parallel_pipeline not terminating - c++
i am using parallel_pipeline function in my code.Sometimes when my condition is satisfied it stops the pipeline and sometimes it does not.When the flow control calls stop even after that it does not terminate instead it calls its next part and prints on console and then console output becomes like it is been staying in infinite loop and doing nothing.
Code is :
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tbb/pipeline.h>
#include <tbb/atomic.h>
#include <tbb/concurrent_queue.h>
#include <tbb/compat/thread>
#include <tbb/tbbmalloc_proxy.h>
#include <tbb/tick_count.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace tbb;
#define pi 3.141593
#define FILTER_LEN 265
double coeffs[ FILTER_LEN ] =
class MyBuffer
double *acc;
double *buffer;
int start,end;
static int j;
buffer=new double[150264];
acc=new double[150000];
delete[] buffer;
delete[] acc;
int startnumber()
return start;
int endnumber()
return end;
typedef concurrent_bounded_queue<MyBuffer> QueueMyBufferType;
QueueMyBufferType chunk_queue;
atomic<bool> stop_flag;
atomic<bool> stop_filter;
int MyBuffer::j=0;
int queueloopcount=30;
void input_function()
stop_flag = false;
cout<<"thread reached to call input function " <<endl;
ofstream o("testing sinewave.csv");
int counter=0;
// cout<<"value of counter is \t" <<counter << endl;
MyBuffer *b=new MyBuffer;
// cout<<"value of b.start is and b.end is "<<b->start<<"\t" <<b->end<<endl;
for(int i =b->startnumber(); i <b->endnumber(); i++)
b->buffer[i] = sin(700 * (2 * pi) * (i / 5000.0));
// cout<<"value of queueloopcount is "<< queueloopcount << endl;
cout<<"all data is perfectly generated" <<endl;
int main()
int ntokens = 8;
thread inputfunc(input_function);
tick_count t1,t2;
ofstream o("filter700Hz.csv");
bool stop_pipeline = false;
filter::parallel,[&](flow_control& fc)->MyBuffer*
cout<<"pipeline stopped"<<endl;
MyBuffer *b=new MyBuffer;
cout<<"value of start and end popped is "<<b->startnumber()<<"\t"<<b->endnumber()<<endl;
return b;
make_filter<MyBuffer*, void>
filter::serial,[&](MyBuffer* b)
cout<<"value of second filter start is and end is \t "<< b->startnumber() << "\t" << b->endnumber() <<endl;
cout<<"now i am out" <<endl;
cout << "\n Time elapsed is \n\n" <<(t2-t1).seconds()<<endl;
return 0;
please help to find where code is wrong.
The Problem in this code is with filter i.e parallel in first stage that is causing problem to flow_control object which tries to pop and it is a blocking call due to which it blocks and solution to this is you should probably have a serial first filter that only create an empty MyBuffer* and stop the pipeline if no more work is due. Then have a parallel second filter that performs the real work and finally a serial (in-order) output stage.
How do I fix errors 2298 and 2563
I'm trying to make a class for an assignment. It is supposed to record how long it takes a program to run and how many times a loop is looped and then put that information into a file. Right now, it is giving me: error 2298 "missing call to bound pointer to member function" and error 2563 "mismatch in formal parameter list." I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to fix these; it's probably less complicated than I'm making it, but any help would be appreciated. #include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <chrono> #include <string> using namespace std; class Timer { private: typedef chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock; Clock::time_point epoch; public: Timer() { epoch = Clock::now(); } Clock::duration getElapsedTime() { return Clock::now() - epoch; } }; int loopCount() { for (int count=0;count<=100;) { count++; } return count; } int fProjectDebugFile() { fstream debugFile; ("FinalProjectDebugger.txt", fstream::out | fstream::app); string jar(Timer); cout << jar << endl << loopCount() << endl; debugFile.close(); return 0; }
You can't access loop variables outside the loop. So, move the declaration outside the loop, i.e. replace this : int loopCount(){ for(int count=0;count<=100;){ count++;} return count; } with this: int loopCount() { int count = 0; while (count <= 100) { count++; } return count; } Also, this : class Timer ... string jar(Timer); doesn't make much sense. Timer is a type, so string jar(Timer); declares a function named jar that takes a Timer object as a parameter and returns a string.
Is there a way to display my prime number list output in 2 columns?
