I'm attempting to enumerate all possible matrices of size r by r with a few constraints.
Row and column sums must be in non-ascending order.
Starting from the top left element down the main diagonal, each row and column subset from that entry must be made up of combinations with replacements from 0 to the value in that upper left entry (inclusive).
The row and column sums must all be less than or equal to a predetermined n value.
The main diagonal must be in non-ascending order.
Important note is that I need every combination to be store somewhere, or if written in c++, to be ran through another few functions after finding them
r and n are values that range from 2 to say 100.
I've tried a recursive way to do this, along with an iterative, but keep getting hung up on keeping track column and row sums, along with all the data in a manageable sense.
I have attached my most recent attempt (which is far from completed), but may give you an idea of what is going on.
The function first_section(): builds row zero and column zero correctly, but other than that I don't have anything successful.
I need more than a push to get this going, the logic is a pain in the butt, and is swallowing me whole. I need to have this written in either python or C++.
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
global r
global n
r = 4
n = 8
global myarray
myarray = np.zeros((r,r))
global arraysums
arraysums = np.zeros((r,2))
def first_section():
bigData = []
myarray = np.zeros((r,r))
arraysums = np.zeros((r,2))
for i in reversed(range(1,n+1)):
myarray[0,0] = i
stuff = []
stuff = list(combinations_with_replacement(range(i),r-1))
for j in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[0,1:] = list(reversed(stuff[j]))
arraysums[0,0] = sum(myarray[0,:])
for k in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[1:,0] = list(reversed(stuff[k]))
arraysums[0,1] = sum(myarray[:,0])
if arraysums.max() > n:
if printing: print 'myarray \n%s' %(myarray)
return bigData
def one_more_section(bigData,index):
newData = []
for item in bigData:
if printing: print 'item = %s' %(item)
upperbound = int(item[index-1]) # will need to have logic worked out
if printing: print 'upperbound = %s' % (upperbound)
for i in reversed(range(1,upperbound+1)):
myarray[index,index] = i
stuff = []
stuff = list(combinations_with_replacement(range(i),r-1))
for j in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[index,index+1:] = list(reversed(stuff[j]))
arraysums[index,0] = sum(myarray[index,:])
for k in range(len(stuff)):
myarray[index+1:,index] = list(reversed(stuff[k]))
arraysums[index,1] = sum(myarray[:,index])
if arraysums.max() > n:
if printing: print 'index = %s' %(index)
if printing: print 'myarray \n%s' %(myarray)
return newData
bigData = first_section()
bigData = one_more_section(bigData,1)
A possible matrix could look like this:
r = 4, n >= 6
|3 2 0 0| = 5
|3 2 0 0| = 5
|0 0 2 1| = 3
|0 0 0 1| = 1
6 4 2 2
Here's a solution in numpy and python 2.7. Note that all the rows and columns are in non-increasing order, because you only specified that they should be combinations with replacement, and not their sortedness (and generating combinations is the simplest with sorted lists).
The code could be optimized somewhat by keeping row and column sums around as arguments instead of recomputing them.
import numpy as np
r = 2 #matrix dimension
maxs = 5 #maximum sum of row/column
def generate(r, maxs):
# We create an extra row and column for the starting "dummy" values.
# Filling in the matrix becomes much simpler when we do not have to treat cells with
# one or two zero indices in special way. Thus, we start iteration from the
# (1, 1) index.
m = np.zeros((r + 1, r + 1), dtype = np.int32)
m[0] = m[:,0] = maxs + 1
def go(n, i, j):
# If we completely filled the matrix, yield a copy of the non-dummy parts.
if (i, j) == (r, r):
yield m[1:, 1:].copy()
# We compute the next indices in row major order (the choice is arbitrary).
(i2, j2) = (i + 1, 1) if j == r else (i, j + 1)
# Computing the maximum possible value for the current cell.
max_val = min(
maxs - m[i, 1:].sum(),
maxs - m[1:, j].sum(),
m[i, j-1],
m[i-1, j])
for n2 in xrange(max_val, -1, -1):
m[i, j] = n2
for matrix in go(n2, i2, j2):
yield matrix
return go(maxs, 1, 1) #note that this is a generator object
# testing
for matrix in generate(r, maxs):
print matrix
If you'd like to have all the valid permutations in the rows and columns, this code below should work.
def generate(r, maxs):
m = np.zeros((r + 1, r + 1), dtype = np.int32)
rows = [0]*(r+1) # We avoid recomputing row/col sums on each cell.
cols = [0]*(r+1)
rows[0] = cols[0] = m[0, 0] = maxs
def go(i, j):
if (i, j) == (r, r):
yield m[1:, 1:].copy()
(i2, j2) = (i + 1, 1) if j == r else (i, j + 1)
max_val = min(rows[i-1] - rows[i], cols[j-1] - cols[j])
if i == j:
max_val = min(max_val, m[i-1, j-1])
if (i, j) != (1, 1):
max_val = min(max_val, m[1, 1])
for n in xrange(max_val, -1, -1):
m[i, j] = n
rows[i] += n
cols[j] += n
for matrix in go(i2, j2):
yield matrix
rows[i] -= n
cols[j] -= n
return go(1, 1)
There's a great blog post here https://davedelong.com/blog/2015/12/01/edit-distance-and-edit-steps/ on Levenshtein distance. I'm trying to implement this to also include counts of subs, dels and ins when returning the Levenshtein distance. Just running a smell check on my algorithm.
