completed with:
for (int y=0;y<N;y++) {
pool->enqueue([this,y] {
You may need to create an internal structure of threads associated with a bool variable flag.
class ThreadPool {
// This Structure Will Keep Track Of Each Thread's Progress
struct ThreadInfo {
std::thread thread;
bool isDone;
ThreadInfo( std::thread& threadIn ) :
thread( threadIn ), isDone(false)
}; // ThredInfo
// This Vector Should Be Populated In The Constructor Initially And
// Updated Anytime You Would Add A New Task.
// This Should Also Replace // std::vector<std::thread> workers
std::vector<ThreadInfo> workers;
// The rest of your class would appear to be the same, but you need a
// way to test if a particular thread is currently active. When the
// thread is done this bool flag would report as being true;
// This will only return or report if a particular thread is done or not
// You would have to set this variable's flag for a particular thread to
// true when it completes its task, otherwise it will always be false
// from moment of creation. I did not add in any bounds checking to keep
// it simple which should be taken into consideration.
bool isBusy( unsigned idx ) const {
return workers[idx].isDone;
If you have N jobs and they have to be awaited for by calling thread sleep, then the most efficient way would be to create somewhere a variable, that would be set by an atomic operation to N before scheduling jobs and inside each job when done with computation, there would be atomic decrement of the variable. Then you can use atomic instruction to test if the variable is zero.
Or locked decrement with wait handles, when the variable would decrement to zero.
I just have to say, I do not like this idea you are asking for:
while ( pool->isBusy() ) {
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(1) );
It just does not fit well, it won't be 1ms almost never, it is using resources needlessly etc...
The best way would be to decrement some variable atomically, and test atomically the variable if all done and the last job will simply based on atomic test set WaitForSingleObject.
And if you must, the waiting will be on WaitForSingleObject, and would woke up after completion, not many times.

C++ Blocking Queue Segfault w/ Boost

I had a need for a Blocking Queue in C++ with timeout-capable offer(). The queue is intended for multiple producers, one consumer. Back when I was implementing, I didn't find any good existing queues that fit this need, so I coded it myself.
I'm seeing segfaults come out of the take() method on the queue, but they are intermittent. I've been looking over the code for issues but I'm not seeing anything that looks problematic.
I'm wondering if:
There is an existing library that does this reliably that I should
use (boost or header-only preferred).
Anyone sees any obvious flaw in my code that I need to fix.
Here is the header:
class BlockingQueue
BlockingQueue(unsigned int capacity) : capacity(capacity) { };
bool offer(const MyType & myType, unsigned int timeoutMillis);
MyType take();
void put(const MyType & myType);
unsigned int getCapacity();
unsigned int getCount();
std::deque<MyType> queue;
unsigned int capacity;
And the relevant implementations:
boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
bool BlockingQueue::offer(const MyType & myType, unsigned int timeoutMillis)
Timer timer;
// boost::unique_lock is a scoped lock - its destructor will call unlock().
// So no need for us to make that call here.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
// We use a while loop here because the monitor may have woken up because
// another producer did a PulseAll. In that case, the queue may not have
// room, so we need to re-check and re-wait if that is the case.
// We use an external stopwatch to stop the madness if we have taken too long.
while (queue.size() >= this->capacity)
int monitorTimeout = timeoutMillis - ((unsigned int) timer.getElapsedMilliSeconds());
if (monitorTimeout <= 0)
return false;
if (!cond.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(timeoutMillis)))
return false;
return true;
void BlockingQueue::put(const MyType & myType)
// boost::unique_lock is a scoped lock - its destructor will call unlock().
// So no need for us to make that call here.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
// We use a while loop here because the monitor may have woken up because
// another producer did a PulseAll. In that case, the queue may not have
// room, so we need to re-check and re-wait if that is the case.
// We use an external stopwatch to stop the madness if we have taken too long.
while (queue.size() >= this->capacity)
MyType BlockingQueue::take()
// boost::unique_lock is a scoped lock - its destructor will call unlock().
// So no need for us to make that call here.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
while (queue.size() == 0)
MyType myType = this->queue.front();
return myType;
unsigned int BlockingQueue::getCapacity()
return this->capacity;
unsigned int BlockingQueue::getCount()
return this->queue.size();
And yes, I didn't implement the class using templates - that is next on the list :)
Any help is greatly appreciated. Threading issues can be really hard to pin down.
Why are cond, and mut globals? I would expect them to be members of your BlockingQueue object. I don't know what else is touching those things, but there may be an issue there.
I too have implemented a ThreadSafeQueue as part of a larger project:
It is a similar concept to yours, except the enqueue (aka offer) functions are non-blocking because there is basically no max capacity. To enforce a capacity I typically have a pool with N buffers added at system init time, and a Queue for message passing at run time, this also eliminates the need for memory allocation at run time which I consider to be a good thing (I typically work on embedded applications).
The only difference between a pool, and a queue is that a pool gets a bunch of buffers enqueued at system init time. So you have something like this:
ThreadSafeQueue<BufferDataType*> pool;
ThreadSafeQueue<BufferDataType*> queue;
void init()
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFS; i++)
pool.enqueue(new BufferDataType);
Then when you want send a message you do something like the following:
void producerA()
BufferDataType *buf;
if (pool.waitDequeue(buf, timeout) == true)
This way the enqueue function is quick and easy, but if the pool is empty, then you will block until someone puts a buffer back into the pool. The idea being that some other thread will be blocking on the queue and will return buffers to the pool when they have been processed as follows:
void consumer()
BufferDataType *buf;
if (queue.waitDequeue(buf, timeout) == true)
Anyways take a look at it, maybe it will help.
I suppose the problem in your code is modifying the deque by several threads. Look:
you're waiting for codition from another thread;
and then immediately sending a signal to other threads that deque is unlocked just before you want to modify it;
then you modifying the deque while other threads are thinking deque is allready unlocked and starting doing the same.
So, try to place all the cond.notify_*() after modifying the deque. I.e.:
void BlockingQueue::put(const MyType & myType)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
while (queue.size() >= this->capacity)
queue.push_back(myType); // <- modify first
cond.notify_all(); // <- then say to others that deque is free
For better understanding I suggest to read about the pthread_cond_wait().

