Choose the start page django-cms - django

The django-cms always uses the top-most page as the start/landing page. I now want to have a navigation that looks like this foo-home-bar and home to be the landing page.
One way would be to add a dummy page at / that redirects to /home, but this seems a bit crude to me. Is there any better solution? I don't mind changing the code of the cms itself.

The easiest way, instead of creating a page that redirect is to just use django's redirect generic view.
set it in your top level
url(r'^$', RedirectView.as_view(url='/home/')),
and of course add the from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView import at the beginning and you should be all set.
('^$' only catches the root url and the RedirectView redirect wherever you want. I was a bit unsure about using it myself, but I saw a lot of major websites doing a redirect when you get on to their site...)

The first page you make seems to be the home page, simply add other root pages as needed and enable navigation on them. This is what i have done.
Our first page was test, and then some child pages. in the admin page you can click and drag the pages around to change the child/parent order. we renames test to home and shifted the child pages to another root page.
You can also override the default menu by make a template in menu/menu.html
In there you could override the order by adding in some if statements.
You could also hardcode it in your base.html having the menu something like:
<ul id=menu>
<li><a href="/foo/>foo></a></li>
{% show_menu %}
And just have bar and the other pages you wanted in the navigation but not foo or home.
The homepage has an icon on it that the other pages wont, denoting the root page I guess.

The page with the lowest-numbered tree_id in the cms_page table is the home page. This will normally be the first page that you created. If you want to make a different page your home page, you can manually change the tree_id values in your database (but unfortunately not by using the admin.)


Can I access my website from Django admin panel?

I am trying to develop a website where I can see the homepage as it is from Django admin panel. The reason I want that is I want to edit the name of the static content like 'Home' to 'All' along with the change of slide show picture. In summary, I want to change the website layout from Django admin panel that is not accessible to users. Is that possible? I just want an idea of how to implement the process.
Static texts you can change in admin panel with different modules:
for example django-rosetta or my own library Django-tof.
But in your case, i think, you want to made something more.
For this case you can use django-flat-pages, already included in Django, if you have a static web-page.
you can edit every element on the page and after save, you can see it on the front.
if you really want to change the django templates, which you use in your views, you can create a simple template editor in the admin panel based on a widget like django-Ckeditor.

How to import a Wagtail page on all the other wagtail pages

I want to add some content on one of my Wagtail pages and I am trying to import that Wagtail page on all my other wagtail pages. The reason I am trying to do this is that if in the future I make a change on the content it should consistently reflect on all the other Wagtail pages.
Is there a way that I can import a Wagtail page on all my other Wagtail pages, if so please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
I have a website which has the following Configurations:
1) Django-2.0.8
2) Wagtail-2.2.4
A custom template tag is a good way to achieve this, as it provides a place to run custom Python code (for retrieving the necessary data) before outputting the results to the template, either directly as a string or by rendering a template. For example, if you had a footer_text field on a HomePage model, and wanted to display the footer text of the HomePage with slug 'home' on every page, you could define a custom tag as follows:
def footer():
homepage = HomePage.objects.get(slug='home')
return {'footer_text': homepage.footer_text}
You could also look at Wagtail's site settings module as a way to define global content to be re-used across a site (although it's missing a few features that you'd get from defining it on a page model, such as moderation workflow and revision history).

Adding Wagtail to an existing Django app

I'm quite new to Django and Wagtail, and I'm having some difficulty with what I think is a very basic use.
How do I allow Wagtail to edit an existing view's template, while serving that template using Django's serving mechanism?
Assume I have an app (HomePage) created to serve the site's main index (/). I have the HomePage's views set up to render template and certain elements dynamically. Now I want that template to be editable via Wagtail's CMS interface. Something as simple as an image on the frontpage, or a headline.
The closest I've gotten so far has been to follow the Wagtail beginner's tutorial to override the base HomePage class in my app's That only made my pages available via the /pages/ URL.
Thank you for any help.
Since your site's home page is not a Page object in the Wagtail sense, I'd suggest looking at Wagtail's facilities for managing non-page content - snippets and ModelAdmin would be possible candidates, but I reckon the site settings module would be the best fit.
A Setting model gives you a set of fields which can be configured for display in the Wagtail admin using a 'panels' definition, just like you'd get for a page model - with the important property that only one settings record exists per site. You can retrieve this record within your homepage view or template as shown in the docs, and output it on your template as desired.
One way do that, is to let Wagtail serve your homepage. You will need to change your project's url configuration accordingly, to make wagtail's urls serve the root of your site.
Then, you can pack your dynamic content into a custom template_tag and include in your homepage html template.

How are Django page templates assigned to each page?