def get_levenshtein_w_counts(s1: str, s2: str):
row_dim = len(s1) + 1 # +1 for empty string
height_dim = len(s2) + 1
# tuple = [ins, del, subs]
# Moving across row is insertion
# Moving down column is deletion
# Moving diagonal is sub
matrix = [[[n, 0, 0] for n in range(row_dim)] for m in range(height_dim)]
for i in range(1, height_dim):
matrix[i][0][1] = i
for y in range(1, height_dim):
for x in range(1, row_dim):
left_scores = matrix[y][x - 1].copy()
above_scores = matrix[y - 1][x].copy()
diagonal_scores = matrix[y - 1][x - 1].copy()
scores = [sum_list(left_scores), sum_list(diagonal_scores), sum_list(above_scores)]
min_idx = scores.index(min(scores))
if min_idx == 0:
matrix[y][x] = left_scores
matrix[y][x][0] += 1
elif min_idx == 1:
matrix[y][x] = diagonal_scores
matrix[y][x][2] += (s1[x-1] != s2[y-1])
matrix[y][x] = above_scores
matrix[y][x][1] += 1
return matrix[-1][-1]
So according to the blog post if you make a matrix where the row is the first word + and empty str and the column is the 2nd word plus an empty string. You store the edit distance at each index. Then you get the smallest from the left, above and diagonal. If the min is diagonal then you know you're just adding 1 sub, if the min is from the left then you're just adding 1 insertion. If the min is from above then you're just deleting 1 character.
I think I did something wrong cause get_levenshtein_w_counts("Frank", "Fran") returned [3, 2, 2]
The problem was that Python does address passing for objects so I should be cloning the lists to the variables rather than doing a direct reference.
Consider there are N houses on a single road. I have M lightpoles. Given that M < N. Distance between all adjacent houses are different. Lightpole can be placed at the house only. And I have to place all lightpoles at house so that sum of distances from each house to its nearest lightpole is smallest. How can I code this problem?
After a little research I came to know that I have to use dynamic programming for this problem. But I don't know how to approach it to this problem.
Here's a naive dynamic program with search space O(n^2 * m). Perhaps others know of another speedup? The recurrence should be clear from the function f in the code.
JavaScript code:
// We can calculate these in O(1)
// by using our prefixes (ps) and
// the formula for a subarray, (j, i),
// reaching for a pole at i:
// ps[i] - ps[j-1] - (A[i] - A[j-1]) * j
// Examples:
// A: [1,2,5,10]
// ps: [0,1,7,22]
// (2, 3) =>
// 22 - 1 - (10 - 2) * 2
// = 5
// = 10-5
// (1, 3) =>
// 22 - 0 - (10 - 1) * 1
// = 13
// = 10-5 + 10-2
function sumParts(A, j, i, isAssigned){
let result = 0
for (let k=j; k<=i; k++){
if (isAssigned)
result += Math.min(A[k] - A[j], A[i] - A[k])
result += A[k] - A[j]
return result
function f(A, ps, i, m, isAssigned){
if (m == 1 && isAssigned)
return ps[i]
const start = m - (isAssigned ? 2 : 1)
const _m = m - (isAssigned ? 1 : 0)
let result = Infinity
for (let j=start; j<i; j++)
result = Math.min(
sumParts(A, j, i, isAssigned)
+ f(A, ps, j, _m, true)
return result
var A = [1, 2, 5, 10]
var m = 2
var ps = [0]
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++)
ps[i] = ps[i-1] + (A[i] - A[i-1]) * i
var result = Math.min(
f(A, ps, A.length - 1, m, true),
f(A, ps, A.length - 1, m, false))
console.log(`A: ${ JSON.stringify(A) }`)
console.log(`ps: ${ JSON.stringify(ps) }`)
console.log(`m: ${ m }`)
console.log(`Result: ${ result }`)
I got you covered bud. I will write to explain the dynamic programming algorithm first and if you are not able to code it, let me know.
A-> array containing points so that A[i]-A[i-1] will be the distance between A[i] and A[i-1]. A[0] is the first point. When you are doing memoization top-down, you will have to handle cases when you would want to place a light pole at the current house or you would want to place it at a lower index. If you place it now, you recurse with one less light pole available and calculate the sum of distances with previous houses. You handle the base case when you are not left with any ligh pole or you are done with all the houses.
If I am given a list of integers/floats, how would I find the two closest numbers using sorting?