C/C++ pthread signals and pointers

I'm having the hardest time trying to wrap my head around how to allow threads to signal each other.
My design:
The main function creates a single master thread that coordinates a bunch of other worker threads. The main function also creates the workers because the worker threads spawn and exit at intervals programmed in the main. The master thread needs to be able to signal these worker threads and signal_broadcast them all as well as the worker threads have to signal the master back (pthread_cond_signal). Since each thread needs a pthread_mutex and pthread_cond I made a Worker class and a Master class with these variables. Now this is where I am stuck. C++ does not allow you to pass member functions as the pthread_create(...) handler so I had to make a static handler inside and pass a pointer to itself to reinterpret_cast it to use its class data...
void Worker::start() {
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &Worker::run, this);
void* Worker::run(void *ptr) {
Worker* data = reinterpret_cast<Worker*>(ptr);
The problem I have with this, probably wrong, setup is that when I passed in an array of worker pointers to the Master thread it signals a different reference of worker because I think the cast did some sort of copy. So I tried static_cast and same behavior.
I just need some sort of design where the Master and workers can pthread_cond_wait(...) and pthread_cond_signal(...) each other.
Edit 1
Worker(const Worker&);
Still not working.
Edit Fixed the potential race in all versions:
1./1b Employs a sempaaphore built from a (mutex+condition+counter) as outlined in C++0x has no semaphores? How to synchronize threads?
2. uses a 'reverse' wait to ensure that a signal got ack-ed by the intended worker
I'd really suggest to use c++11 style <thread> and <condition_variable> to achieve this.
I have two (and a half) demonstations. They each assume you have 1 master that drives 10 workers. Each worker awaits a signal before it does it's work.
We'll use std::condition_variable (which works in conjunction with a std::mutex) to do the signaling. The difference between the first and second version will be the way in which the signaling is done:
1. Notifying any worker, one at a time:
1b. With a worker struct
2. Notifying all threads, coordinating which recipient worker is to respond
1. Notifying any worker, one at a time:
This is the simplest to do, because there's little coordination going on:
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;
class semaphore
{ // see
std::mutex mx;
std::condition_variable cv;
unsigned long count;
semaphore() : count() {}
void notify();
void wait();
static void run(int id, struct master& m);
struct master
mutable semaphore sem;
for (int i = 0; i<10; ++i)
threads.emplace_back(run, i, ref(*this));
~master() {
for(auto& th : threads) if (th.joinable()) th.join();
std::cout << "done\n";
void drive()
// do wakeups
for (unsigned i = 0; i<threads.size(); ++i)
vector<thread> threads;
static void run(int id, master& m)
static mutex io_mx;
lock_guard<mutex> lk(io_mx);
cout << "signaled: " << id << "\n";
int main()
master instance;;
/// semaphore members
void semaphore::notify()
lock_guard<mutex> lk(mx);
void semaphore::wait()
unique_lock<mutex> lk(mx);
1b. With a worker struct
Note, if you had worker classes with worker::run a non-static member function, you can do the same with minor modifications:
struct worker
worker(int id) : id(id) {}
void run(master& m) const;
int id;
// ...
struct master
// ...
for (int i = 0; i<10; ++i)
for (auto& w: workers)
threads.emplace_back(&worker::run, ref(w), ref(*this));
// ...
void worker::run(master& m) const
static mutex io_mx;
lock_guard<mutex> lk(io_mx);
cout << "signaled: " << id << "\n";
A caveat
cv.wait() could suffer spurious wake-ups, in which the condition variable wasn't atually raised (e.g. in the event of OS signal handlers). This is a common thing to happen with condition variables on any platfrom.
The following approach fixes this:
2. Notifying all threads, coordinating which recipient worker
Use a flag to signal which thread was intended to receive the signal:
struct master
mutable mutex mx;
mutable condition_variable cv;
int signaled_id; // ADDED
master() : signaled_id(-1)
Let's pretend that driver got a lot more interesting and wants to signal all workers in a specific (random...) order:
void drive()
// generate random wakeup order
vector<int> wakeups(10);
iota(begin(wakeups), end(wakeups), 0);
random_shuffle(begin(wakeups), end(wakeups));
// do wakeups
for (int id : wakeups)
void signal(int id) // ADDED id
unique_lock<mutex> lk(mx);
std::cout << "signaling " << id << "\n";
signaled_id = id; // ADDED put it in the shared field
cv.wait(lk, [&] { return signaled_id == -1; });
Now all we have to do is make sure that the receiving thread checks that it's id matches:, [&] { return m.signaled_id == id; });
m.signaled_id = -1;;
This puts an end to spurious wake-ups.
Full code listings/live demos:
1. notify_one.cpp
1b. id. with worker struct:
2. notify_all.cpp
It is not clear what your exact circumstances are, but it seems like you are using a container to hold your "Worker" instances that are created in main, and passing them to your "Master". If this is the case, there are a few remedies available to you. You need to pick one that is appropriate to your implementation.
Pass a reference to the container in main to the Master.
Change the container to hold (smart) pointers to Workers.
Make the container part of "Master" itself, so that it doesn't need to be passed to it.
Implement a proper destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator for your Worker class (in other words, obey the Rule of Three).
Technically speaking, since pthread_create() is a C API, the function pointer that is passed to it needs to have C linkage (extern "C"). You can't make a method of a C++ class have C linkage, so you should define an external function:
extern "C" { static void * worker_run (void *arg); }
class Worker { //...
static void * worker_run (void *arg) {
return Worker::run(arg);