I couldn't find this info in the Django docs, but I'm sure it is there, I'm just very new and don't know what terms/etc to search on.
How are Django page templates assigned to each page?
I have a login to a Django site, and also SFTP access to the site. I don't think my Django login is a superuser/full-admin though because the interface seems pretty limited compared to other CMS systems. I can edit pages, posts and the media library, but I don't see anything that says how each page is assigned a template.
For example, I have this file /mysite/templates/pages/index.html
I know that template is being used for the home page because it has all of the content that is specific to the home page on it, and changes I make show up on the home page.
I tried copying that file to test.html, but when I browse to test.html in my browser, I get a 404 error (I also get that error if I go to index.html). So there must be something else that maps a template to a page, but I'll be dambed if I can find it. Will I need more access to the admin area, or can I do something with SFTP? I also have SSH access but wasn't able to follow any of the steps online to create a new superuser account for me, for Django.
Edit: Thanks for both answers, after I work through this I'll accept whichever helped the most. I do not have a file, but I think it might be using an extra module for this routing, I have this in my file:
urlpatterns = patterns("",
("^admin/", include(,
url("^$", "", {"slug": "/"}, name="home"),
("^", include("mezzanine.urls")),
Is this "mezzanine" something different which changes the answer (location of or list of views)? is the file that maps the urls to methods that return rendered templates. In essence you define the url and a method and when someone goes to that url, that method gets called which returns a HTTP response with the rendered template. This map is called urlpatterns. In the following example when someone goes to yourwebsite/blog then in the blog apps,, page method is called, which will use a template and render that with specific information.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^blog/$', ''),
url(r'^blog/page(?P<num>\d+)/$', ''),
Have a look at this link.
Django uses files to map paths to views. This match is resolved using regular expressions. When a match is found, Django executes the associated view (usually inside The view is in charge to render the template required for the path (by finding it on the server's hard disk and loading it).
All aforementioned means that there's no direct association between a url path (i.e and a file on the server's hard disk (i.e /server/path/to/page). It's all performed dynamically by Django's engine when a request comes in.
If you want to know which view is gonna be generated for a specific path, follow the regexs at until you find the path you're looking for. Then open the view for that url and see inside which template it is rendering.
Reading doc's URL Dispatcher is a good point to start learning about this.
Hope this helps!

How to create a landing page with OpenCart, using OpenCart only?

What if one would want to create a landing page/home page for opencart?
How does someone will supposed to do that?
A landing page or home page, using only opencart and no other means.
What I meant of Home Page is it's literal meaning in the context of Front-End WebDev. What I meant to say is, the page where user is redirected when they access my site's root domain.
I want to design and create a custom landing and home page. That landing page has no product content.
It shall only contain the folowing;
Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
Site Name, Site Logo
Site Name with Tagline.
Banner Rotator with CTA button.
Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
This Home Page/Landing Page/Index Page, is a different page from the main store section. On this page, It has a home page link and a store page link. So on the main nav of this page, you shall see a Home link and a Store link. Clicking store link, shall take you to the main store section and the main nav shall show the categories, the store has.
To achieve what You are requesting:
It shall only contain the folowing:
 1. Main Navigation Menu with, Home, Online Shop, Blog links.
 2. Site Name, Site Logo
 3. Site Name with Tagline.
 4. Banner Rotator with CTA button.
 5. Footer, Footer Links to Privacy Policy, About Us and other common footer links.
You would have to disable any module that is displaying on homepage (categories, featured, bestsellers, latest, specials, etc.) and enable only the carousel module (or install one of Your desire) and place it on the Content Top position.
In that case You would have these elements:
header (with site name, logo, main navigation)
Your desired carousel/banner rotator
footer (with additional links)
Is that what You are requesting?
Edit 1: I think the homepage You request is kinda nonsense... Why on earth You would like to have a homepage with a link to homepage and store? I would understand to have a website (presentation) with a blog and store that both run within u subdirectory, thus having a site, with a blog at and a store at In that case I would understand that within the main site ( You would have a homepage with link to /blog/ and to /store/.
BUT if You are running only a store at Your domain ( then having additional homepage is nonsense, as You could create a homepage described above (header + text and carousel as content + footer)...
Edit 2:
Yes, that's my main idea would be my landing page/index page/home page., is the store section and also with the blog section at
In that case You could create just a simple static HTML page that will contain static text and a javascript carousel (banner rotator/slider). After You have installed the blog and store to their subdirectories then just create a link to both of them within Your static homepage that lays in the root of the web folder and is called index.html.
Another way how to achieve this with slightly more effort is to have the desired blogging system installed in the root, editing it's homepage while having the main blog on a subpage and a store within a subdirectory. Many people run wordpress/drupal installation at and an OpenCart installation at Within a wordpress site You can then have a subpage /blog/ where You will post all of Your blog posts...
So is this the final solution?
The reason why someone would want to do that is for marketing purposes. Creating unique content is extremely important for SEO. The opencart default page does not have much area for landing pages or gateway pages. You may have to improvise to achieve this.
What I would recommend is just create your landing page and then use .htaccess file in /public_html folder to use whatever page you created, inside the landing page code use href links that take you to the products. This would be your best bet.