I am taking my first programming class and this is my first time posting. I have been able to find help on this site for previous projects when I got stuck, and I hope I am doing this right. I have completed the program below to display only prime number between 0 and 100 for my intro to C++ class. The only thing is it kinda bothers me that it is in a single column, I wanted to go the extra step and make it look all nice and display the numbers in a couple columns. I tried using "\t", but I can't get it to work right. Any ideas on what I might add to my code? I think I could do it using an array but we have not covered it in class and I'm not supposed to use them yet. the challenge was: "Use the isPrime function that you wrote in Programming Challenge 21 in a program that stores a list of all the prime numbers from 1 through 100 in a file." and here is my code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; bool isPrime(int); int main() { static int num1=0; cout<<"Listed below is all prime numbers from 1 through 100."<<endl<<endl<<endl; do { num1++; if (isPrime(num1)) { cout<<num1<<endl; } } while (num1<100); cout<<endl; return 0; } bool isPrime(int num1) { bool primeNum=true; for (int i=2;i<num1;i++) { if (num1%i==0) { primeNum=false; } } return primeNum; } Thanks in advance for any input,
Find cout.width() #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; bool isPrime(int); int main() { static int num1 = 0; cout << "Listed below is all prime numbers from 1 through 100." << endl << endl << endl; int column = 0; // column variable int width = 10; // column width size do { num1++; if (isPrime(num1)) { cout.width(width); // set column's width cout << num1; if (column == 1) { // if prime number is printed in column 2 cout << endl; // add new line column = 0; // set column to first } else { column++; // increase column index } } } while (num1<100); cout << endl; return 0; } bool isPrime(int num1) { // error: your isPrime returns true when num1 is 1 or 2. change it if (num1 == 1 || num1 == 2) return false; // your isPrime bool primeNum = true; for (int i = 2; i<num1; i++) { if (num1%i == 0) { primeNum = false; } } return primeNum; }
I just realized the question asked for me to STORE the list to a file. So I rewrote and here is my new code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> using namespace std; bool isPrime(int); int main() { int num=0; cout<<"This Program will store a list of only the prime numbers "<<endl; cout<<"between 0 and 100 to the text file \"PrimeNumberList\"."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Find the list by using the file explorer to search for \"PrimeNumberList.txt\"."<<endl; ofstream outFile;"PrimeNumberList.txt"); if ( { cout<<"Error opening \"PrimeNumberList.txt\" for output."<<endl; return 1; } for (int i=1;i<100;i++) { if(isPrime(i)) { outFile<<i<<endl; } } return 0; } bool isPrime(int num1) { if (num1==1)return false; bool primeNum=true; for (int i=2;i<num1;i++) { if (num1%i==0) { primeNum=false; } } return primeNum; }
Program Crashes While Setting Data in Array
I'm working on a project and every time I go to set example[4].m_dArray[3], the program crashes. I can set the value of every other variable up until I get to example[4].m_dArray[3]. Any help would be appreciated! Prog1Class.h: #include "Prog1Struct.h" #pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; class Prog1Class { private: Prog1Struct example[4]; public: Prog1Class(); ~Prog1Class (); void setStructData(); void getStructData(); void ptrFunction(); void refFunction(); void printStruct(); void printData(); }; Prog1Struct.h: #pragma once #include <string.h> struct Prog1Struct { int m_iVal; double m_dArray[4]; char m_sLine[80]; }; Prog1Class.cpp: #include "Prog1Class.h" #include "Prog1Struct.h" #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; Prog1Class::Prog1Class() { } Prog1Class::~Prog1Class() { delete &example[4]; } int main() { Prog1Class *aClass = new Prog1Class(); aClass->setStructData(); aClass->printData(); return 0; } void Prog1Class::setStructData() { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { cout << "Enter an integer: "; cin >> example[i].m_iVal; for(int j=0;j<5;j++) { cout << endl << "Enter a double: "; cin >> example[i].m_dArray[j]; } cout << endl << "Enter a string: "; cin.ignore(256,'\n'); cin.getline(example[i].m_sLine, 80, '\n'); cout << endl; } } void Prog1Class::getStructData() { } void Prog1Class::printData() { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { cout << example[i].m_iVal; for(int j=0;j<5;j++) { cout << example[i].m_dArray[j]; } cout << example[i].m_sLine; } }
You need to change this class Prog1Class { private: Prog1Struct example[4]; to this class Prog1Class { private: Prog1Struct example[5]; In C++ arrays start at index 0, so an array of size 4 has valid indexes 0 upto 3. You're using example[4] so you need an array of (at least) size 5. You also need to remove delete &example[4]; from your destructor as well.
First , delete &example[4]; should be delete [] example; Second, where did you allocate memory for example?
You need to show the way the example object is declared? I'd suspect some mis-allocated or mis-declared problem with it. Your setStructureData doesn't do anything ostensibly wrong (assuming the array sizes match and the size of the string is fitting - it is a char array, not a pointer, correct?).
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // ^^^^^ Your for loops should have an ending condition with i < 4 since your arrays have only 4 spaces. Moreover, your delete should be delete[] example;.
Array deletion is delete [] example, not your way. Also, to use delete data needs to be allocated with new Here is small example how to use new and delete #include <iostream> struct foo { foo() {std::cout <<"constructed\n";} ~foo() {std::cout <<"destroyed\n";} }; int main () { foo * pt; pt = new foo[3]; delete[] pt; return 0; } Also the output: constructed constructed constructed destroyed destroyed destroyed I gave a lesson about new/delete and just now seen real problem: example[4] is out of bounds. If you declare array with 4 elements it means you have indexes 0, 1, 2, 3 and nothing more.