Such a method will do what you want:
>>> def minDistance(lst):
lst = sorted(lst)
index = -1
distance = max(lst) - min(lst)
for i in range(len(lst)-1):
if lst[i+1] - lst[i] < distance:
distance = lst[i+1] - lst[i]
index = i
for i in range(len(lst)-1):
if lst[i+1] - lst[i] == distance:
print lst[i],lst[i+1]
In the first for loop we find out the minimum distance, and in the second loop, we print all the pairs with this distance. Works as below:
>>> lst = (1,2,3,6,12,9,1.4,145,12,83,53,12,3.4,2,7.5)
>>> minDistance(lst)
2 2
12 12
12 12
It could be more than one possibilities. Consider this list
[0,1, 20, 25, 30, 200, 201]
[0,1] and [200, 201] are equal closest.
Jose has a valid point. However, you could just consider these cases equal and not care about returning one or the other.
I don't think you need a sorting algorithm, per say, but maybe just a sort of 'champion' algorithm like this one:
def smallestDistance(self, arr):
championI = -1
championJ = -1
champDistance = sys.maxint
i = 0
while i < arr.length:
j = i + 1
while j < arr.length:
if math.fabs(arr[i] - arr[j]) < champDistance:
championI = i
championJ = j
champDistance = math.fabs(arr[i] - arr[j])
j += 1
i += 1
r = [arr[championI], arr[championJ]]
return r
This function will return a sub array with the two values that are closest together. Note that this will only work given an array of at least two long. Otherwise, you will throw some error.
I think the popular sorting algorithm known as bubble sort would do this quite well. Though running at possible O(n^2) time if that kind of thing matters to you...
Here is standard bubble sort based on the sorting of arrays by integer size.
def bubblesort( A ):
for i in range( len( A ) ):
for k in range( len( A ) - 1, i, -1 ):
if ( A[k] < A[k - 1] ):
swap( A, k, k - 1 )
def swap( A, x, y ):
tmp = A[x]
A[x] = A[y]
A[y] = tmp
You can just modify the algorithm slightly to fit your purposes if you insist on doing this using a sorting algorithm. However, I think the initial function works as well...
hope that helps.
I have a numerical analysis assignment and I need to find some coefficients by multiplying matrices. We were given an example in Mathcad, but now we have to do it in another programming language so I chose Python.
The problem is, that I get different results by multiplying matrices in respective environments. Here's the function in Python:
from numpy import *
def matrica(C, n):
N = len(C) - 1
m = N - n
A = [[0] * (N + 1) for i in range(N+1)]
A[0][0] = 1
for i in range(0, n + 1):
A[i][i] = 1
for j in range(1, m + 1):
for i in range(0, N + 1):
if i + j <= N:
A[i+j][n+j] = A[i+j][n+j] - C[i]/2
A[int(abs(i - j))][n+j] = A[int(abs(i - j))][n+j] - C[i]/2
M = matrix(A)
x = matrix([[x] for x in C])
return [float(y) for y in M.I * x]
As you can see I am using numpy library. This function is consistent with its analog in Mathcad until return statement, the part where matrices are multiplied, to be more specific. One more observation: this function returns correct matrix if N = 1.
I'm not sure I understand exactly what your code do. Could you explain a little more, like what math stuff you're actually computing. But if you want a plain regular product and if you use a numpy.matrix, why don't you use the already written matrix product?
a = numpy.matrix(...)
b = numpy.matrix(...)
p = a * b #matrix product
I need to generate random single-source/single-sink flow networks of different dimensions so that I can measure the performance of some algorithms such as the Ford-Fulkerson and Dinic.
Is the Kruskal algorithm a way to generate such graphs?
To create a generic flow network you just need to create an adjancency matrix.
adj[u][v] = capacity from node u to node v
So, you just have to randomly create this matrix.
For example, if n is the number of vertices that you want ( you could make that random too ):
for u in 0..n-1:
for v in 0..u-1:
if (rand() % 2 and u != sink and v != source or u == source):
adj[u][v] = rand()
adj[v][u] = 0
adj[u][v] = 0
adj[v][u] = rand()
Himadris answer is partly correct. I had to add some constraints to make sure that single-source/single-sink is satisfied.
For single source only one column has to be all 0 of the adjacency matrix as well as one row for single sink.
import numpy
def random_dag(n):
adj = np.zeros((n, n))
sink = n-1
source = 0
for u in range(0, n):
for v in range(u):
if (u != sink and v != source or u == source):
adj[u, v] = np.random.randint(0, 2)
adj[v, u] = 0
adj[u, v] = 0
adj[v, u] = np.random.randint(0, 2)
# Additional constraints to make sure single-source/single-sink
# May be further randomized (but fixed my issues so far)
for u in range(0, n):
if sum(adj[u]) == 0:
adj[u, -1] = 1
adj[-1, u] = 0
if sum(adj.T[u]) == 0:
adj.T[u, 0] = 1
adj.T[0, u] = 0
return adj
You can visualize with the following code:
import networkx
import matplotlib.plot as plt
def show_graph_with_labels(adjacency_matrix, mylabels):
rows, cols = np.where(adjacency_matrix == 1)
edges = zip(rows.tolist(), cols.tolist())
gr = nx.DiGraph()
nx.draw(gr, node_size=500, labels=mylabels, with_labels=True)
n = 4
show_graph_with_labels(random_dag(n), {i: i for i in range(n)})