Is possible to get a thread-locking mechanism in C++ with a std::atomic_flag?

Using MS Visual C++2012
A class has a member of type std::atomic_flag
class A {
std::atomic_flag lockFlag;
A () { std::atomic_flag_clear (&lockFlag); }
There is an object of type A
A object;
who can be accessed by two (Boost) threads
void thr1(A* objPtr) { ... }
void thr2(A* objPtr) { ... }
The idea is wait the thread if the object is being accessed by the other thread.
The question is: do it is possible construct such mechanism with an atomic_flag object? Not to say that for the moment, I want some lightweight that a boost::mutex.
By the way the process involved in one of the threads is very long query to a dBase who get many rows, and I only need suspend it in a certain zone of code where the collision occurs (when processing each row) and I can't wait the entire thread to finish join().
I've tryed in each thread some as:
thr1 (A* objPtr) {
while (std::atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit (&objPtr->lockFlag, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
... /* Zone to portect */
std::atomic_flag_clear_explicit (&objPtr->lockFlag, std::memory_order_release);
... /* the process continues */
But with no success, because the second thread hangs. In fact, I don't completely understand the mechanism involved in the atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit function. Neither if such function returns inmediately or can delay until the flag can be locked.
Also it is a mistery to me how to get a lock mechanism with such a function who always set the value, and return the previous value. with no option to only read the actual setting.
Any suggestion are welcome.
By the way the process involved in one of the threads is very long query to a dBase who get many rows, and I only need suspend it in a certain zone of code where the collision occurs (when processing each row) and I can't wait the entire thread to finish join().
Such a zone is known as the critical section. The simplest way to work with a critical section is to lock by mutual exclusion.
The mutex solution suggested is indeed the way to go, unless you can prove that this is a hotspot and the lock contention is a performance problem. Lock-free programming using just atomic and intrinsics is enormously complex and cannot be recommended at this level.
Here's a simple example showing how you could do this (live on
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
struct A
std::mutex mux;
int x;
A() : x(0) {}
void threadf(A* data)
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(data->mux);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
A instance;
auto t1 = std::thread(threadf, &instance);
auto t2 = std::thread(threadf, &instance);
std::cout << instance.x << std::endl;
return 0;
It looks like you're trying to write a spinlock. Yes, you can do that with std::atomic_flag, but you are better off using std::mutex instead. Don't use atomics unless you really know what you're doing.
To actually answer the question asked: Yes, you can use std::atomic_flag to create a thread locking object called a spinlock.
#include <atomic>
class atomic_lock
void lock()
while ( lock_.test_and_set() ) { } // Spin until the lock is acquired.
void unlock()
std::atomic_flag lock_;