C++, using stack.h read a string, then display it in reverse
For my current assignment, I have to use the following header file, #ifndef STACK_H #define STACK_H template <class T, int n> class STACK { private: T a[n]; int counter; public: void MakeStack() { counter = 0; } bool FullStack() { return (counter == n) ? true : false ; } bool EmptyStack() { return (counter == 0) ? true : false ; } void PushStack(T x) { a[counter] = x; counter++; } T PopStack() { counter--; return a[counter]; } }; #endif To write a program that will take a sentence, store it into the "stack", and then display it in reverse, and I have to allow the user to repeat this process as much as they want. The thing is, I am NOT allowed to use arrays (otherwise I wouldn't need help with this), and am finding myself stumped. To give an idea of what I am attempting, here is my code as of posting, which obviously does not work fully but is simply meant to give an idea of the assignment. #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include "STACK.h" using namespace std; int main(void) { auto time_t a; auto STACK<char, 256> s; auto string curStr; auto int i; // Displays the current time and date time(&a); cout << "Today is " << ctime(&a) << endl; s.MakeStack(); cin >> curStr; i = 0; do { s.PushStack(curStr[i]); i++; } while (s.FullStack() == false); do { cout << s.PopStack(); } while (s.EmptyStack() == false); return 0; } // end of "main" UPDATE This is my code currently #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctime> #include "STACK.h" using namespace std; time_t a; STACK<char, 256> s; string curStr; int i; int n; // Displays the current time and date time(&a); cout << "Today is " << ctime(&a) << endl; s.MakeStack(); getline(cin, curStr); i = 0; n = curStr.size(); do { s.PushStack(curStr[i++]); i++; }while(i < n); do { cout << s.PopStack(); }while( !(s.EmptyStack()) ); return 0;
You're on the right track, but you shouldn't be looping until the stack is full -- there are no guarantees curStr consists of at least 256 characters. Instead, loop like as follows... int n = curStr.size(); do { s.PushStack(curStr[i++]); } while (i < n); Now, you should really not write <bool-expr> == false or <bool-expr> == true... instead, merely write !<bool-expr> and <bool-expr>, respectively. You don't need all of your auto storage specifiers on the local variables, either. Your professor should also look into using the constructor rather than using MakeStack. edit: It appears you had some trouble translating my code. You only need to i++ once per loop -- this increments our position in the string. As you are doing it now, you are actually incrementing the position twice and thus only pushing every other character.
Use a linked list instead of array in stack. In the linked list, always store the tail pointer of your list's last node. Each node maintains a reference to your prev node. A <--- B <---- C (tail) push: A <--- B <---- C <---- D (tail) pop: A <--- B <---- C (tail) // D is popped out when the tail == null, you know it is an empty stack
Code Crashes Immediately After Running
Even at the bare minimum of 10 numbers to input, I get no errors but my code crashes immediately on running. I was also wondering, what should I do if I have a question similar to another question that I've already asked, but on another new problem? #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> using namespace std; int primer(int max); int main() { primer(5); system("pause"); return 0; } int primer(int max){ vector<int> a; a[1]=2; for (int i=2;i<=max;i++){ bool prime=true; for (int ii=0;ii<a.size();ii++) { if (i/a[ii]==floor(i/a[ii])) { prime=false; } } if (prime==true) { a.push_back(i); } } for (int iii=0;iii<=a.size();iii++) { cout << a[iii] << endl; } } I get no errors but the compiled code crashes immediately. I changed it to #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> using namespace std; int primer(int max); int main() { primer(5); system("pause"); return 0; } int primer(int max){ vector<int> a; a.push_back(2); for (double i=2;i<=max;i++){ bool prime=true; for (int ii=0;ii<a.size();ii++) { if (i/a[ii]==floor(i/a[ii])) { prime=false; } } if (prime) { a.push_back(i); } } for (int iii=0;iii<=a.size();iii++) { cout << a[iii] << endl; return a.size(); } } I addressed all of your problems. It still returns no errors and still crashes.
What makes you think you can do this? vector<int> a; a[1]=2;
vector<int> a; a[1]=2; You can't access a[1] until you've reserved space for it. You should probably use a.push_back(2) to append 2 to the end of a. You have declared primer to return int, yet it returns nothing. Either make it void or return the number of primes. i/a[ii]==floor(i/a[ii]) isn't going to do what you expect. i/a[ii] performs integer division. You should cast i to double before dividing. if (prime==true) can be changed to simply if (prime), no need to compare a boolean to true. Please improve your coding style. Use proper indentation and more commonly used variable names: i, j, k instead of i, ii, iii.
Here is another bug: for (int iii=0;iii<=a.size();iii++) { cout << a[iii] << endl; return a.size(); } My understanding is that you can only return once from a function, main included. The execution will not loop here because of the return statement. Did you really want a return statement inside a for loop?